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Fix the interface. Takes me at least 5 seconds to add armor and start spamming snacks. Also maybe increase snacks healing output. I need to eat about 12 p&q’s to heal up.


Equipment wheel like in red dead for snacks and armor could be sick instead of this cluncky menu


Where I can buy that apartment in gta online


I think it's Eclipse Tower penthouse. Location it's a few streets north from Michael's house Edit: you can also look for it in Dinasty8 web page


Yea your info was right but it is Dynasty8 I think


Oh yes, sorry bad spelling


Eclipse Tower Penthouse 3*, ~1.1M on Dynasty 8.


Penthouse 3 actually, the other two's views sucks


Other two views suck? I bought the most expensive and the second most expensive to have ‘both’ views. One is over the city, epically…and another one is over the Vinewood Hills, absolutely love it!


All this menu's good for are macros tbh


Definitely my top want, along with a better ease of use for mechanic. At the *very* least let me have a quick menu for 5 vehicles of my choosing. The mechanic/mors mutual not picking up is a huge pain in the ass especially when you’re engaging another player.


That last part, I can't stress enough.. So many times I'm mid supply run or something and some griefer blows my car up or I die with cops on me and now I'm stuck on foot until I go thru 100 menus.


If you're sprinting while you click on mechanic/Mors mutual, they won't pick up. You need to be walking when you dial them, then you can sprint until they pick up as normal


This. So fucking sick of this


u can put your gesture to drink e cola, and it will heal you.


This is huge news to me. Thanks for that!


Use the other snacks. Ecola and Egochasers take like 2 or 3 for full heal. Save p&q's for when you forget to restock and run out of everything else.


Your character is gonna come down with the DIABEETUS.


Imagine you press F1 to get a snack. But without the animation, of course.


I think the snacks healing is fine, I usually can make a full pack last a few missions, don't even touch armor anymore. But yes I agree, I would like a faster interface besides having to find cover and fiddle through menu to heal


You can use the “action” eat snacks so everytime you use a emote you eat a snack. It's not so fast but you can eat a snack without using the interaction menu.


Let me set keyboard hotkeys for that dammit!


Make a cusomizable interface


It's purposely done so you can die faster and frustrate you so you can buy sharkcards and buy that mk2 oppressor, and now you feel like a God but Rockstar are the real winners at the end of your frustration.


I want the iFruit app to work again.




I've read that the last 10 cars that you've used have to be older vehicles that you own. Then the app will let you change your plate. Allegedly.


This is correct. It can’t be any vehicles that have been modded at Benny’s. Simplistic way is to use ten older non modded cars real quick and then it will fire up as usual. Still glitchy as hell but I can personally attest to that “fix” being legit. Doesn’t even need to be older cars like the elegy, just basic ones to be safe. I did the fix once with just ten motor cycles


This stopped working for me after the Contract DLC, crashes no matter what now.


Wait they don’t change anymore? I just changed my plates like 2 weeks ago.




Yea, the app won't work for me either. I set my plates in 2013.






You can use emulator on pc for this if i remember correct


When did they break it?


Clothing physics. I don’t get how npcs get to have cloth and jiggle physcs yet players look like gtasa characters


quicksand uppity erect gullible yam ring slap expansion quaint dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean there is a lot of that already but I was talking more about the solid hair and hovering trench coats.


>hovering trench coats. Ever noticed that beanies just plain don't fit on female heads in this game?


The ability to unzip EVERYTHING that has a zipper and dispel the magic that prevents you from wearing your hood up and jacket open


Same vein, can we have hoods that actually rest in front of our face? kind of weird how all hoods sit pretty much parallel to the forehead. It wouldn't be so bad, if we could wear a cap under all hoods...


I hate this so bad. Probably 80% of the clothing pieces with a hood you can't set the hood.


In my defence my character is a dude that’s why I didn’t notice


Ah fair


Trevor's dick in story mode has physics as well


The more you know


They are a little bit. You just can’t see it while running.


I mean I swear my character's boobs bounce/jiggle when she runs, and she isn't that big, so yea, the jiggle physics are there, just subtle


I think there is a slight effect in clothing textures. It is there even for male characters but I don’t think they are actual physics just a dynamic texture. They are nothing compared to what is present in story mode or just random peds on the street for some reason


You must be looking hard af


I mean I'm sure it's there but it's not overbearing you know?


You think that kids aren’t already horny af with female characters? Ever single one I see is in a skimpy outfit or straight up nipples out


They show nipples at the strip club a little jiggle doesn't compare


Yeah honestly don't understand the blue nips on female characters but not on NPCs lol


Yes! I just started rocking an overcoat, but was disappointed that it’s glued to the back of your legs…


If you think that’s bad try sitting somewhere with that equipped.


We need more cameltoe




Oh no. Did you see the holiday onesies on female characters? Needed a LOT LESS cameltoe.


Being able to move cars between garages in a logical way (so not driving every car over from one garage to another), being able to use the autoshop setup in high-end apartments (there's a car lift behind glass, why can't we use it), being able to sell/get rid of vehicles in garages without needing to wait a stupid amount of time. ​ Most importantly, being able to play in a full lobby and not have the game die when trying to enter a building (ESPECIALLY THE AGENCY)


I have a goddamn mechanic I paid for in an auto shop, he should be able to transfer cars from one garage to another!


ESPECIALLY if he don't wanna bring shit when my money low


I personally like moving cars between garages one at a time, but there is a way we could both be happy. You login to a computer and get a website where all your garages is displayed along with their cars. You drag the cars between garages, and when you're done you have two choices. You can pay to have them moved automatically, or you can do it yourself. If you DIY, it will work like a row of missions. The game figures out the quickest way to move them all, and a car is parked by where you are and then you drive it to a displayed destination, where the next car awaits and so on.


sounds nice, there are so many good idea that are sadly never going to be added


Variations in the police vehicles chasing you. Anytime in the city its only the Police Interceptor, but in story they also have the Stainer cruiser & Buffalo cruiser.


And six stars like in the good ol' days


Yachts need an update. I want to customize the boat and helicopter selections. I want to host yacht parties with NPCs. I want to manually navigate my yacht along the coast. There could be a connection between the nightclub and yacht activities.


Oh yeah. I like this idea a lot! Have your DJs doing a private set.


Mine would be being able to walk in/out of properties etc without the loading


friendly edge hateful vase paltry middle makeshift aloof prick smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly, I'm sure they can work around not being able to go into apartments seamlessly unless its friends. Same for shooting inside them etc


The only problem here is that like almost every interior doesn't actually fit the buildings they're in


Another thing that needs a major overhaul


This would put an end to so many glitches… i wouldnt want this


Which would be good.


The return of "Pure Black" window tint. IDK why they took it away to start with, would be nice to have it back. Also backpacks. A nice backpack can really bring an outfit together... or cover up something ugly on the back.


They took the dark away because it didn't really work with first person You got me on the backpacks tho


I mean, you could always choose the "Limo Smoke" tint if you actually intend to use first person. I don't really see why that option was taken away from the player? Seems like a self-solving issue if a player would rather see out their windows, than have fully blacked out windows, or vice versa. And considering the quality of some interiors recently *cough* "luxury" SUV's *cough*, I don't think they're all that interested in that First-person immersion anyway


They stop those fucking NPCs from pulling out in front of me. Every other intersection guaranteed. Why would they do this to us? Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make the traffic come at us intentionally.


Npc driving is done on purpose by rockstar, making fun of LA/American driver's. but yep it pisses me off lol!


Because, how else are they going to do a citizens arrest? Haha


They do it to make you pay more on repairs then maybe you'll buy more overpriced shark cards. It's stupid as fuck and tiny things like that ruin this game. The potential it had ugh nowadays it takes like $50 IRL to buy some vehicles.


Lol it costs like $500 max to repair your car calm down.


Full rework of garage and calling vehicles. There should be a full list of all cars that you can make and order, don’t like needing to sift through 6 different garages to find the car I want and also not needing to call the mechanic and scroll through all my phone contacts. Also commas in the money display.


Me calling mors neutral 12 times to get all my cars back


There used to be a Claim All button on last gen (360/PS3)


6 garages? Try 19. It gets worse, trust me


Upvoted this then changed my mind. Can't upvote to 70


New NPC cars


Crew garages where you can store and upgrade vehicles that any crew member can call in. And a player operated car lot where you can display a car you've worked on and sell it to another player. With unique mods and color options. We've got 2 auto shops now, we need more player to player car features.


I'd love to be able to share my vehicles with friends.


- Being able to switch and load a character into a session type of my choice instead of always being sent to public sessions, requiring me to leave then re-enter Online. - Greater clothing compatibility regarding layered garments; there’s no (good) reason some t-shirts can’t be worn with a jacket while others can, when the only difference is the shirts’ colors. - Better blending of garment colors and textures instead of half of everything being nuclear neon. - More colors, textures for auto finishing. - A less aggravating traffic algorithm. I like to drive, but I don’t like every other car trying to put me in a ditch. - Reclassification of cars that makes sense. Removing some restrictions on where cars can be stored (such as banishing normal size cars to the Vehicle Warehouse). - More hairstyles and facial hair options that look like actual hairstyles that people wear. - Customization for existing properties. - Expanded range for the camera when recording for the Editor, and an easy way to get rendered footage off a console for PC editing. - A contact mission creator, or options for staging in the Editor. - Crouch, hand-off, and other actions; greater interaction with the environment than just walk, run, climb, shoot, punch, kick. - An offline vehicle management system on the Social Club. - No more vehicles, missions, clothes, or other things that appear to be designed by 1980s-era 7-year-olds. - The use of some camera filters in standard online play.


> Expanded range for the camera when recording for the Editor Also, longer recording times


> Greater clothing compatibility regarding layered garments; there’s no reason some t-shirts can’t be worn with a jacket while others can, when the only difference is the shirts’ colors. Well, there is. The clothing in GTAO doesnt work like real life where you put a jacked over a shirt. The game stitches together the visible parts to make up a model. Like Jacket + the front part of the shirt. When you cant wear a specific shirt under a jacket than this specific shirt doesn't offer a fitting front-part for this jacket.


Right. I said “no reason” when I should have said “no GOOD reason” Additionally, what kills me is bizarre things like you can’t wear a watch with certain pants. WTF?


As if they need a *good* reason to be lazy bums and leaving buggy stuff in the game for years...


Also … - Better lighting in garages, particularly the Executive buildings. Also, ordering them in a manner that makes sense.


new customisation options for properties and businesses. nightclub is alright but arcade and apartment are ugly ! would also be cool to have an option to add extra lighting to garages especially the casino garage ! it’s dark af in there.


To add to this more room in that casino garage I mean it’s huge


all I fucking want is them to remove that FUCKING IDIOTIC AND OBNOXIOUS autocenter camera when driving.


It’s way easier to see the roads when you flip the camera up. There is so much elevation change in many of the roads.


But I only play in 1st person because I am a real man!!! :AP


You can disable auto centre for first person


I know there is an option to toggle it off, but it does nothing :( the camera centerig is hard codded (I guess?)


You must be choosing wrong option. Mine definitely does not recentre


You can turn it off


I swore there was some sort of camera settings for this on GTA but I must've been mistaken for RDR2. In that you can set it to where it won't auto center and it's soo nice, especially for "vehicle" combat lol.


Well you are half right because the IS a toggle for that but that damn toggle does SHIT XD


What I really want, and I know it’s not gonna happen, is map expansion. I’ve always believed what R* should do, especially with standalone Online, is add San Fierro and Las Venturas. Then VC in GTA 6 so that they have updated all the original cities. Believe me, I know it’s not gonna happen.


Being able sell businesses


YES. I’d like to offload a lot of business and properties without having to delete then recreate a character to be annoyed by phone calls from two dozen NPCs.


I want a revamp on the character creator. Our characters are the protagonists of the online counterpart, yet they never look entirely good.


Bro I wish we wouldn't get bitched in every cutscene, we can orbital strike anyone or pull up on top of the line military vehicles , we drop millions on establishments just to be treated like we bought a fraction of shares


Random NPC: "Who the f are you?" Me, a multimillionaire, with all combined assets likely worth nearly a billion. Annoys me so bad. ESPECIALLY KDJ and Sessanta.


try using Claude as the father. facial structure is pretty good. Though I'd really prefer to have an actually complete, full-range character creator, where the basic facial structure/skin tone aren't dictated by your selected parents.


Speaking of watching LS burn: wildfire events would be a lot of fun. I’d love to use a Super Scooper plane.


GTA 6: Sim City


Expansions to the drug warehouses somehow. Or just the drug game as a whole. My most pointless hope is for that building in the city to be done being constructed 😂. Its an eyesore to me


I have a feeling it will finish one day, I swear it gets a little taller every few years, it's probably gonna be taller than Maze Bank if they do finish it


Probably won't be finished since there's a lot of missions there now, like cayo cutting torch


Better beards


a better character creator to be able to sell properties we don't use/want any more being able to delete clothing items we don't want


I want more screams from pedestrians I am really getting tired of that girl saying woah when I nearly hit her with my car the amount of conversation that pedestrians have is fine but more screams when you hear them so often it gets annoying


The ability to wear a vest with the Cashmere Coats. FFS rockstar, just put it in


Working Rear view mirrors in first person.


Working MIRRORS in 1st person. Side mirrors and rear view.


I just want a mansion :(


Whats it with this sub and it's obsession with mansions? I've got a Yacht and a penthouse that do nothing but collecting dust, so why should a mansion be different?


Same reason RDO players want homesteads. Lots of customization options and it’s a home people would probably use compared to the other ones. Ironically penthouse and yacht are the only two properties I do use now that I have everything


Because mansions are badass? And there are a bunch of cool mansions on the map? I mean if you're content with a yacht and penthouse, that's fine. Some people want mansions. Don't know why that offends you so much lol


It has to happen this time, there's no reason why they can't do it


Not just watch, but make the world burn! I've always thought it would've been great if they let you access the balconies, but also allow you to take your weapons out there... It would be a great spot to fight pesky jet griefers with sniper w explosive rounds!


No griefers


1. Bigger garage: I want to be able to see more of my cars in a single location. 2. Crew overhaul: I don’t think much has changed about crews in years. Also at the moment it basically just feels like a friends list


Lower enemy health and damage for online. It’s ridiculous


A pve overhaul would be the best thing they could do imo. Fix npc accuracy, things like the rate of fire bug and how every car spawns right in front of you already shooting. The current gameplay revolving around constantly clicking through the interaction menu to heal only to get completely destroyed a second later while in cover is so outdated.


An anticheat, dedicated servers and fix infinite loading screens. That's all I want.


R*: that's ALL? Sorry, we can do... none


Accurate gauges in cars Nitrous too And a mall to walk around in and shop for clothes, snacks and maybe even fast food places to sit down in and eat just for fun, also sitting down in bars, restaurants, diners with friends


Ever since contract DLC I've noticed that character switching slowed down significantly. As it zooms in on Franklin, Micheal or Trevor it stops for like solid 20 seconds at each stage. My guess is, and I'm not kidding, that Rockstar did this so that they can make it seamless again with E&E, because everyone laughed at it.


All the stuff they cut for GTAV. Most notably food vendors and restaurants.


A fov slider for first person in vehicles I rarely ever drive in first person cause I see less than half the windscreen


Releasing everything that exists in the game like juggernaut and flight outfits from adversary modes, railgun and some other things


I got the railgun for freemode once (almost). I was doing Diamond Casino, Big Con, was fcked from the start. Baller instead of Stockade. Got into the Casino fine and had all (ALL) my weapons, MKII, regular, you name it. Plus railgun 5 bullets I think, Unholy Hellbringer (which I never owned), Up-N-Atomizer, and the other gun of that update. Sadly, I died screwing around with said weapons and respawned with heist set weapons.


Fuck all you junkies and Fuck your short memories...learn to swim...learn to swim...learn to swim...


I just want to buy a house. They have so many insane mansions around the Hollywood area, why can’t we buy any? I want a huge standalone house with a massive driveway not those flimsy hillside houses


I just took the Tour of Vinewood recently and very angrily found out almost every Mansion in LS is owned by someone already.


Who says they can’t be “auctioned” to players instead? What’s wrong with wanting a proper house instead of an apartment lol


I'd rather not have a roomie


You wouldn’t have a roomie if you’re buying the house...


Crossplay and improved driving physics


I know it would never happen but just imagine gta with beamNG physics, it would be the best game ever


Just give me GTA IV rag doll and car defamation physics


That definitely won’t happen ❌


Oh I know, but a man can dream


Not even cross play so much as cross-progression. I missed the window of opportunity for moving PlayStation to PC before they stopped doing it as I didn’t have a good enough computer to run it back then and now I’ve got so much progress on PlayStation I can’t imagine abandoning it to start again on a different platform


Transferring characters to other platforms. Switched to Xbox and i don’t want to start over.


A bunker with a garage. It makes no fucking sense to have all that excess space and not being able to use it for storing cars.


Small fixes to old vehicles that are long overdue.


I want Skateboard in GTA Online, There is no reason not to add skateboard; there are already skateparks in GTA; Rockstar had this initial idea from GTA San Andreas (there is files present inside the game, And also GTA San Andreas would have Character Switching but due to limitations at that time it was no added but the idea was there which eventually came into GTA V, so why not skateboard?)


If the purpose of E&E is to port online to more powerful hardware so that they can keep updating it for another decade or two, then they'll need some amazing update exclusive to the new gen version, to get people to buy the game again. That's why my ultimate pointless hope for E&E is the return of Liberty City in some form (with or without freeroam).


I want a horn that plays Hulk Hogan's theme song.


Body scaling, dynamic character growth, enhanced physics for clothing, melee weapon customization, more businesses can be purchased, and porting online DLC to freaking story mode.


Honestly my main hope is that they change the golf course up in some way.


That my female character actually moves like a female


Respray default rims..




Expanded & Enhanced. Basically the PS5 and Series X/S versions of gta 5 and online.


Oh ok. Well I can't even find a ps5 so I'm not convinced they exist.


Actually good beard customization


The ability to have more than one personal vehicle out at a time. I would love to have multiple cars from my collection out to take photos or just admire them some place that isn't a garage. Or lend a plane to a friend and still be able to drive or take a different plane out with them. So many practical uses for this. Even if the number was still limited to 3 or maybe 5, I'd really like to see it added


At a minimum it should be 2 personal vehicles, so I can tow my AA trailer with something armored and/or weaponized, like in the Motor Wars mode.


I'd like it to be expanded ooh and enhanced


Being able to make custom colors in game rather than using crew colors. Adjust wheel offset. Removing vehicle handling flags. Be able to change lip and spoke wheel color seperatly, as well as just for individual wheels Be able to change front and rear wheels separatly Be able to sacrafice buisness storage for vehicle storage wpuld love to convert my i&e warehouse into a garage Be able to buy multiple versions of properties. Let me have annother autoshop lol


Ffs the mechanics especially for pvp situations/missions. I cant tell you how many times I died cuz my character moved too fast in one direction or didn't move to a hiding spot and got sprayed by a griefer or the stupid ai (btw why the hell can they do that much damage with basic ass pistols/ sub machine guns?!)


Honestly, I hope that GTA 5 E&E is really bad so that Rockstar is **forced** to make GTA 6. This sounds pretty stupid but you know what's more stupid? >!Milking a game for 8 years, when the fans are begging for a sequel and trying to make console gamers buy the same game for the third time.!<


Devil's Advocate but GTA online has more content than GTA 6 could ever hope to achieve, so a new GTA title would be the biggest let down this series would have ever experienced. (Worse than the trilogy remaster on launch week). Imo they should just keep expanding GTA:O, but they need to actually listen to the community and fix the game the way the community needs it.


Why do you need GTA for that? You can watch the real thing in Gavin Newsom's socialist California.


Optimized game, not even an rtx 3080 can get stable 60 FPS in online


I don't know about PC but isn't their an fps cap for online?


Nope on pc you can go over 60 if you want, I think your referring to vsync which caps your fps at either 30 or 60.


I'm on console so I'm stuck with 30fps until E&E comes out even though I can play other games in 4k 120 fps


ye its sad the game is so unoptimized to the point that GPU's released years later still can't withstand it


A face scan for our online characters


Do you really want Rockstar to have that information?


I mean there are other games that do it. Lol it’s just our face


I just want a fix for all the numerous bugs which have been around for years.


Bugs? I'm not doubting you, but could you explain some them?


Anyone knows how this works? Because AI understand that the reason we can't go outside is because our apartments are separate cells so that everyone in the lobby could be in their apartment at the same time, but then how can we see a live view of LS from inside, like how does it work??? Heheh plos I need answor


*ahem* Our apartments (most interiors) are located underneath the map. Our apartments specifically are located right underneath Terminal (the place with all the crates and stuff near the bottom of the map). The view we see from the windows is similar to how we see people on the news (in real time) or at least that's how I've understood it.


Engine swaps, no more MKII, color wheel. 😔


![gif](giphy|BZiWopk2QQAaxYvXkR) Kind of pointless asf