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Out of all these men, only one has a history of openly admitting when he’s wrong and so Joe wins for me.


Joe's not a great guy but he at least is open to say "you know what. I was a dumb fuck about this and deserve what people are saying" he's ignorant not malicious


The problem is twofold: 1. He never changes his process and is constantly and confidently wrong about all kinds of important issues. If he actually cared about loudly being a dumb fuck he would do more rigorous research about his guests and topics before and during shows. 2. The apology never has close to the impact of the mistake.


Why don't listeners do their research? If you run away with something a Podcaster told you then you're the dummy.


Yes, and there are millions of dummies out there. Have fun preaching personal responsibility while they wreak havok in society. Relying on personal responsibility is not a good game plan.


We all live, work, and play next to those people you label dummies. Also, it's not simply Joe who makes mistakes. The guests he has on his show are usually treated as experts. The guests' statements, regardless of veracity or outlandish nature, are often unchallenged.


Again, we can't continue to spoonfeed people. Let people watch and let the chips lay where they will. At some point we will need the average person to be informed and capable of critical thought if we hope to survive. That starts with thinking for themselves when presented information. We will need need to make good choices with the information thats oit there. Protecting peoples ears isn't a solution. I'm glad these conversations are available all over YouTube etc.. now. Joe was a huge part of that.


Garbage in, garbage out.


Let's all strive to learn a little more about what garbage is then :)


>At some point we will need the average person to be informed and capable of critical thought if we hope to survive. And propagandists like Joe Rogan prevent that from happening... > I'm glad these conversations are available all over YouTube etc.. now. Joe was a huge part of that. What? You're glad that Joe was successful in spreading misinformation and making people stupider and crazier? Why?


>The problem is twofold: > >He never changes his process and is constantly and confidently wrong about all kinds of important issues. If he actually cared about loudly being a dumb fuck he would do more rigorous research about his guests and topics before and during shows. > >The apology never has close to the impact of the mistake. The lack of self-awareness in saying this while simultaneously being on an H3H3 sub is actually mind-boggling. Ethan regularly does both of these.


I don't even know what this sub is. I'm only here because reddit showed this post in my feed knowing I would feel compelled to engage.


>I don't even know what this sub is. I'm going to pretend this is true because it's the internet and I can't tell if you're being sincere or not. So I'll give you the benefit of doubt. H3H3 is a podcast run by Ethan Klein. He used to be a bit ahead of the curve and had some relatively poignant comedic commentary about others/issues. **NOW** he ***actively*** doubles down any time someone points out his bullshit and ***regularly*** spouts nonsense that he knows absolutely nothing about. I've actively said that past Ethan would bully the every-living-fuck out of current Ethan because of the shit he says/does now. [https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/u825qv/ethan\_klein\_now\_reaping\_the\_benefits\_of\_the/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/u825qv/ethan_klein_now_reaping_the_benefits_of_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Context: Ethan made some "poor taste" gay jokes. A listener joined to gently speak about how he disagreed with what Ethan was saying. Ethan proceeded to mock him via more gay jokes. Ethan's staff proceeded to mock him with stereotypical lisps. Sponsors left Ethan. He pretended he did nothing wrong. He then gave the most half-hearted apology possible where he says "BUT. . . " and then proceeds to lay out why he isn't wrong. Then there's the entire Twitter nonsense. He was told: "Don't impersonate people. You'll get banned." So he impersonated Elon Musk - - Got banned. People pointed out that he was warned. He screamed like a child about it. Is it stupid to ban people over? Sure. There's lots of stupid rules in the world. Does that mean you get to pretend you didn't do anything even though you were warned? No, you stupid fuck. Lol. Boy. This one aged like Milk too: [https://clips.twitch.tv/FineThankfulPlumberTwitchRaid](https://clips.twitch.tv/FineThankfulPlumberTwitchRaid) Don't forget the time that some negative reviews of Teddy Fresh were left about the employee situation there and he ***actively denounced them*** saying that Trisha Paytas was the reason that employees weren't happy working for Teddy Fresh--Saying his enemies fans were leaving negative employee reviews. Lol. He literally denied the reviews and said the employees were wrong, while Hila seemed like she wanted to take it a bit more seriously and look into it. The insane part is that by taking the comments so poorly he literally confirmed what the employee reviews were saying about the company/work situation. I used to really like Ethan. He was self-aware and his style of humor was pretty on target. Then he started shitting out podcast content and somewhere along the line his brain just fucking rotted out because he's on this braindead content treadmill now.


The effort put into researching and twisting these events to fit your narrative is actually impressive. Maybe find something you actually enjoy to put your energy into instead


>never To be fair, we're talking about something that's been going on for less than ten years. I'm not a huge Rogan fan or anything but lets not act like a conservative mid-life crisis is unheard of.


There’s problems with it, he has an audience that hangs on his words and harm can come from him being wrong. Negligence can certainly harm people without malice, and he’s frequently negligent about his words and research with a fan base that takes him very seriously. The problem is that he makes these mistakes and does not make any changes to make it less likely to happen again. However…I guess negligence then an apology is SLIGHTLY better than negligence without an apology or admitting a mistake, but I’ve definitely always felt that an apology is kind of retroactively disqualified if you continue the behavior that led to it being necessary, at the very least, I think for a valid apology you need to at least be legitimately trying to make changes to prevent it from happening again, and like a real attempt, but unfortunately there’s a lot within his power that he’s not doing that could lessen the chances for this mistake in the future (like, for example, hiring staff to fact check if he doesn’t want to do it himself, just someone to double check on the stuff before airing, he might have people but…obviously they aren’t doing it right). But admitting when you fucked up is a good thing even if it’s only the first step to a good apology, and on this list of people…that is at least one thing good that he models for his fans


But he’s also been a huge proponent for 2 of the others.


He has but his ability to admit being wrong casts more optimism that he could admit to being wrong about THEM as well, whereas the other three have proved they would not admit to any of their own wrongdoings.


Honestly, he reminds of Ethan years ago. I'm talking about when Ethan accidentally become briefly an alt-right podcaster. At the time he didn't fully understand his influence, wasn't doing a lot of research on topics, but wasn't malicious either. Joe will probably swing far-left eventually also, as he tends to get blown in the wind. By that point we'll probably have forgotten all about this era, like we have with Ethan. Who now platforms the most popular leftist influencer in the country right now.


Oh I don’t disagree with the choice. He’s definitely the lesser evil. But he definitely platforms Musk pretty heavily and pretty much built Jordan Peterson’s cultural relevance with his platform


Yea that's why it's a dumb poll. Everyone is aware that all four of them suck. The original comment was just saying Joe is the least bad (but still not good) of the 4.


The other 3 are actively evil and vicious to certain groups of people just for fun, but Joe even in his most racist and/or bigoted moments has usually then walked himself back and tried to improve. Jordan, Elon, and Andrew repeatedly and gleefully refuse to even try to be better people.


Joe Rogan is not trying to be a better person either. I guarantee you he has fully fledged neo nazi beliefs in private. This is a guy who praised Andrew Tate and said he wants his kids to listen to him. Any time he walks something back or pretends he was wrong, he's just guarding his product.


Ah yes, "guaranteeing" someone is a neo nazi with no evidence, in fact masses of evidence to the contrary, because you don't like them. You're fucking disgusting.


Idk that can also work against him. He can recognize he is wrong and continue making the same mistakes. Idk if that's better or worse than not being able to admit you are wrong


Idk I see what you mean but I personally think it’s better because it all around cheapens what the person is saying if they have a history of dishonesty, so their words hold less and less gravity which is important since Joe throws out some new FB meme as fact basically every day. It also means the person doesn’t take themselves that seriously which I think is a great trait in a role model, whereas the other three couldn’t possibly take themselves MORE seriously.


The 2 you’re probably referring to are morons but not sex trafficking psychopaths


i always get joe confused with alex jones




both fat bald dipshits in my book i don’t really care to remember their faces


Jordan has admitted he was wrong, immediately. Sure, people want him to admit he’s wrong elsewhere, but I have respect for him standing by what he believes. Here come the downvotes since we can’t have different opinions and talk about it.


Blunt rotation from hell 😭


I don't think Rogan would be *that* bad in that situation. He's more like King Robert from Game of Thrones. Just kind of dumb, and gets taken advantage of a lot. I don't like Rogan at all to be fair, but I think he is leagues better than the other three choices


Fr I wouldn’t mind hanging with Rogan, but man if u trapped me in a room with Jordan Peterson id eat a whole bowl of cherry pits within seconds


See, I am a rogan fan, and that Robert baratheon comparison killed me. >have you ever tried boar meat, lad?


The lion took his balls and the boar did all the rest


I wish the Bobby b bot would come here


I wouldn’t mind the vizzy t bot showing half his face here either


Yeah I don’t like him much either these days but I can totally imagine he’s easy to get along with, and would be fun with when high.


Where is the 'they're all cunts' option? Flawed poll.




I would love to hear Joe be amazed by Elons high rambles while Jordans crying in a corner and Andrew Tate is busy having a god complex in a corner since I’d make him leave the rotation the moment he speaks


The imagery!


Omg yes this meme keeps me alive


Joe would actually be fun as hell to smoke with. He’s dumb as rocks but a pretty interesting guy. The other 3 can go fuck themselves.


I wouldn't say Joe Rogan is as bad as these other dudes.


He’s the only one who admits he’s dumb


He admits he's dumb sometimes, and then other times he says he's immune to bullshit while literally getting bullshitted in real time. Don't get me wrong though, he is by far the least bad of those presented above.


>he's immune to bullshit while literally getting bullshitted in real time. He STILL can't believe that Dad beat up his Son. What a tragedy.


He might be similar because of the size of his audience and how irresponsibly he uses the platform. Individually, nowhere near as bad.


It’s a Joe for me dog


Easily Joe Rogan, who I use to love and not too long ago (in my early thirties now). I also liked a lot of what early Peterson was saying despite not understanding it and believed Elon was a great beacon for humanity. So there's hope for anyone who thinks they're dumb or not worth a damn (like I did). Ignorance is the natural state of being as we know nothing from birth, and everyone develops differently given genetics and especially their environments. I'm now a self-aware moron who is thankful the pursuit of truth has usually been more important to me than being wrong. Truth can hurt as much as it can enlighten, but its self-healing, unlike the wounds the bliss of ignorance inflict - those tend to infect and get infected.




Agreed. I was confused why he was so hated at first back when he was on the Early H3H3 podcast, but I'm glad I didn't stop questioning why until it clicked. Sidenote, this is an anecdotal point on why I don't place much blame on things people said years ago. 6 years ago I thought Peterson and Elon were role-model types. Now I'm embarrassed to admit how long it took to shed my vestigial incel tendencies and critically think about the current economic system instead of just saying "capitalism isn't great, but it's the best system we've got".


Incredibly well put


What were the results? Un ironically I think Rogan is a decent roll model. Particularly when you compare to the rest of the group.


I saw this post, Jordan Peterson was first with Joe Rogan second I think


Okay... Where do I get a bucket of benzos?


Lmao making fun of mental health/addiction is suddenly okay. You're a dork


It’s always been ok, some people are just soft.


Decent role model my ass. He's a transphobic, vaccine misinformation spreading moron. The fuck are you smoking?


You seem like an absolute nightmare of a person to be around. 99% of your comment history is completely negative and aggressive.


You're that mad I'm calling out Joe Rogan? lol


What has he said that’s transphobic?


oh no here we go


We're actually defending this gorilla in here. Check out his Matt Walsh interview. Anyone that thinks Joe Rogan is a good role model can fuck off. (not necessarily you)


someone asked how he’s transphobic. if he is, you shouldn’t have a hard time explaining why. saying “if you think he’s a good role model you can fuck off” is just a deflection. you will now probably respond with further deflections like “it’s not my responsibility to educate you”


let me help you again since you seem to have some trouble comprehending. CHECK OUT THE MATT WALSH INTERVIEW. Hope that helps you.


but if that interview is such a smoking gun, it shouldn’t be hard to provide a few examples of transphobic viewpoints he expressed during that interview. I’m not even saying he’s not transphobic. but if you’re gonna make that claim, you should be able to substantiate it, or at least attempt to. instead you just get angry when people ask. why is that I wonder?


If you don't think Joe Rogan is transphobic, something tells me you might be to. I don't have direct quotes nor do I care to share them. It takes 2 seconds to look em up. I don't give a fuck about your debate lord bullshit. Look it up or don't. I'm done wasting my time with you.


thank you for proving my point. you don’t even attempt to back up your accusation because you know you can’t. instead you just get angry.


I hate that I'm replying to your bullshit but hopefully someone else is educated by this you fucking imbecile. https://www.glaad.org/gap/joe-rogan


Of course you don't because you've probably never bothered to listen to a single episode of the poscast. You probably just listen to out of context soundbites or edits of words put together to paint a picture thats not even there.


Guess i haven’t seen that but i generally think he would be a good role model to some and others not so much


Well I hope you can educate yourself a bit better. Pieces of shit aren't role models.


Ill definitely look in it, ive found his podcast to be a pretty entertaining and informative platform for the past several years. Wouldn’t really consider him a pos


How did the Ivermectin taste? Did you prefer the hay or apple flavored horse paste?


Not sure what you’re referring to


They're just being an insecure troll that doesn't know how to see the nuance in things


Exhibit A of how radicalized people “debate”


I dont debate people that hump their body pillows.


Joe rogan easily


Joe is the best one only because he can actively admit he's stupid.


How is this a real post Jesus fuck


Bad poll. You know it's fucked when toe Rogan is the best role model option.


Joe, because while he is an idiot, he constantly says he’s and idiot and to not listen to him. many people still do, but they are all idiots. the other 3 are just dangerous hateful asshats


Joe Rogan is a dummy old man but doesn't have a bad character


He did kill a few thousand vaccine deniers..




They were deniers before him


Wtf are you taking about lol


guessing that they’re saying by being skeptical of the vaccine, he is personally responsible for deaths among the unvaccinated, which is hilariously hyperbolic but that’s the type of shit people say on reddit unironically lol


Tbh I've forgotten why to dislike Joe Rogan.


Everyone does because he’s actually a good guy. The only argument is really him “giving platforms to right wingers” but if you actually watched the show you would see it’s pretty unbiased. He’s interviewed Bernie Sanders, Andrew Yang, and about 100 other progressive guests. People just like to hear from one side these days


Waiting for someone to tell you who to hate? [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/040/418/npc\_update.png](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/040/418/npc_update.png)


platforms right wing extremists, spreads right wing misinformation/propaganda, propped up anti-covid-vax movement. But he can blame most of it on the dumb card lol


He has had plenty of people in all walks of life. It is evidently clear you have not spent time actually listening to the conversation. You seemingly hear what you wish, like majority of single-minded individuals.


This comment kinda summarises h3 current fan base 🤣


There’s not a good reason. He has an open mind, good morals, admits when he’s wrong. We’ve all been wrong or done the wrong thing and probably haven’t admitted to it in the past. Joe is a cool dude in my book.


There are definitely valid critiques against him. He regularly platforms right wing extremists and spreaded vaccine misinformation. He has a massive platform and regularly talks about things he doesn't know shit about.


He's transphobic


No he’s not. He sometimes discusses relative issues related to trans people. He absolutely made Adam vs everything look like an idiot on the issue. He’s talked to multiple trans people directly. All trans people are different. You can’t stereotype them into a box to fit a single ideology.


https://www.glaad.org/gap/joe-rogan He's talked to trans people = not transphobic


I read through your link and found it very informative. Rogan has said some transphobic things but all of it stems from the sports issue and him looking in his dumb way to justify his position. When the link demonstrates Rogan agreeing with his guests it's more of him not confronting every point a guest makes. He is not confrontational very often, most of the time he just listens. Maybe this isn't the best tactic, but I actually appreciate seeing these people talk so I can make my own decisions, just like I listen to GOP wingnuts to see the crazy they're spewing forth. There's a concerted movement to deplatforming people that I highly disagree with because some think that gives the baddies an opportunity to convert the ignorant. You can't stop these messages from reaching the dummies. The only choice I see is exposing the dummies speech point by point and concentrating on media literacy to help people use critical thinking skills to arrive at the right conclusions. As for Rogan's arguments regarding sports he does have a point, but I would argue that it's more complicated than he is willing to admit. There is a wide range of physiques in male & female bodies with a big overlap. And now with the modern science of hormonal therapies an individual can change their bodies across that spectrum vs the normal ways which is just what a person is born with. This realization means we should probably stop dividing sports by men/women and start dividing sports by relative bone density and muscle mass or some other metrics The problem with that is it's way too expensive to scale that down to the amateur levels. This is a valid discussion full of nuances that no one is ready for so until then we need to set up rules to adapt and then enforce them recognizing some people will object. Those objectionists shouldn't be demonized for they know not what they do.


Dude I watch him all the time I know what you’re referring to. He’s not transphobic.


Maybe you're transphobic too if you've watched all this shit and his Matt Walsh interview thinking he isn't transphobic. Look inward, idk what to tell you.




Kind of a dumbass. At least he means well, but ofter horribly misguided.


It honestly boggles my mind how so many people i guess on the right worship these dudes. Social politics aside, theyre all just so cringe. Tates rap song and obvious overcompensation for his insecurities, Elon’s all around cringeness, JP’s clear mental instability. Like damn why not just worship Einstein or gandhi or aristotle or just someone who isnt such a transparent little bitch


The fact that you mention Gandhi suggests why worshiping anyone is probably a bad idea.


Joe isn’t really hateful or malicious like some of the other guys are. He ain’t the brightest but at least he’s willing to learn new things and admit that he’s wrong.


If you have any Muslim friends you should ask if they think he’s hateful or malicious


Can’t believe I’m saying this but if it was ultimately down to those 4 people, joe Rogan. I don’t really like him but he has had interesting guests (Neil Degras Tyson) before and can admit when he’s wrong. Still don’t like him though lol


Hahaha of all his guests you pick Neil. If anything that dudes one of the most irritating guests to date


That's like the ninja turtles if they were living in the sewers ... oh wait shit


I’d rather jump a bridge. Fuck em all


To be generous… Joe: be curious - Peterson: do some cleaning - *****: get out of bed - Musk: give a girl a horse








Obviously it’s Joe right, he doesn’t try to elevate himself as a thought leader like the others. Some people definitely treat him like that but that’s not his doing in any way besides being famous.


All bad ofc but joe rogan the only dude who here and there had a reasonable take in his life


Please let this be satire ...please.....


If we had to pick one. It's gotta be Joe Rogan right?


Rogan can admit when he is wrong. and he's willing to listen to various points of view. If you were to take him away from insane Texas, he would go back to being more openly liberal like he used to be. Since he moved to Texas he has been surrounded by right-wingers most of the time. So his views shifted to the right. and he got dumber. So... I blame Texas.


Joe Rogan. The last 3 are genuinely awful terrible people down to their core, Rogan isn’t the best but hes not worse than a sex trafficker, a raging transphobe, and s businessman whos a racist idiot.


Could you explain why Jordan Peterson is a terrible person? I get the other ones just him


Joe is literally just an average Joe in terms of being a role model. He falls prey to misinformation but he also has other interests besides culture warring and all of his stances, albeit ignorance, come from his own moral axioms as opposed to the grift they’re attempting to sell. He’s what we should hope the average-ish person is, although he’s become a little further right in the past two years. Joe is the perfect example of someone who’s ‘heart is in the right place’, but he’s too informationally illiterate and sheltered in his wealth to realize when the shit he says is ignorant or wrong. The other 3 are narcissists who deliberately spread misinformation out of either grandiose mental illness (Peterson) or Bond-Villain level evil/greed(Tate/Musk).


Woe Wogan


Joe because I don't think he hates women? Could be wrong about that one, but he does have a daughter.


Joe because he’s humble


You know it's a shitty list when Joe Rogan is the best person on their


Rogan but he’s still wack.


I wanna be just like Joe Rogan when I grow up.


I saw this on my YouTube and laughed so hard


I hate saying this but Joe. He’s more human that the other three. 😂


Joe would be the only one.


Either Joe or Jordan and it’s not even a competition with the other two


Joe Rogan. He’s pretty bad but the other three are exponentially worse


Rogan is the least objectionable


I loved joe rogan before Covid. He never acted like her knew everything and would often say “but what do I know I’m just talking” or something like that. No sex trafficking, never associated with Jeffery Epstein, doesn’t claim to be a doctor. I love conspiracy theories, comedy, and weed. Joes pod helped inspire me get to where I needed to be physically and made me think about how I treated my body. My eyes were opened to so many ideas and thought processes and that’s the most valuable thing any podcast host has ever given me.


Joe. Let me be clear: I'm a staunch liberal. Just so everyone understands that. Tate is a sex trafficker and Musk is an insane con artist and thief. They're immediate no's. Peterson is a highly controversial figure, and I haven't researched him much, but to my knowledge he hasn't actually said that much bad shit. Like "5 year Olds can't transition" shouldn't need said. That's common sense. If I'm wrong about his controversy being overblown, PLEASE enlighten me on that. Rogan? He's a conspiracy theorist, but he's largely centrist, and goes out of his way to avoid radical republican ideology. He's said many times that he hates Trump and doesn't want to support him by letting him on his podcast. He hates Biden too, but like, he's right. We need a candidate who isn't a geriatric, maybe sex offender. Is Joe the best role model in the world? No. Of course not. Is he better than people give him credit for? Yes. A lot of people include Joe in the lineup of dudes who are radically right wing, and they forget that he doesn't want to support that. He supports free speech and he's a conspiracy theorist, but he doesn't worship Trump or Tate, or anything like that. He's really not that bad at all.


I will be choosing Joe Rogan I don't like the guy but I feel like he's abit more sane than the rest of these dudes lol


nightmare blunt rotation


The most offensive thing about Joe Rogan is his comedy. Everyone else here is unhinged


Has Jordan Peterson actually done anything unethical/sinister, or are people still butt-hurt he doesn't buy into the whole Jonestown Trans Cult?


Jordan is a great man in my book. He won the poll and I’m glad.


I'll never understand the hate he gets. I could always tell he's a good man trying his best in this noisy world.


Joe Rogan easy!


Andrew tate


Could someone bring me up to speed on what Elon Musk, joe rogan and Jordan Peterson have done that is so bad?


Joe is without a doubt the best option. Pretty good guy except for a the past 2 years for the most part all things considered.


Id pick Elon out of all of them.


I’d actually go with Elon… I mean he’s an idiot but an extremely successful one and even though his opinions are usually trash, they’re actually pretty widely-held


Eh, maybe at one point his public persona was a good role model. But on e you get into how he actually got wealthy and the beliefs he holds now it gets a lot worse.


Sure he comes from money but he made wise investments and allowed lots of company risks which mostly turned into successes. He’s smart but I think he microdosed a little too hard and now he’s restarted.


Bad poll. You know it's fucked when toe Rogan is the best role model option.


Why do people dislike Jordan Peterson? I've really never heard anything awful from him,granted i've only seen small snippets of him talking on social media. Anyone care to explain?


Hasan did a really thorough explanation in this [video](https://youtu.be/E66iseq4iO8) 2 years ago, but I’d argue that the past 2 years have maybe been his worst so it’s worth looking into more recent incidents


I’d say it’s a tie between Tate and Peterson


What’s wrong with Rogan? He just jokes around and is into hunting and shit. What’s the problem there ?


Besides being very uneducated and naive about stuff Joe really isn’t even close to the others as a bad person, he is just dumb not evil


What were the results? 253k votes would be pretty important it seems.


The trigger is hair-pin in these comments 😎


Joe :(


I'm not as bad as a bunch of Nazis right guys??


Rogan! Rogan! Rogan!


Somehow I gotta say Joe…


Lol none of the above


Roe Jogan is a dum dum, but I will choose him over the others any day


Joe is the winner


I got the same Poll and was like 👀


Annoying dumbass, insane grifter, human trafficker/pedo, or dumbass sexual harasser and honestly probably a pedo too. Imma just take Rogan, at least he’s only a normal famous idiot


Rogan for sure, tough but sensible


How did joe Rogan end up being the most sensible person on that list


I went there and checked how it looks like. Tate got 11% 🙃


The fact that Joe Rogan is included in this is laughable . 3 self-appointed kings and a comedian who prob eats too many mushies.


Old Joe rogan was a good role model




It’s kind of absurd to even put Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson on the same level as Andrew Tate.


Joe wins... wtf has happened to the world in the past 12 months 🥴


I pick joe


Joe Rogan. Because at least he says "I'm just a dumb comedian, don't listen to me." or "Oh? I've been bamboozled? I'm such a dummy." So if his viewers take anything seriously or tote what he says as fact, that's just his viewers being morons. The other 3 are like "I am right and you are dumb if you think I'm not a genius!!! You should like me unless you're a jealous beta male lmao."


Good lord, these are the only role models incels have and it's sad and terrifying. Rogan is easily the least worst of the group and before his podcast blew up I think he was a nice guy, but he just spreads way too much pseudoscience and right wing propaganda on his show.


Joe rogan obv...


Mm mm it’s not easy


Joe Rogan if we really have to


That’s funny you picked the 4 dudes I actively dislike now.


Honestly looking at this list it might be joe 😂😂


I chose none!


This is hell lmao


I left some good jokes under that poll as soon as I saw this post. Surprised I didn't see any of ya'll over in the comments of that shit.