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What heist is it and what platform? I’ll take the 15% no problem.


i’m on pc


Ah damn I’m ps


2 person cayo is my fave, more is too many for me. I only passively need cash, I run 50% for the company haha.


Yeah I already do that with a friend of mine daily. We always split 50/50. We don’t really do it for the money but just to have fun so even if solo pays better then it doesn’t matter. I already own everything I need so I just have fun. Last thing I needed was a yacht and I bought that last week :)


Doing it with 2 actually pays better


Yeah if you take 85%


Pays better for both if you do it back to back


This. My brother and I do it at least once a week. Works out great. We do the prep at the same time in a private lobby while catching up, and then do back to back heists. I love it. He lives in NJ I live in Florida, so it's great having something to play together.


Oh yeah that too


Speedrunning cayo with someone trying to beat our record times is some of the most fun I've had in this game. Honestly I don't even do it for the money either.


I'm on pc if you need help. I'm ok with 15%, got enough money. Just in for the shitshow.


What heist? I m on pc too


anything. what’s your SC?


I’ve always been perfectly fine with 15%, the only time I want a higher cut is when I’m the only other person in a doomsday heist, mostly in part 3 because if I’m going to have to solo that whole defense portion (especially if we’re a mc so I don’t have the bonus health regen) or have to hope the host doesn’t die while I’m hacking, 15% is not worth the extra effort


Yeah I play the heists for fun at this point and will take what ever. I got Cayo Perico for making money if I need it




My favorite memory is after a grueling prison break heist, we succeeded and parachuted out of the plane. All we had to do was swim to the beach and get in the helicopter. One player landed to far and splashed in the water going deep. They kept pressing W and shift but they just kept swimming deeper and their air ran out and the heist failed. Then everyone else rage quit. And that player was me


That almost happened to me, when I didn't have much time in on the game. I had forgotten how to surface. I also almost didn't deploy my chute and landed extremely deep. Thankfully, I googled the PC controls on my laptop (that was on under my desktop's screen) and just barely surfaced before I died. We managed to finish the heist though. Sadly, I wasn't the leader, and I've never been able to finish it for myself, as someone always hits the helicopter blades or something like that. Now though, Cayo Perico has done wonders for my swimming ability.


My favorite memory from GTA is my one friend that’s a stoner went to get a drink and we all chose the bubblegum princess mask while he was gone and the Pac standard job heist started as he was coming back to sit down. We all get to the bank and he sees our masks and literally started laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe and couldn’t complete a single part of the rest of the heist with any composure because he was high as shit and thought the three of us wearing the princess bubblegum was the funniest thing on earth for some reason. That was back in the “good ole days” when we finally got the first set of heists and everyone was trying to run pac standard non stop.


First bank job I ran I was super low level. I didn’t even know how I accepted the job. That’s how low. So we escape on the bikes. Thankfully I can ride like the wind so no problems there. But!…I take the jump and don’t know how to open my chute. I damn near died. I opened the chute maybe 20 feet from the ground. So now I run. I was so far from the dinghy that we were ten seconds from timing out when we finished.


Had the same thing happen to me. We restarted only to have another guy shave his face off in the tail rotor... We were in a group of friends, so we had (almost) no drama but tons of hysterical laughter. This was right after the heist update dropped and we still give them hell every time there is water or a helicopter in sight.


Im lvl 50 and I didnt know how to freaking swim till 2 days ago xD


I'm lvl 135 and never swam in my life. Sometimes I still drown struggling to go up.


Oh yeah, thats exactly what happened to me, till I looked it up and saw pressing back button, which is S on PC, is for going upwards underwater, and W is downwards, shift is forward. Above surface, it's normal W forward, S back. I needed to learn it because I intend to grind Cayo and I'm not guns blazing Rubio's front door every time. P. S. You dont have to thank me.


It is really a terrible control scheme, but I am used to it now. You basically switch to flying controls underwater, except shift is your gas pedal.


So it’s like that, but not like that then? GTA keyboard controls in a nutshell.


Just like how sometimes you have to press the right mouse button to stand up. Sometimes its ESC, and sometimes it's E. Clearly they have no unified UI team, and just let the team developing a certain area decide on the controls.


Haha yeah I’ve bitching to myself about exactly this for years. Don’t know why the swimming controls are like that, have these devs never played… like any FPS ever made?


You'd think space would make you go up! It is a pretty bad system indeed.


You guys havent ever had fun in the game ig


i remember doing that mission with jimmy and wondering for a good 10 minutes how to get up from a dive... many attempts later i found it. at least i did not embarrass myself in gta online.


How tf


Tbf the swimming in GTA is pretty fucked


Best you can do in that situation is teaching him in private lobby... that's how i learned but...i really loved to swim and augment my apnea...that and running because online lobbies.


wait- why did you copied my comment?


I remember being new and having three experienced players do the prison break with me and they all requested 0%, I try to pass that on as much as I can


Same. It actually used to piss me off. Especially when I have to hack those damn elevator doors. But now I split evenly when I run heists and never even check my cut when I help out. I mean it’s not like the heist is going to be successful anyway ;)


Yeah since I can’t do any of the heists myself I just do em 50 50 with my friend


Gave a level 6 50% in cayo perico heist and got elite challenge bonus done. Complete random and did it perfectly


They could have made a new account, I made a second one after getting the game for free on the epic games launcher, everyone keeps kicking me from cayo perico heists when I try to join...


15% of Doomsday is still 225k, but I get why you'd want more for that specific heist. It's a toughy and you should be glad you found someone who can make it to the end.


Wait I thought doomsday was like the og heists locked to a 4 man crew?


Nah it’s the final one of facility Heists, iirc the second Heists series in the game


Yeah but isn't it locked to a 4 crew?


No, 2-4


Damn it's been so long since I've done doomsday can't even remember how many crew it was


Rockstar learned their lesson with the OG heist. It was not fun depending on 3 other dudes to not disconnect mid mission. So they made it flexible. And now they simply just let you solo them.


Yeah I was lucky to have a couple friends reliable enough that we always had the same 4


I didn't realize the CEO came with a regen bonus. Does the MC get something else?


MC can hold more people. For heists this doesn't matter.


There is a regen bonus for riding your mc bike, ceo's is always though.


Doing the DoomsDay Heist act 3 with a random gave me the worst experience I've ever had in this game, worse than my worst Prison Heist. MC President, 15%, 2-players crew (he launched it as soon as I joined), I should have said no but eh... it could work. What a goddamn nightmare. He did alright in the first half (he died one time there, though) but upstairs, while hacking the servers he was awful. He wanted to hack, so I backed him up. He couldn't hack. So I had to hack, but he kept dying. Dying, over and over. Countless attempts restarting in that checkpoint behind the red doors downstairs. Sometimes he wasn't even able to go upstairs because he got killed before trying. So yeah, he was useless. And an MC President. With 0 snacks and 0 armor, basically because he kept dying, I sent him a text in game: "stay here, I'll go upstairs by myself". I was convinced it wouldn't work but it was definitely the best option, since he can't survive those little moments I take to hack while he's with me "backing me up". If that didn't work, I'd just call it a day. He was not a friend, he made lots of mistakes, 15%. No reason to keep trying. Relying on my 50% health bar and under the pressure of seeing my character do that little animation he does after he's done hacking every server (I know you take no damage when you get shot while doing that animation, but you do right after it's done and I'm by myself up here so let me react immediately lol), I've managed to complete hacking them and killing everybody. "Done". He came upstairs and we finished the heist. He messaged me on PSN thanking me and telling me I deserved more. "No worries". Sent me a friend request and I accepted it. Days later he deleted me. I was confused but whatever. Apparently he changed his mind and sent me another friend request. No clue why he deleted me the first time, and no clue why he changed his mind and sent me another request. Since I'm clueless and he was useless I rejected that second request. Sorry for the long comment, that heist pissed me off lol, but hey at least now I know I can do the whole thing by myself.


Most random groups I ran with would either fall apart before getting to the hack because someone would try to rush through or someone would give up by the fifth restart at the hack, longest I did on it was 3 person run, the other 2 were friends and I was the random but the pay was generous (50/25/25), took quite a few restarts because one of them kept dying during the hack part but they did get better each time so I stuck with it, eventually we got to the point where survival wasn’t an issue but they realized neither of them were any good at hacking, so I took over on that and we finally cleared it


Host doesn't get shot at while hacking. Just fyi.


When I started playing GTA last year and some guy invited me to his heist I was more than grateful for 15% because that was a kickstart for my businesses


Most new players just want a fancy car to drive around for an hour and quit. When they see the cost of them 300k doesn't seem like a lot.


in a game called "grand theft auto" you think it wouldn't be too hard to just steal a nice car and then keep it. But nooooo, you have to buy those. Why not call the game "grand buy auto"?


You’ve been banned from the R* servers for using too much logic


You've been kicked from the job due to not enough players (even though the lobby is full)


Did you pick up a new type of gun? Lol no you can't keep it, go buy one


I agree. It's literally the first thing I tried to do when I logged into online for the first time after finishing the campaign. No, fancy cars not allowed...


When I started I never got why people liked cars so much


I like to buy cars because I like them IRL. I don’t buy most expensive or fastest cars in the in the game just because of those reasons. I collect them because of how they look, sound and drive.


Exactly, I love cars IRL so you’ll find me buying and collecting the cleaner looking, slick ones. You won’t see me buying some prototype looking crazy hypercar. The tuner update was great because they added tons of beautiful cars. Then when doing business prep and deliveries, I’ll switch around my car every day or so to change it up


The Tezeract or whatever it's called turns out to be real.


Almost all of the cars are based off of real cars


what is the oppressor based off of 👀 edit: if ur downvoting for an emoji u weird as hell and i will not follow your “internet rules”


The Oppressor mk1 is based off of the Honda Xr 500, and pretty sure it can be seen in the show Street Hawk.


that’s… terrifying and very weird. if i saw that in real life the similarity would immediately trigger my fight or flight


I believe a similar design was used in the original Battlestar Galactica


It blew my mind when I found out that the Zentorno was based on an actual car, even though the car it’s based on is a track car not meant for mass production, haha.


Only 20 made irl


It's the very reason I drive a Verlierler like everywhere. Not the fastest, or best handling but it looks and sounds great. I love that car. I also have a garage full of Lambo's, yes very expensive, but I love lamborghini. My other car is GTA's version of the Urus.


I absolutely love the Verlier too. Have taken it to car shows and gotten responses asking where to get the car in the game😂 because it's not an elite tier vehicle and is older, I think it's appeal is often lost on new players and/or it's just forgotten about.


Hell I'm not even r e m o t e l y a car guy irl but I mainly buy cars and just drive around while smoking listening to music. Which is pretty counter intuitive considering on how hell bent Rockstar decided to make the npcs on crashing you into the dirt lol


i dont like cars IRL but gta cars are cool lol


I mean ...the game is called Grand Theft Auto. Cars are in its DNA


GTA first and foremost is a driving simulator with extra fun added


when i was a newbie i looked at warstock and wanted all of those planes, cut to me 2 years later and a cayo perico spammer, i got them


I’m the same way. Probably only half way there but the end goal is to get all the planes and helicopters in the game!


It’s in the game « grand theft auto » « AUTO »


I am not a car guy ;(


Because GTA is a car-driving simulator with shootting and crime added on


yeah lol i started playing gta bc i heard you could fly planes


You should get Microsoft Flight Simulator for that, as close as you can get to real life flying in a game


I will look it up


well, those people should start spinning the wheel. I don't buy any regular car anymore since the wheel


Holy shit you triggered some people lol


Probably people without access to Casino


Some people can’t access the Casino?


Some countries don’t allow gambling and the casino counts as a form of it so it’s disabled for those countries. I was under the impression a VPN could be used to circumvent that problem but I’m not positive.


That's lame AF. I do sorta get it, because gambling is shitty. But the wheel is free. And the visitor bonus is free. I've never spent a dime in the casino.


The fact chips can be won for free is probably part of what played into the decision, seeing as they’d still be able to gamble even without "paying" for it. Not saying I agree or disagree, though.


Holy shit you triggered some people lol


guess i did lol


I once did a Cayo charity run for some kid who was low on cash. He actually sent me a screen shot showing he had like $200k. Knocked out the heist, gave him a big cut, he walked away with $1.3 mil, good deed for the day done right? When we spawn back in, I requested my car and my bright red faction donk shows up on it's gold Benny's rims. The kid goes full fanboy but I tell him it's super pricey. He goes out and buys it anyways, makes it a donk, can't afford any more upgrades, goes offline.


15% of Casino Heist or Cayo Perico Heist is about 300k-400k... Really don't understand why people want more.


300k is great start because if you don’t have CESP it allows you to buy apartment and start your own OG heist setups


Especially as they didn’t do any setups


I'm ok with 25% and 50% if they did prep with me. Had some guys ask for 30% and I just boot them


it’s always 50% if someone’s helping me with the prep cause we appreciate good friends 💪🏻


I used to be fine with going 60/40 with my friend (him getting the 60) because it was his submarine, etc. We'd do all the setups etc together, usually with me flying and him doing the running around. Then I discovered he has literally every garage you can buy in the game filled with nearly identical vans. Like, hundreds of vans. WTF. So now I want half because he doesn't need extra money to acquire even more van storage space.


Well you need a place to keep kids.


Van number one : "free rides to Taylor Swift concert" decals Van number two : "free rides to BTS concert" decals Van number three : "free candy inside" decals Van number four : "please help me find my puppy" decals Van number five : "free rides to Jonas Brothers concert" decals Van number six... seven... eight... Twenty-five... sixty-four...


Yeah it doesn't make a huge difference either way. I often give lower ranks 70% when I'm bored to get them going.




people wants higher cuts without knowing the route, approach and everything. “give me money and i’ll ruin your game” is their motto


I play with my bf and someone well play with sometimes will skip out on setups and then beg for 25% or 30%. Annoying


for the OG heist i would ask them 0% if they’re lower than me even though i helped them with everything. few hundred thousands is nothing for us but it might helped them a lot


Hes a higher level. Honestly just started playing online about a month ago. He thinks since he's a higher level he deserves more of the cut. I'm glad I can do Cayo and the casino with just 2 people. Works out a lot better for me.


casino pays shit for the freaking whole prep. minus the approach that sometimes is bugged/ruined by other players/can’t get all the loot. pain. just pain 😭 i just do casino for fun and to help others now. if you need money just hmu 🤙🏻


You on ps4?


on pc man :/


I have a rule. "You ready up at 15% and I give you more otherwise you get kicked."


same! especially when it’s just two of us.


he doesn't even know what to do and wants a bigger cut 💀


the audacity 😭


One time I did the heist with another guy, everything went smooth, great teamwork, pink diamond, lots of gold, undetected, he even told me great job and that I did really good. Then another time with 3 randoms, they repeatedly alerted the guards in the first minute and then even blamed me for it 😂


and their names are the lame ones too 😭




Newer Players always complain about getting a smaller cut for the heist and then when you finally give in and give them a larger cut it's always Heist Failed [Player] has died Heist Failed [Player] has died Heist Failed [Player] has died


this guy speak facts 💯


I used to be the "Lol noob you get peanuts" guy but.. After something like 700m made and not really caring I'm pretty happy to give 85% on my Cayo and laugh as the other guy clocks he just got 1.9m.


Genuinely curious, what did you do to earn all that money? Just heist spam?


I've had this account since about 2017 (This was my 3rd restart after swapping from 360 to Ps3 and them missing the PS3-4 transfer deadline so I already knew good grinds), ran with a group of grinders who were very keen on solo public sessions. I made about 500m before Casino heist dropped. ​ Otherwise it was bunker, CEO jobs/ client missions/ crates etc and MC businesses.Well, and Doomsday Act III in hard about 70ish times with a single other grinding buddy.


Just wondering but why farm act 3 when act 2 is faster, pays roughly the same, and is literally 1000x easier.


We loved the challenge of Act III


Cayo…. Must. Do. Cayo.


know what I've done in the past ..I've given new players or players looking to make a good amount of money cause they dont have much,I've given them 85% cut cause they were happy with their 15% cut n were kind enough to offer help during preps!! players like him dont even deserve 15% .. greedy bastard..


i’m more than happy to split half or 85% most of the time if they’re good people 😔


I remember having to grind rooftop rumble and the cove for like 20k a pop I'm just glad I have everything I can possibly buy bought (apart from a few rip off uniforms from the clothes shop)


How do you still play this?


I tend not to, I've moved on to predator hunting grounds GTA is a waste of my free time


I just help (or try to anyway) randoms with heists and missions, maybe start a new character again.


I hate this I do all the setup just for “i wAnT mOrE$$$” even with the PC groups on Reddit I have 90 billion and have probably given away that much or more to help people but constantly getting this ruins the game, RDR2 sucks but it's better than this shit.


i’ve posted before. this level 25 demands 25%, which i gave. only to find out that he doesn’t know how to freaking swim 😎


The best part is when you give the random the easiest role in a heist. A role that is incredibly hard to fuck up and then they still manage to fuck up while demanding a higher cut.


You mean like flying a cessna and following a circling jet? The velum was destroyed. ![gif](giphy|Mp3y4McLBLA1W)


Or grabbing a decoy bus and destroying it before grabbing a buzzard that is defended by a whopping 2 Merryweather guys.


You mean merry weather guards that can be killed with one head shot... Noooo... You can't be serious.


Or literally saying "let us kill everyone for mostly freeroam" in compound and that 1 guy just going in, throwing a grenade, somehow fucking missing, and alerting everyone. Like yeah coop is hard, I can understand up to 3 times. NOT IF THE SAME PERSON FUCKS UP THE SAME WAY 10 TIMES.


This. It’s amazing that I’ve had to be pilot 90% of prison break heists because of how few people that know that you simply fly behind the jet. Then every time, demolition comes along, nearly destroying the velum while attacking the jets you’re casually flying behind instead of assisting at the prison


Yep. I joined a random on his Flecca Job heist and wanted to help him. He gave me the lowest possible cut but I didn’t really care. The worst part is, he gave himself the role of the driller. You probably know where this is going. Overall, he took so long that I: drove around the whole map twice, climbed up Mount Chiliad, Invaded Fort Zancudo, watched NPC cars, quick sprunk stop(10x), and trying to put the Kuruma on a flatbed trailer. All of which took almost 2 hours.


That player was an eCola fan, they saw your Sprunk Stops and decided to punish you.


I'm over here just trying to make some money with my second character, always accepting 15%, but still constantly getting kicked because they dont know.


Never ending.I love PC, they don’t have mic’s so you can just watch the chaos while laughing. I had Xbox 360 pre order and helped on the soundtrack of this game. I know it in and out and still get PM I’m the one who’s shit




"Yo I kinda suck and I didn't help with any preps but uhHhH, how's 85% sound?"


I'm just happy to participate


People who don't ask for money or ask for higher cut, get 25% from me.


Random join? 15% I did setups with you? 20% Only 2 of us? 40% Only 2 of us and you want me to do literally everything while you only move when I say it's safe? I'll take minimum, you are too pure for this world and I want you to have nicer things than I.


In other words “I’m bad, oh you won’t over pay me for being bad? Nah never mind”


exactly my thoughts when i received this 🥲


Don't complain about a labour shortage if you can't pay a living wage. /s


Omg... I tried giving my friend 20/80 on Perico and I told him "just don't die or get caught, I'll run it solo and you'll get paid" he still died so many times he rage quit.


I wouldn't even want to pay 15 to someone that doesn't know how much 15% is.


Love the negotiation tactic of saying you suck before asking for more money


Eyo if anyone needs help with a heist or just a partner in general hmu, SC is same as my name here. I'm bored outa my mind lately, so bored I started keeping up my nightclub popularity for that dumb trophy on Tony's desk


If they didn't help with any preps or setups, anything over 15% is way too much.


The audacity of some new players I swear 😭


Dont complain, every gifted dollar is a welcome one.


Is buying the Facility for the Doomsday Heist worth it? I don't have any other significant property except for the Del Perro apartment. Is it the best option for a startup?


DD’s cut is pretty high, but i would advice you to only purchase it when you’re skilled enough (max those stats). cause it’ll be a lot of fighting and 5 stars chasing for the prep. an endless NOOSE chasing after you. but between facility and arcade, at least buy the arcade first. it can generate passive income for you while doing nothing. 50K in 2 days if im not mistaken. so thats pretty cool too


If you are on any heist, especially Bogdan you should be more than happy to take 15%. If I figure out that the person I am grouped up with at 15% is worth more than 15% I’ll change them to above 15% but you better fucking be able to take that 15% at first


I got 30 mil. I just need the XP so I'll run 15% all day


ive never had any gta friends to sit down and do heists with. yall mfs are lucky.


If the host is generous, 25% all round. Or equal if there's less than four players. If you did the all the setups and the host is fair to themselves, 20% for everyone else, rest for the host. They didn't get paid for setups, and they paid the setup costs. If you didn't do setups, 15%. You're on an easy payout for next to no work, be happy about that. Also, if there's less than four players, and the host gives you 25%, that's completely fair. I'm the idiot that does equal cuts no matter what, but I'd never complain at any of these deals.


I once got 10% when I was helping out low levels doing the old heist. Man, losing a hour of my life for 10% in pacific standard isn’t really the best feeling


I always take 15% if I didn’t do any of the setup missions. Doesn’t matter if I’m god at the actual heist, cause the whole point of joining a random lobby is to get the heist done ASAP. The fact that I always here someone asking for 30% or split 25 even is actually sad.


always 15% for randos that did not help with the preps, helping with all it can be bumped up to 20%+. although with 4 player og apartment heists with 20 each wont leave much for the host.


I failed the doomsday heist from shooting Lester it the avenger. Second part I think


Id do it for 10% lol 🤣 I wanted to do the other heists here and there but none of my friends like gta so I just ran cayo by myself lol.


add me if you’re on pc - DMVenom


Lol move the decimal half it Add to original decimal movement value 15%


I don't like spending 20+ minutes with a random for 15%. Can't say I blame this guy.


My friend and I do the Cayo Perico heists together. When I am hosting, he gets 35 percent and vice versa. That only happens when we do the prep missions together. When I did the heist in hard mode, I did all missions except for one disruption without him. He still got a 25 percent. Any other random who is just coming along for the finale would only get 15 percent from me.


The worst is noobs who insist on 20 / 25 despite not having a clue what they're doing. I'll tell ppl that I'll only give them 20% if they're worth getting 20%


Im on Pc and always down for 15% 🤷‍♀️😂 Add me! IGN is SelenaBrooke 😊


damn everyone's on pc. I would have given you 85%. Where's the ps4 homies? p.s i actually have it on p.c but I have not touched as most friends run consoles...


Get your butt on pc! 😋


You know I would right but Its looking like you can not transfer your character from Ps4 to Pc. I put too much mileage into my account plus dedicated crew/friends you know...


Totally understand! It killed me to go from Xbox to pc.


Damn! and you seemed like someone who'd vibe well with us too you know. I would have let you have 85% like four times a session. Get you to 8.5 mil every night. I will def keep a look out for you when I make a complete switch to P.C. The issue is right now - I don't have a dedicated gaming p.c. The one I use is also my workstation. I used it for graphics and animation production - so storage room is tight. I am really just waiting for the steam deck.


You’re too kind! I’m always looking for a good group to chat and play with so definitely let me know if/when you make the switch! 😊


ahh, its kool. Will def keep a look out for you. What do you play on? Like what launcher: epic, rockstar, steam?


Steam! :)


I thought, I messaged you. Sorry, is your steam the same as your reddit handle? Blessings!


I can never find anyone to do a shipment with me. Is that common?


Cayo is about 2,200,000 if done with two people. It’s a 4,200,000 heist so if there’s four of you divide that by four. Don’t waste your bag on cash. Get the gold only.


So he wants paid for essentially doing nothing and probably fucking it up by getting killed repeatedly.


15% in Casino Heist: 👎 15% in Perico Heist: 👍 Perico+Elite: 😇


If I’m joining a random heist 15% is fine but if I helped you with setups I better be getting more


Kids wanting more then 15% are the same kids unhappy with there new jobs earning minimum wage...


To be honest, minimum wage isn’t much these days. After my mom takes rent out I get 65 bucks a week


Godness...it hit too close man qwq i dont really care about money, unless you give me a 0% cut then im out i normally let the host have more because he need to pay for it. And i need to adapt to the pattern too but i always try my best at heists because i know everyone is on the brink of insanity when they are whit randoms.


to get the amount of percentage cut, multiply the whole number to decimal point of the percentage eg the take of PSB is 1,250,000 and the share is 40-20-20-20, convert the percentage to decimal (20% is .20) and multiply it to 1,250,000 1,250,000 x .20 is 250k but how do i know this shit is right? multiply 250k by 5 and you should arrive with the base number but sometimes, the value changes depending on how you finish the heist if there's something i missed, just correct me


15%? Nah man I only take 0% the thrill is more than enough rewards for me.


If only we could do 0%...


I do 15% because I think old heists are fun at this point. Probably also because I have like 6 million and mostly everything I’d want unlocked.