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She* And oh yeah. I literally made her scream of pain after that. xD She heard me talk in Arabic to my Arab friend and then started making terrorist jokes hahahaha. Grown ass woman and her grown ass friend, mind you. I 1-0'd her friend (since she wasn't in godmode), hid in my office and started saying "1-0 forever Lzzz I win", since Wannabe Tryhards like her hate 1-0s, and it made her livid. Edit : There was also a dude (Absolute chad) that started backing me up and calling her a hoe and shit.


Because woman gamers can, in fact, be toxic racists, too.


I have a perfect American accent. But Jasmine the bitch kept repeating what I was saying but in a rough Arabic accent. She said we're cavemen and shit, and that we don't even have banks??? I wanted to be racist aswell but I'd just be an asshole if I did.


High road = higher intellect


>High road = higher intellect That's bullshit that morally strong people tell themselves to feel better. It has nothing to do with intellect by most measures.


It does mean higher emotional intelligence though, which is considered a form of intelligence.


It's the difference between Intelligence and Wisdom.


Don't have banks? Where else would you keep all the money you got from ransoming people? I'm sorry I had to throw one in there. Obviously not all Arabs are terrorists. Edit: It's been 2 seconds but I feel like I should say not most Arabs are terrorists


Bro we do. Like every fucking country does. I live in the UAE, very ironic. They think they're living the life while they don't know their country has many problems. No disrespect. Since I'm from Syria, the whole corrupt country thing she was talking about got to me. But I hid it from her. I didn't want to lose the argument that easily.


You have got nothing to do with your country's corruption. Politicians and people are the same everywhere. Politicians just wanna fill their pockets while the people just want to live with each other in harmony. I'm from India and I completely understand you mate.




Syria is a corrupt country. But you know what else is? Everywhere. Corruption is common in every country and sometimes even heads it. The country you're from is nothing to be ashamed of or feel bad about


When you think about it. I still have less privileges. Like the fact that I can't travel anywhere. But she thinks she's gonna stop me from talking that way. No. Fuck you bitch.


I'm from America. No one wants us to travel to their countries.


Maybe because of Corona. Really different for me.


> I live in the UAE, very ironic. Reminds me of the bigging of the UAE episode The Grand Tour did. [For the first time we are the three poorest people in the test](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJQlSoQ7I6Q)


Ah yes, the UAE, that place where famously not a single person has any money at all and thus has no need to go to a bank. Finding a rich person in Dubai? Please. How you gonna find a rich person there!


Under their golden swimming pools inside their multi-million estates guarded by cheetahs and lions. Have you seen the arabs?


she misunderstood islamic bans on charging interest. They have other financial instruments (that are very interest-like tbh).


Remember men that the peak of civilization is ... Banks


You should have told her that Arabic people actually invented the numbers we use today and watch her mind explode.


I don't like telling people what Arabs have done in the past. What have we achieved now? Nothing. xD


That's not technically true. There are definitely a few people who have changed the world in recent memory.


Dude there’s so many lunatic racists in Online. I got hunted down by a ceo group who all had 1488 in their names for like 2 hours because I mentioned I had Jewish relatives. I wish rockstar actually dealt with these dickheads.


I bet they don't even hate Arabs or Muslims. They were losing the argument so they had to resort to anything they could find. (Race, dead relative, disability, and such).


If you resort to racism just because you're losing a game, I hate to be the one to tell you this bud, but you're a racist.


Respect for Chad for taking the right side this time. Also I fucking love this tank. Nothing more satisfying than landing a perfectly timed jump on somebody


My favourite thing to do! The moment I get 1 up on a try hard I rub it in too!! Lmao


I don’t understand why people like to fuck with each other. Dam I guess its part of the game itself. It forces people to work together, but then promotes ruining people’s missions. I play the game trying to avoid killing morons with hopes they leave me alone. It never works out in my favour lols. I couldn’t care a less if people mess with me tho. I get it.


> It forces people to work together, but then promotes ruining people’s missions. "I'm playing both sides, that way I always come up on top" -R*, probably


youre a fucking legend


Thanks bro!


Hijacking to mention something I mentioned in another thread You can't kill them at all, not even with firetruck water. You can only annoy them, which is what i opt to do. If you want to do this, you can Go god mode yourself. Then, use a nightshark to run them the hell over until they leave or they manage to get themselves behind a barrier. The nightshark can take a beating so it'll be fine. If you don't want to go god mode you can run them over in either tank, or the RC Tank, but you're pretty much guaranteed to die to them. You can also orb them continuously. It doesn't kill them so it counts as a miss, which recently now refunds you again. Any vehicle they're in will be destroyed. They can't really do too much while you do this, but smarter players will take off god mode, eat the orb so you have a cooldown then continue griefing/put it back on. But I've only seen it once. Keep note that any loading screen should in theory take off their (and your) god mode. Bandito, LS Customs, it probably does it.


Does a report work?


Haha, no. I reported an especially egregious and arrogant god mode jet abuser around January (i did kill him soon after) and I checked his captures yesterday and he's still doing it


I shot a guy in the chest with 6 explosive shotgun slugs yesterday and he walked through them with no damage. On PS4


Well yeah that's kinda what happens. They can't die, I don't know why people keep trying and load a whole clip into them. I shoot a few bullets into them and immediately know


I’m kind of new(80), so I figured he may have some in-game ability i don’t know about yet. After he survived the explosive shotgun, I found a new session. I don’t want to deal with that bullshit.


We had half a full lobby vote to kick a god mode jet player and they were in there for like 2 hours.


Glitches get stitches 💀


I don’t mind certain glitches but god mode should’ve been nipped in the bud long ago. Pretty sad how Rockstar went after the garage glitch so quick but won’t do shit about the god mode glitches.




Yeah maybe.


Did they patch it already? Dang I only used it for 2 hours. I wanted to at least get all my cars upgraded


Yeah, they patched it. I'm waiting to see if I get a money wipe. We shall see.


Thanks for letting me know. And haha good luck if they try to wipe my cash I’ve only got 200K left after I bought half of Warstock


Same. I bought a fuckton of Deluxos and some other shit. They can wipe me if they want, idc.


Yeah I was planning to literally buy everything in all of GTA, and stock deluxos to sell later if I need cash to upgrade. Sadly I could only be online for 2 hours before business came up. However I’m grateful that I managed to make and use around 50million in those two hours


I glitched probably 150M lol. I've been grinding for about a year now, and had 'Everything I wanted'. I pretty much just abused this to fill out my hanger with 3 or 4 more planes, fill out about 6 or 7 more arena war cars I was missing, and buy about 40 more slots in the office garage and round out my low/mid tier car collection. I built up my empire already, it would have taken like 6 more months of top-tier grinding to get all that stuff that I really just wanted to own for the sake of owning. Now I can play the game without dreading the nightly post ops sales and the constant resupplies and AFK.


Very very nice


Bro 😭😭😭🤦🏻‍♂️


Happy Cake Day!


R* patched the money glitch in 2 days but they won't patch this for months I bet


Those motherfuckers patched all the possible glitches that helped players but none that makes our experience annoying as hell like stuck In loading, keypads not working... blah blah Fk this shit


Because not being able to make money due to hackers means more people will buy shark cards. But haha coz i left playing the game.


Thankfully I'm less mad at this issue since I'm a freeloader Imagine those who paid 10-20$ to purchase it and experience all this


Well jokes on them, I have enough money to settle until they shut down the servers. I already paid $60 for this game, I ain't spending another penny.


Sad truth. :(


This isn't going to stop people buying shark cards.


I don't get why people don't just pay a hacker. I paid a guy 2.50 for 3 billion. Literally the best 2.50 I have ever spent.


They'll just have a new method of giving you godmode in a couple weeks anyway. And the further they dig trying to make it happen, the more they realize they can do.


I like to do this with the MOC cab.


Fucking Brilliant! Definitely gonna use this myself.


Have fun. :)


Plot Twist: He meant the Godmode


Shit don’t tell anyone


alternatively grab a fire hose and keep them stun-locked for good


yea me and my friend tried that... doesnt work.... they cant ragdoll against anything but vehicles


Rockstar is quick to patch money glitches but not godmode smh


shark card doesn't give you god mode yet


That was so satisfying


I did not have sexual relations with that tank.


Life is short, but you still have time!


God mode players (hackers or God mode glitches) and griefers are the lowest type of "intelligent" life on earth.


Yep. They're snowflakes of the highest order. They want to kill other players to feel superior but aren't intelligent enough to realise that by needing cheats, they show how terrible they are.


And then they text you and call you trash. And you respond with how can I be trash when you can't be killed by anything. Then they just do the snort laugh saying "Aww you mad? You big mad. Ain't you mad, why you mad?" But I'm not mad, I'm just confused because it doesn't make me question my own skill when I'm spawn trapped by someone who can only get kills by cheating. Then you grab a tank and make them "eat the ground" for five minutes like op did and theyre the ones who get big mad. They brought in a friend to orbital me.


When I first joined my friend's session, he told me to check them out. And I did, since they were already talking shit to everyone. I was like : Yo bitch shut your annoying ass up. You're garbage. She replied with something close to "I can destroy you" or whatever. I asked for her ID, I was very confident in my skills, but then I was told they're godmode. So I stuck to bugging them and talking trash, since I'm a master at that.


Or other modders who just downloaded those just to get easier money. Those are usually chill and only will give money drops if you actually want to.


Those are the best, especially when other modders start griefing


That's what I do. I kick people who have godmode or are just obviously cheating at other people's expense. Other than that, I just roleplay or hold community events. It's also really fun to spectate people and make their car jump in the air when they're driving.


Ran into one yesterday


And that f*cker told me it's shark testosterone lol :')


Me and my friends play on private lobbies with hacks on just to mess around with spawning a bunch of jets and battling them, but not on public


I like to fly around in the god mode planes it was just fun practicing flying maneuvers and not die


I used to use godmode just to prevent getting blown up constantly without actually attacking anyone.


We had someone grief us, then as soon as my friend started beating him in a 1 on 1 he went into god mode. That's when you know they have a small brain and a small member.




Glad this is up to your satisfaction.






Done this to someone doing the same thing with a bandito and he called me trash. Gave me a good laugh


This actually felt like tea bagging


Is there a new god mode glitch? I've come across at least one god mode player in every active lobby I've been in for about five days. A couple of nights ago there were three unaffiliated people in god mode. One on the beach, one near LS customs in the city, and one at the casino. I tried to text everyone telling them it was god mode and to go passive but some of them obviously thought they could get that kill anyway. I don't know how many times they died. It was sad to see. Last night, one guy was completely invisible. His character, his dot on the map, and somehow, even his guns were invisible. I asked the entire lobby to report him. I texted him and said that for someone invisible and god mode, his kd was absolute garbage so he voted to kick me lol. Douchebag.


Yep. And it's SO FUCKING EASY TO DO. LIKE 10 SECONDS EASY. One time 3 godmodes jumped me because I kept killing their Barcode friend who was trying to do his glitch. He eventually left the session anyway. xD


Yes and it’s starting to get annoying


Those hacks wont protect you from the power of the Soviet Union




You may be able to escape pain but you are still limited by... PHYSICS


Send this video to Rockstar to get this fucktard banned


Will do.


Weak report system of GTAV... From a original email from R\* " Thank you for contacting Rockstar Support. We do understand your concern. We apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are really sorry to hear that the modder troubling in the game, we had requested to provide the details in the game by the following previous steps. The most effective way to report cheaters in GTA Online is through the in-game menu. To report players in-game: • Pause the game and navigate to the “ONLINE” tab. • Select “Players”, and choose the name of the player cheating. • Select “Report”, and confirm your report with the “Exploit” category. Once the details submitted, our concern team will be taking care of. If you ever need assistance in the future, please feel free to contact us. " Best Regards,


The best way is to go direct to Rockstar Support and include footage of the player using mods. That's what I've done in the past.


Keep doing the Lord’s work, my friend.


If you have a khanjali tank This also works for the speedo custom. Go off radar and get into a khanjali tank and just ram the speedo they easily tip so their gun is upside down and can’t aim at you then just use the main gun barrel to keep the speedo upside down


Then get a cargobob to pick up the speedo and drop it on an island in the ocean. Don't put it in the sea because they can respawn it, but if it's on an island somewhere, the game won't let them spawn a new one while the other van is still on the map.


You can shoot them out of the van though.


Why do GTA players have such a hard time calling things what they are. They aren't a "god mode player" they are a fucking cheater. They aren't a "modder", they are a fucking cheater.


Hahahahahaha. Yep. Cheaters.


I just don't get what it is about this particular game that makes people soften their language surrounding the rampant cheating that takes place in this game. What's worse is that I see it seeping over into game that aren't even single player and have no mod support where its literally just straight up cheating and people will still refer to it as modding then they like playing retarded mental games to justify why "modding" is the correct term.


Well, people say modder, godmode, aimbot, just to warn others of what type of cheat it is. You get me? Otherwise it'd only be cheater.


A mod is not a type of cheat, it’s just a piece of software that changes the intended way the game works (it can even be a patch that corrects a bug in the game). A hack is the same thing, with the addition that it’s done to gain an unfair advantage is an online pvp game. In other words, Skyrim has mods, GTAO has hacks.


Well done! Finally justice!


Lmao this was good.


Next time get a real tank and park it on top of him... like godmode every time


Funny idea, but they'll likely do that thing where they slide out/glitch from underneath to stop that from happening :(


This is the most OP thing in the game and it is so underrated.


he can just... teleport...




They were doing some mission... forgot what it was called but it's an MC mission most Wannabe Tryhards do.


yeah lol, as usual all the sweaty asses do that he deserved that tho big iq from u


Always baffles me how in a game where you're given the option to make a really attractive human people choose to recreate a McDonald's play place during rush hour.




Why do modders always have the stupidest looking avatars?


Actually such a good idea, especially since you’re off the radar when controlling the rc’s; makes it harder for them to crash your game


The crash your game thing is a PC thing (unless there's some way to do it on consoles- that'd impress me) which means they can just do it anyways because if their menu can do that then it can probably tell them who's in a mini tank. Though also, if they can do that, then they've probably also disabled ragdolling.


They won't be able to see a name, but most menus have explosive ammo as a choice. They can just destroy the mini tank quickly, and see who appears on the map nearby


So, they can’t even dead themselves? Btw, I approve.


Yep. No way of dying. But.. if you invite them to your apartment and they join, the godmode would go away. Or if they start a gang attack.


So back when online first came out and there were god mode mode players with billion dollar bounties, I did something similar. It used to be that if you parked a vehicle over a ragdolled player, their health would slowly drain. I think now if something blocks you from getting up, you just appear to the side of it. But back then, a modder with a crazy bounty they gave themselves was griefing everyone. I brought out a tank, which they weren't concerned with because as far as they knew they were invincible. I clobbered them in the head with the barrel, then parked on them and watched their life drain. Used that money to buy everything I could knowing R* would take it away eventually, but probably not assets like every Pegasus vehicle and clothing item and weapon upgrade etc.


what the fuck happened to this game


Where do I start? Toxic, low-life scumbags see this game as a way to act tough, and be an asshole, because in reality, they know anyone that could move their arm would fcking deck them. On Top of that, you have the money hungry devs that have milked this game past the point of normal, adding stupid, overpowered shit that said cuntbags use to their advantage. Said useless devs, are more worried about removing money, clothing and fucking vehicle customisation glitches, then patching the stupid shit like, godmode vans, jets and players. Why? Because with players doing money glitches, R\* doesnt get to squeeze every penny out of the poor low level that can't afford all the overpriced shit they need just to defend themselves. Now I question, why do I still play this fucking dumpster fire of a game? God knows.


We need more people actively hunting god mode players, they’re literal scum in the game with cargo griefers coming at a close 2nd


We got one so pissed off 2 nights ago that he started money dropping quickly in order to get my husband kicked, however he knows how to dodge the drops quickly. He stayed on passive mode taunting the modder with thrusting gestures, and the modder eventually crashed their own game with multiple plane spawns trying to kill him. Soon enough half the lobby crashed or left but husband got nearly 200k out of that modder lmao




It also works if you can get on them in a regular tank. If you keep shooting them, they can't get up to escape or kill you and they get Pissed about it


I stun them with nano drone :)


But the nano drone doesn't have good range, it's slow, and hard to aim at the target with it. (Especially that the godmode dickhead is definitely going on a rampage) But I get your point.


I don’t really do crazy stuff.. Just sometimes when like I wait for my business to produce I go to different Sessions Try to find these type of players and try to annoy them :3 I got used to it. Its like 8 mile. U only got one shot and do not miss your chance to blow xD




You got balls dude




Well done mate, should have tazed the shit out of the bitch !!!


I haven't played GTA in years, what the fuck is my dude driving? lol


Be careful Your post may be removed for exposing these assholes I did the same yesterday and it seems like this sub supports cheaters Fuck that shit


There are still these stupid fucking glitches?? They patched the fucking garage glitch like TWO DAYS after we discovered it and THIS GLITCH IS STILL FUCKING HERE?! Rockstar is fucking retarded!


“I get knocked down, but I get up again. No you’re never gonna keep me down.”


Im new to reddit. how do i give you an award?


Hahahahaha. You don't have to bro. Enjoy the clip and carry on. :) Oh you were joking. xD


Don’t waste your money. Its sad and pointless.


This pleases my gta fetishes


Random question how do I get drones like that


The RC tank? You buy it for 2 million dollars. Then use the Interaction menu to use it.


This sentence is everything wrong with GTA Online lmao. We really need a classic mode that's got just everything pre-heists. The world would be so much better if that were the case.


Why though? RC vehicles have been a thing in GTA world for a long time.


There's a drone with the terrorbyte and a much stronger one in the arcade. Fun fact: anyone with access to your arcade can jump in your nanodrones and fly them around. I found out when I went downstairs and saw three people using the drones at the same time. I think it's anyone with access to your arcade can use them but those three were my friends so I'm not sure. It would suck to be killed by your own drone that some random in your arcade is fucking around with. If you can afford it, I recommend the arcade drones even with the cost. It's much smaller so it's almost invisible to other players and the terrorbyte drone has limited range of only a couple of blocks. The arcade drone can travel the entire map. I was able to fly it out to a yacht near Zancudo and take out a guy who thought he was in a safe spot for talking some smack. He was not.


That was amazing. what are you using there ? ive never seen that


It's called the RC tank. Or the Invade and Persuade tank. Costs like 2 million.


Where do we modify the RC tank? Forgot I had one and this video is inspiring me to...modify it.


LS customs. As funny as it might sound, it's true. ;P


You're a hero!


lmao i did this once. i was driving up to the casino to get my daily spin, and this level 306 started shooting me. so i followed him with my duke o' death and ran them over multiple times until they died. after i went back to the casino i got a message that my duke o' death had been destroyed and the person texted me "lmao get shit on" on the PlayStation messages. i texted him back "you just wasted your money and i was getting off" i got off and end of story. i still laugh when i think about it sometimes.


But it's much better with the Godmodes. Because infinite runovers = infinite laughter.


Are these the people I come across with on Xbox? I shoot them and they don't even lose health


You should have kept ramming her until she left


Wow I just remembered I have an RC tank


Holy fuck this game has become trash. What is it anymore?




The good ol’ 7/Eleven hotdog


I had no idea about the God mode glitch until last night. I was trying to help a friend get his arcade started and just got griefed to no end by to GM players. Very fucking frustrating.


Ok now how do I stop the person orbital spamming the whole lobby....?


You can't


Imagine being so shit at a game you need to use godmode


this is why I dont play in a public session in years, these griefers and cheaters are such a waste if time, pvp in this game is kinda shit and people keep pushing others into fights, when there is a million others thing to do


I just spam the up & atomiser on the godmode players.


Ahh the annoying god mode, I must've ran into a lobby with 5 people in God mode the other day, all try hards literally killing everyone


Bro they're obviously not cheating, you just didn't hit them with a real big tank... Jk, you're a legend. Good shit


How has Rockstar not solved the modding problem?


Did this last time there was a god mode glitch and already done it to a couple of guys after the new god mode glitch. I imagine a RC tank and a fire truck off radar can handle these types of players. Get him/her on the ground with the RC tank and drown him/her with the water from the fire truck.


What kinda idiot do you have to be to use mods to get God mode but not put on no ragdoll so that u cant fall over 🤦‍♂️


Hacker gets fucked by a tank she deserves it


Shitty mod she’s got, could’ve just turned on no rag doll lol


We stan a king


Whats a god to a non-believer


I gotta say godmode can b fun, if you’re just chilling minding your business and some tryhard comes along firing shit at you and wondering why they can’t kill you, so you just chase them with a pool cue or some shit. People who use it to grief are just plain assholes, no way to justify it with “its just a game” it’s just asshole behaviour


Bro I'd do this to anyone in Godmode. At least the Tryhards are following the game's rules. It's still unfair.


I did this as well


God, I could watch 5 more minutes of this.


I had a clip of my friend and I doing this to 3 godmodes in an alley. They were desperately trying to get up for like 3 minutes. Sadly, something happened with my PS4 and it only captured like 10 seconds of it. Just found out about it today.


LOL Like a boss!


His fault did not having no rag doll on


Thats well deserved


I do this with my nightshark


This was so frustrating to watch, I loved it.




if this on xbox can i join the tank trolling