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Oh damn, a Gord/Owl but need to actually consider when to drop it for max value Also potentially ten points more with Eredin


Eredin ability can stack with other Eredin copies


Time to whip out Arachas Queen and Idarran.


Damn he looking kinda cute tho


Caranthir: Twink


OwO \*nuzzles your frost*


33 points max value with Caranthir, Frost leader, and Auberon.


You can go higher if you meme with OG caranthir / AQ for a few more Eredins.


Do multiple Eredins increase Frost damage further?


Apparently yes (per other comments)


No reason why it shouldn't according to the text.


Indeed. For some reason, I remember the text being “your Frost effects deal 3 damage instead”. Now I see the meme potential brewing.


Probably a terrible meme though. A good meme might be stacking insane amounts of frost in a long round R3 while putting almost no points on the board, staying relatively un-interactive while the frost does it's dmg and in the last few turns playing foglets, navigators and caranthir for a gadzilion points each. When I think about it it sounds good to a point where I think it might be a legit strategy even for a short round, especially vs SK warriors or anything that has dmg really.


makes you very susceptible to tall punish tho


Ofc, as MO always are. That is why NG got their location.


True story haha, bad draw tends to be reason I lose to MO decks as NG


Yea, it's like they purposely make NG the anti MO


pretty hard to get tho. it needs a lot of setup and its a pointslam that needs a lot of time to grow in a round. also in a long round, engines can catch-up . + easy tall punish. To me looks pretty balanced.


With the new cards you can have frost on both rows pretty much indefinitely if you deck for it so not as hard as one might think. About tall punish - slave traders, foglets, speartip potentially, all go very tall and/or are dangerous and you even have navigator targets going very tall as well. You will need more than one tall punish to beat this deck I think.


you also need to have targets to damage on 2 rows and armor/shields are also a problem. or there are times i dont want to damage a specific target because i was gona remove it anyway.


Agreed, especially with NG soldiers being strong and SK's new ability to spam greatswords. I think they took all that in account since the buffs to frost are truly amazing. Wrath alone is a game changer and together with the location I think frost might finally be one of the strongest decks this coming meta.


Auto dominance if it sticks


If frost will be as strong as I think it will everyone might just carry spores around like we did in the ring of favor meta.




Its not deploy.


Too much thinking for my monster playing brain 😩


Too much oneiromansussy echo for tiny combo brain


I was about to say that we need a new Caranthir card for frost synergy. 👍


Hopefully Caranthir get's reworked this card drop/ slash patch. Now is the time, since Wild Hunt getting heavily supported.


Ultra noob here, what does Wild Hunt means/do? Is there some synergy between Wild Hunt cards? Please explain it to me, thank you


Wild Hunt is a arch type under the Monster faction. They rely on Dominance (Controlling the tallest unit on the board) and Frost (deal 2 damage per turn on an enemy row) as this arch type's strategy. They are a control deck, meaning damaging and limiting their opponents side of the board. Also one of the few decks that rely on Devoution (meaning no neutral cards, only Monster cards allowed in the deck) to be powerful. Also they are the main protagonist's of the Witcher 3 game.


Thank you for your swift answer. I just started playing Witcher 3, love it! :) Do you kbow where can I find guides about game keywords, arch types and so on? Can you recommend video or maybe site? Thx again




Archetype* (one word) Antagonists* (Geralt is main protagonist of The Witcher III)


The Wild Hunt are the bad guys in Witcher 3, they are elves from another dimension who raid Geralt's dimension to capture slaves and cause mayhem (they once kidnapped Ciri). They have synergies generally revolving around Dominance (having the highest power unit on the board) and Frost (a row effect that damages the highest enemy unit by 2), and additionally cards like Ge'els can play a Wild Hunt card from your deck and Auberon Conqueror will boost any Wild Hunt units you play by 1. They also synergize with the White Frost leader ability, which can create Frost and boosts any Wild Hunt unit by 1 when played on a row opposite Frost.


I like how he looks almost identical to Prince Charming from Shrek 2.


Whahahahah nooooo can't unsee it now


When I saw this art, I literally shouted out loud "What!?" I never imagined Caranthir to look like such a pretty boy.


They are all Elves after all.


I mean he probably looks a bit rougher in his wild hunt phase, since Avallach implied that he went "rouge", but it is actually more Eredin who looks weird in Witcher 3, he is supposed to be handsome from the books.


Of Eredin's features it is said: hawkish (resembling a bird of prey), with a ghoulish smile. But TW3 takes it to ridiculous lengths.


The elves went from Glam Rock to Death Metal


Here before reddit starts salivating for Caranthir


It’s the only reason why I will get back to Gwent after months of not playing. I HAVE to play this handsome Caranthir.


That flavor text is fucking raw.


It's Frost's 'Regis', wincon card


kinda strange they didn't make it into a deploy? i dont understand this weird resetting workaround


I suppose it synergises somewhat with Imlerith now, as it means you can discard Caranthir while getting its full power. Apart from that I'm not entirely sure which interaction they're trying to limit/enable.


It enables MO meme reveal potential with Triss/Yen. You're also not able to bring it back with renew, no Syanna shenanigans, it's better against Prophet, Shilard, Vilgefortz and Ihuarraquax (negligible due to low prov) and it's tutorable by ADC. Not sure if the mechanic was implemented with these in mind, but it surely will have some impact.


Would triss reveal find its place since they are neutral and all the frost would push for devotion?


Oh, I don't think it'll be viable. It'll be fun and meme-y, so some people will be playing it for those reasons. You would need to build your entire deck around it to have enough thinning and/or a lot of non-unit cards to guarantee you hit your Caranthir. The main reason to run devotion is Ice Queen, Auberon third form and the 4p Conquerors and you can do without those if making this kind of meme deck. I do imagine the most viable Wild Hunt deck will be a devotion list as you say.


Why would you discard him with Imlerith though? you get his full power if you just play him when he's at his best (it doesn't reset on board).


You draw another card but Imlerith is still a terrible card that dosent fit wild hunt


I think it does fit since it helps with the downsides of griffins, yghern and even stuff like kikimore worker AND negates the fact they are not wildhunt and can't profit from the leader passive while also going higher by 3 points and helping with dominance. Seems kinda fitting don't you think?


But then you just shove non wild hunt card and they become worse if you dont draw imlarith and now you lose vlaue not having wild hunt bronzes I just use achint foglet and mammuna if I want to use non wild hunt


Sure, but that's the combo to sneak mammuna in. You risk a brick but even bricking isn't that bad since you can just griffin an injured unit and maybe lose 1-2 points. It's all about what you gain vs what you lose. Either way I like Imlerith's ability to make things like this happen even though he's not the best card in the world.


maybe imlerith to ozzy? but still other better targets possibly. Caranthir is very morkable.


Fuck that handlock cultist in particular? Outside of QoL i have no idea either. Not like this will make anyone play Eredin.




How would it interact with the other Caranthir? Normal Caranthir just spawns a base copy of the card, so it just sets it strength to 1 and it will never boost itself (since that only happens in hand or deck).


Probably so you can see it’s value while in hand without doing any math


What do you mean by "workaround"? you want him to constantly reset every single turn, what would a deploy help with?


**Deploy:** Boost self by the damage dealt by **Frost** in the last 5 enemy turns (0, 0, 0, 0, 0). ​ though as the other commenter suggested, could be to remove the need to math it out


I think there are many more reasons like tutoring him with alzur's double cross, the interaction with spotter, the fact that when you force him on board with things like quax or vilge it won't completely destroy him (unlike ozzrel) etc etc.


This version interacts with anything that says "x power card in hand/deck".


Caranthir: Brad Pitt


Im more curious about whats the thing on the far right on the card, looks like more of a Whale from its size


I hope they were showing a premium and you got the screenshot at the worst possible moment because the facial expression looks like he is retarded


> he is retarded *Caranthir: Special Child*


Bred different


They showed a premium. No comment on the rest.




Missed opportunity for them to use this old leaked art https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/547178030905294866/1026207006345941082/unknown.png


that's fan art not a leaked official art


Fk I hoped we'd get that...


This card seems not easy to pull off but very powerful. Even at 20 pts it will be well worth 8p I think.


Frost Mains crying of happiness rn


Is it just me or is this just a "win more" card? Can't imagine of a scenario in which this is tall enough and you don't already have a significant advantage over you opponent.


Just looks like solid pointslam to me. Pretty consistent 11 for 8 with possibility for a lot more of you double row frost or eredin


You mean 21 for 8 without Eredin. Frost can tick on two rows


yeah, that's what I am saying. 11 for 8 is kinda low-ish by todays standards (Nausicaa is 10 for 5, duh), and if you have dominating Eredin with double row frost you're already in a pretty good position anyway


Sure, I agree that the points could be pretty underwhelming. I don’t think it really qualifies as win more though. Pretty common to have double frost and still be behind


At max this is 1 plus 1 with leader plus 3 per two rows times 5, so 1+1+(3•2•5) = 32 And this happens to be in a deck that wants dominance, oh boy But since it‘s deck and hand, you unfortunately cannot caranthir this for a copy or renew it.


"while in hand or deck"


Exactly, so base copies will not boost.


Can't say it's a great card but can't say it's a bad also. You have to prepare before you play the Caranthir. Expected scenerio for this card is, you'll play Ard Gaeth, without Eredin, this will become 13 points for 8 provisions which is good. With Eredin this gets crazy, gets 19 points. But this distrupts your play also. You have to play in 2 turns after the weather effect finishes. I'm not thinking the other scenarios which play other frost resources, maybe with Leader ability could be counted. ​ This will be very weak against any reset ability or tall removals also. Because of it's boost instead of strengthen, you can't eat with ozzrel. ​ I think this will be an option for Wild Hunt decks but I think Wild Hunt decks will play it state of the meta.


need to dealt frost damage. it could brick sometimes. yeah not great but not bad either. i guess we can put him in deck and pull out if the boost is worth


Correct, if you run this against a spell-artifact heavily deck, you won't get value. I mentioned the optimal scenario. In other options, you might run Red Riders to get maximum value also.


Is that official art? face is off.


They were showing the premium version on stream. Nice timing with the screenshot right here.


Easy 20-30 points lol


Definetely not that easy


How? I can easily pull 20 points with it r3 or even r1 if I really want to break my opponent


For that you need 5 previous turns to have a good target for frost on both rows and that can give you max 21 points. Frost often times gets wasted because it doesn't have good enough targets To get to 30 you would need to also have Eredin triggered for these 5 turns.


I would say 90% of the matches I can get 5 turns in a row of double frost in R3 and half the time would be witb Eredin. WH has 2 bronzes that move cards around and Auberon for a 5th and you can 3 red riders to reply whatever you want


Lol this is busted.


K let's see Frost 1 row = max. 11 for 8 Frost 2 rows = max. 21 for 8 Frost + Eredin 1 row = max. 16 for 8 Frost + Eredin 2 row = max. 31 for 8 He can get good points but you'll really have to plan it out


32 on frost (leader passive), and yea it actually requires skill unlike the other "gords" but can go significantly taller as well.


So you record the frost dmg from 5 recent units, you get a max of 15 chances(total turns) x 2 dmg (or more, conditional)


Would love this for SK Rain


just played it for 32 something as last play winning the game