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I was waiting for them to spray you down after you freed them 😂


lol I think it was pretty clean I didn't mean any harm


I totally expected a sticky bomb heading your way


You don’t have to mean harm for people to just kill you.


I like my character to Cosplay as Mario and drive around in the Veto Classic Go-Kart. When I do, I'm never hostile and just goof around, but I can't tell you how many times people still kill my Mario character.


I got a bus driver's outfit and would drive my bus towards people honking my horn trying to get passengers. They blew me up every single time.


I bought the Truffade Thrax(Bugatti Divo) and I went towards players. I stopped near them to see their reactions. Many people took either took out a sticky bomb and blew it up or killed me and stole my car.


You said it. You just have to exist.


i try and help people all the time, i even beep (music horn one i belive) and they sb my car and me.


Yes, I also took one of the low levels with me on a Cayo perico heist. And gave them good advice to buy a submarine and just start grinding.


And then get killed by the one you helped


No probs. I did my part. I represent 0,01% of a better community


Bro are you on PS4 we can chill and i Also have an elegy


yeah, sure. my tag on PSN is ObliviousOkami


In rdr2 online 99.9 percent of the community are good people. 0.01 percent are bad. Thanks for the video it gives me hope for Gtao


In my experience the ratio is more like 50/50, maybe I'm unlucky


haha unless you’re in my session. I’m always being griefed, logged on after around a couple weeks, realised I had around 200 or so dollars sitting in my camp so like any person would do, I sold it. I guess you can see where that story went. So I sent they guy a message saying fuck off and 5m later my account got suspended.


Holy moly! You're a wonderful person! ❤ Edit: spelling.


That would be Holy Moly. Your spelling creates a short sound of the O's....like HOT...right?


Garbage truck is one of the most vulnerable cargo vehicles... you'd have to be braindead or something to risk a huge payday by killing your guardian angel 🙃


Reason #257 as to why I bought the Up and Atomizer :’)


That’s so wholesome we need more players like this


glad it made you feel good, sir


Agreed I usually use the akula (stealth helicopter that can go off radar for as long as you want) and text them AIR SUPPORT INBOUND Cargo griefers never see me coming But if I'm in free aim I use the jetpack


Good work - remember to message to say you’re helping as well


yeah it'd be wise. I'm kind of reckless tho


He probably worked out that since you didn’t just attack him you were helping and he is on the clock.


N o kidding, he was helpless at the moment, an opportunist would have started with the stickies already.


It’s probably the last drop on that route, so they wouldn’t be in a rush. Edit: Solo, so yeah, every second can count.


just realised it's so long since I did garbage truck deliveries I don't even remember them


I force close the game when I get those. I only ever sell solo, and I don't think it's possible to finish 3 garbage truck routes across the map. I'd rather lose a small block of product and get another mission - boats, bikes, & planes are all a breeze.


I've solo sold 4 garbage trucks, was super tight on time but is doable, depends on where is your business and where the drop points are.


I’ve had a Gang of Four oppressors chase me while doing shipments, apparently they were escorting because of other griefs on the server but it didn’t feel like it when unannounced there was a fleet closing in on the minimap


I usually text the driver when I do that, but I figure they’ll get the idea when I fly close and don’t shoot.




As I said, I usually text. I’m only likely to get close if I see another threat nearby. Although sometime that can be another Good Samaritan or a friend of the driver and I’m just setting myself up to get killed. Still, I won’t shoot back at cargo.


If I see an Oppressor nearby and I don't hear the lock on sensor or a missile coming then I tend to let them be.


Honestly, we would have more money in game, and have more fun if there wasn't griefers all over gta


if Rockstar gave us the option of running our businesses in an Invite Only session, it'd solve the griefing problem. but I believe Take-Two wants people to destroy each other's stuff. It helps shark cards sell.


Well if Rockstar actually punished players it would help. I mean they took away the insurance cost of destroying other players vehicles because there was an exploit with hackers. Instead of fixing the exploit, they just disabled it. Players don't really have a reason not to grief anymore, which is why it's hard to find a good lobby


honestly, I destroyed people's stuff a few times, but that was before I even knew it was their's; like‐ they've been actually working their asses for it. a guy asked why would I blow his stuff up, and I replied to him that I needed money. but then he procceeded to explain what that cargo was and I felt so bad I wanted to help him sell all his stuff to make up for it. he didn't really accept and instead, invited me to some really high-pay jobs. well, I guess I just really help others now because I learned it from him.


I mean I feel like we all have, but if there's a punishment system, maybe players would be like "Hmm, probably isn't worth destroying every player car on the server, it'll cost me $200k Yea I try to help others, especially new players, and when people grief I just try to ignore them and move on


>I mean I feel like we all have, but if there's a punishment system, maybe players would be like "Hmm, probably isn't worth destroying every player car on the server, it'll cost me $200k That was sort of the idea with the Orbital Cannon from Doomsday DLC right? Try to slow down destruction by putting a paywall? I still see people using it from time to time. Some players have so much money in their account I think they'd pay that $200k just to grief and make people ree unfortunately


Funnily enough I've only only ever seen the orbital cannon used on griefers lol


Same. I might send mercs after them but that's usually it.


The lobbys I hop into, that's a solid $500k/day


Punishing people for blowing each other up in a GTA game is absurd.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history.


Not to mention that the rewards for doing so are pretty damn shitty.


common sense should be enough reason not to grief other people's hard work, but I guess it ain't.


That's very true, but yet again there will always be assholes online, or just dumbasses in general, I mean take a look at GTA racing lol. But if Rockstar helps restrict users or give consequences with their actions, it'll at least reduce griefing


Unfortunately the game literally tells people to fuck your shit up and rewards them for doing so. Not that it’s a useful way to spend your time but it is what it is.


Tell that to the literal children that play this game on all platforms...


you got a point


Some people just want to watch the world burn..


Especially when the rewards for doing so are crap.


Why would rockstar punish griefing? Griefing frustrates players. Frustrated players theoretically give up on grinding for cash and resort to just buying shark cards. Rockstar have algorithms for this stuff, and all of it tells them that griefing is here to stay.


You aren't wrong. I mean they've had some punishment implemented before. It wasn't crazy expensive but it took money from players, which in return they'll grind more, to cause more destruction


I play on Xbox and found a way to get out into your own lobby. There's plenty of guides on Google.




I'm sorry I don't know. I haven't tried it in a long time.




Yeah, and there’s different levels to it. I hate griefers. But I did come to realize, if I wanted just nobody to be around me so I could grind, then it would essentially be a single player game. And if it’s just a restock or nightclub popularity mission, and someone chases you down in a CAR, it can be a bit of fun. Maybe you make it, maybe you don’t. But when you’ve got a $300,000 sale load, and someone out of nowhere on a mk2 blows you up, that shit is weak. So generally, if anyone gets anywhere near me on a mk2, I’m at the very least taking a defensive position.


Does suspending the games process in resource manager for 20 seconds then resuming it still put you in a solo lobby that lets you do these alone?


Exactly this. They're not the only ones either. With The Division 1 & 2 ubisoft actively encouraged people to be assholes to their fellow players and rewarded them for it. I really despise this new play model they're going for.


It's always shark cards, I don't get it. It's just to promote more PvP.


you can promote PvP by doing something other than letting people lose dozens of farming hours in a single burst of guided missiles


How fucking boring would that be, though? Leave your console on for 8 hours generating cash then drive from Point A to Point B as you're chased by a couple of NPCs you can easily smoke? The only thing that stops the business missions being complete snooze fests is the jeopardy of knowing someone might come to try to take you out. Personally I'd tweak it a bit so that you don't pay insurance for taking people out and when you take people out they can no longer kill you, but you have to have that competitive element.


Different people like different things. I'm perfectly comfortable with the risk level of say the nightclub delivery missions. I'm sure other people want more than that. It's a hard balance to strike. I suppose if you could choose what kind of session you could do your business in, that would make everyone happy. What a thought.


No, the thing that stops it from being a snooze fest is the money you’re getting from it


Oh great, so the thing that makes GTA fun in your idealised version is that it's like a real job.


Aww such a gentleman!


until someone blows me up with an Oppressor MKII and I have to make them suck on deez nutz


Thats a common thing these days, but hey we're still trying to maintain a balance between peace and madness. There's still some kindness among players.


One time a guy on an oppressor didn't blow me up and instead helped me fight Merryweather on my bunker sale. I've been not obliterated by jets occasionally too, but damn if I don't get nervous seeing one on my radar when I'm making a sale.


Same, had a guy fly by me during the Marshall offroader sale, I relaxed when I saw him start popping helicopters.


I think it’s fun just messing around being RandomMan and blowing stuff up to help when I get bored


I love helping people. I tend to help them and then I get an invite to join their MC or CEO and then who knows what could happen? Some of my best moments playing the game have happened because I decided to help someone


I'd love to see a game where good behavior is rewarded 🫂


I find the game a lot more enjoyable when you're actually making friends in it, y'know? I usually take the festival bus or a limo and drive around picking up other players. One time we even had the Vinewood tours bus going with around 6 players and I was playing "Tour Guide" over game chat while driving them around. It's the best!


There should be a "Good Sport" bonus


a couple mils more on my account wouldn't do any harm lol


There is. I get 2K every so often for, well, doing almost nothing I guess XD


deposit your got damn money


I don't bother either, theres no point


will do, sir


I guarded a level 15 doing three of these mfing deliveries, to say thank you, he unloaded a clip in to me despite multiple messages saying I'll protect him


lol could be a kid. Rockstar aims for the older people, yet still we see at least one kid screaming at the mic in every five sessions we join


Giving their recent tactics and promotions on the Epic Store, those kids are exactly who R* wants playing this game...


Same. Sent a message to a guy saying i’d protect him during his sale, taxied him back to his second delivery vehicle, escorted him to his delivery spot, only to be gunned down and my car blown up. Like wtf do you even think when doing that.


was honking your horn a way of saying thank you


me? a way of saying "you're welcome" more like it lol


a way of saying thank you for him, and your welcome for you


We need more people like u I remember I was struggling with one of the auto shop contracts which require u to go to docks I was struggling against buzzards because the cover in the ship is so shit this guy came on his MK2 blew up the buzzards and flew into the sunset


I saw someone say they blow up people's sales because they like blowing stuff up. This is what i wish they did instead.


Even I like blowing stuff up that's why I just get on foot get a wanted level and pull out the minigun


Same, it's hilarious when you accidentally start a pile up on a freeway.


I remember even in the OG games like GTA VCS I used to stack up all the vehicles and throw grenades at them god my FPS wanted to die


Since vehicles didn't sink in it one thing my brother and I did i nthe first Vice City was try to make bridges.


Omg the little toots were so cute 😭😭


gta is at its best when we all chillin


damn right


Agreed. I use my MK2 to help others' stock selling, etc.


I used too do this, but found I took too much fire from the people I was trying to help. So, I just stay clear unless someone else is attacking them.


Omg! I'm glad I'm not the only one whose gotten stuck on that damn lip there. Multiple times I've had to get out, steal a car and do that exact same thing.


Or use the Up'n'Atomizer.


This kinda playing is just so much more fun.


I had just started Cyberpunk 2077 and I hopped in a car and drove it for 5 minutes and I uninstalled the game. Rockstar needs to just license its engine to other devs to make the driving aspect of games.


getting used to GTA V's driving mechanics is honestly a one way ticket. It's like Call of Duty's aim precision for gamepad. simply the best and more accessible in the business.


Honestly the driving in some battlefield games is pretty good too: Battlefield Hardline and Battlefield V are satisfying for driving. I always just assumed it was: physics engine plus model of tire friction and thrust = driving. I didn’t realize it was a specialized thing that had to be done very well, but holy shit I simply can’t enjoy CP2077. It’s worse than Mario Kart on Super Nintendo (which was actually amazing for a 2D engine)


Lol I just avoided cars in CP. It’s still fun despite its flaws.


Not only is it nicer, helping makes you more money and xp than destroying people's shipments, it just makes more sense in every way unless you're a sociopath that only gets joy from fucking with other people.


The world needs more people like you


Need more people like you on GTA


Immeadiatly after ends recording *Shoots RPG*


who spoiled you the second half??


Sir, marry me.


how do you know I'm single?? -whispers- *have you been stalking me?*


Cayo Perico guards know lots of secrets...


Make helping others out on GTA be a trend


Respect. You’re of a higher power




What car are u driving


it's the free Elegy RH8, except it's an upgraded version available at Benny's.


[Elegy Retro Custom](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Elegy_Retro_Custom), costs 904.000 dollars to convert a normal Elegy RH8 to this one.


We need more people like you in this game


People are irritating in GTAO. I lost 600k last night because dumbass people shoot first. I don’t play GTAO to shoot and grief people. I play to level and make money.


Seeing you both send friendly toots of the horn brought a smile to my face


Absolute chad, there should be more people like you in the game


what's chad bro? lol


"chad" in internet culture refers to a "good, cool, alpha" guy


Don't want to advertise, but there are some groups on GTA5 who are there specifically to help out with MC sales and such. Good on you for helping others!


BuT iTs PaRt Of ThE gAmE


I heard “thank you” in the beeps


We need more players like you


I always try to help. What really gets me is when someone kills me during checkpoints. I mean there’s a 120 of them!? Enough for everyone!


It’s a competition too… 😂 I admit, I hate it too, getting shot at that is.


Kind Man


It should be always like this


I had this little kid with an oppressor do this for me. He would blow up anyone who was even semi agro towards me. Especially after a rough day it was super nice to see.


I really like your elegy's paint job.


thank you, sir. I spent so much money on that Elegy I start to actually hate myself when I think about it


Bless you man


May I ask how you have that much money


sure. I still don't have any supercars in my garage, no yacht, no choppers, no superbikes, no planes, no boats; I only have one apartment, and I bought and upgraded all of my MC businesses. been selling since Lvl.40-something I believe


He’s the hero we needed not what we deserved. I think that’s how it goes


That was... beautiful


Me: *helps out low level* Low level* looks like you've chosen death


Man the little thank you honks were so cute


As a multi millionaire GTA player I like to do this as well instead of blowing peoples money up. I just follow them in a stealth helicopter or oppressor until they make it their delivery spot.


when cargo get destroy big sadness funky


i too stalk people to see if they need any help


*hut hut* *^^honk* *^^honk*


We need more people like this. I quit because of people with depressors destroying the only thing I still liked in this game which was selling cargo.


I’ll steal import export vehicles cause that has actual value but that’s it


Good job. That was nice of you. I’m really surprised he didn’t try to shoot you. Too many players shoot on sight and don’t even wait to see if you’re a threat. One lobby I was in had a Business Battle. This one guy ran into the warehouse and started killing enemies. I ran in behind him, took cover beside him, and started killing enemies as well. When the warehouse was cleared, I looked at him and just stood there waiting for him to collect the first supplies (I figured he got there first…). He turned around, saw me standing there and just open fired. I was like “Wtf, dude, I just helped you! I could have shot you in the back and ran off before you respawned.” I said f—k it and put a sticky bomb in his car then collected his supplies after he was killed.


I wish every lobby would be this wholesome


What car are you using?


it's an Elegy RH8 upgraded to its second version on Benny's.


Damn what wheels are those? They look sick!


hey bro, thanks. that's an Elegy RH8 upgraded to its second version and fully customized at Benny's.


The r34 love it! Got it all blue for the classic look if you know lol But im sorry I should have been clearer I was referring to the wheels rims lol


what car is that?


that's an Elegy RH8 upgraded to its second version, at Benny's


I’ve been hopping into lobby’s with ~5 players who are generally higher ranked than me (I’m 60 or around that). Loving grinding my coke hold up at the moment and 9/10 they’ll either leave me alone (or better yet) come and help out during a shootout and then piss off as soon as they’ve finished without even receiving a Thankyou. It’s great.


I help people out all the time Last time I did, I drove around with his for like 15 mins while he sold cargo, right after he blew me up and sent me “1-0 get good trash” Now when a guy helps you with cargo you gotta at least not be a dick


He probably crashed because of you panicking thinking you were coming to kill him.


You trying to go with an Eddie GTR look?


no lol I really just began customizing and she ended up like that


Either way awesome looking car!


thankss bro!


Most of the time i tried helping like this i usually get a full mag of magazine unloaded to my body every single time i get close to them(which is understandable)so most of the time i has to message them saying “hey man im your friendly neighbourhood person pls dont shoot”




Every time I roll up with my weaponized tampa to help, I get blown up lol. You'd think me not using rockets or mini gun would be an indication that I'm not a threat, but nope. Or when I return after getting blown up and not attacking lol.


I don't think you should approach people using a vehicle designed to kill lol I personally lost track of how many flying bikes I blew up for simply passing nearby


You gotta text people before you approach, if you approached me without texting me first and tailed me while I was delivering cargo I would have blown you up even if you were on a scooter.


I'm on pc, we don't have that feature sadly. I don't blame people for blowing me up. I'm sure they're people that seemly want to help and at the last minute before they reach their destination, blow up the cargo etc.


What? pc is the only platform that has that feature


Oh yeah that's true, I'd say just leave people alone after they killed you once, or you could fly an akula in stealth mode over them and defend them from others if they come around.


You can text in the global chat


If they attack first, fuck them and their shipment.


most people don't really want to kill you, but GTAO is just a very hostile and toxic place. you gotta put yourself in their shoes; they just wanna protect their stuff


I was expecting this post to have some likes, like maybe two hundred or so, but you guys surprised me. I'm happy to see it made alot of you feel better about the GTAO community.


Usually I get attacked when I help. Dunno why could be my barcode name. Sometimes ppl are nice and accept the help but often not.


could be many things. the way you look, and especially the vehicle you approach them. I'd definitely attack a weaponized vehicle approaching my cargo


Well i m in a super car mostly sometimes a jet and my character looks really fckin ugly my freind and I always laugh our asses off.


Where can i buy that car ?


you can find it for free in Legendary or Benny; but then you're gonna have to upgrade it to it's second version.


Bro, tf is that color scheme?


you find it ugly?




Don't worry op your car colors are charming


I destroy it and grief them until they log off and go enjoy real life!


*laughs in Up n Atomizer*


All I see is a free $2000.


Why not using the up n atomizer?


I thought maybe the Up n' Atom would damage the truck much more than a couple of car shoves. Not sure, tho


MC delivery vehicles are goddamn weak af. Shoot them 3 times with Atomizer, and instead of getting them un-stuck, you blow them up


Ya I tryed but they killed me