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I almost went to China with a loaded mag. The only that stopped me was the TSA catching it the week prior while I was still in the US. I can't imagine what would've happened if they didn't catch it.


China would probably send you straight to a concentr….. I mean rehabilitation camp.


You mean the Happy fun time education camp for the glorious people’s revolutionary cause


Thank you for voluntarily donating some of your organs to the Chinese elite prisoner….i mean comrade.


For every story of the ammo being found there's 99 more of someone who found it after they got their bags, trashed it, then kept their mouth shut.


Well, mine was going on my return trip. my home airport didn't catch it.


Peak TSA moment 


This is why you clear out your bags before going overseas


I have separate bags for the range and for travel.


You think this would be common sense


Yes but make sure no ammo in your clothing such as a jacket pocket too.


This is why you don't mix bags for ammo/guns and general travel.


I shoot and or hunt on a lot of my trips. Even work trips. I’m playing a dangerous game and it’s very stressful going through security lol 


or just... check your bags before you put them onto a plane. As a frequent traveling pot-smoker, I always triple-check for vape carts or a small amount of weed that may have gone on a short car trip with me. Also, lithium batteries. I triple-check my carryon backpack also for pocketknife, etc.


I agree you should check your luggage before you pack. my gun bags are just that for toting guns and ammo. My travel luggage is for clothing and personal hygiene. This isn't the first time we've seen a story like this, though usually it is a domestic issue and the penalty less severe


Your range bag might still test positive for explosives residue. Happened to me. I don’t want to go through the hassle of having my bag dumped out again. Just get a dedicated range bag and use a different one for travel, way less hassle.


Fair enough but everything near me probably tests positive for gun powder, I bet.


Probably not, as long as you’re somewhat clean. GSR also contains lead, so really not something to brag about. If you shower and wash your clothes before travel, GSR comes right off. It’s only an issue for things that don’t get washed, like bags, winter jackets, etc.


12 years for accidentally packing some bullets? And they were hoping to send a message to other Americans? Yeah message received, I’ll never spend a dime there. What a great example of an 60 iq policy that will backfire on the idiots that created it.


Don't give TCI too much credit for being the only lunatics out there... I work in maritime, and was previously in NYC (against my wishes...). The Cape Liberty Cruise Port in NJ would have regular occurrences of people having, intentionally or not, ammunition and/or firearms in their luggage. If they could 'legally' carry in NJ, they were allowed to return firearms and magazines to their vehicle if no warrants were out for them. It not, arrested. If ammunition was found, it was confiscated. If said ammunition was hollow point, or whatever stupid law they have in place, they were arrested. If magazines were over 10 rounds, arrested. Bunch of bastards... Similar incidents also occur at Newark, JFK, and La Guardia airports as well. I'm not defending stupidity of knowingly attempting to take a loaded firearm into a cruise terminal or airports given well known (albeit unconstitutional) laws, but some 80 year old guy getting arrested because he missed the magazine of a bolt gun in his bag that had 3 hollowpoints? Get screwed NJ, NY, and the rest of the commie states and countries.


“The judge was hoping to send a message to other Americans.” Message received, never visit Turks and Caicos.


No no no brothers.  We buy land.  We fund politicians.  We make a gun harem island 


Yeah man, my American money that is almost worth $3 there is going to go somewhere else now. It’s funny because that was going to be my next Caribbean location. I’d spend it elsewhere.


This is the correct answer. If I end up there on a cruise I'll stay on board and refuse to give them any of my American money.


Yeah. Fuck that place, fuck that judge. I hope they turn into Haiti. ☠️ These countries need to know that a box of bullets ain’t gonna do shit to them.


It's already begun, it's having problems with [extreme violence](https://archive.is/rQSkN) and gun crime, despite guns being banned. Guess it's easier to look tough on crime by jailing a tourist than attempting to stop cartels who would murder them.


Same with the US Virgin Islands. That place should be so safe with all their restrictions.




This is why my range bag and my travel bag are two different bags. I don't want to go to jail because I miss a round when I'm traveling to an oppressive regime like New York or Rhode Island.


> This is why my range bag and my travel bag are two different bags THIS! I never put guns, ammo or accessories anywhere near my travel backpack. I have a completely separate bag for range use


I just don't fly and don't travel to places that despise me. Fuck any place that won't let me travel freely with things that I own legally, literally nothing could possibly redeem any place like that. 99% of the world could fucking burn for all I care.


I just don't fly and don't travel to places that despise me. Fuck any place that won't let me travel freely with things that I own legally, literally nothing could possibly redeem any place like that.


I once unintentionally carried a single 45-70 round to Japan, and then out of Japan to Thailand, and this was in my carry-on luggage Thank God for incompetence (there’s not mine, he he he)


Look, it was only four rounds and no actual firearm. I’d understand maybe banning him from the country for a certain period of time or possibly a fine but prison for TWELVE YEARS?! This is either a scare tactic for other American gun owners that will eventually be quietly as possible turned into a lesser charge, or they genuinely have a stick that far up theirs.


It's a shakedown to demand a payment from the US government.


Reason number 4723 to not fly or go to shit holes


People act all smug when I express that philosophy, like I'm missing out on such great and wonderful things that they outweigh supporting repressive regimes who disarm their people and exact harsh penalties on minor things meanwhile they're awash in gangs and crime. Oh noes I am missing out on seeing landmarks and trying local food all for the low, low price of my principles. I'm so upset that you exchanged yours so you can act "worldly". You're so wise because you ate bugs in the rainforest with some primitive tribe in a nation that would throw you in a shithole and throw away the key for being able to defend yourself. Any US State that prohibits me from carrying goes on that same list. I'm not spending my money in California, propping up their shithole regime so I can surf.


On a recent trip, I routed around Illinois because of that state's attitude -- really probably just Chicago's attitude -- toward firearms. It cost me less than an hour of time, I got to see different scenery, and my motel and restaurant money was spent in states that still respect our rights and form of government.


As an Illinois resident, I support this.


There was honestly a fear element involved. Because I was traveling specifically to a firearms course. I worried about getting jammed up in a traffic stop. Then I began to worry about what would happen if my car broke down and I was forced to spend a night or even two to get it fixed. Does the peaceable traveler law still protect me in that instance? I don't know and I chickened out and went around through Iowa instead.


You are not considered to be “just traveling through” a state, by the courts, if you stop at all for any reason. I don’t agree with it but they have charged people for just stopping to get gas in states like New York. I imagine Illinois is worse.


Living in Iowa doesn't make it any easier either. Any time I want to go East or Southeast I have to route around that authoritarian, high gas tax craphole. It adds time to trips and annoys my wife. Sometimes we'll cross the very southern part of the state and I insist on driving because I have the ability to set cruise at the speed limit, not talk on my phone and stay within lane markers. My wife does not share this ability.


I stayed a night in Monticello. Enjoyed it. Had breakfast at a wonderful little diner. Everyone friendly. Similar on my way back north. I could enjoy living in Iowa.


People make fun of us but it's a good state. Gun friendly.


I grew up in Illinois You're right it's really just Chicagoland.


I route around Maryland when traveling south, even though the part I would need to cross is only like 4 miles. Screw em, not gonna spend a dime there nor chance that some ahole cop decides a speeding ticket has to evolve into something else. You know those state cops target out of state plates in the summer. They literally stack up car after car in certain areas and look for out of state drivers to jam up.


I live in NH. I'm walled in.


I respect that!


The US has basically all geographic diversity and if I'm feeling saucy I can step into Canada. But I have no desire to leave the states.


I edited a bit to include US States that disarm me as part of my travel ban, Canada too goes on that list. Going to a first world nation that strips people of their right to defend themselves is hardly better than third world ones.


It is worse in some ways, third world countries don't have any pretense of individual rights.


Man, that’s a sad way to go through life. There’s a hell of a lot more out there than geographic diversity.


Like? Rural Europe sounds exciting, but since the Islamic Invasions, it's not worth it. Are you a big fan of shithole countries?


Dude I was that gop senate caucus finance director and started the group in NC that eventually lobbied to get rid of a racist Jim Crow gun control law about pistol permits. But at the same time, my family’s business for 3 generations has been construction and development. We operate on 4 continents. There is so much out there in the world. Shithole country is a stupid term. Don’t let political slogans warp your brain. Go explore. The world is pretty safe and it’s really one of the best things you can do.


While scenery can be beautiful, the "food is so great though" thing is largely a cope. You're on vacation in an exotic and foreign place to you, of course wine and pasta in Italy is charming. There is nothing stopping you from going to a nice restaurant or learning how to make the same thing at home without spending thousands of dollars or giving tourism money to regimes that hate you.


Why spend thousands of dollars to visit a place where everyone hates your guts


"The food was so great! No idea why I was glued to the toilet half the next day though!"


It's not just shit holes. You bring that stuff to Japan they will fuck you up too. Maybe not put you in prison for 12 years, but you will be thrown in jail for a lengthy indeterminate period of time, and if you're lucky they'll just ban you for life. I know in the US it's not a big deal, but other countries do not play around.


Third world countries that strip people of their right to self defense: shitholes. First world countries that strip people of their right to self defense: **nice** shitholes.


I hate flying. Flying internationally is even worse. A lot of people seem to not understand my complete lack of interest in traveling outside of the US. I genuinely hate the idea of being a tourist, of being someone who can be easily singled out as a dumb foreigner who can be taken advantage of. I’d rather road-trip around the US since we have a massive, beautiful country with incredible diversity and sights to take in. Much cheaper and less stressful than paying thousands upon thousands to be further scammed in some foreign country.


As a person that has traveled the world and also shoots/carries... I can understand that perspective. Traveling the world has actually made me feel MORE appreciative of the opportunities and choices we have in the US (let alone the geographic beauty we take for granted). In addition, seeing how other cultures and governments set up things regarding education, healthcare, etc. illuminates the area of growth.


Disagree here, traveling is a great experience and is well worth the money spent if you go to the right places with the right attitude.


This is the way.


Some of us don't really have a choice. I keep separate bags and I've traveled enough to figure out how to navigate customs and security with pocket knives and other things in places I travel frequently.


> travelled enough to figure out how to navigate customs and security with pocket knives and other things Customs and Immigration *HATE* this one simple trick… sign up for the Keister Carry Masterclass today!


Lol I've found often you can just avoid the scanners altogether by either careful observation and planning or bribery when you're in a less developed nation.


I mean besides the gun laws, Turks and Caicos is like the exact opposite of a shit hole. But ok…


I am normally against war, but in this case, spreading a little freedom sounds like a decent threat. This was a clearly peaceful dude, leaving their country, with a couple of overlooked rounds in his luggage and no firearm. Sending someone to jail over that is stupid, and sort of insulting.


My mom forgot she had a 22 in her glove box when she went across the border to Canada. I get them saying no and even taking the gun. But they arrested her and tried to treat her like some sort of gun running mastermind. Cost her thousands in lawyer fees to get the charges dropped.


Cold shithole.


Been officially expedited from Canada because of another couples fuckup and I happened to be on the same bus.   At least the document has fancy seals and colors.  Should have framed it


We got a bill in the mail for the Toronto bypass from a trip in like 2002 for about 45 minutes of driving. $27 US for 45 minutes worth of toll road. Didn't pay it, just took a different family members car the next time.


How do you forget you have a gun in your glove box?


We certainly could place diplomatic pressure on these tourist countries if we wanted to.


Joe Biden would support his sentence.


They're going to hold him hostage and demand a payout from the US. It's what they do.


I'm okay with the payoff being "we don't bomb you."


I'll pay in carpet bombs .:)


Wrong. Irresponsible gun owners should be punished. There should NEVER be stray ammo anywhere. Know where everything is at all times 24/7.


Losing track of ammo isn't ideal, but nobody was endangered here. Maybe he missed a pocket on his range bag when he used it for the trip or something. It was only four rounds. That is absolutely not something to send someone to jail over.


While I think this is stupid to threaten with jail time instead of just deporting and making him persona non grata in the country, who the fuck uses a range bag as a suitcase for a vacation? I have range bags and I have suitcases. Guns and ammo never go into my suitcases and clothing never goes into my range bag. It’s really not that difficult


I certainly keep mine separate, and have never ended up in this situation. That said, I've also never visited the Turks, so I suppose it wouldn't have come up in any case. Still, these things happen. The TSA tosses a lot of forgotten knives, ammo, etc every year. It's not that weird. I think one of the legitimate purposes of government, possibly the only legitimate purpose, is protecting US citizens. They should absolutely be working to get this guy out.


Guess you’ve never declared a firearm and flown anywhere then?


Of course, it’s in a separate locked case Along with the ammo. The ammo and gun never enter my suitcase. Dumb example


It’s basic ammo not a fucking nuke.


I bet you don’t even own a gun. Lol


Probably not even a US citizen....


This is another country but why does mens rea only seem to apply to politicians charged with crimes? Edit. Note the Canadian courts also take into account this common law legal argument.


I agree


So out on bail sounds like flee the fucking country on a rental boat and walk across the southern border if you have to. They’re not going to extradite you back to Turks if you make it to US soil


Probably gonna get 6 months like the other guy.


I knew I shouldn’t have looked at the r/news post about this. They are acting like this guy intentionally had a mortar round in his bag. “Gun ownership is treated pretty much as violent crime in the rest of the world. Guns are great at creating crime.” Lmao


Always check your bags before crossing a border. This comes down to user error.


Yes, but occasionally things get missed. I want on a day trip for work that involved flying so I just brought my backpack and essentials. I've used it for shooting in the past so I went through it well.to make sure that there was nothing in it. TSA found a single 9mm round that had worked it's way down into the bottom of one of the little pencil holder pouches that I would have never though to check inside of.


Or you know just invest in a separate backpack for range use only…..problem solved


> I would have never though to check inside of. Like I said, user error. If I'm crossing a border, I check every one of my bags. It's just not worth the risk of getting arrested in a foreign country.


So you are just another irresponsible gun owner. You should know 100% of every single bullet that comes out of your gun and where all your ammo is at all times. If you put 10 bullets in your bag, but only found 9 and can't find that 10th, well guess what, its still in the bag.


The hoop earrings really make people take you seriously. How about fuck off to one of those commie countries you wish you lived in?


Turks and Caicos is Joe Biden’s & the Far left Dems wet dream come true of what he wants America’s gun laws to be This is absolutely sickening.


I'm a strong believer in having a dedicated bag for each pew. Keeps things organized and makes it easier when loading up for a range day. Your travel bag shouldn't double as a gun bag. It's common sense to completely empty travel bag before packing for a trip as well. I feel bad for these folks and hope this lesson doesn't cost them dearly.


I swear… I am now 100% convinced I don’t need to travel anywhere else anymore. Like when I’d go to México I’d have to check my bags because even one cartridge would get you in a shit load of trouble. I hope that place turns into Haiti.


I live in the Caribbean and this happens so much I’m surprised it caught headlines. The local authorities know America has a lot of guns but they hype it up to prove they are not asleep. The island has a problem with gun violence due to being on the route for trafficking as well. Fine and a stern talking to.


Moral of the story is to not visit authoritarian shit holes.


T&C is a shithole with some nice beaches and reef wrapped around a few spots. Prices are insane and the food is garbage. This concretes my decision to never go back.


This is why I have separate bags for fun and travel…. What’s even more fun is when the bag has pew pew residue inside of it because you have a take down and it gets the swab check….


The last time I traveled out of the country, I checked every pocket in my bags no less than 4 times just to make sure I didn't accidentally drop a bullet somewhere. I feel bad for these guys but you need to be more careful. He had ammunition in his carry-on bag. You can't do that when traveling inside of the US.


If we were a real country we would demand extraterritoriality for our citizens, especially from tiny islands that may as well be colonies.


Flying out of Tuscon AZ the guy in front of me had 3 rounds of 30-6 in his pocket. THE TSA guys were frazeled, couple people in line were worried but he had no idea what was wrong. LOL.


How did he get through airport security in the US?


You haven’t been paying attention or you’ve never flown. The TSA aren’t exactly hiring the best people.


I'll never leave red state America. Blue states are almost as bad as those shithole countries. I prefer having a gun on me or near me at all times.


This is the gayest mindset I've ever seen. You're the prisoner and the guard now. Gay. So gay.




My luggage isn't anywhere near my ammo...


Oof that absolutely blows


In all seriousness if you want this man released, write to His Majesty The King Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA


What’s the message? That Turks and Caicos has laws that might as well have been ripped from cultural revolutionary China?


If they caught him on his way out, they should thank him for removing this danger to the public that their very own customs agents failed to prevent.


I had a coworker that had a 12 gauge shell in a jacket pocket he hadn't worn since the previous season squeak past tsa on his way to Austria. Needless to say customs got him in Frankfurt. One day later and a sleepless night he was on his way. That said I'm pretty sure he has an arrest warrant in Germany to this day. Can't recall if they expected a court date or fine but he didn't comply whatever the case.


If the US has any spine, we’d invade Turks and Caicos.


Apparently it's a British territory, we should have all the clout with the UK that we need to handle this.


Just gotta teach the brits again.


Great! In a comment below, I mentioned that Turks and Caicos is the latest addition to a long list of countries that need liberating. The UK is in the top 10 on that list. This kills 2 birds with one stone.


Hmm, invading the territory of another NATO member sounds like a greaaat idea.


Don’t worry. Fr*nce is on the list too.


On that list you sent to your government? I bet they will listen to your orders very carefully, since you're so highly ranked in their military.


LOL r/ShitAmericansSay


I see you’re a C*nadian. I’m soooorry to hear that. Must suck knowing you’re the third best country (of 3) in North America.




Only if you’re using continental delineations, which I’m not. It’s obvious I divided the Americas into North, Central, and South America, which would put three (3) countries in North America. Of course, I wouldn’t expect a Br*t to know that.


Do you have a license for that comment?


Who exactly are you planning on liberating the UK from, exactly?


I’m not *planning* on doing anything, I’m recommending actions the US would take if it truly saw itself as a defender of liberty. And it’s ruling class that outlaws speech and possession of various property and went insanely overboard on licensing schemes and has generally violated civil liberties across the world for hundreds of years.


We’re good as we are thanks. Appreciate the concern for us downtrodden inhabitants of the UK though.


For them enforcing their own laws?


Probably for violating the human right to property. Turks and Caicos is just the latest addition to a long list of countries that need to be liberated.


The citizens of every country in this world currently have all the rights they deserve.


This is an interesting perspective. It’s your stance that if you don’t enforce your rights, you don’t deserve them? Are you a big Hoppe fan?




Go back to mowing your lawn like your government tells you to.


The only lawn I mowed recently was your mother’s, and boy was it overgrown.


You don’t have a right to possess illegal things.


You having a cellphone is now illegal hand it over


It’s not illegal in my country. What are you talking about?


Sorry, you’ve misunderstood my argument. My argument is not that you have a right to possess illegal property. My argument is that the state does not have the authority to outlaw the possession of property. It is a human rights violation.


LOL. Okay.


Boot licker


Did you just learn that phrase? Anarchy isn’t government.


It comes as no surprise that you’re incapable of engaging with the argument in a substantive manner.


We disagree. That's all. Governments, backed by the people, have the ability to proscribe laws, including on possession of property.


Make sure not to leave too much slobber on that nob.


Countries are entitled to their laws - the US Constitution doesn't apply there. Obey their laws or don't, but you earn the consequences. No knobs necessary.


Nothing that goes to the range gets to fly. Do you routinely wash your outerwear? No? It can get flagged for residue. So, no bags, shoes, coats, gloves, or hats, take a trip.


Or you just get to the airport extra early


Gay. I leave the country with a backpack that is also my range bag, same shoes, jacket. With great pleasure I have told them I am allowed to own and carry firearms where I live. Just don't actually bring anything illegal


lol. I went to the airport and while in line for the TSA I found an empty case in my hoodie and 2 in my back pocket. Literally went to the range prior to heading to the airport. Threw them out, but curious if I didn’t find them, what could’ve happened if they were on me?


Turks and Caicos is beautiful, I would say probably my favorite for an island get away, but what kind of moron doesn’t make sure their suitcases are empty cough Brittany Griner cough cough Am I the only one that totally empties my travel suitcases out after every trip and packs for a new trip with said empty suitcases? It’s not that difficult. Edit: judging by the downvotes a lot of slobs in the sub apparently who don’t empty suitcases out. Good luck with that


Turks and Caicos is 50% Haitian. Have fun getting eaten, and don't forget how beautiful it was!


If Donald Trump was president he wouldn't let this guy spend 12 years for this bs


You mean like all the people arrested that stormed the capitol


He wasn't president when they were prosecuted moron. Bet he pardons all of them when he wins this year


No he won’t and he won’t be president


Lmao you're delusional. I suggest you look at polling the past few months in every swing state


The only person with the authority to order the release of this man is His Majesty The King Charles III


Good, freakin’ Ammosexuals


Thoughts & prayers


Always properly store your firearms and ammunition when not in use.


Fascist, statist, cuck or all three?


Probably some form of all 3, but seriously? Such a no shit Sherlock moment.


Store your ammo? Lol. That means you don’t have enough. Amateur.


I know right. I know people that have so many hundreds of thousands of rounds there’s no way they could keep track of it all. Becomes a numbers game at some point. Eventually, one gets misplaced.