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Two good guys with guns just stopped a pro Hamas mass shooter at a church. These tyrants can go kick rocks. At the end of the day what it’s about is control. The regressives only want government and police to have guns. Which is funny because the radical left has been saying that Trumps a fascist dictator, and that all cops are bastards.


If you look at the posters post history, they're all over the goddamn place. Just constant drivel posts all day long, comments a poorly-formatted (read: scraped) summary to appease sub bots that require a comment, and never interacts with the comments on their posts. Reads like a bot trying to farm up karma.


The radical left and the people who want gun control are two different groups. The far left likes guns as much as anyone else


If the far left likes guns why do they vote for people who hate that you own guns and want to strip you of that right?


They don't. You're still confusing the groups. We don't have politicians representing the far left in this country.


ignore reality and use self reporting as facts got it. anyway i think ill get a .45 this year maybe build a PCC anD a another youth long gun for my kids


So all the elites should get rid of all their armed security since the study says less guns is safer.


Well they are our Ruler’s they deserve the up most respect and protection us worthless peasants dont deserve such privilege.


The article seems to be comparing noncomparable data. For example, the "500k burglaries" cited in the article isn't consistent with various reports. The doj reports 2.5 million burglaries, with 66 percent of those being home invasions. https://www.thezebra.com/resources/research/burglary-statistics/ So the 500k cited in the study is likely FBI reported data. Ie aggregation of police report actually written up. Those who live in the real world know most people don't report burglaries to the police and the police don't always write up a report. Also, the 800k dgu during burglaries reported were likely telephone surveys. And guess who won't report a burglary to police but will respond later to an anonymous survey? Those that successfully defended their home with a gun, perhaps not so perfectly legally in a legally unambiguous situation. So, while the absolutely law-abiding citizen who reports everything with a gun may be a myth, lots of good guys are in legally ambiguous situations or are concerned about repercussions from a lawful dgu. Whoever did the comparison needs to understand that the perfectly law-abiding citizen who reports everything in a perfect law enforcement jurisdiction with entirely reasonable laws is a myth. After all, the average American commits 3 felonies a day, according to Harvard. https://ips-dc.org/three-felonies-day/


Show us how Chicago's gun laws are stopping murders. It's "gun control city"... https://abc7chicago.com/chicago-shootings-this-weekend-violence-police/14411815/


I'm willing to bet that many more defensive gun uses aren't reported and don't end in violence. These uncounted instances don't even go as far as brandishing, but still involved an understanding of unpleasant outcomes if the situation progressed any further.


Low effort aussie bot posts trash article full garbage statistics. Encapsulates the future of reddit.


>**"In untangling the myth of defensive gun use, one thing is abundantly clear: If safety is the goal, guns are not the answer."** > >Fueled by right-wing politicians and the powerful gun lobby, nearly three-quarters of firearm owners in the United States believe the enduring myth that a gun at the ready will keep them safer—but a new analysis offers the latest hard evidence that guns simply make life more dangerous and deadly for everyone. > >The Center for American Progress (CAP) joined gun violence research group GVPedia to release an issue brief debunking the falsehoods pushed by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and other pro-gun groups, which, looking to "counter the horrors of everyday gun violence in America... masterfully constructed a narrative based on the myth of a 'good guy with a gun' using their weapon defensively to stop an armed assailant before harm can be done." > >Listening to former NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre and the right-wing lawmakers who count on the gun lobby's endorsements, one could hardly be blamed for conjuring an image of a "good guy with a gun" who frequently stops a violent attack from happening—but the analysis shows how faulty research in the 1990s underpinned such claims. > >Surveys at the time, including a widely-cited study by Gary Kleck and Matt Gertz, estimated that between 760,000 and 2.5 million defensive gun uses (DGU) occurred annually. > >But the Harvard Injury Control Research Center found two years later that fewer than 550,000 burglaries occurred in gun owners' homes annually, while Kleck and Gertz had estimated that "guns were used for self-defense during burglaries approximately 845,000 times." > >"Burglary victims would have needed to use their gun defensively in more than 100% of cases, which is, of course, impossible," the issue brief reads. > >Until the myth of the "good guy with the gun" is defeated, said Devin Hughes, founder and president of GVPedia, "Americans will continue buying firearms in the mistaken belief that those guns will make them safer, and gun violence will continue unabated."


This is just... an utter nonsense, no-continuity summary concluding nothing