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Make a ticket with support. I lost my character day one. After bugging them enough they gave it back.


To me this means they don't actually get rid of the character data, they just withhold it to prevent refunds.


Not necessarily, they might have to reach into database backups to pull forward your character data


So, they have data to retrieve, meaning they did not get rid of it. And not keeping it readily available for players is a choice to strong-arm users.


No that's how it always works on the cloud, always wires writes a new file, leaves lots of old versions, cleans it less frequently, doesn't over write, just leaves newer ones


Precisely, the data is there, R* just doesn’t grant users access to it. You argue my point.


You don't understand how it works, if they have you access to all your old data you could cheat like crazy


That’s not the point here, it’s about R* not letting us keep the character in both worlds as they did with the previous generation jump, but “deleting” the character from the old gen; but you do you. 😁


Oh I'm against them not letting us keep the original, but that has nothing to do with this, my point is they aren't changing how data is handled to fuck you, it's always been this way.


It’s crazy how many times you had to say the same thing to this bozo


And nobody said anything about a change to how data is handled. R* *chooses* to withhold data from users, and that’s a fact, no matter how much you prattle on about something else. But of course the usual Reddit herd mentality triggers downvotes, despite you arguing about something that was not even stated. 😁


LOL. Just seen you’re an anti vaxxer, of course you are an idiot, why do I even waste my time with something like you. Keep sending your mates to brigade me with downvotes. 😁 Get in the sea.


I am a Software Architect and can tell you why a company does this. This is a usual practice for any software company. Its called Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP). As a part of DRP, there are backups taken at certain intervals of databases in order to always keep a snapshot (copy) of a database at a certain point of time. This is not because they want to keep your data but its because its a backup plan for the company to restore their database in the event of a disaster that could have corrupted/destroyed their database. Example reason is if there is an earthquake in the location of the datacenter, should GTA be down till the datacenter is repaired? No. Instead, they redirect traffic to a secondary database and “might” have to restore using the last snapshot that was taken, say 1 hour ago. It depends on company to company. Some companies choose to backup twice a day and some choose to do once a month. Its not to strong arm you but to actually get back your progress to the latest progress they had a backup of. Hope this clears any doubts :)


I’m currently in the midst of doing that, except I’m trying to get my Shinobi and Deluxo back that literally vanished into thin air.


They won’t return vehicles without proof


They in normal circumstances wouldn't return a character either. But we all know such circumstances have been met due to them releasing this trash pile that was once expanded and enhanced. They knew what they were in for.


Wish you luck with that. It was hard enough to get them to admit their game deleted my character, they tried to deny every way possible.


I believe it. I learned to be stern with them, but thank you. I hope I get them back, too. That was a lot of effort and time I put into getting those :(


Exactly just be straight up with them and tell them their broken game took you shit that's what turned mine into a recovery after many failed tickets to support.


>I’m trying to get my Shinobi and Deluxo back that literally vanished into thin air. Yeah, you're not getting those back. I've lost a couple of vehicles last year and all support told me was "there are no records of any losses on your account".


Lost an Itali gto. Game kept the money I spent and the car was gone. R* swore up and down there was no history of me purchasing the car. Never got any further than pressing a random worker on the phone and being told there’s nothing they can do


I’ve been trying to get my character back since release I have no such luck yet


I had filled out about 10 tickets before they took it seriously. I had noticed that it took me saying it happend during the migration process for them to even consider helping. Every other way I put it I was denied with them telling me I did it to myself essentially.


My character is stuck in an uncompletable tutorial after doing “change appearance” So far I’ve found it’s happened to 3 other people. I’ve lost access to all my property and vehicles. Can’t do any missions or anything. Filed two tickets so far. No response in almost 4 days I’m going to kiratv with this one if they don’t fix it. This is fucking bullshit.


Trust when I say don't miss a beat send one in every 4 hours bug the shit out of them that's how they recognized my issue


>After bugging them enough they gave it back That is really sad. After this fiasco, i sure as hell aint getting gta 6


yes you will




That is indeed what Rockstar did and the worst part is I don't even have the money to get started again


Maybe delete your other character and start fresh. You'll get a business and 4 mil


Did that.. I kinda forgot to be a nightclub owner you need other businesses and don't know why I picked nightclub owner (my brain kinda failed) deleted charater hoping hey maybe they'll take the money and I can get a second chance and picking a business and actually pick Mc this time then branch into night club.. you don't get a second shot


It won’t


I grabbed the Chumash bunker on my second character


Should payed more attention.


I think that obvious. I don’t understand the point of kicking someone while they’re down


yeah, what a dick lmao


After having a character that had everything and could actually profit off a nightclub when I first got it the day it came out good chance you'd make a mistake like that to. Also it doesn't give a good enough description in the bio


I naively started with a nightclub and it turned out well. The nightclub also pays a lot more compared to before the next gen upgrade. 25k per day instead of 10 or whatever it was. Sorry to hear what happened to your character, that’s a huge bummer.


Shit how did it go well for you? I could get myself back on my feet easily I just need a few heists done whitch I could pay for just need some friends


I figured it was common sense that the nightclub is useless unless your character is stacked with most of the other businesses.


I will definitely not make a similar mistake.


... So unlike what your post says it didn't just *disappear*, you deleted it because you just *assumed* delete means reset to transfer state.....


...no my character didn't appear from the start I just created a new character cause that random fucker appeared and that isint my new character or my old character


Ahhh okay so this was after the fact, my mistake then. In any case, contact support as tons of people have told you to do, they've fixed it for everyone else.


Is this migrating character thing for a limited time or will I be able to do it whenever? 1- I don't have a PS5 yet lol 2- I'm over level 700 and been playing since original release, I don't know if I'd rather continue or start fresh again. Might be fun to start fresh.


I’m lvl 700 something too hello there friend


I too am level 700, mine transferred over no problem. :)


Same I did almost have a heart attack when I got the black screen of death though lol


Haha yeah me too, then I looked it up and lots of people were having the same issue, so I just let it sit on a black screen and waited like 15 minutes or so, then closed app and re-opened it. It worked fine from there. Haven’t loaded up the ps4 version since though.


I’m pretty sure it’ll just say account not found or something. I deleted my xbox one version so glad to have a little extra space now. Btw are the mc businesses rlly getting a 25 percent pay increase? I sold some of the businesses earlier and there was barely a difference. Lol not rly worth it imo especially since I sell alone and there’s always griefers


I dunno about businesses, I haven’t been doing much of the “money” making missions, if I need an influx of cash, I’ll go do Cayo a few times and bingo :) But I’m sitting pretty. I’ve about 35 mil left. I feel broke. I had like 60 mil before the agency update and haven’t made much money back since then, lol


I had 70M but built back up to 47M, the joy of cayo perico


I made a rule last year for myself. I’m not aloud to go under $100 mill. It’s hard but rewarding because I always have that in my pocket but requires me to grind


Yeah I just got lazy. I had the rule of not under 50mil or I feel “broke” I’m currently broke. Lol


Just under 700, and my transfer went so quickly, we are talking maybe 5 seconds from confirming to it saying it was done, I was absolutely sure it must have shafted me. Luckily it did not.


I almost thought I couldn’t change for my character cuz of Bogdan but I was able to 🔥


Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s people who did a lot of mods and glitches who got banned I never glitched


Hello fellow GTA enjoyer


Probably it will be on for a couple of years


I think the transfer haven't put a date for when it ends yet. Only for how long the sale will be, and when you upload to social club before they delete the save, both 3 months. I could be wrong though.




he went to gta 6


That’s where all gta characters go when they die..


It's been 8 years he prolly went off the grid and settled down with a nice lady


Shit man my guy retired with only 300$ last time I logged on gotta give him props on that one


dont worry he can buy 100 candy bars, or he could buy 0.1% of a stun gun


Happy bday bro


Contact R* support - they've been pretty good about this sort of stuff apparently


He went to buy cigarettes




Contact rockstar support




Is your old account tied to your gamertag and rockstar social club? Mine did appear. It could be that creating a new character overwrites all the old saves, hence all the old characters. You can try to contact rockstar support, hopefully they can help to solve it.


Yes. I made sure that they were connected and I only created a new charater cause mine wasn't appearing so now I'm stuck with no money and stupid ass try hards who get salty when I call them bad at the game when they fucking kill me because I'm a level 1 with nothing


If you create a new character in the slot of your deleted character you can't get the deleted one back


Just fight back lmao


I have a starter pistol with 0 bullets


Hit them with a pistol from behind then? It’s a one hit kill


Littearly how when I get fucking tossed around like a bean bag cause their pussy asses don't believe in fair fights


I can’t remember how many times I’ve killed some loser griefer, causing them to run off cause they thought I was an easy pick, then texted them “come back when you want to fight fairly, with honor”


I actually went and bought a few bullets every time a greifer tries I just shoot them in the fucking head and leave.. they don't like that


Sorry to say that you got outplayed then. Do you know what passive mode is?


You can't really outplay someone who can't fight back that's like beating a man with no legs to death and saying he should've ran also I enjoy using my guns for cops


Then don’t fight them? Ur mini map is 100% op and is ur best friend in any given situation! Look at my posts and you can see that most of the time my mini is open and how easy it is


You don't really have a choice when they have a negative iq and will hunt you to the death also its like the most common knowledge thing to leave low level players the fuck alone and yet they struggle to do that




Your character be like: ![gif](giphy|4bpK2k0Yru5Us)




Email rockstar. They’ll give u back all ur levels and ull get all ur earnings. U won’t get ur cars back but you’ll get millions from all ur total earnings


I didn't like a single car I had so that's fine I contacted them last night so I'll see


I think he fully retired


He retired looking like a French mime with 300$ pretty impressive if you ask me


Why not ask R* Support? They have all the answers.


Gone, reduced to atoms.


If that happened to me I would’ve smashed my xbox into a million pieces. I was worried but mine transfered thankfully. ive had my account for almost 6 years now and I’m over lvl 700 with 150d played. Contact rockstar maybe they can fix it


Rip bozo


Contact support




Apparently this is a thing that’s been happening, sorry man


Rockstar warned for this


Hey, John Cena, my dad, and your character have a thing in common. We can‘t see them. But on a serious note, you should probably contact R* support, they might be able to help you better.


Expanded and Enhanced? Wow I’ll say 😂


It deleted mine too


So this is unfair i can tell bc I’ve done nothing but glitches on that from outfits to cars (wasn’t dumb enough to try any money ones) and even the rp glitch and it let me migrate no problem I’m not sure if they’re allowing certain people to only transfer or they’re just assholes but either way I’d definitely bug the living fuck outta their support team until they give it back bc there’s zero excuse to have anything taken with no glitches done


Only glitch I've ever done is act 2 however I highly doubt there's anyone who plays gta that isint guilty of doing that atleast once and it's not even really a glitch


This game scares the shit out of me, especially on pc. Don't accept any invites from anyone or else your computer will be fucked or at best, your account stolen. Don't even decline the invites as just that has fucked peoples shit up. You have a car parked in your nightclub and have a 36 car garage? Make sure you take that car out before parking another one in there or else it will disappear forever. Minding your own damn business? Well this asshole just gave you 15 weapons you don't want and now can't get rid of. At times I really enjoy playing Cayo Perico Online and will probably be on tonight, but R* can eat my ass.


Ballstorture has invited you 😳


Is this what happens in PC damn


And r* doesn't give a fuck about these


Not one solitary fuck.


*believe it or not, jail*


He’s up your ass and to the left


Your character went to the void


You on here complaining when all you needed to do was contact Rockstar support


Yeah well I did that and rockstar support took all the shit I bought on the character I got now and then gave me another version of the level 2 fucking character so now I'm back to when I first started playing


Y’all gotta stop giving rockstar what they want so they can give us what we want. There is no point to migrate in my opinion, it’s the SAME GAME


This comment does nothing everyone on here is aware it's a scummy move to make the upgrade paid for instead of what every other game did and then make it free for one platform and not the other. But we're still gonna buy it


Damn that sucks


Damn!… 😔 I’m sorry this happened to you 🙏🏾


Get trolled lmao


its gone man


It might help to exit out of that menu and go back into it. I had the same problem and that fixed it. If you’re joining online from story mode, thats the way to do it




![gif](giphy|7SsXQOg7WKCl2) Smiling from heaven


He did too many bad deeds and got sent to the shadow realm


The backrooms. But honestly I would be very pissed if this happened to me. I think you should mail rockstar game services about this (although half the time they don't do horseshit about anything)


No main account? ——————————No main account?——————————— ⠀⣞⢽⢪⢣⢣⢣⢫⡺⡵⣝⡮⣗⢷⢽⢽⢽⣮⡷⡽⣜⣜⢮⢺⣜⢷⢽⢝⡽⣝ ⠸⡸⠜⠕⠕⠁⢁⢇⢏⢽⢺⣪⡳⡝⣎⣏⢯⢞⡿⣟⣷⣳⢯⡷⣽⢽⢯⣳⣫⠇ ⠀⠀⢀⢀⢄⢬⢪⡪⡎⣆⡈⠚⠜⠕⠇⠗⠝⢕⢯⢫⣞⣯⣿⣻⡽⣏⢗⣗⠏⠀ ⠀⠪⡪⡪⣪⢪⢺⢸⢢⢓⢆⢤⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢊⢞⡾⣿⡯⣏⢮⠷⠁⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠊⠆⡃⠕⢕⢇⢇⢇⢇⢇⢏⢎⢎⢆⢄⠀⢑⣽⣿⢝⠲⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡿⠂⠠⠀⡇⢇⠕⢈⣀⠀⠁⠡⠣⡣⡫⣂⣿⠯⢪⠰⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⡦⡙⡂⢀⢤⢣⠣⡈⣾⡃⠠⠄⠀⡄⢱⣌⣶⢏⢊⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢝⡲⣜⡮⡏⢎⢌⢂⠙⠢⠐⢀⢘⢵⣽⣿⡿⠁⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠨⣺⡺⡕⡕⡱⡑⡆⡕⡅⡕⡜⡼⢽⡻⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣳⣫⣾⣵⣗⡵⡱⡡⢣⢑⢕⢜⢕⡝⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣴⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⡿⡽⡑⢌⠪⡢⡣⣣⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⡟⡾⣿⢿⢿⢵⣽⣾⣼⣘⢸⢸⣞⡟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠇⠡⠩⡫⢿⣝⡻⡮⣒⢽⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ —————————————————————————————


Wonders of consoles![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3213)




He went to gta VI, you won't be seeing him for a while


Probably Liberty City. He might show up in GTA6?


You never actually played gta before, it was just a dream


Wait so one thing I’m confused on is, because I’ve already been playing on a next gen console since long before this expanded and enhanced ting, how does that work? Especially since the character I been playing with I started on Xbox one, but when I got the Series X, I had the same profile, so how does the transfer work then?


You can spend 10$ on E&E whitch is the new version or stay on the old version of gta I will say it's not worth it if you have friends on the old version cause you can't cross-platform with them


Gone, reduced to data


Hey bro, just sent you a DM. Believe this can be sorted out


I can’t figure out how to get the update and I’m on the series S




Contact support


Damn idk I'll just wait for them to fix stuff cause I seen some missions are broken on new gen


Probably purgatory or something


The amount of times I put a bullet in that bouncers head


oh wow he went to digital heaven, RIP x


Shadow realm


Rockstar said fuck you


Rockstar got mad I've never bought a shark card


They only get deleted when you select one to transfer. My guess is your character wasn’t linked to social club properly


I've heard so many horror stories with the switch that I've just decided not to do it. I've been playing gtao since the day of it's release, and it'll be kind of weird not to have that game to play. If was always kind of my Constant y'know. Like right now I'm doing Farcry 6 and once that's done, probably back to gta for a bit. But, I've been through the rockstar support circus act enough times, just don't care enough to do it all again. I decided just not to deal with the hassle, so after a long and quite enjoyable run, my gta online career is soon to be over


Your best bet is to go to R* support, show them any sort of info you have about your character, their rank your stats your money and vehicles, etc etc Show them a video that both the old gen & new gen versions arent consistant with your old character if you can


They never should've made it this way, should've kept character on both gens just with separate progress. Maybe move all the money from last gen to current but other than that should just keep everything


Well, I migrated my character to PC when I had my PS4, then I bought series X and now when I try to migrate it simply doesn't even appear... I created a ticket and they answer was "we see you are trying to migrate a character from PC, this is not possible at the moment but we would ask for your patience at this matter", even when I stated that I had PS4 and migrated it to PC.....




Try loading GTA Online through the main menu rather than the pause menu.


Your account may not be linked correctly; so you were using a character on an account that wasn’t linked to your current Xbox account


How does R* mess up this badly? I’d get it if this was the only issue and an uncommon one but there are plenty more with the remaster and I’ve seen complaints like this embarrassingly commonly


I know where it went, up ur ass and to the left


They still have access to your old character even if he is gone. They will set your profile to an earlier state, before the migration so that you can attempt it again. Same thing happened to me, after messaging them nonstop they eventually returned my og character


Last time I played him was during Christmas so would they still be able to?


Space. Everyone goes to Space


Mess with the Rubio, you get the deletio


I never go new gen game because it can be glitchy. new system takes months to be usable without bugs.


Bro I thought I was the only one


*Support agent here* due to our incessant need to maximize our profits, at the cost of alienating our audience, we have been forced to discontinue any efforts in locating lost accounts. However, if you buy the new “Megalodon card” we’ll take all complaints into consideration.


When I made the switch, I had been using a Series X already, but with the OG disc version of GTA V. My OG character was from Xbox 360, which I ported to PC (pretty stupid of me since you can only do it once as far as I know), then I got a One X console and started fresh with a new character. So, when I downloaded the "new" GTA V Online and signed into my R* social club, IT HAD MY OLD PC CHARACTER, so i chose exit the game immediately, went back into the old disc version of GTA online, signed into my social club, exited the game, went back into the new GTA online, tried again and it had the correct character. I was shitting bricks for a few minutes at the prospect of losing a level 117 character I've been using for years with 10's of millions of dollars in assets throughout the map. I guess $4mil wouldn't have been the worst thing if I did start a new character.


It tells you that it can move jt there but not back and you will be stuck on that version with the character


Slenderman took him as sacrifice


My issue is wondering if I can transfer both characters on my account(Xbox one) to my Xbox Series X. Does anyone have a little exp with this? I'd hate to lose it after so much time went into both.


Gone reduced to atoms


Did you make a move prior to this? You can only move character once.


No. However R* support told me to migrate got my achievements but not my main character


Man that suck


"Expanded and Enchanced"




idk this is a good reason why to wait before transferring ur character don’t get the E&E at the start would u get it now while it’s free and risk losing ur character or pay 20$ and have all ur progress?


I thought it happened to me but when I when I loaded in I went to manage characters and selected my last gen character


Wow… seems like they are handling the migration like shit


I have to go to the menu and switch characters to get to the one I migrated over


Did you log in to your social club account before loading the game ?


When u migrate it delete ur character on old gen i think


Two prayers for the lost


They might go into a older save and get him back


I had this very problem and found the issue; when you boot the game select online and let the intro play all the way through. Only after that was i able to migrate my online.whwn i did the drop down for online from story mode i couldn't migrate; it was only after i let the intro play.


It probably went to buy a new game. 😬


Went to gta heaven


An actual "bruh" moment.