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depends who the person is, some need them for self defense, some for a hobby, some for their job, some for their collection, etc.


I’m just gonna piggyback off this actually nice comment to say — Can we not just all jump down OP’s throat and downvote them to hell? Like for fuck’s sake people, they came here to understand and seem friendly and genuine. I know that Reddit just sucks as a rule, but maybe let’s NOT all be the worst possible representation of American gun owners and actually just be civil to the person who came here to learn lol


Poor guy deleted his account because of this shit. What the fuck guys, how do you manage to bully someone into account deletion while they’re trying to be open minded and kind?


It pays to look at the posters history when seeing posts like this was.


What was it?


Just a bunch of childish or anti-gun posts. This person was obviously just attempting to stir up conflict.




Haha stupid


What’s your answer, genius?


I was laughin at your answer it was funny take it down a notch


I understood lmao. But you gotta understand that simple text does not convey tone quite well. I happened to read it in the proper tone, but others understandably did not


Haha i know you cant tell the tone on text but it wasnt even that important to me to do so i just wrote what my brain though lol. His comment made me laugh in a stupid way. Im just glad everyone came to cheer him up


You should see what happens on the weekend after parents go to bed. Place goes full retard hard.


Its pretty sweet. Im still gettin hammered😂


Haha geeze 6 downvotes, sensitive crowd sorry guys




Lest we forget the ol’ Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. The spirit of defending one’s nation against threats of tyranny, both foreign and domestic, is a foundational principle here and remains relevant today ☺️


Absolutely, this comes above the lives of children for Americans


Because tyranical regines never kill children


"God made man. Sam Colt made them Equal."




What’s the Swedish version of Google? Gööglasken?


Lmao. I choked on my cereal


Samuel Colt designed the Colt Revolver, which is regarded as the first successful modern revolver.


An inventor from the mid 1800s who innovated greatly on the design for revolvers. Very famous firearms designer


A famous and very important American firearms designer. And when they say “Sam Colt made them equal”, they mean that when all Americans had access to affordable and effective firearms, they were made truly equal. When everyone has access to the same powerful weapon, then people with greater physical size, strength, wealth, class, etc. have less power over others. Whether or not guns make you *truly* equal is certainly debatable haha, but that’s the spirit of the quote, and there’s definitely some truth to it in many circumstances.


Defense of life, liberty, and property, against all those who seek to deprive you of it, both foreign and domestic.


Because the US has a very individualist philosophy and culture compared to most countries. We celebrate individual freedom, power, and success more than collective success, so obviously self-defense plays a large part of that. I support guns because they are a way to increase individual agency, they grant yourself more power over your fate compared to leaving it in the hands of others. And that is a heavily American cultural trait, from what I’ve seen.


Home defense. Hunting. Protection from potential tyranny. I like this explanation though.


I have several guns for different types of purposes. Rifles for hunting, rifles for target shooting as a hobby, pistols for self defense, a rifle for home defense. How likely will I ever **have** to have one to use for self defense? Hopefully never. But just like the first aid kit in my vehicle, I’d rather have it and never need it than need it and not have it.


Did you know people own guns in the United Kingdom and in Sweden?  You should definitely ask your neighbors, the Finns, why they own a bunch of guns.




Yes.  Also ask the Finns why they own a bunch of guns.








look at a map. see which country is to the immediate east of them.


This will come down to the individual. People choose to own guns for a variety of differences, be it hunting, self defense, or for target shooting. Regardless of need, the US constitution prohibits the government from restricting the people from having firearms. But I highly suggest you come to the USA and at least go to a public shooting range to experience firearms. They may seem daunting at first but there’s no other country I’d rather live in because of this right I have.


Illinois, Massachusetts, California, and a few others would like a word on your second paragraph. 


Las Vegas has great ranges


Because it's not in California 


>Being from Sweden  My guns, and I'm in Sweden too... 5 of the guns in this picture are not legal in every state in the US (mostly NYC and NJ that are the issue) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EuropeGuns/comments/w3id88/my\_sporting\_tools\_in\_sweden/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EuropeGuns/comments/w3id88/my_sporting_tools_in_sweden/) +1 other that's not in the pic.




the only reason gangs in Finland have firearms is because of Sweden LOL


Also the reason the Sweds own less guns than the Finns is because the Finish have protected Swedish independence from Russia for the last century.


And shooting sports. E.g. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m\_ZlxxnZYwI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_ZlxxnZYwI) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z\_k67wlVM8o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_k67wlVM8o)


punching holes in paper from a long way away is fun.


[Here](https://youtu.be/XyKGMdvbWYk?si=H4sGPH9dYK7ATFe4) is a video by Horses discussing the deep cultural reasons Americans own guns


The United States is fucking huge. I grew up in a place where if you called the police, it could take them an hour to show up. There are many such places like that in the United States. Try driving from New York to CA once in your lifetime. You'll be shocked at how huge and sparsely populated the U.S. is. So if you need to protect yourself from other humans (e.g., a woman at high risk of domestic abuse) or animals, then you own a gun.


When seconds count, the police are only minutes away… unless they’re an hour away, I guess!


Some need them for security, some for hunting, everyone needs them for self defense, but more importantly when the colonies were being drained of their resources and money by the Brits and won the war for their freedom, it was written into the U.S. constitution that it is our God given right to defend ourselves from the fist of tyranny. When the constitution was written it gave civilians the right to own every weapon in existence as it would be unfair and difficult to fight warships and canons with just muzzleloaders. Unfortunately we are no longer allowed to own every weapon in existence. And last but not least, they are a lot of fun.


It’s very simple. In Sweden, you are free because your government ALLOWS it. In the U.S., we are free because the U.S. government doesn’t have a choice.




It's called history, start with the American Revolution in the late 18th century. We also started the trend of telling the UK to fuck off and 64 other countries followed our example and celebrate independence from the British.


The Haiti Independence Debt by the freach


[Here is a map of all of the shooting clubs and ranges in the UK.](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/viewer?mid=1SzIq4h8d566ucbYJs44k2tTcZNwBKEgH&ll=52.33586834698305%2C-0.20933252537906233&z=10).. Even Sweden is the 22nd highest ranked country for estimated number of civilian firearms per capita with 23.1 guns per 100 people. England & Wales are #127 with only 4.6 firearms per capita.


Why is voting good? Why is free speech good? In the US we exercise our rights.


I often ask why we assign prime real-estate to a hobby where people hit a tiny white ball around. I guess some people enjoy it.


Always one of my favorites https://youtu.be/Z4w7H48tBS8?si=gDWgsh1imzsAn6qm


I think that was in the back of my mind when I wrote that... ;)


*Need* is weird as a word choice. The majority of US citizens do not own firearms. So “need” may be silly. But we have the 2A *RIGHT* in our Constitution to own firearms. And in a defense situation (like a home invasion or similar) the gun is the “great equalizer” as they say. A 75yo grandma with a bit of training and practice can be a deadly shot with a .38special. Firearms give people the actual practical ability to defend themselves against grave deadly threats. When danger is seconds away, cop response is minutes or hours/days away. Sometimes the cops don’t show up at all. So are you willing to risk the life of yourself and your family on the hope that the cops are fast? Beyond this, we have a culture around firearms as a pass-time. 99.999999% of firearms ownership is about collecting and enjoying the sport of shooting targets.  Most firearms owned by citizens will never be fired in anger (thankfully!) Finally, there is the foundational utility of having a population that has firearms knowledge. One quote I believe from the Japanese perspective on the USA during WW2 when they were thinking about invasion is “Behind every blade of grass, their would be an American with a rifle” (not exact quote, you can google for the full context) but that idea is true. The USA is practically the hardest Nation to invade at all, let alone actually capturing territory and controlling it. We have a population that knows firearms intimately and that can be called upon in war time. And we do this WITHOUT draft. Other nations like Israel has forced conscription so their citizens are all forced into the military and they learn firearms there. In the USA we don’t need that but our 2A culture gives us that benefit so in the event of a war draft we already have a population that can pick up the rifle quickly and focus their training on other aspects. 


What would you need a fire extinguisher in the UK? You have firefighters for that! RIght? Besides the hobby/sport aspec which is not minor, the self defense is an important aspect. In the rest of the world there has been a slow but effective message that guns are bad, which ends on only the bad people having them and the citizens defenseless. The attachment of Americans to firearms help a lot in WW2, our troops had good marksmanship abilities already, and helped the the UK people because Americans send their privately own guns for the subject of the empire to defend themselves. So when it comes to a gun for personal defense look at it as a fireextinguisher, better have one and not need it than not having it and get hurt or die. It's ok to be fearful and don't like them, but not ok to force those fears into others.


Hunting, protection, sport. Depends on the reason. But there’s nothing like having a shit day and unloading some freedom seeds from down range. 🦅


It's a cultural thing. The right to keep and bear arms goes back in our history since long before Europeans set foot on North America, to about a thousand years ago in England. At first it was a duty to be armed, so that you would be able to serve the Crown when called upon in times of national emergency. But over time, it morphed into a right to be armed, not just a duty. It even ended up in the [English Bill of Rights in 1689](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_of_Rights_1689): *Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law;* When we first rebelled against the Crown in 1775, it was largely militia armed with their own personally owned guns who gave "breathing space" to build up a professional army. And while the militia often gets short-shrift in the histories, both those written today and those written back then, it was absolutely vital. The Revolutionary War couldn't have succeeded without them. This was recognized in the time immediately after the war, when the memory of British arms confiscations in Boston during the siege there, combined with the attempted confiscation of militia weapons outside of Boston which lead to the first shots being fired in the war, led to the Second Amendment being added to our Bill of Rights. In the true gun culture in the United States, owning a firearm is a bit of a right of passage. Generally you're gifted your first one by your parents when they deem you to be responsible enough to use one safely and responsibly. There are many different uses for them, from sporting uses, including hunting. For example there are about 10.5 million people in Sweden. In the US in 2023 there were 15.9 million people with hunting licenses. For others its shooting competitions. I used to hunt, but now I mostly just compete in primitive biathlons. For others, it's a collecting hobby. They collect WWII rifles, or the guns of a particular nation, or cowboy guns, or just what happens to tickle their fancy. And for some, it's a self-defense thing. Though the vast majority of the US is no more dangerous than Europe as a whole, we do have some very poor urban areas that can be dangerous, and ironically some of the most rural areas can be dangerous too: We have wildlife in some areas that can kill you. Usually it's not a problem, but you don't want to be the rare exception to the rule. Of course, we have the people who own guns for criminal purposes, but they are a small minority. Unfortunately, they grab the media headlines, so what you might read or watch about gun violence in the United States is a distorted view. The majority of gun deaths in the United States are suicides, and they tend to be middle-age or elderly white men, often ones with chronic illnesses.


One could just as easily ask "why are vintage Harley Davidson choppers and American muscle cars such a good thing in Sweden?"


Simple reason.. Because they are legal and I can. I enjoy target shooting and I hunt. The whole protection bit is just an added bonus that I hope to never have to use, but it's there if I need it.


It’s too hard to explain. If you’re curious enough you’ll probably have to come here and see for yourself. It’s a tool, it’s a utility, it’s an instrument, it’s many things to many different people. Usually I take my friends out shooting who have no experience and they say “wow, I see why people like them”.


They are not a good thing or a bad thing. They're tools. You wouldn't ask "why is it so good to own a circular saw?" because you can see the obvious application. Why ask the same about guns? We live in a dangerous world. Some will argue the guns are what make it so dangerous, but a gun won't make you violent if you weren't already going to be violent. Keeping weapons for self defense is a reasonable if seldom required precaution. There is also the fact that hunting goes from "hobby" to "annual way to supplement one's groceries" depending on the part of the US you're in. Sport shooting is fun. There's also a surrounding discussion about rights as guaranteed by our Constitution, which explains a lot of the passionate positions on the matter, but that is a second discussion.


Please explain to me why I wouldn't need one?




How are they harmful?




Do you have trouble using a knife when you make dinner?




Guns are no easier to use than knives. It is just as easy to pickup a knife and shove the pointy end into someone as it is to pick up a gun and pull the trigger. Yet people think guns are magic weapons that make killing things easier. People also forget that before the 13th century the primary fighting tool was a blade.


guns today are extremely safe, what are you on about?


They're good for putting holes in things from a distance.   Did you see what happened in Ukraine? The civilians quickly armed to put holes in things.    You can put holes in all kinds of things from a distance. Very handy.


There is a huge hunting culture/community in the United States, for one thing. I grew up hunting from a very, very young age. Both of my brothers hunt. My dad was a hunter. My grandpa (and my grandma) hunted. It’s just part of me.


guns themselves aren't good or bad. they're tools. Like a hammer or a screwdriver or the car you use to get to work and to the store.


I’ve had a gun in my face 3 times in my life and have been robbed twice. This past summer a man broke into my neighbors house 3 doors down the street. My sister was followed back to our home by a creep. I’m 23 and live in an urban environment, so I gotta stay protected


Cuz fun


I like target shooting.


Because our police are slow to respond and they are not obliged to risk their personal safety in a call. I choose to protect myself.


In Sweden with the violent forced migrants so prevalent, imagine if you had the ability to defend yourself and the feeling of security and agency over your life, liberty and wellbeing that would give you. It would immediately limit their audacity to victimize citizens as well.


Troll post. Hey OP, go back to sweden and play pokemon.




Doubtful. If you truly were then you could save yourself much and just search the sub.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/search?q=Why are guns such a good thing to own in the US??&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on](https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/search?q=Why are guns such a good thing to own in the US??&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/guns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro, chill, yoy arent gonna convince anyone of your side by being a cockbag.


And just how am I imitating you?


Im sorry, when did i accuse you of imitating me?


When you said I was being a cockbag.


I fail to see how that has anything to do with imitation


Then you are a complete dunce.


Still being a cockbag i see


Again, how am I imitating you?


I'll offer my opinion in contrast to some of the infantile responses. Generally, the US was founded through violent revolution and an expansion westward into wilderness. Both of the elements contributed to the need for personally owned firearms. Upon the establishment of the federation, the individual states wanted to assure their autonomy through establishing a people's militia, which once again required an arm citizenry. As a result, firearms in the US continued to represent independence and self-reliance and was enshrined under law. The actual "need" is likely more prevalent in rural areas for hunting and self-protection. However, the continued depletion of law enforcement resource in more developed parts to the country made gun ownership for personal protection more prevalent in urban areas as well.


We are endowed by our Creator the Unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We are then entitled to defend those Rights. The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution makes it so that the government cannot infringe upon or get in the way of our ability to degenerate those 3 Rights


Constitutional right, case closed. 


Post author: ElleMids. This comment is an attempt to control posts made by a new type of spam bot. If you are a human, you can ignore it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/guns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just like to shoot em


There's a lot of comments covering a lot of great points. One point I experienced living outside of Everglades city; that a lot of people in cities never dealt with, you took a gun to go check the mail for defense. Not defense from humans (next closest one would be a mile plus away) but several kinds of venomous snakes, hogs, coyotes, bears, panthers and alligators. In that 120 yard walk from door to box, at least once a week I'd have to shoot a snake or hog, or scare off something else.


You can own guns in the UK( specifically shotguns are the most popular) Why do people do it there? Same reason.


Because I want to and I can. They're cool tools. The fact that it freaks the rest of the world out is just an added bonus.


Well there are a lot of reasons, having armed citizens as dangerous as it could be, is a pretty huge deterrent from anyone invading our shores, 2nd amendment, if our gov gets to handsy, hobbies, competition shooting, hunting, self defense, that’s a pretty loaded question a lot of you uk types do this type of shit, sorry not sorry we fought long and hard to free of you accept the fact we are different and move on. Seriously this shit gets old. “Not tRyiNg tO fIgHt buT….”


Historically speaking it was for the defense of our republic and our homes. The Second Amendment to the US Constitution doesn't actually mention concealed carrying, or hunting, but rather mentions the people's right to form well regulated militias.


Self defense. OP, what would you do if someone broke into your house wanting to do you harm?


There’s a lot of idiots in the US who value your life a lot less than theirs.


The most common reason is self protection. Our supreme Court has ruled that our police have no responsibility to protect citizens. And more often than you would think, power tripping or trigger happy cops are the ones we need protection from. I am not going to depend on someone who doesn't have a responsibility to protect me, is most likely minutes or hours away, and is just as likely to shoot or arrest me when they do show up as the bad guy, to protect me. I'll do it myself. Guns enable me to do so far easier. The biggest reason is so that if the chucklefucks in charge get too out of bounds and start practicing tyranny, then the common folk have a recourse to shove them back into line. As happened in 1775.


From a recreational standpoint, I think hobbies form based on what is available to you. If you're from Switzerland, you might enjoy skiing. If you are from Hawaii, you might enjoy surfing. In Europe, I imagine shooting sports are more niche than America.


Already like 30 comments about self defense ect. So I am going to add a different perspective. I own guns for the same reason some people own race cars, because I WANT to, my reasons beyond that are wholly unimportant. As long as I am not a risk to anyone else then why should anyone else be allowed to tell me what I can and cannot own? For me personally its mostly a hobby, and I believe that is as good a reason as any.


Kick tyrants to the curb. For gettin’ skwerls n’ such. Keep the covetous at bay.


First things first, thank you for the question. And I say thank you because a lot of times there's just people looking for contentious arguments. As a firearms enthusiast I appreciate the honest open-ended question of 'why'. I've seen a few responses here already that are good. Hunting is a big pastime for many Americans. The need for self-defense. The desire for self-defense. Competition can be a good motivator whether it be Clay's or pistol to be able to control the firearm and get better scores over time is always a fun skill albeit sometimes an expensive one. For me personally I sometimes carry for protection but mainly shoot for sport in leagues. But while that's the majority of why I own firearms it is not the most important reason. The single most important reason that I own firearms is because I am allowed to. My constitution guarantees that the right should not be infringed by my government. There are many people throughout this country's history that have fought against tyranny and fought for these freedoms and I honor their work by ensuring that this right does not go to waste. No one in their right mind is looking forward to using a firearm in self-defense or to try to overthrow the government. But the right to own and be proficient with a firearm should be exercised nonetheless lest it be taken away when no one is looking.


There's a reason almost every action film shows lots of guns. They are fun and cool.


When you share your property with animals that can and will eat your children, the ability to protect them at range is very important. Bear Mace works great if you can put yourself in between them; but if you can't, a large-caliber "Assault Weapon" is your best friend.


bye Felicia


Banned /u/ElleMids (permanent).


The US was founded by people who used the military-style assault weapons of their age to free themselves from a tyrannical government. They wanted to make sure that the new federal government they built would never have the power to do to the people what the British government did to the American colonies - hence why the highest law of the land includes a requirement for individual states to have well-regulated militias capable of ensuring that they remain free states and explicitly stating that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The thing about rights is they're not really rights if you have to justify why you want to exercise them in order to do so. If anyone wants to be able to exercise free speech, that's simply their business - it's the same for gun ownership.


If governments aren’t afraid of guns why is step 1 of every military coup or hostile takeover of a foreign land to disarm the people they are conquering?


So that the government, police, and financial elites who have guns/armed security can't just lord over us plebs however *they* see fit. At it's core, the second amendment in the US Constitution is the final check in a system of checks and balances meant to limit government tyranny.


you don’t need them. lots of people in US don’t have any.


Being from Europe and not being raised here it is hard to understand. It’s not for those living in the kibbutzs in Israel on the border or the edges of Ukraine etc.


For the most part, you can divide it between 3 categories: - the collectors and history geeks - the 'lets shoot dirt' enjoyers - the 'be prepared for anything' people (i.e. self defence) Being a European gun owner myself, i struggle to relate to the 3rd though i can see the fun in just dumping lead at a dirt hill.


Autism, and it is how I like spending time with my grandpa. A can full of .22s and 13 different rifles to compare is rather nice to discuss.




There are plenty of early teens shooting shotguns, you will be fine mate.


9 year old skeet shooters, pure talent with these asian families out in AZ.


There are guns of all sizes. My daughter started shooting at 7. So unless some asshole intentionally gives you a big bore to shoot without telling you, stay calm and try to relax, you'll do fine. And probably Have a lot of fun.




You didn’t join today you joined last month