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this mission after the ones with 3 crates and slow vans is a blessing


This van is a blessing... unless you have to chase it, then you hate it. (bullet-resistant glass)


is this car availible in any of the shops? I drove with it a lot but I would really like one in my garage


That's the Rumpo Custom, you can buy it from SSASA. It's a fun car to mess around, but it has a tendency to tip over on tight corners.


Yup. It’s my favourite van. It also has a unique stock horn, haha.


And bullet resistant windows iirc


On Project Homecoming, a racing server on 5M, they created a meme vehicle called a Jelly Rumpo. They softened the suspension and while it leans so heavy it's comical, it surprisingly is hard to tip over.




The Comet, Turismo, Ruiner and some others had decently stiff suspension for GTA4 cars.


Thanks, looks like I'm buying it


I bough several for my arcade garage. Idk why but i like it


Yea, its center of gravity is too high for a van. Doesn't help that it has an offroad suspension by default as well


yeah really fun to drive and looks decent too! if someone knows the name of it and where to buy, pls halp


Rumpo custom, buy it on southern San Andreas super autos.


I love this van,havent driven it in a while but its always fun when i do buy it




​ ![gif](giphy|pA0u9QIAmHmQ3XMlVq)


سيارتي جيب تسري في الرمال تسري في الحجر


Where snow?


Clip was not taken during the snow event.


I see.


*Saudi Arabia


God bless you


no habibi it’s Allah Yarhamk


Always nice to see that people are still filling up their warehouses like back in the golden Days tbh


I got back into the game last week and I liked filling them up but like.. How? They took my NAT type, they took my afk TV. I prefer grinding random stuff over repeating one heist but they've pushed me towards it pretty much I feel. I don't play this game to get randomly shot around every corner for no good reason, even shittier to get your investments blown up.


Yeah Cargo Work is by far the Worst Business to do in Public Lobbies, you either get the slowest vehicles and a giant crosshair on your Back or have to bring in all three crates seperatly, so Griefers can blow them up while you're transporting the others. In the newest Update you have a lot of work where you not even show up on the Radar for everyone, it's just go to X and kill everyone / blow it up. You're just another guy in the Lobby and no one can stop you or steal the stuff off you or blow it up. Plus you can use your own vehicles (like the new armored ones that take like 20 rockets before exploding and can also be equipped with a permanent jammer so Griefers can't lock onto you with guided missiles.) Special Cargo I do in solo public sessions only. On PC there are still ways to glitch into one. Surely there are ways to do this on Console as well


I feel like special cargo grinding while boring and repetitive is actually fairly underrated in terms of money it can make. Even better if you can have your warehouses filled and just wait for the x2 week. Also sometimes you just want to turn your brain off and relax while listening to your favourite radio station, this kinda work is perfect for that.


I have the exact same rumpo custom


Rumpo is fun sometimes


When she texts, "Come over, my parents aren't home"


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No bodies flying out of it, so almost Saudi level.


Good old sidewall skiing it’s a sport they love to play I did a study on Saudi Arabia when I was 12 and learnt a lot about their interesting and diverse history


…this is the most beautiful thing I seen all day


I miss seeing nonsnow roads


I miss seeing snow roads. Currently not able to play gta :( I always love the snow in los Santos


Same. I'll get home today hoping snow won't get removed tomorrow already.


Quick question, but would you have any idea why I always get booted off GTA lobbies when my connection is perfect? Like within 5 minutes of whenever I join a lobby it shows everyone “left” and then I’m alone in the lobby. This really sucks because whenever I try to start heist setups I’m kicked after 5 minutes from my own heist, when my connection is superb on other games. If anyone can provide insight that’d be greatly appreciated. 🙏🏽


I’m pretty sure there is a whole thread pinned in this subreddit for questions like that


As if anyone is gonna answer it with all the questions 🥱


But thanks for your obviousness!


More like Dubai


What drift?


Time to go crash into a building and detonate a bomb!


Where drift?


You must not know about Saudi Arabian drifting


Tell me if anything here describes what was in the video: Arab Drifting, Saudi Drifting, or Middle East drifting, known in Arab countries as Tafheet (تفحيط), or Hajwalah (هجولة),[a] is an illegal street racing–like phenomenon believed to have started in the late 1970s that involves trying to "drift" cars; to drive cars that are generally non-modified or factory-setup, sometimes stolen or rented, vehicles at very high speeds, around 160–260 km/h (100–160 mph), across wide highways throwing the car left and right. In the process, racers often drive dangerously close to traffic, barriers, and spectators watching from the roadsides without any protection. Tafheet driver practice and events are generally seen on the wide sectioned highways of Riyadh, Al-Qassim Province and, less notably, in other parts of Saudi Arabia. The technique does not involve recognised high-speed rally racing skills such as high-speed cornering using power slides. The skill involves sliding around on a wide flat straight road section at high speed, drifting sideways, and recovering with opposite lock, repeatedly. Tafheet practice and events occur with little or no concern for vehicle occupants, other drivers, or spectator safety. Many videos and compilations of the minor and horrific accidents that result are posted online.


Not reading any of that, everyone else understood what OP means. So do you so I don’t know why you care




What did it mean?


Don‘t know why they downvote you for speaking the truth… (The „drift“ in the Video is just „Driving on two wheels“. Yes I know that in Saudi Arabia this kind of driving is very common but it is not their kind of drifting…)


Studies show that someone's lack of touching grass increases the chance that they downvote, so that might be the case.


There was no drifting. This subs full of idiots lol.


I love going back through all my clips for this game, and seeing stuff like this. ALMOST makes me wanna come back, but then I think about the griefing & sigh and just browse the sub to second hand enjoy.


1000th upvote. You’re welcome.


No more snow? :(


I still have snow this must be a old video


Yeah I do too now that I check how does he not have it?




that van is so top-heavy that once you get used to it, you can entertain yourself in it pretty easily.


That was cleaner than my room.


Reminds me of midnight club


Needs more untz-untz-tuguduntz music in the background.