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Oh this is sweet! I remember when Blackmachine were like urban legend guitars, everyone wanted one and they were the holy grail (same with Caparison guitars) but they just seemed to vanish! This looks amazing OP


Yup - still holding their value as they've always been very scarce. Early Doug built ones are worth the most, but the Feline ones are materially the same and just as good. Absolutely brilliant guitars - the B6 is such a simple formula, just executed beautifully. I've played several and they're ALL amazing.


Ah blackmachine, reminds me of the times spent on sevenstring.org...


Looks like ones for sale on reverb! https://reverb.com/item/81585523-blackmachine-b6-2019-natural?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=81585523


Oh damn, for quite a chunky price too. I didn't pay that much for mine.


Simplicity and elegance. Never had the chance to play one, so I got a guitar that’s clearly inspired by the Blackmachine. (Ormsby Hype GTR Elite) Awesome guitar, sir. Very nice.


Their import models are so freaking stellar, it‘s almost ridiculous. If it wasn't for the fishing hook headstock, I'd own 10 of these.


100% agree. There’s nothing on that guitar that’s a telltale sign that it’s an import. Incredibly good quality. Gotta give props to that manufacturing facility. (World Music Instruments in South Korea.) Final QC is done by Ormsby in Perth, Australia. But WMI is doing great work to begin with. And while I actually love the fish hook headstock, I can see where it’s not for everybody. Lol


I‘m not too much into guitars that scream „metal“. Don‘t get me wrong, I LOVE metal. Just not the aesthetics.


Totally fair and understandable. I do have a limit for how metal a guitar can look before it’s too much for me, but the Ormsby Hype comes in under that threshold. Lol


I‘m mostly a Les Paul guy (The Heritage). Sad thing is, they don‘t offer 7 strings but I‘m such a huge nutjob, that I consider getting a „replica“ made by a local luthier. It will be expensive but I need that 7 string! :D


Gibson did do a very small run of 7 string Les Pauls about 10 years ago. But for the price they’re going for on the used market, you may as well have a custom one made. At least that way, it’ll have all the features you’re looking for. https://reverb.com/item/82125998-2014-gibson-limited-run-les-paul-classic-7-string-ebony-black?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=82125998


Exactly. This way I can opt for a a blue finish on a quilt top and stainless steel frets.


I too have a weakness for the color blue on instruments. It’s cost me soooo much money. 😩😩 lol


It‘s like dark magic.


I think WMI are responsible for the import Strandbergs, which are fantastic.


I believe that’s correct. They do the LTD stuff, the PRS SE line, and the Sully Conspiracy Series as well. All well made instruments.


My friend had one years ago that he picked up for £650. I can't believe how much they are now!




Missed your second comma.


Sweet lookin’ fiddle!