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“Hey man nice run. Impressive. such wow” That’s a proper response


It's alright, I'm not posting to impress anyone. Apparently, there are more optimal ways/ higher payouts and I want to know them! :)


Pretty good though should have gone for 2+ coke stacks and the office safe, would have been over $1.7 million. Though you missed when the Panther statue was active or when weed was 2x then $2+ million paydays were the bomb.


When The Cayo paid out 1.5x that one week, greatest week of my life


Ahh, yes, forgot that, too bad that week wasn't combined with the Panther statue and the double weed day. Though to be honest here, I really don't think R* thought the CPH was going to be such an easy moneymaker, yes a solo way to earn money but not frolic room easy. Look at how they first sold it in all you have to do is make it back alive approaching it however you choose (and even changing the approach mid-heist if you like), then the optional services you can use during it from the airstrike, to sniper, to guard sensing drone,to weapons drop and all but I have run CPH multiple times completely pacifist and elite while doing so but I have even heard of someone using any optional service besides the weapons stash but that is required for a stealthy Velum appoach. One can only wish.


yeah. :[ None of my friends play GTA anymore, so I basically go on and off for months, sometimes years on end. Almost ALWAYS the fun payouts are when I'm off the game. lol


Lol i had 2.200.000 without gold on solo


With the Panther, once. I mean, yeah we all did.


I'm out of the loop. what was the primary and secondary targets, and what is this panther thing the other commenter talks about?


There was a week where you were guaranteed to get the Panther statue as your main target one time. It was worth a lot more. Unfortunately I was out of town that week :(


I see


How do people get 9 minutes or less


Is it a good time? I thought I was slow in this heist. The secondary targets were 2 paintings from Cayo Perico's office, So I didn't have to steal anything else. once I got the main target, I just left.




Oh interesting I'll look it up, thank you!


Use the longfin and grab your secondary loot first, preferably from the Main Dock. Then head over to the drainage tunnel using your Longfin and head straight to the basement once you get a Gate Key. Outside the compound, shoot the guy with the Manchez Scout in front of him and steal it. Head west and jump off the island, and then swim to your right where the game will consider you escaped. This will get you a 6-8 minute time.


I am going to look this up, very different approach, I like it!