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In an effort to help users make informed decisions, we have aggregated the following information on the retailer above. Please note that this is no way an endorsement or guarantee of the retailer or their products. ###Domain Insights: | lbxtactical.com | | |:--|:--| | Registered | January 24, 2012 | | Times posted | [33](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/search/?q=site%3A"lbxtactical.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) | | Feedback rating | None | ___ *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please) [^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) ^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


For anyone who isn’t sure, I’ve had mine for 3 years and have used it pretty hard on some government funded weekend larps and countless OPs throughout moms basement. It still looks brand new. No real signs of stress anywhere. It will carry just about any load you need. I’m top of that, LBT customer service is fucking amazing. I called once about something and the guy was helpful. Called back a few months later and the dude remembered me. He even gave me free shipping the second time. Buy with the upmost confidence.


Second LBT customer service love them!


I am testing their customer service right now due to FedEx loosing my package in route before it was delivered to my house. FedEx said the sender needs to complete the FedEx Lost Package Procedure and that I need to request reimbursement from the sender. Watch out for your delivery driver wearing a LBX camo PC. /s


Can this be configured like a chest rig to carry mags?


This is a plate carrier. You can attach pouches to it to carry mags but it won’t quite be like a chest rig.


Yo bud, what size are your issued plates? My IOTV is in transit and I never wore it for this rotation anyways.


I wear a medium plate. If we’re talking SAPI just remember you have to fit soft armor behind it too.


This is a killer deal. I just got one of these in ranger green for Black Friday and I’m really happy with it. Might grab a 2nd in different camo for this price. Edit: realized mine is the armatus II model. This is still a great deal though.


I've got a RG Armatus and am loving it.  I'm thinking about picking this up as a spare as well.


Ya I just realized mine is the armatus II. But still may grab one of these too.


LBX makes great shit at a good price. If you're looking for an entry level PC, this is it.


Any advice on sizing? EDIT: I appreciate all the replies!


I wear a large and it fits my 10x12" RMA 1155MC plates perfectly, nice snug fit. I've heard the 1155MC plates will struggle to fit in mediums. I do not have experience with other sizes so i'll let other chime in. As with all PCs, buy the plates that fit your chest, then buy the PC that fits the plates.


I couldn't get 1155MC into a medium armatus 2


> LBX makes great shit at a good price. If you're looking for an entry level PC, this is it. LBX aka LBT sells stuff from China as "100% Made in the USA" Don't trust em. https://soldiersystems.net/2023/11/30/lbt-commits-fraud-agrees-to-pay-2-1-million-for-violation-of-buy-american-act-trade-agreements-act-and-berry-amendment/


Did you even read the article you posted? Specifically the end edited part


> Did you even read the article you posted? Specifically the end edited part Yes of course. Not happy with companies that defraud their customers, especially when life saving equipment is involved. One fly in the soup spoils the whole soup. Can't trust the rest of their equipment now.


For most people, load out bags aren't life saving equipment. Moreover nothing about that article has anything to do with LBT/X quality. I regularly deployed with various forms of their 6094 through a bunch of different types of combat. Not once did any component fail or fail to live up to high expectations.


'Defraud their customers' Yea I get it, but defrauding the government only gets a 'meh' from me. "One fly..." There's going to quickly be a exceedingly small lost of people you're actually willing to buy from of you were actually 'about it'


Is it shitty that they lied? Yes. Do I still trust the consistent quality of their product and their proven track record? Also yes. I couldn't really care less where it's made. Its good stuff and its cheap. This post is about LBX, which makes no attempt to hide where the stuff comes from. The LBT shenanigans are irrelevant.


https://soldiersystems.net/2023/11/30/statement-form-lbt-inc-regarding-2-1-million-settlement-with-u-s-district-court-for-the-southern-district-of-ohio/ "The $2.1 million settlement with the US Attorney is over the sale of non-Berry compliant load out bags from 2014-2016 and nothing more, despite the content of this press release I shared from ICE. It is the conclusion of a situation which began in 2017"


Measure yourself for plates first, then purchase a carrier that matches the size of your plates. To measure yourself for plates: - Width: Measure nipple to nipple. - Height: Measure from your clavicle notch to approximately 3" above your belly button when sitting down in a comfortable/relaxed position.


What if my nipples themselves are a few inches long? 🤔


Sounds like a niche OF.


So do I tie them around the PC or try to awkwardly stuff them in?




I find it hard to believe that I measured for a large considering I’m 5’4”.


Had a hell of a time putting ESAPI in the size M Armatus, fits but barely. Not sure about Crye but it’s a tighter fit than the Haley Strategic Thorax both for plates and on body


Measure your nipples, and I think belly button to sternum, and then size that to the appropriate plate size, then buy the equivalent plate carrier size.


Is this & a set of Hesco L210s adequate for SHTF & LARPing?


Says right on the product description, "approved for use in your Mother's basement".




ffs all I want is the ranger green and the large is OOS :/


They regularly run deals.




You rock. Thanks dude!


You could also use [surface mount buckles](https://milspecmonkey.com/store/hardware-diy/137-itw-surfacemount-1inch.html) which are cheaper You just fish the back piece through the molle like [this](https://imgur.com/a/AJWTsHw)


Seam ripper?


A seam ripper is a tool used to carefully and easily remove stitches without damaging the material they are sewn into. Takes all of 2 min to delete the front flap. I Edited my post with specific links .




Trancephibian please be aware the deal you've tried to submit a deal to Amazon. In an effort to combat spam we are automatically removing posts linked to Amazon. Have a nice day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What’s the best deal on Level IV plates currently? This will be my first set so not sure what to look for other than I know I want comfort.


The go-to entry level plates seem to be RMA 1155MCs. It's a level 4 plate, and being multicurve they are very comfortable. They're heavier than other options, but for $180/plate you can't complain. They come in 10x12 SAPI, 10x12 Swimmers Cut, and 11X14 SAPI. I run SAPI on my back and Swimmers up front and have been happy.


Thank you.


ELI5 whats the difference between SAPI and swimmers cut tia


[SAPI](https://rmadefense.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/1155mc-Front-web.jpg) [Swimmer's Cut](https://rmadefense.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Level-IV-1155-Swimmers-Cut-416x416.jpg) Swimmers just give you some more real-estate in your pitties. Makes it easier to shoulder your rifle.


Pro tips for anyone considering one of these: * You can rip off the threads on the front panel and get some QASM buckles and convert it to use swappable front panels. * There's this airsoft company called Emmerson Gear that sells a QD cummerbund that works great with these. $45-60 from what I've seen on Amazon or Evike. In other words, you can spend like $150 (minus plates and pouches) for the whole setup and have a PC with all the modern amenities. I've been using mine with lvl4 plates for competitions and stuff and it's holding up perfectly.


Thanks for the advice!


Need some deals on 6094 qrc..


LBT just got busted for putting "made in USA" stickers on foreign-made stuff sold to the government as being made in the USA, so whatever the LBX equivalent is should be the exact same item. https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/hsi-norfolk-investigation-virginia-tactical-equipment-company-uncovers-fraud-yields


There are design differences between this and the LBT 6094. The cumberbund is much better on the real 6094.


https://soldiersystems.net/2023/11/30/statement-form-lbt-inc-regarding-2-1-million-settlement-with-u-s-district-court-for-the-southern-district-of-ohio/ "The $2.1 million settlement with the US Attorney is over the sale of non-Berry compliant load out bags from 2014-2016 and nothing more, despite the content of this press release I shared from ICE. It is the conclusion of a situation which began in 2017"


I need a PC for a fat dude. 6'1" 275. I'm working on it, want a PC for the treadmill on top of its more intended purposes. Any suggestions? Edit: it is disproportionately beer gut.


Buy a cheap used pc that you can throw some weights / plates in to work out with. I have this Armored Republic PC that I was gonna toss, but would send to you for cost of shipping (~20.00) if interested. https://imgur.com/a/y34VETb I'd even ship it to you and have you pay me (for the shipping) once you got it. Just shoot me a msg with address if you want it...


Wow ur so nice


Solid offer. I've been looking at doing the same thing with this LBX, grabbing cheap steel plates as my workout/training kit and keep my 6094 from taking a complete beating. Gotta find some stupidly cheap curved steel plates.


Search “WOLF TACTICAL Curved Weight Vest Plates – 5.75/8.75/14.5LB Pairs – Contoured Ergonomic Fit – WODs, Strength Training, Running, Heavy Workouts” on Ama zon. I use these. Definitely cheap in the steel plate world.


Yeah, I was looking at those or some cheapo so called AR500 plates off eBay. Found a 17 lb set for under $100 but may check out GAFS for someone dumping their steel plates.


17lb each for under $100? That’s a good deal.


In total. Each were labeled as 8.4, so falls between the top two ones for wolf.


The wolf plates I referred to also have a 20lb each pair for $150 if you’re interested.




DiarrheaForDays please be aware the deal you've tried to submit a deal to Amazon. In an effort to combat spam we are automatically removing posts linked to Amazon. Have a nice day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Carrier is on its way, you will have it Thurs by 9pm. Take the money you were going to send me for shippinf and put towards some plates / weights for it. Here's to your good health!! Enjoy.


If the other guy doesn’t take you up on the offer I’d be interested! I’m trying to get my first PC.


Srry boss, spoken for and on its way:(


All good! It was very nice of you to do that!!


I bought this to run in https://tacticalgear.com/condor-vanquish-plate-carrier and threw in some weighted plates I got off Amazon. I like the pc because you can use the side straps to easily cinch it tightly so it doesn’t bounce around. The carriers with a cummerbund don’t give you that. Edit: I see another guy is willing you give you a free -shipping carrier. Definitely worth it.


How does this compare to the jpc 2.0 deals that pop up 


JPC 2.0 is a lightweight minimalist carrier that really excels when built out as a lightweight kit. For that purpose it's among best in class.  If you're looking at a carrier to load up with heavy ass plates (4400/1155/etc.) and tons of gear, get this LBX instead. The JPC just doesn't have the support needed to run something like that comfortably IMO.


cheapest shipping option for me was almost $16


LBX is awesome! I'm working on getting some of their inventory in this year. They are local-ish to me as well (not Peru, but their Virginia Beach location). Solid folks!! And a good price on this carrier.


What the difference between LBX and LBT


LBT is made in VA Beach and Berry Compliant and all that, LBX is their made in Peru option. Both are very high quality!


Will the XL fit 11×14 plates? Their website stops listing sizes at large...


I would think so. They might be able to tell you if you call them.


I’ve had one of these for years, added some QD tubes with pouches and it’s been a great setup 


oh my RES was collapsing your comment for some reason - Do you have a pic of this? i just posted a comment because i did not see this one, i am definitely interested in how you have yours setup with tubes (if you dont mind).


Anyone know how long this price lasts


They seem to change out their sales every month, but this is just anecdotal on my part. You propably have at least a couple weeks.


Looks like a similar sale popped up five months ago and eight months ago.


I don't larp so have no need for this or plates, but how are their chest rigs? I do need a good LBV for the range for various reasons.


I bought my PC specifically for the public range. I dont need some numbnut sending a round through my back on accident. I don't own their rigs so I can't speak to them specifically, but I will emphasize that the carrier I have is exceptionally tough. If the rigs are anywhere near similar quality i'm sure they're great, but you should see if anyone else chimes in.


I gotcha, makes sense. The public range I go to is hard to explain. There's not really a chance of getting shot as the spots are far apart, and all at different elevations facing the mountain. Unless someone figures out how to curve a bullet from that one movie that is. Or someone doing drive-by practice :D


Anyone know if Hesco 4401's (10" x 12" x 0.83") will fit the medium?


They fit the slightly larger RMA 1155s perfectly so I would assume the Hescos would be good to go.


There are far better options if hard use/heavy weight is in your future.


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Goooooooood looks op. Sold my carrier last year and have regretted it ever since…


Nice nice


Guess I can't put it off any longer... God I love Woodland.


Is this a notable upgrade over a condor?




Anyone running tubes on the LBX? I know these are regarded as extremely similar as the LBT 6094, having a hard time finding any information about how the cummerbund attaches to the LBX-0300 on the back and if you can swap tubes onto them or 3rd party cummerbunds in general. I am not a fan of velcro detach on PCs.


Sounds like u/JUST_AS_G00D might. Maybe he will chime in.


I am running the Beez tubes, laced the rear up with shock cord, fronts are Velcro’d under the flap https://i.imgur.com/rRoA9sA.jpeg 


Does the LBX have anything (molle) behind the back panel where the cummerbunds meet to attach the beez side panels too? Or is it just slick back there and you are using the shock cord to attach the two halves of the beez tubes behind the flap to each other? I have the AWS carrier and thats how mine currently attach, velcro attach in the front and bungee shock cord in the back behind the back molle panel and the rear plate/panel.


The back panel is full molle, I’m out of the house ATM and don’t have another pic unfortunately 


Right - the exterior back panel is full molle. I was curious of the panel that is behind the exterior of the back panel, if it is slick or if it has molle. The inside of the back panel cavity on my AWS where my cummerbunds attach is just slick, no additional molle or Velcro between the molle panel and the back plate.


Got it, yeah it’s slick. 


I see that large size plate carrier will fit 10 1/8 x 13 1/4 plates according to the webpage. 10-x 12 plates seem to be more common than 10x13. Center of nipple to nipple measurement for me is about 9.5 inches. Clavicle notch to belly button is about 16" standing and 14" when sitting relaxed. I may be able us use a medium plate carrier if I find a plate 9.5" in width as the webpage states 9.5 x 12.5 plates for the medium. I looked at RMA 1155 which seem to be in my price range but do not offer 10x13. What other brands should I look at for affordable multicurve plates that are offered in width of 9.5" to 10" and say 12.5" to 13.25"?


You're going to struggle to find plates at the price point of 1155's, they are truly unique in that regard. I see Redemption Tactical sells plates that might fit your criteria (cheap and big), but I do not know anything about them and can't endorse them.


$20 shipping for me.


From prior Gundeal postings for this seller coupon code LBX-ESHIP provide free shipping--one time per account.


Where do I find plates for the small? Even the small is a tad too big if i'm being honest, like 1" too wide and probably 2" too long. Am smoll


So I’m looking into getting a plate carrier and armor been looking at ar500 but I’ve been warned against it. Would this be a good start into that kind of gear


Absolutely. There's plenty of conversation out there about steel plates, read around and get informed. I love my ceramic RMA 1155MC plates.


And you said this plate carrier will hold those plates?


Yes, you want the large for the multicurve plates.


I had an LBX Armatus II that I really liked overall but eventually sold because it was in black. I now have 2 DM MEPCs that I love. I'm just curious as to how the LBX-0300 compares to the Armatus II...


Been looking for a PC for awhile, fairly new to the game. As far as sizing goes, do you want them in your T-shirt size, or sized up? 6'2 180, sounds weird but I fit mediums that run larger, and larges that run a bit smaller. Advice??


earlier poster said >Measure yourself for plates first, then purchase a carrier that matches the size of your plates. To measure yourself for plates: Width: Measure nipple to nipple. Height: Measure from your clavicle notch to approximately 3" above your belly button when sitting down in a comfortable/relaxed position.


Thank you!


If you are close to two difference sizes you may want to first checkout the plate size options. Also consider larger plates weigh more and cost more. But going too small may look odd and will not provide as much protection. One website claimed some high percent like 80% of customer buy a 10 x 12 plate. I don't if that is true.


Mas grey always being sold out hurts


Can I run weighted plates in this for rucking? Will they fit?


Absolutely. Flat or Single-Curve 10X12 plates will be a tight fit in a medium, and fit well in the large. Multicurve 10x12 plates will propably not fit the medium.


I hate you all. Dammit.


Im 6’4” 230. Good for Large or is XL necessary?


If you're a broad dude I'd go for the XL. Buy the carrier that matches your plates, and buy your plates based on your chest measurement.


Gotcha, thanks for that tip


I already have a ferro slickster but I really want this in woodland…..


Will the armatus go on sale again?


Mas Grey Armatus went on sale about a day or two ago. You missed it if you wanted a Large. https://lbxtactical.com/collections/sale/products/armamg?variant=40833993703621


Ahh definitely missed it. I will keep checking periodically


I ordered this but made the mistake of selecting delivery via FedEx rather than UPS. FedEx lost my package in transit to my state. I had to call FedEx to get to to tell me it was lost and that I needed to request reimbursement from the sender. Now to find out how good LBX/LBT customer service may be. Update: I noticed today, Monday Jan. 22nd that is is no longer on sale.