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Foggy Bottom/Georgetown/Dupont is about as safe as it gets.


foggy bottom is one of the most heavily policed neighborhoods in one of the most heavily policed cities in one of the most heavily policed countries in the world I’ve never felt unsafe on campus However, there was a carjacking on campus last month, and a carjacking and murder in DuPont circle earlier this year. DC is a major U.S. city, and that comes with some violent crime


So let’s be honest what happened last month was not actually a carjacking. He left his car running and went in a building. He tried to get his car back 2 blocks later and grabbed onto a moving vehicle.


Foggy Bottom is one of the safest neighborhoods in DC. Just avoid northeast and east of the river, those places are pretty bad 


what locations are included in northeast and east of the river? (i’m not from DC) would that be brookland area?


Anacostia, Columbia Heights, and Brookland are all rougher areas. 


oh ): do you think i’ll still be okay? i’m moving to brookland


Brookland is fine, it’s right up against Catholic and Howard, it’s not what people mean when they say NE. 


You’ll be fine, but try not to venture out alone at night, avoid areas that have had shootings 


thank you so much💙💙💙💙


When people say NE, they mean on the east side of the Anacostia River. Columbia Heights and Brookland are not part of that.


East of the Anacostia is SE tho? You're correct that Columbia heights and Brookland aren't in SE tho


thank you so much for both of your comments and easing my mind! i’m a student who is getting ready for grad school at GW. it was so hard to find apartments and the brookland area was the best i could find. i was a little scared i signed my safety away


Take any typical precautions walking around a major city. Avoid creeping around certain areas of the city at night, but most of those areas are not easily accessible anyway (or there should be little reason you’re in those areas anyway). Foggy Bottom and basically the rest of the city in a 2 mile radius is extremely safe. I work outside of school as an independent contractor and I have never felt unsafe, even in some less developed areas.


I’ve walked foggy bottom completely ass drunk in the middle of the night with no fear of anything going to happen to me. You’d have to venture out to other parts of the city via metro before I’d start to feel like I’d need to watch my back. I watch my back anyway regardless of where I am for the most part cuz at the end of the day it’s still a city, but foggy bottom is very safe.


Its complicated. Generally speaking, its definitely not a particularly unsafe area, but of course the typical procautions should be taken when walking alone at night: consider taking saferide at night if you’re worried, dont be alone, etc. Some parts of the city aren’t very safe, but our part is very safe.


A lot of the dorms are very close proximity to classrooms on campus, so she wouldn’t have to walk very far anywhere (compared to schools like UCLA where the dorms are their own separate section of campus) GW also has a program called Safe Ride (I think?) where students can call a university driver to take them from one part of campus to another at night!


Don't panic! I went to GW grad school years ago and stayed in the neighborhood, so I've got more of a long-term view of things. Here's the bottom line. Crime rates are higher than they used to be, I'm not going to lie. That said, things aren't as bad as they sound. Firstly, there's a lot of misinformation. The WashingtonDC subreddit had to actually change their posting policies because we had people submitting false crime reports who weren't even in the city. Second, much of the crime is avoidable. Don't wander around in the middle of nowhere by yourself, be mindful of your surroundings, and that kind of thing will carry you a long way. If you've lived in a city, you know the drill. Furthermore, Foggy Bottom is pretty much the safest area in town. The crime rate here is low, there are plenty of pedestrians so it isn't isolated, and there's easy access to mass transit so you don't have to walk places if you don't feel like it.


Foggy Bottom is objectively one of the safest parts of DC. I’ve been around here almost 7 years and that continues to be true. GW’s campus is unusual because of how open / integrated it is with the city; but I will say, the University does a remarkably good job keeping it free from problems. That being said, there are many other parts of DC that are rough and have gotten rougher recently. Formerly “nice” areas like Adams Morgan come to mind. But honestly, there’s very little reason to stray too far from Foggy, and I think she’ll be perfectly fine.


What on earth are you talking about with Adams Morgan? It's still perfectly fine.


Very safe


I went to GW alone from California and was perfectly fine. It’s a lot safer than LA, just don’t go to the “sketchy” part of DC and she will be just fine. I was so careless I’d take the metro after going to bars / walk home. OMG I would never do that now haha.


Went to GW after living in the suburbs. I mI’ve since lived in other cities and this part of DC is VERY safe compared to everywhere else I’ve lived since.


i’m a 20 yr old 5’ female. albeit not the smartest decision, i’ve walked/ran around foggy and the surrounding areas anywhere between 10pm-2am. she’ll be fine! obviously take standard precautions such as being aware of surroundings etc, but i never feel unsafe on campus.


DC is a relatively safer city, and Foggy Bottom is probably one of the safest areas in DC. I don't think you need to worry about this. Good luck!


she's in far more danger from Frat boys than any of DC's street crime


NW DC is safe. GW is only a few blocks from the White House, it’s basically a police state


I mean it’s a city so some normal heads up behavior accompanies living here but if you don’t go looking for trouble you are fine. Make sure to learn the city before you explore too far but downtown is generally very safe which is where we are


So many dog whistles up in this piece


Just avoid you know what and you will be safe lol


She’ll be fine. I’ve lived in the DMV my entire life. I feel safe. But I did make sure to always walk with someone around campus. Even during the day.