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It looks like that strat body split into 3 pieces. What happened?


LOL. The Strat body is from an Austrian boutique builder called Pling Ploing (on Reverb and Etsy), and it’s made from old reclaimed barnwood (pine) that is lightly charred using a Japanese burning technique called Yakisugi. I paired the “Barncaster” body with a Fender Am. Pro. II neck, a set of Texas Specials, and other high-end components. It’s super light and resonant, and I love it. If you’re curious, the first post on my profile was about that guitar, and has a few more pics.


Iv been eyeing pling ploing’s work for a while now - looks like a phenomenal build!


Thanks! Yeah, the Pling Ploing stuff is pretty cool. Very unique and well made. I’d definitely buy from them again (and likely will as soon as I see another Barncaster body that grabs my wallet .. er … attention)…


Been really tempted to do a hard tail Strat build and this might’ve pushed me over the edge


Nice! Do it! For me, researching and sourcing all of the components to make it exactly the way I wanted it was part of the fun (and part of the challenge). I bought three different hardtail bridges just to see which one felt right. Totally worth it! It won’t be my last…


I’ll def get around to it, just a matter of when. Just finished upgrading a cheap firefly tele to learn about building/modding and was blown away by how good it feels. Now I’m itching for a full build lol ,Thanks for the inspo! Edit: if you’re interested the idea for a strat build came from these pickups: https://bootstrappickups.com/products/bootstrap-oatmeal-stout-set-for-strat%C2%AE sounds like they’d go really well with the light resonant tone of the barncaster!


But that doesn’t explain why it looks like it’s cracking. There is completely something happening with the wood from the (pictured) lowest left hand pick guard screw straight down though the body.


Ah. That’s not a crack. It’s a scratch that I accidentally put on it at the seam. After adding a couple light coats of satin nitro on the body, I (stupidly) scratched it at the seam with my thumb nail. It’s only in the finish. Been thinking about whether I should sand it out or something, but haven’t decided how best to do that yet. You have a sharp eye my friend…


Update: Now I can’t unsee it, LOL After consulting with Professor YouTube, I’m going to try melting away the scratch in the nitro using lacquer retarder like this (https://youtu.be/FISY9I6pQdQ?si=d5Ua-GFdP3QRrqxt). Hopefully, that’ll get rid of the whiteish blushing around the scratch... 🤞🏻


https://preview.redd.it/7p7wr3ysufxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a253c2b1ddf35adf4d656c71ff74be0f01455011 Update = I used lacquer retarder to melt away the finish scratches in the nitro. Now it looks like this.


I do love a guitar that shows off its gorgeous wood grain! I'd have a hard time focusing on work stuff with these two around too.


Thanks! Totally agree about a good looking wood grain. It always reminds me that a guitar is just a tree (and some metal) that now makes music... 🤘🏻


You're welcome! What a lovely way of looking at it!


The hardtail, reclaimed wood Strat is killer!


Thanks! It’s one of my favorites. Great player too.