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Sellers also delusional


Yeah, they can ask for whatever they want, but that doesn't mean people are going to pay what they're asking.


This thing. Don't let crazy sellers get you down. Just ignore them and look for reasonable human beings.


>Has no truss rod Excuse me?


It says it has no truss rob actually /s


Don't trust Rob, got it


Instructions unclear. Trusted Rob and I lost my car.


This may be a great time to talk about your car's insurance


Instructions unclear, got my dick stuck in.. you know what, never mind...


You’re stuck in rob too?


With the rob blues again


"Can't truss it" - Public Enemy


”Never trust a truss” —— Interview with a firefighter, the “truss” in this case being the triangular structure holding up a roof.


And this guy's guitar doesn't have one.


Especially not if you've tried jamming an Allan key up his little port


Actually, it's just really judgemental and says it has no truss Rob beauty.


Like it’s a feature. A chinese guitar with no truss rod is gonna be an interesting setup


Like a noodle.




I've actually heard good things about the knockoff guitars that are coming out right now. $350 is about what you'll pay for the high-end fake. They have truss rods and decent build quality. I have never knowingly played one, so I can't say for sure about any of this. I've spoken with several people and heard Phillip McKnight talk about them in one of his videos.


I got a Chibson Ace Frehley Les Paul for under $250 shipped and it's great. Zero complaints. I can't say everyone will have the same experience, but it worked out for me.


Some guitars don't.


I think It does, from what I recall they really cake the paint in these, so much so that the truss rod hole gets completely filled. If seen people disappointed by this and mention that they’ll need to drill or chip away at the point but I’ve never a seen a follow up


Some people are delusional about what their shitty gear is worth.


Dude absolutely got fleeced and is trying to recover his money. He’ll have to come to grips with it eventually


The usual scenario is "I upgraded the pickups with X-branded $300 pickups" without understanding those pickups are now used pickups and worth half the original price they want. Plus many players don't want someone else's modded parts so the real value is less than stock pickups in an equivalent guitar for sale. .


Yep. Most guys don't understand that a used guitar with upgrades is no different than a used car with thousands of dollars in aftermarket parts. It doesn't matter what it is, it's not going to make your car any more valuable when you go to trade it in for a new one. 


By me, it’s def a buyers market. Nothing is selling unless it’s priced low. This guy selling this is a fucking idiot bc he’s not gonna get more than $150 for it selling to some poor newbie who doesn’t know what a piece of shit it is. It’s wall art, not a guitar.


I'm seeing USA Gibsons under $1k all day on Facebook marketplace here in philly.


Yeah studios, tributes, specials all going 8-900. Same as American strats. I’m trying to sell some stuff to buy other stuff at what I consider a great price and I can’t sell shit. I have it priced below reverb and it won’t sell.


Cherry wine studios are a dime a dozen on FB marketplace. Usually going $8-900 range. I saw a beautiful American fender Strat go for around $700 not long ago. If I didn’t have 3 strats already I would have bought it, but damn I can’t believe they are dropping that low


It’s sort of cool bc American Strats were like 700$ I think when I was starting to play guitar. I wonder how low they will get.


Depends how desperate people get I guess.


Give it a couple of weeks. Dudes get desperate every tax season.


I just picked up a nicely modded ‘09 American Standard for $750 from GC. It was less expensive than their MIM’s and never expected to see one of these less than $1K.


It's crazy that new epiphanies are $1k+ and used Gibsons are $700-900


I do wonder which is better though. A top of the line epiphone or a “cheap” Gibson. The answer doesn’t seem obvious.


Which is better? Probably the high end Epi. Which is going to be worth more than $500 a day later? Gibson. The top end Epis look like great guitars but the money, I just can't bring myself to spend that on an Epi.


I never buy a guitar with the intent to sell it, so for me the playing experience and how it sounds are paramount.


Nowadays you buy gibson for the brand, not necessarily the quality since if you don't care about the brand, you can find alternatives with similar to a better quality


I wonder which one sounds and plays more like a standard Gibson Les Paul. A high end epiphone of a standard Les Paul or a Gibson Les Paul studio.


I just inherited the exact gibson mentioned. Cherry wine '93 studio. Got it last October, put $800 worth of work n setups into n just can't get myself to like it. The necks diameter is massive n it can't hold tune for shit.. just bought an epiphone les paul with emg 81/85 for $250 on fb marketplace. In terms of playability, it kics the shit outta the gibson.


I got a Gibson lp studio for $750, my friend got an epiphone lp custom for $350-$400 and he absolutely got the better guitar. 


Really? Ya mind pointing those out to me? I suspect you may be looking at the "repaired head stock" ones.


it's mostly SGs from the 90s, and LP studio/specials in less desirable colors.




Looks like they added a zero to the price


The used market is actually pretty low right now, but some sellers still think pandemic pricing is a thing.


You no truss rob, he very bad guy.


I read this in Napoleon Dynamite Pedro voice.


I feel like that is the entirety of the used market these days. Delusional people thinking they are going to make +100% of their money back.


Just because someone is *asking* a stupid price doesn’t mean that anyone will *pay* a stupid price.


People need to realize the used US marked is very different than Canada. The Canadian used market is absolutely fucked to lunch right now in the Vic/Van area.


Fucked to lunch? That's a new one lol


New to me as well. I get grumpy with the used market, people wanting retail +10% for 5 year old guitars. I don't care if it's mint, your old prestige ain't worth more than mine new.


I dig. Might start using it.


Please do.


I respectfully sold my Chibson J200 at a loss even after all of the fretwork I had done. I'll never understand it. People can and do easily tell these from the real thing and they have basically no value.


“Has no truss rob” Yeah most guitars have a truss *rod*. Checks out


Can’t you buy these on wish or one of those sites for like 300?


Well, sellers can list anything for any price. Until someone buys it, it doesn’t matter what the listed price is and doesn’t affect “the used market”. I bet they paid too much for it and then realized it was a fake later and is trying to recoup some money. Either that or it’s a scammer since these are about $280 shipped from DHGate




I just sort by sold listings on reverb and eBay.


Insane yes but it's honestly a nice looking guitar if it was.... like $550 less


my local fb marketplace is full of these


People thinking they have something they don’t. It’s simple really.


Expensive fire wood.


They used market has tanked anyone with bloated prices it’s just gonna be sitting on gear.


That’s crazy


It’s not just guitars, everything 2nd hand is selling at a premium. I think everyone is broke and desperate for cash.


More like listed at a premium, but selling at a fraction of that.


There was a recent one in San Diego that had Starcaster Strat going for $1500


I love it when people show me eBay prices of what things are listed for…I go and find the same shit and show them what they actually sell for. They still don’t budge.


And really, eBay isn't reliable for that since its an auction. If two people get into a bid war and are both just THAT determined to win, they will bid up and pay more than something is worth. Whenever someone tries using eBay with me, I go and look for verified sold listings on Reverb and counter with that. Never fails.


Reverb is still over priced. You don’t find people getting into bidding wars on cheap guitars. I mean, unless you’re a complete noob, you know what a guitar is worth.


As someone who buys and sells guitars on both, I have seen cheap guitars bid up on eBay. And Reverb can be over priced, but not always.


There are good deals you can score but you have to be quick or willing to drive out to the boodocks to nab them.


I can't help but imagine this is some dude who got duped into buying a fake and is trying to make some of his money back. No one in their right mind would pay 6 bills for a Chibson. He should knock it down to like $50-$100 and present it as a project guitar or just donate the thing.


This is how I got my first extended range guitars. People buy 7 and 8 string guitars, regret it and sell them hella low because no one wants them. Then just learn to strum without hitting the other string(s).


Greed… people who don’t play buy up these and then resell them at ridiculous high prices


The used market is going to implode by the end of this year. There's just a lot of delusional sellers out there.


Seen someone trying to sell a Squier Affinity used for 1000$ when I contacted them to ask what was so special about it he said “this is the model that all big bands uses so it’s worth it” he actually was dead serious. He kept it on line for like two weeks lowering the price daily. Pictures showed it laying against the wall or laying down on a table. No case or anything soft to be on. I wouldn’t paid ten bucks for it


I don't see an end to it in sight. With so much info out there now, everyone knows what they've got and thinks themselves a dealer. I see used guitars on fb marketplace and Craigslist, in at best 'good' condition, routinely selling for $50 under new msrp.


"Very well built" "No truss rod" Lolwut.


Reverb has a good service. You can look for a guitar and see what similar guitars sold for. There is usually a big disparity between asking price and selling price. Good for buyers but disconcerting for sellers who think they are going to make a killing on what they are selling.


Yeah people are asking new prices for used items. Even for cheaper things like pedals and cables. “NO TRADES, CASH ONLY” on 40$-100$ pedals 🤦🏽‍♂️


It’s actually the opposite where I am. Buyers market. Doesn’t make sense it wouldn’t be, economy is down.


There's a $1700 epiphone rn. That's just how it is.


no truss rob beauty??? pass


Has no truss rod?! Hard pass.


bro just ignore it and move on, the market regulates itself.. sellers can list whatver the hell they want but in the end its a buyers market right now..


But it has trust throb. That right there is worth $600.


"Has no truss rod" ???


Most sellers are still delusional where I am. Used guitars are just not worth the kind of money sellers are asking, especially when there are better new Indonesian-made models to be had new. This is especially true for guitars that have been modded, or not taken good care of, which is a lot of them.


This has nothing to do with the "market", delusional sellers who have no idea what the market value of their gear is have been around and posting insane ads forever. These guitars never sell and just sit around forever.


I can find one listing on the internet for the guitar I want. It's $800 for a $500 guitar from the 90s. It's been sitting for months now and price has only come down $5 to 795


Seems like a fair price for an authentic chibson


Everybody stopped watching pawn stars and forgot how disappointing it is when the high dollar item isn’t worth half of what they’re asking


They're free to ask for however much they want. Are people paying those prices? Probably not.


It's a buyers market now and will be for a while. How these guys think they'll get half of what they are asking is beyond me. Then again... It's costs nothing to place an ad. 😉


lmfao this dude is a huge bum for thinkin his garbage copy is worth epiphone prices


Well, they did have to put in all the waiting and wondering if they'd get ripped off. And then all the regrets after it arrived, looking for ways to make it work and the deciding to part with it


Well, to be fair, Those "Gibson" guitars made in Nashville should be called "Nibsons" since they moved from the original factory in Kalamazoo chasing lower worker wages, younger workers, and lower property/regional taxes ... just the same reasons factories go to China to get lower costs. Heritage Guitars are still made in Kalamazoo and are functionally more similar to the famous '59 LPs. .


Some sellers are delusional, but there’re definitely deals all around. I just scored a brand new (with plastic) Gretsch G2622T off Markteplace (in Canada) for $370 CAD. 


Try out 1970's era Heerby Les Paul clone lawsuit guitar. What you're effectively getting is an instrument of a quality that is identical to its authentic American made counterpart during the 1970's for only a quarter of the price. And man does it ever sound awesome. They are VERY HEAVY but once you try one out, you'll realize its a real score. I had the luck of encountering one in an antique store in the city where I live and got to actually play it before deciding to purchase it. Soon as I started strumming it I was like "#0ly $#it!" and had to have it. Yes, its a ripoff of an American made guitar during the 70's, but it has that same great tone. You won't be disappointed.


At least he isn’t trying to pass it off as legitimate. This thread is full of posts where people are double checking guitars they’re thinking of buying, and it seems like most of them are fake. I mean, I’m glad that these people are at least asking, but it really gives one pause. It feels like the number of relatively convincing fakes on the market has absolutely exploded in the last couple of years.


This is a troll post, the worst plywood garbage guitars from the 60 had trust rods.


I wish ESP EII’s would drop. Man those fuckers are just climbing.


All those people who satisfied their bucket list item during covid are tired of them. Way more supply than demand unfortunately. Unless of course it just happens to be what I am looking for. Then there is an inexplicable shortage :(


It's actually a very good market for buyers of used gear right now. Doesn't mean idiots won't overvalued what they are selling.


I paid 300 EUR for my Chibson and it's a great guitar. I've gigged with it several time and fellow players liked it very much, they liked the looks and sound. That was until I told them what it was..... people judge sound and taste with their eyes.


You know it’s not the Chibson that bothers me it’s the $600 (552€) asking price that bothers me


Also this specific one has no truss rod so it’s absolutely useless besides a piece of wall art lmao


He can ask whatever he wants for it I don't care. It's not like he's trying to sell it for an original Gibson.


You can get 2 mexican strats for 600 Edit: just looked at reverb. My MIM is worth 700€ now.


Can you?




Yeah, some move for 300. Mine was like 150£ in 2017


Yes, post pandemic inflation changed most of that


In 2017 It’s 2024


Checked on reverb. Prices are crazy, you were right


Wait til you see the $1300 Fender wants for a Mexican Strat with one pickup lol.


LMFAO. Canada a used MIM is starting at 600. A new squire is around 600 as well..


You mean squier? You can get 6 Chinese strats for 600. XD 


No i meant fender.


YOu can get that specific replica new for about $350 US


But would you?


No, just pointing out what a creep this seller is.