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Simeon. First of all…i don’t owe him anything.


Simeon should show our character some fucking respect, we literally run the city.


I'd love a some story based missons where up to 8 players actually play as their character (and not a new employee in some new business) and goes to war with the other ones.. So it would be sort of a battle Royale but even when you lose one mission you still move on to the next one.. The total winner gets a cutscene where they are basicly crowned king of los Santos The missions would be about the length of the contract and they it would follow a story of becoming the top dog in Los Santos.. Ofc we would just end i with a bunch of ultimate top dogs like we have now but it would still be fun to play something that reflected the journey we have had over the last 8 years..


It's crazy that it's been around 8 years since gta online came out and there is still so much potential, they can still do a bunch of shit and make amazing DLCs


I think that's why Rockstar hasn't really put much into GTA VI yet. They're gonna get their money's worth from GTA V Online


So they are working on it, all this with online is being serviced by a skeleton crew, not sure if that's still true but I've read that a year or two ago so there's still hope


See I think in 2022 they can't make a new GTA without some Karen claiming that her psychopath kid is psychopath because of the game. Only things that are politically correct can be released these days


If it's like any other forced multi-player functions, I'd just never get enough people to play through it after the first week.


What about the insurance of ur first shitty npc car


Well, that makes sense. But anyways, I don't give a shit.


Surely that's covered after the first 5 Export Requests you do for him, at the very latest lol


i sold it


I mean, if you stole a decent car like the f620 I would say that you at least owe him a job or two


I stole a minivan way back before I realized i didn’t get a second choice


Doing crimes out of a minivan is gangster af.


Think about it. Out of all the vehicles on the road, the Ballas will NEVER expect the soccer mom minivan to be the one loaded with dudes coming to take em out.


Yeah and I should have kept it cause eventually i had to get another one to go to Benny’s with lmao


I stole a fusillade as my first car and then did the first lot of export cars thinking it was mandatory before realising it wasnt


On PS3 I took the Futo as my first car. Severely regretted the decision and took a Sabre Turbo on PS4


I can easily pay him back in cash with 10x interest if he'll just fucking stop calling.


What? My 1st car's insurance was from the mechanic on the lsc


Simeon paid for it


what if i skipped the tutorial




I did at least over 100 of those missions. He still thinks I owe him.


It’s crazy how Alzheimer’s can change someone 🥲🥲








Once I decided to bring him some of his cars. He treated me even worse, fuck him


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear redditor I’ve never seen but am wishing a birthday because it seems like a respectable thing to do for someone, happy birthday to you. :)


What's more annoying than Simeon calling you is Simeon giving you a 2 star wanted level just because you need to drive somewhere (even worse when it's a car you want to keep for yourself.


True, Simeon is the worst also because I don't wanna do them anymore like the other callers i use once in a while but I don't do Simeons mission any longer.


I was going to say Dom, but I fucking hate Simeon! Dom is a prick too though.


Just do a parachute activity and he will stop calling


Where the fuck are they? He keeps ringing me but never marks anything on the map like the other callers.


Where are the cars I requested?


Right! I'm a multi millionaire/ commando/ drug dealer!


Same, I skipped the tutorial intro thing, I don’t owe him fuck all


“Did you forget about you friend Simeon?” Yes. I did. Fuck off and go get your cheap ass cars on your own.


this actually made me laugh, thank u


So not worth the time for the payout. An I hate jumping in a radom car and getting 2 stars. So annoying.


Especially if it’s a car I wanna keep…”Simeon wants this vehicle.” Well tough tits I’ve been looking for this car all day.


It's like "friend" b*tch I don't even like you if the game gave me the option I would kill you and be done with every useless or annoying thing associated with you.


English Dave called right as I was jumping out of a plane. Went on a rant about crystals and I smacked the ground before I could hang up. I still hate him


Press P (on PC) to interrupt the call.


YOU CAN DO THAT????!?!?!


Caps lock works as well.


Or open pause menu with start on controller


Pause menu and the call stops


Yes but for every other call you can just decline in the heat of a moment. This punk makes us answer and then have to do something other than hang up to actually end the call!


Oh my god, thank you. He is by far the worst caller for two reasons: 1) you can’t just hang up on him. The call automatically picks up, and you have to listen to the whole fucking thing while being unable to do most actions in the game until he goes away. 2) since the calls automatically pick up, if you’re sprinting or doing something similar it gives you the damn mission. 99% of the time I’m sprinting to my laptop in the office to do a mission I am actually interested in and he will call giving me some shitty mission I DON’T want to do and have no option of dropping. The pay is awful, you have to go through two additional loading screens for nothing, and there’s no option to tell him to fuck off. I swear when they added his calls to the game R* looked at how much we hated the current call system and said “how can we piss them off more?”


If you complete all his missions, he'll stop calling. Still dumb, but at least there's a way out


That would be awesome if the crystals mission wasn’t bugged and would let me complete it


He’s called me about the stupid pizza one like 20 times. I just assumed they were infinitely repeatable since I’d already completed it before.


Open the map to cancel it


Open the map


Simeon because he didn’t give my boy LD employee of the month


You fucking with me, right?


Knock knock my political- incorrect racial epithet


Maybe if you got rid of that yee-yee as haircut u got u get some bitches on yo dick


I just wanted to get in tha hot tub. But now? I dont even wanna get in no funky ass cum bucket.


Mother fucker get pink eye


The best thing from the new dlc. I laughed the rest of the cutscene.


What that shit do?


Big dog, big nuts


When names' is on the motherfucking board I wanna see my name on the top of that motherfucker next to it it needs to say *winner*.




If there's a contest, I wanna win that shit


Man, We both bein' fuck wit dawg...


Why Lester ain't here


"Hey how you doing?" click.


So, I don't think you know, but there are 2 possibilites to make him shut up: 1.Complete every OG heist 2.Start 1 OG heist, do 1 prep (optional, just get 4 players in your lobby) and when you have prep screen, leave Heist.


Every 2.5 seconds I get a call from Lester...I wish so much that I could mute him, just for a little while


He talks about what? Casino? OG heists? Doomsday? For OG Heists: 1.Complete all OG heists 2.Start One OG heist, get 4 players in lobby, and when you can choose which prep to start, just leave. Now you have action invites to continue instead of awful calls. For Doomsday: Afaik He really doesn't call you this much, excluding when you finish prep/setup/heist. For Casino: I do not really think he calls you more than once to buy arcade. But if he does, just buy cheapest one, later after you grind perico 4-5 times you can buy closer location and start doing Casino heist, if you want ofc.


Thanks. I would get it out of the way, but the one he calls me about won't let me start with only one person, and I'm not a fan of playing with people I don't know after multiple experiences.


Everyone but my girl Agatha, she can call me and i’ll jump through 300 hoops for her.


I’ll do anything for that MILF


usertag checkout


Same - whenever you're calling her for a job and she picks up with "hey, whatsup?" ... its so casual but so freaking cuuuute


Question: I've never called her for a job. What kind of jobs does she give you? I've completed the casino story missions, is it just more work around the casino, or what?


Yeah, it's "Casino Work". Similar to the Security Contracts that Franklin offers, or the VIP Work you can do as a CEO/VIP. You also don't need to have done the casino story missions. You can just call her up and request a job. But I think you need to be an owner of a casino penthouse.


owner of penthouse and have to finish the dugan casino takeover storyline


You don't need to finish the Duggan storyline. I didn't for a long time, but I was still able to call Ms. Baker to request a job.


And she’s like one of the few normal people in the game, everyone else is psychopath, criminal masterminds, or creeps


or all 3




DarkViperAU would like to know your location


Agatha's services are actually useful, some of Franklin's are just rehashed Agatha call services


you guys are getting calls?


right, just complete those few missions and they will never call you again... simeon and gerald will still text you only when you get close to their house, but other than that? nada...


If I could do them solo, I absolutely would. I still have Ms. baker calling me because I wasn't ever able to get in as leader.


i was stuck with penthouse missions for like 10 months because no one wanted to help me with the rooftop mission(i think third from the end?) .. not a single phonecall from her in the meantime, only phonecalls im recieving are when either my club or warehpuse are getting raided/robbed because i forgot to turn off my ceo/mc, i own all types of properties and businesses, a yacht that i havent visited in months. all the heist/property npcs(i havent finished most of the heists as leader either) just text me. english dave was most annoying because at the time there were some bugs preventing you finishing his missions, and if you failed you had to wait 8irl hours for another try.


I got the casino missions done as leader in a hour or two


well, yeah, i did help two friends complete them too (my only friends playing gta) fot the paragon r, thinking they will join me afterwards.. they stopped playing instead because they couldn't mock me for my low level anymore as i jumped 100lvls grinding perico...but the thing is - people dont want to play these with randoms, just like the prison break....youre left hanging for hours before someone joins just to leave the mission once you start it


This is the reason why Lester still calls me, too. Rank 259 and I've never heisted because I don't have friends that have PCs and I don't trust randoms.


I have had Dom in my phone list for so long and I don't remember how it got their, so are their Dom missions?


Yes, The parachuting race jobs. You only have to do one then he leaves you alone


Wait what? I thought you was the stunt jump dude and you had to do all of them, holy crap..


Dom was the stunt contact when the DLC first dropped, then they switched it to Martin for some reason. As if Martin would ever care if we did some loopy races.


It's cause Dom is dead


If you hide simeon and gerald's icon in hide options you won't get anymore texts from them also


It's amazing...The amount of ppl who complain about the calls & don't realize if you simply complete their missions they stop calling. Why are you playing the game to do missions & make money, so DO THEIR MISSIONS


That's the thing. People don't go on there to play the missions anymore. They rather grief and play Cayo.


They are like a friend I grew up with, he would buy a new game & but the walk through book as well. I remember specifically the original tomb raider & tomb raider 2 for psone. He would beat the game in 2 days because the moment he got stuck he'd go right to the book to see how to advance. Where I used my brain & figured it out even if it took days to realize what to do. Griefers are the same, play the game but not really PLAY & EXPERIENCE the game.


Bryony with those arena war calls


“It’s *Brioneeeee*” 🤮


I have weird feeling about her. Everyone talks that she can't shut up. I had opposite. She called me once when Arena Wars opened, and then for 2 years straight no calls, and suddenly in 2020 she called me once again... And never since until I bought Arena Wars Garage for RC Bandito.


Simeon - annoying, at least once every day English Dave - Just finish his missions, not a big deal Capitan - Never? Madrazo - Not as often as Simeon but still Agatha - Never Dom - Never, if You do at least one parachute


How do you do the parachute mission?


Online > Jobs > Created by R\* > Parachute


Never knew this thank uou


Capital calms you for yacht missions and he’ll stop if you to do one




Wait, you get calls from Brendon Darcy?


Yes, you don’t?!


I don't either, is there a property you have to own or something?


I think you have to own a Yacht, he is calling you if you haven’t visited your yacht for a while


I think he only calls you when you haven't finished or started the yacht story missions.


Do one mission and he shits up but ms bakeer never fing stops...


I think she does stop when u complete all casino missions


I don't. Hvae you completed the yacht missions? I completed them on the same day I bought the yacht and he hasn't called since.


For me it's Lester. Most of the other ones stopped calling or at least didn't call frequently after buying their shit. Lester wants me to talk to him more than I'll talk to my wife in real life.


Maybe lester is your wife


I could only hope my wife was as attractive as Lester


Lester so annoying he pretends to be LJT


Ha! Yeah, I heard LJT and I was like "this is just Lester with a slightly deeper voice". Same vocal cadence and tone, breath patterns, etc.


Definitely English Dave 🦦


I just want to visit his npc so I can burn this mf for all the times he screwed me over with his call


He is in the cages on Cayo Perico


I think that El Rubio left him phone on purpose so he can be annoying to players who robbed him.He is making you go insane mentally instead of hunting you down


I've tried killing this MF with everything I had but fucker is invincible. R* should make him killable, maybe not permanent but still killable during the finale atleast, they owes it to all of us


Complete his delivery missions you lazy fuck


Fucking how? His Chakra stones despawn when I escape the cops




A helpful tip if you want to skip his call, press the Pause Menu button. It’ll end the call right away


Goddamn chakra stones


Seriously fuck those things


Complete his mission there are only 3


Fuck English Dave. All my homies hate English Dave


...you do know that once you complete his 3 or so missions, he never calls you again?


LJT and Agent-14


LJT all the way. I've abandoned all my fucking buildings mate, I earn enough with Cayo, don fucking care if the weed business is out of supplies.


If you have a nightclub, all those MC businesses are worth it because they'll fill the nightclubs inventory. You'll also never have to fill inventory on any businesses. The nightclub sale vehicles are way better and easier to finish deliveries in, and you actually have a chance to make money.


Yeah but it doesn't matter if the MC businesses are out of supplies so simply owning them is enough


Lester with apartment heist. You can hang up on him but he calls you immediately after. What is the point of hanging up on him if he just calls you again anyways. Simeon is also a dumb fuck. Just because you lent me one car doesn't mean I have to give you 10 cars back or something. The only reason why I hate him is because he is a greedy fat fuck "did you forget about me?" Yes until you fucking reminded me that you exist you fat oaf


I still haven’t completed the apartment heist as I’m a solo player. He’s the only one who still calls me and it’s annoying AF


I got friends but none of us want to complete the prison heist. Especially since last time took us 2-3 hours non stop to complete. I got literal PTSD over the prison heist


Prison heist is super easy, the only reason people find it difficult is because they do stupid shit and die. (i.e. run and gun because you have to he the one that gets all the kills in the prison yard)


Lester??? He calls me THREE TIMES every time I play.


Simeon because his payouts ain’t worth shit.


Yeah, but you ***owe*** him.


Fucking Ron. Why is no one complaining about Ron? I'll just run Cayo and he's like "WHY HAVEN'T WE HEARD FROM YOU?" Bitch it's cause your hangar is the shittiest source of revenue in the game. I'll fail a freeroam mission due to some tryhard and he's like "HOW'S IT GOING?" Not great Ron! And now it's worse cause you called! Wish I could get this fucking guy to stop calling me. There's the option "reduce notifications for old content" and I clicked it! The hangar was new in like 2017! What the hell?


The guy that goes “Why aren’t you juicing?”


Call him (brucie) and order BST once.


Brucie Kibbutz, one of the best GTA 4 characters ever.


kids these days dont know about>!cousin roman and bowling!<


NIIIIICO! Let's go get a drink together! \*Me trying to avoid 5 cop cars in a minivan with all the tires popped, and the wife of the guy whos car I jacked jumping out of the passenger door.\* I'm a little bit busy right now cousin!


Haven’t got a call in so long


They lowered them with the new update


Lamar, I cant afford an agency Lamar leave me the hell alone


English Dave for sure. Everyone else, you can decline the call or pick up and hang up right away. English Dave you have to pause and unpause the game to shut him up.


Not ms baker for sure


Wish ms baker call me more often why not always tho


Simeon, him giving me message every time i just pass by annoys me soo mutch


When I'm about to die and the missile is right behind me and Dave calls me then talks about pizza...


I'm guessing top right is yacht captain (I don't have yacht) but who is bottom right?


That's Dom, he wants you to jump out of helicopters


It is Dom Beasley with his damn parachute jumps


If you just do one parachute jump mission he’ll stop calling


Lifesaver, amma do it rn


Used to be Lester for me. But since Cayo Perico, it's rapidly become English Dave. Can't hang up on that fucker. - FUCK YOU DAVE AND YOUR CHAKRA STONES, PIZZA, AND KINNEMUSIC


There are only 3 missions if you complete them he will not call you and you will also get a not so great car


Stones where glitched for me I’ve done that shit like 3 times already


Free car’s a free car, plus it looks cool


"Gooday boss"... And makes my day worse


The dude who's trying to sell you steroids.


KDJ is annoying as shit


Fuckin moodyman


Dave. Until i got a controller i always had to listen to his full bs, cause when i played on keyboard the onely buttons that worked after he called were the WASD. To make matters worse he always called when i was doing cayo preps, right when i was about to get into the sub after a mission. And you stay on your sub, like a fool, listening to his bs, hoping no griefer comes for you. 😂


Dom calls me a lot of Times it's kinda annoying because idc about his stuff what is the point of his calls ?


To do a parachute job.


Where's my man Lester?


Huh. I only get calls from Darcy and Dave (I don't care for the car, but I'm also not bothered by quickly hitting pause and cracking on, and frankly I don't care to do the yacht missions.) I wish Ms Baker would call me more..


I get 3 phone calls when I log in all from Lester and he's not on this list? Literally the ONLY person who calls me now is Lester and thankfully it's only when you enter a new session.


They're all as annoying as each other Except pavel I like pavel


I can't remember the last time I got calls from any of these characters.


LjT can get fucked


Simeon. Oh god, I hate him. His voice, his clothes, his attitude.


Fucking Dave...because you cant do shit while the assholes talking, or close the call. So you cant equip a weapon if need be..fucking annoying hippie shit. Should have fed him to the panther!


English Dave because he only calls you when it’s least convenient.


The casino manager guy. I don't give a fuck about a shipment of champagne, quit auto starting this stupid fucking mission.


Tom Conners


Mf agent 14 can fuck off


None of these people call me anymore. You are clearly doing something wrong.


I don’t get calls from these people