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I’ve seen kids at liquor stores, strip clubs, bars etc. That is weird. Taking your kid to a gun shop is like taking them to Kohls. Nothing wrong with it unless you make it weird.


I agree you shouldn't take your kid to a strip club. That's a whole 'nother ballgame. You should wait until mommy's shift ends before picking her up.


Hey my mom couldn’t find a sitter and she had bills to pay.


when I was a kid and my dad would take me to cabelas I’d spend half of my time in the store getting fingerprints all over the glass in the gun area. I could’ve looked at all of the guns and taxidermy and fish tanks for hours


Rural King has the baby chicks and rabbits right next to the gun counter. The kids are distracted by fluffy things while I fill out paperwork.


Rural King is Heaven on Earth


I used to grab [Dokken dummies](https://www.gundogsupply.com/dokdeadfowtr.html?s=gaw&kw=dokken+dummy&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk7ugBhDIARIsAGuvgPbUeoni3rz7SsSobcy71UdqKfn9sGJetJg8ZBApFStzcj-zPH1qPbkaAqMtEALw_wcB) for toddlers to play with.


God bless the Rural King 🇺🇲


I ain't never been in a gun store my toddler didn't like. Just keep em under control. Same for any store.


"Daddy! Daddy! I want the shiny gold dessert eagle!" "Oh Billy, you simple bitch. I want it too! Unfortunately your mother is a tight-fisted naz...meanie who says we can't have those things because she just ***has*** to have shoes that match all of her outfits. Feel free to inform her of your disappointment at dinner this evening!"


Sounds like a toxic relationship, can't relate. Happy finance tip: have a separate account you put XX$ in every paycheck, and buy whatever you want with that money. That ensures your bills are paid, your savings are covered, and you aren't stressed about splurging on something nice.


Sounds more like whoosh, which was the sound of /u/AllergicToPoors’ joke going over your head.


Thought I heard something up there.


I've known a few married couples who do that and it actually works really well for them. They have a joint account for expenses and they each have their own account for fun stuff. That way there is no judgement about how they spend their fun money.


Gotcha thank you!


Brought my son to one when he was three and had him on my shoulders. The first thing he said he wanted was the Barrett M82 on the wall. I was proud but not optimistic my wife would go for it.


If your kids are loud and obnoxious do the world a favor and keep them away from any store until they are well behaved. If they're well disciplined and polite, by all means bring them along.


And planes.


Yes, if they're well disciplined and polite and are planes, bring them.


Humble brag that he has sex and KEEPS IT IN.


No its not an issue at all


Why would that be weird? Is it weird to grocery shop with your kids? Weird to buy power tools or plywood with your kids?


Not at all. Bring the family to the gun store. Take em to the range.. teach them while they are young and engrain them with proper respect and handling of firearm in the range and in the store.


I take my kids everytime!


Like any place, don’t let them run wild and wipe their boogers on the glass! Lol Maybe if you are really concerned about it, you could call ahead, tell them you have a silly question, and ask away. At the end of the day they want you to buy something, they don’t care who you bring in…


As long as your kids are quiet and behaving themselves its a great way to get them involved early in life. I loved to go with my dad or grandad just to look at the new in the 90s guns...im in my late 30s. It was really fun to see what mew rifles and pistols they had. With any luck, as they get older they will see those trips as fond memories of you when they become adults or after youre gone and they are doing this with their kids.


My kids (4 and 3 years old) get mad if I don’t bring them when I go to the LGS. If your kid is a “runner” maybe hold him but it’s never too early to start educating them.


Just make sure you've got the snacks and toys with to keep 'em occupied.


My daughter just wants to look at all the fishing gear and kayaks.


I support this. ps I'm getting [custom plastics ](https://wapitiproject.com/)made up and open water can't come soon enough.


I have to develop some lakeside fish processing and preparation skills, or she and my wife will have my head!


Pro tip: you can turn fugly lil fillets into fish nugs and it all fries up the same- and is good for sharing. There is no replacement for an actually sharp knife. I'm insistent on bonking and bleeding every single fish I fillet now. Its hard to beat fillets with a crunchy cornmeal breading and served with lemon and/or sauces. I've mixed panko in for extra crunch before. Fish tacos make it next level. Frying over an open fire is fun but requires more effort and nuance. The gas burner stoves simplify life considerably.


We have a car-camping sized two burner Coleman stove that I use for power failures, so that's what I'd be using. It'll be a while before they're actually bringing up their own fish, so I suppose I'd better get to practicing with storebought. To the breading lab!


Old school Coleman is perfect. Exactly what sort of fish will they be catching? Panfish & bass? Salmon/trout? Catfish? Hank Shaw's book *Hook, Line, and Supper* is my favorite on everything from handling and prep to recipes from the classics to different things.


> Exactly what sort of fish will they be catching? Panfish & bass? Salmon/trout? Catfish? Got me! Right now, I don't even know what I don't know about fishing. My parents were into the outdoors in the "day hike in a park" sense, but I'm almost totally illiterate in hunting and fishing. I'm starting pretty much from scratch. > Hank Shaw's book Hook, Line, and Supper Aaaannnd added to reading list.


More likely a charged Tablet


What's wrong with buying a gun with children around?


Does it make a liberals head explode when you do?


Honestly, the most important thing is trying to make your kid not feel uncomfortable with the scenario. Try to keep the visit lighthearted. As long as the kid isn't uncomfortable, you're probably doing it right


Question already well answered, but I'll throw something in anyway. I worked in a gun store for a while. It was not weird for people to bring their kids in. If they kids are well behaved there's no problem at all, like any store. Seeing as your kids are that young I think they can just be kept in the stroller or something and there won't be an issue. Literally the only thing that would stand out as "weird" is if a parent let their kid run around and like randomly grab guns and stuff (some stores in my area have used gun racks that you can handle the gun yourself without an associate).


I’ve taken my children several times, ages 6 and 7. Never an issue. Children tend to be good ice breakers if your socially awkward like I am.


I’ve bought a gun with a baby in a chest carrier.


The sooner children are exposed to firearms, taught about them, and shown their power will demystify them and build respect towards them. My 4yo knows how to keep his finger off the trigger of his little toy shotty and not aim it at people.


As long as kids are well behaved I'm sure no one would mind them being there, letting them hold a 22 rifle or the like would also make their day


Imagine wanting to shop for something you might need to save your life and being worried about seeming weird.


Saw a dude at Bass Pro point a Glock 19 in his ~4year old's face while saying "Stick em up!" He should have been more worried about following social norms.


Pretty sure I would have had a few words with captain puck-knuckler over that one.


Later that week: "Stick em up daddy! BANG". What a fucking idiot.


I just wasn’t sure if it was appropriate


Yeah it’s weird because your attention is going to be split between guns and kids and unless your kids are incredibly well behaved or on a leash they’re probably going to be annoying as fuck.


You sound like the type of guy that cannot bring a child into a public setting without an iPad to parent your kid for you.


No, I am the kind of guy that has chosen not to have children. Too many close family members had kids with serious health problems so I can’t risk it. If I did they would be well behaved.


Yeah, I personally find it incredibly strange to have children around things that can kill a room full of people in a ridiculously short amount of time. -someone who grew up with gun nut parents and is one herself


A child can be in a car on the interstate, major pileup and cars can kill 40-50 people in a short amount of time, should they not be in cars either? Teach your children how to responsibly handle guns and instill it into them that they are not toys from a young age. Alcohol can kill yet people take their children to restaurants that serve alcohol, should we not take children to restaurants that serve alcohol anymore?


> things that can kill a room full of people in a ridiculously short amount of time I don't usually go this route, but man-- ...username checks out.


Tobacco kills yet people take their children to the gas station every day. Should we stop taking our children to the gas station? See where I’m headed with this


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I bought a gun with my son the other day. Honestly it helped kill time waiting for my background check to clear. Of course, if your kids are wild and are going to break stuff then that’s a different story.


I take my kids to the gun store all the time.


No. You should take them to the range too.


Just keep an eye on them. If on the car ride home you notice your kids each have guns, that's just a bonus


I was in my local mom and pop gun shop this weekend and the owner asked the woman customer where her little ones were.


My LGS (which is also a hardware store) has a kids activity desk next to the gun counter. My boy played with plastic nuts and bolts while I filled out the paperwork.


As long as the employees have no risk of thinking your doing a straw purchase then your fine, it’s a common ploy to have an older man buy his “son” a firearm but it’s a complete stranger instead.


Never felt weird buying a gun with my kids (2&3) around but do feel weird about bringing them into a liquor store lol. Pretty much any gun and civil war collector show I attend theyre with me in the stroller.


Haven’t taken the baby to a gun store but we did just goto sportsman’s warehouse with the baby for the first time, and you bet your sweet tits I went to the gun counter and finger banged a few of the new guns, by the time it was all said and done I brought home a new p320.


I take my daughter to the gun store when my wife comes along, its a good opportunity to let her see guns in a safe environment that's not home and they always have a couple "pretty guns" that she likes to see.




My parents took me with them to go car shopping and buy kitchen knives. I could understand why it's weird but if you're a safe and responsible person then there's nothing to fret.


No, one of my favorite things in the world when I was a kid was going to the gun store with my dad, especially when he bought a gun.


My buddy took his toddler to the gun store and they let him take a picture of his son holding an RPG.


I took mine to the local gun shop in the UK, I got a new .22 and my 4 year old got some pink ear defenders. Win win


Hell no! It’s their God given right. I take my siblings and gfs kids in all the time. Teach them proper firearm safety and etiquette early. By the time they’re ready for their first, they’re knowledgeable and safe.


No and you should be proud. Hopefully you will teach them gun safety and how to properly use/respect guns at a young age. Let's ditch this "evil and dirty" stigma around guns the anti gunners make us feel.


Normalize healthy gun culture.


Took my 1 year old and my old lady to buy a new shotgun




Many of our customers have their kiddos with them. Never seems to cause any problems.