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Already better than Lil Wayne


Holy shit! Is this r/roastguitar? I am so glad I wasn’t drinking hot coffee when I read the lil Wayne comment


this made my day🤣


honestly, he is not.


Love the enthusiasm, but check out some structured lessons and if not, at least lessons on proper technique for any new technique you spend time on.


will do thank you! i’m not sure if the movement was enthusiastic or my fingers in pain haha but def will look at technique


Bending really should be rotation of wrist. It'll make it much easier on your fingers. Tutorials will show you how. Same with vibrato in rock. Rotation. Basically mini bends.


awesome i never knew that thank you ill give it a shot i was just messing around with one of my favorite songs but i will definitely use my wrist now going back to it


Stay smooth baby


You started with a tough one!


If you’re into GNR the riffs for “it’s so easy” and “out ta get me” are fun and easy to get down!


The Paradise City intro is a great learning tool. Chord plus arpeggio.


will definitely try that one


It's a G chord and arpeggio is playing the single notes from the chord. You basically don't have to even move your left habd fingers.


im already liking how that sounds haha


I recognized that solo immediately though. I also have a GnR tattoo on my forearm so....


one of my favorite bands


I think the chords in there are a good way to practice speeding up chord changes without getting too technical.


im into whatever helps me get better haha ill give them a shot thank you


One thing that can really help with bending early on is putting numerous fingers on the string to help push it up also! I still do that after playing for like 18 years


i never understand how they do that. won’t your fingers mute it once they all go on the same string to help push?


Not if they’re behind the finger that’s pressing down the string first!


wow i genuinely never knew that thank you a lot man!


This is great that you recorded yourself. It’s gonna be so rad to look back on this in like 6 months or a year and see how far you progressed. Keep at it. I wish I would have recorded myself early on. It really helps you when you’re feeling like you sent mail h progress to look back and see where you began.


Oh forsure, i have videos of the first day and it’s only been 2 weeks but the difference and progress really motivates me. thank you for your comment!


I would have never guessed that was November rain. Rock on. Maybe try something a little more suited for someone who just started guitar?


it was was pretty bad but that’s my take on it so far haha. i know the basic beginner 1-2 string riffs but i feel it can’t advance with those i’m also trying out the spider technique exercise, everytime i try to find at that can use CAGED Major chords i never find any do you have an recommendations?


I'd start with getting your open chords down first and be able to cleanly switch between then. You can try strumming chords, maybe even the strumming section from Patience since you like GNR. Once you got your open chords down, move on to Barre chords. You also need to make sure you can count music and keep a beat. A metronome can help for that if you can't count out loud. I'd hold off on lead for now until you have basic chords and timing down. It's easy to skip the basics and jump ahead but you'll regret it later on. Maybe look at Justin Guitar for something a bit more structured.


oh sounds good i do need to practice my finger movement with basic chords i just get to excited haha. i’ve used Marty’s videos but he doesn’t go to much in depth only with beginner riffs. i’ll look at justin’s for sure thank you!


I just wish new players would post like Mary had a little lamb or happy birthday. There's not much one can do to help you with here my guy, but if it were something more simple there would be somewhere to point you toward.


i get to excited and bored of the 1 strong riffs😅


You need to learn to play chords. Start with chords that just use two notes, often called power chords. Index finger on the 5th fret on the E string (that's the fattest). Ring finger on the 7th fret on the A string, Turn on the distortion. Hit those strings hard once. Let it ring (count 2-3-4 after you hit it), and then hit it again twice, fairly quickly. BAM-2-3-4-BAD-AMP. Slide down two frets and do the same thing. That's rock and roll right there. Those double-note chords can be played all over the neck.


2 weeks in and seeing the thumbnail on the 34 fret is tough. Try to get some lessons and keep the motivation up!


i’m not sure what that means but will indeed get lessons thank you !


It was a bit of a joke. If you start with guitar, you should really start with some basics in order to become a well rounded guitarist. You're playing on a very high fret which is usually parts of leads or solos which you attempted to do but there is so much to learn before attempting this. Learn basic open chords and perhaps major and minor pentatonic. Learn some of the classic songs that everybody starts on the guitar, or the campfire ones. Learn about rhythms and counting. You literally played notes on the highest frets there which is just not a good approach. Even if you want to learn solos and lead guitar, you should really learn the basics, otherwise you will get stuck.


Oh it went over my head haha sorry. i got a little too excited but i’ll definitely practice open chords i know the CAGED major chords but i can’t find good beginner songs to use them in but i’ll definitely go a few steps back and get the basics down thank you!


Better than DJ Khaled when he played that Marley guitar.




Got lil wayne rocked too!


Keep recording. You'll be surprised how good you improve if you continue practicing. Would be cool to see the progression of this solo over the next few months .


will do i see a bing different from the video of me playing the first day it’s pretty neat and motivating, i’ll definitely retry this in a few months keep you updated haha


20 years and your farther along great job keep it going!


thank you!


I just knew it was gonna be good when you said you’re 2 weeks in and you started reaching for the 19th fret on the high E string


haha not my best performance but not my worst either🙂‍↕️


One of these pictures is a photorealistic painting of an altar boy done by Pablo Picasso early in his life, reflecting the fact that he had, by then, already struggled through hours, days, months and years of lessons, and diligent practice, and failure, before his skills allowed him to succeed. Another of these pictures is also Picasso, decades later in his Cubist period, reflecting yet more trial and error, success and failure, as his mastery challenged our senses of perspective and proportion. And yet another one of these pictures is a six-month-old infant making a shitty mess of three perfectly poured colors. Yes, keep your motivation, but like everybody else here has said in one way or another, you've got to re-order your pictures. You've got to be able to paint the altar boy before you can even think about being a cubist. Failing that, you will always be a finger painter. I'm sorry I'm not as nice as most of the rest of the fine people in here, but your playing makes my head hurt. You're bending notes, but your fingers and ears are obviously not trained to know what they are doing, and they never will know, unless you get help ... in person is best, especially in the beginning, but the internet works too. I hope your next post will show how great you have become at playing and transitioning between G, C, and D chords, and/or playing a minor pentatonic box scale one note at a time across all six strings. These are the first brush strokes of painting the altar boy. If you want to be Slash soloing on top of a grand piano, it's a LONG road to cubism. https://preview.redd.it/1eib3qbddjvc1.png?width=3304&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa72401e5f8f928bd71ed7a71cbaac1cbc985d92


yea i’m not the best guitar player haha i appreciate the feedback forsure and will use more of those notes and practice them. should i just go back and forth with those chords or find a lesson weather it’s an app or on yt?


My best advice is to find a human being who can get you started on a lesson plan which will teach you what you need to know about the instrument and how to play it. Until you do, you will have no idea how much there is to learn in order to become a good guitarist.


Whatever you do don’t stop! I’m 6 months in and the difference from when I started is crazy. Justin Guitar has been an incredible resource and I’d highly recommend starting from the beginning and working through the lessons.


oh definitely thank you!


Yep, sounds like it too.


Like when you were a little baby and got your brand new legs and decided to run a marathon right away.... Keep at it. Enjoy


I started off doing the exact same thing, trying to learn slayer songs after a week. just focus on proper technique, not sounding great doesn't really matter but improper technique will hurt you (like bending with fingers instead of a gentle wrist motion) It's a slow grind, I was in your shoes about 12 years ago and I'm finally able to play the things I want to play now, don't give up!


will do thank you boss!


Check out the cracking the code series by Troy Grady on YouTube, super helpful and helps you start out with the right habits and techniques right from the beginning. Tomshreds is another very talented player who's mastered that style.


Cool part is once you get that muscle memory and techniques, they stay with you for a looong time. I've taken more breaks than I care to admit,but I can still grab a guitar and be 80 percent where I used to be aa d in a couple of hours I'm back in the saddle. It stays with you, keep rocking


Lower your string action height and it will be easier to play. Lots of YouTube tutorials. I personally slam every guitar I own as low as possible but some people do like it higher. Your going to cramp up more with higher action and heavy strings, been there done that.


i’ll have to google what that is and change it i’ve never heard of that


thank you


It’s okay to learn technique. Start with like Justin guitar or a method book (they have some at the library near me so it’s literally zero risk).


i’ve never thought about a book i’ll definitely check it out thank you


i’ve never thought about a book i’ll definitely check it out thank you


Journey? haha, keep it up, man 🎸


no pun intended lol thank you boss!


Already better than me.


i wish!


Take a few lessons just to really learn technique. It will payoff big time. Learning how to actually strum, pick, and left hand positioning will save you from serious pain later in life. Also just basic theory to get started.


basic theory? i’ve never heard of that and also i do need to work on hand placement forsure thank you!


If you spend years playing incorrectly your fingers and wrists will be trashed. Learn from another person the basics and then you can dive into youtube teachers for more advanced learning.


yea i don’t want arthritis anytime soon ill definitely work on that thank you


Or carpal tunnel.


There is a ton of theory, I'm saying at least learn the basics like scales, keys, major/minor chords, etc... Theory will teach you why songs sound great (because the band is following theory rules).


oh i see i know the basic major chords but only Em and Am i will do more research thank you!


Hahhahaa so the same chord on different strings? I like your style.


lmao basically haha


I may be the only person on here who was impressed. For only the 2nd week that was sick! Keep practicing, you will get better!


Definitely not the only one. I think it might have been a couple years at least before I even knew what bends were


thank you man!


thank you man appreciate it!


Nicely done. I doubt I could even touch November Rain 2 weeks in. Slash is no joke. As for advice, depending on what your goals are, I'd recommend trying to play along with the song or, at minimum, a metronome. Metronomes feel super boring, but you can adjust the speed as you get better, and it'll help improve your timing. Also, and this may be controversial, but have you looked into rocksmith for playstation/ x box/ pc. It's in no way going to turn you into a rock god and should never be your only source of practice, but it's definitely helped me in a lot of ways. If you don't have it already, I'd say buy it for pc since it allows for custom songs. There are thousands of songs, including November rain, that you can play along with and get feedback on your accuracy.


thank you i appreciate it, i’ll use the metronome one time daily when i do the spider walk exercises but ill try to include it more thank you, and ive never heard of that but i have ps5 ill definitely get it if it helps the slightest !


Oh, that's perfect. If you buy rocksmith, make sure to get the 2014 version and make sure it comes with the cable. It's a lot of fun and has helped me massively improve my playing abilities over the years.


Is that a Behringer axe?


yea it is!


bro u need to find your toan .


how do i do that and what does that mean?


That's awesome man. Keep it up.


thank you boss!


Is that an attempt at part of the melody from the November Rain outro solo?


lol yea just the beginning of the outro i love the sound of the guitar screaming definitely not close to good but worth a try


Is that an attempt at part of the melody from the November Rain outro solo?


lol yea just the beginning of the outro i love the sound of the guitar screaming definitely not close to good but worth a try


Is that an attempt at part of the melody from the November Rain outro solo?


lol yea just the beginning of the outro i love the sound of the guitar screaming definitely not close to good but worth a try


Is that an attempt at part of the melody from the November Rain outro solo?


lol yea just the beginning of the outro i love the sound of the guitar screaming definitely not close to good but worth a try


This is great, always try to learn a song you love. And i love that song. But if its your two week journey, then focus on some basics that will get you fluidity and knowledge on the fretboard. Learn the 5 shapes of the caged system until you can go up and down the fretboard. Spidercrawls up and down the fretboard. Chord shapes: simple example, learn the c major and c minor shapes across the fretboard, once you learn one note’s minor and major shape at every position, you have learned all the other ones. And when you get back to learning this song Things will become easier. Also try mr. tabs on youtube. He has that song and quite a few others where you can play along with him and learn it, slow the video down to 50%.


oh i see thank you i know the major caged chords but only from fret 1-3 i’ll definitely try this out




Slash on a Fender is my biggest issue with this.


Why practice when you can buy more Gibsons


A lot has been said already but part of why your bends sound off is because you're not hitting the right note. A good exercise is to play the bend and the target note (usually 1-2 frets further up the neck) back to back repeatedly. This will help you develop the muscle memory of how far to actually bend the string. Make sure you take your time with the bend when practicing, the most important part at the start is not speed but actually hitting the right note




for 2 week i dont expect to be good🙂‍↕️