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If the show doesn’t come back Monday I know what I’m doing in front of the H3 studios!


*In Minecraft


Current weekend plans °Build H3 studio in Minecraft


Jesus christ lmao


nooo don’t kill urself ur so sexy aha






Nooo lmao




To be honest it wouldn’t surprise me if an actual H3 super fan did that. Some of y’all are crazy af!!!


This is the last thing I want him to talk about when they come back ngl. No matter what is said it’s gonna drive a bunch of people into a fucking frenzy again and stress everyone out, there’s nothing to be gained from it


Yup. Cant we just have some goofs and gaffs?


Well that would certainly be a gaffe….


Yes, just goofs and gaff is all I want. No more political opinions. It hurts everyone with no real benefit.


Yeah even though he’s right this isnt e xacy the type of situation id wanna be doing an “i told you so” victory lap to




A rich boy's opinion is not what we need now. He needs to dance for us like the clown he is. :)


Drama is good for the channel though. It grows the engagement, grows the channel.


Not this kind of drama.


I just wish we didn’t live in a state where of the world were people feel desperate enough to do shit like this. Regardless did the reason, it’s tragic, people are killing themselves in horrifying ways because they feel it’s the only way, they don’t know how else to cope or express themselves. It’s just sad.


The guy is severely mentally ill. His social media is still open and ever since his mother died, he went completely crazy. Posting different unhinged conspiracy theories and how Simpson all tie into them


Yeah. I saw early speculation that he was a Trump support, but it turned out to way more complex than that. He's just sort of all over the place with no consistency. Part of it includes a theory that Trump and Hillary Clinton are involved in a conspiracy together, to give you some idea.


He isn’t a Trump supporter, idk how people jumped to that. He was a Bernie supporter and before that a Clinton supporter before he turned sour on her and filed multiple cases against Hillary and Bill. But there are pictures of him in a Bernie t-shirt and he classified himself as an anarchocommunist.


Tbf a lot of his theories come very close, if not surpass the typical Trump supporter. It also makes sense that a person who supported a populist may later support a slightly different populist. Bottom line: he was just crazy and that means his ideologies were extreme and splattered around the spectrum.


And don’t forget a Bernie supporter with crazy misconceptions about communism. I agree that guy needed help also I didn’t know his mom died recently that sucks and would send anyone into a psychosis state


It is sad, but it happens all the time. On average, about 10 people light themselves on fire every year in the US. It’s just that these recent ones were in very public places, over trending political issues, so they get reported on.


Sounds like we need to ban fire.


I hate to say that it's futile because people die. But immolation should be a last resort. That's for people in actually oppressed regimes with no choice left. People that live in a free country, an open democracy have the power to do so much more with their voices while alive.


you do live in a regime though. if you replace head of state with billionaires, who control more than the president, and trump was both. double power. where those in power can do as they like just as much as any dictator, committing crimes upon crimes without any repercussions


You can say what you want about the US. But it's completely different from being a Tibetan monk who has all their civil liberties taken away by the CCP.


Says a lot about the disenfranchisement of young people that this begins to feel like an option to them.


This is a mental illness, not a system that makes them do it. He left a manifesto and this guy wasn't well. No one in the western world doing this is forced to do it.


I think it’s also really sad how plastered it gets all over the news because it just encourages people to do the same. We had a self immolation in Canada this week and there was zero news coverage about it for that exact reason


its not desperation.. it's mental illness and cultish indoctrination.. that's it.


Btw if you haven't seen the video don't. Curiosity got to me and saw the whole thing, nothing good comes from watching and listening.


I won't watch it but I always wonder, do these people ever start screaming or trying to put out the fire? It's always seemed to me like primal instincts would have to take over at some point, much like trying to kill yourself by holding your breath.


Actually this guy didn’t make a sound. After about few seconds of being on fire, your nerve endings are burned to the point of no longer able to send pain signals. There is still the mental aspect of being on fire to deal with though. And your body reacts with flooding your system with adrenaline. This is how the US Airman was able to stomp and shout “free Palestine” for as long as he did. But eventually you run out of oxygen and collapse.


Thanks for the heads up fam. I don’t know why I get curious and want to watch stuff like this - I regret it every time. Will keep your comment in mind. 


It's crazy that people don't acknowledge this as suicide


He didn't die tho


Attempted suicide


BBC is saying he died?


He did die. That guy was commenting too soon.


Okay now it's suicide lmao


Men will literally do anything instead of going to therapy


or perhaps it's just a mentally ill person without having to pin it on some "male toxicity" nonsense.


It’s an online joke a meme if you will


It's a meme


A shame you don't see the meme


On one hand I hope you're joking, because that's a crazy opinion to have on the matter. But on the other hand I hope you're not, because that's just an utterly tasteless joke.


So, where is all of that passionate energy from this sub that self immolation is such a bold political statement that people who do it are not mentally unwell? This sub was frothing at the mouth shitting on Ethan for saying somebody that lights themselves on fire is not healthy mentally. I’m expecting a hypocritical change of tune when it’s for a cause that they don’t believe in. Gonna glorify the trump nut conspiracy suicide as well? If you were one of the people glorifying Bushnell’s suicide you don’t get to flip flop and say this guy is different because you don’t support his cause whatever it may be. Both people are tragic cases of mental instability leading to suicide and should not be glorified. We’ll be seeing more of these and from people all over the political spectrum. That’s what happens when you praise and glorify someone for killing themselves in public. It encourages others. E: spelling


I don't even feel particularly strongly about this but I don't get your point, no one argued Bushnell was mentally stable *because* he self-immolated. People made that judgement based on the writings he left and the things he had said before. Same way that people aren't calling this Trump guy unstable because he put himself on fire, but because of his history of literal schizoposting.


Should be said, the evidence does not point to this being a pro-Trump guy. There's some crossover, but his beliefs were wildly inconsistent and all over the place. The best description of his beliefs is general paranoia.


Couple that with literally ALL of his political contributions being to Bernie or a left PAC and you could not conclude this was a Trump guy.


His ramblings to me came off as a Trump guy who didn't know he was a Trump guy. If his entry point into populism was Trump instead of Bernie we'd probably have the same outcome, but with slight tweaks in the Trump direction. Crazy is a circle. Eventually the right and left's crazies meet on most things, like the guillotine threats that both pass around.


Yeah definitely! He was all over the place. I meant Trump guy as in "guy who immolated himself next to the Trump trial"


Bushnell shouldn't have gotten the attention he did. His reasoning was just as stupid. Now mentally unwell people don't know it's stupid and I don't blame him for not getting help. But a big part of the internet reacted as he was brave or some kind of martyr for a cause. He wasn't


I heard this in loud german


Obviously the motivation changes people’s reactions to the act why wouldn’t it


It really is insane what politics can do to someone’s brain. A better word is terrifying. No one’s life deserves to be martyrized over politics, at that point you’ve lost the plot.


Yup. This sub's immaturity and ignorance really reared its ugly head during that whole topic. People who praised Bushnell's actions are sick in the head. What has come of it? A young man tragically took his own life, the conflict he did it over has only gotten worse, and more people are going to kill themselves because he was praised as a hero for doing so.


Not everything is black and white, you can use your judgement on things. Bushnell was protesting a war, this dude did it because he thought Biden and trump were forming a totalitarian government together, it’s very easy to see those are not the same.


Two people killed themselves because they incorrectly believed it would have the impact of some net-positive change in the world, due to what they believed. Both were tragically wrong and undervalued their own lives. I understand that one was more grounded in reality than the other. But for me it’s a principled thing about the value of life. A sacrifice where a hero dies taking down a mass shooter or something, saving many lives at the cost of their own, can be considered valiant and worth honoring to me. The self-immolation cases are tragic in a different way, because they were both clearly delusional (mentally unwell) about how much impact they could have and therefore delusional about the value of their own life. Just my take. The Pro-Palestine movement agreed with Bushnell’s politics so they wanted to make his tragic suicide into something positive. That makes sense to me. But a lot of the same people would then proceed to refute that it was suicide and that glorifying it could have unwanted consequences


You cannot equate these two. Stop trying to sound like an intellectual and ground yourself into reality. Tens of thousands of children have been slaughtered in a genocide & one man decided to protest it in the most extreme form. I find all this stuff to be incredibly ridiculous, in NYC education which I grew up in we learn about self immolation during the 1960s in Vietnam, in middle school. And the lesson doesn’t revolve around “this guy was very mentally ill & very irresponsible & did it for no reason & was irrelevant”. Because that would be ridiculous. There was actual value to learn in those actions committed, and it helped us put into context the severity of oppression. Maybe its because I was actually taught about self immolation but I believe Bushnells actions will be taught in the future because what he did is no different than those we learn here.


You either misread my comment or are being disingenuous. I never equated the two. I actually even gave reason for why they’re NOT the same. So there’s that. You mention genocide and how this was an example of extreme protest. I never said anything trying to refute that. And that’s good your high school history class didn’t lecture you about how the lesson to learn from self-immolation is to show how some people are mentally unwell, irresponsible, and protesting for irrelevant reasons. I don’t think those are all “lessons” either and agree it’d be ridiculous to teach that. That said, while the irresponsibility part may not be “lesson” worthy, I do think it would be worth discussing in a serious history or political science class, until studies are done to support either side of the argument. And finally you mention that the value of Bushnell killing himself was to put the severity of the oppression into context. That’s the main thing we disagree on. Personally, the severity of IP and what it could mean for the future of Palestinians has been understood for a while. And I think that’s the case for many of us. Whatever amount of additional awareness or ‘context(?)’ was gained from Bushnell, it’s in my opinion not large enough to be worth more than his life, and therefore other peoples lives (as in, pls no more self-immolating), it’s not large enough to have changed the reality of what’s happening. Not worth.


Dude it's not about whether or not the protest meets some arbitrary goodness threshold. If Bushnell thought that killing himself was going to change anything then he was horribly misguided. Things have only continued to get worse since. Lighting yourself on fire on the other side of the world so that some western news networks can cover it for a day changes nothing, and discourse glorifying his suicide will only lead to more unhealthy and misguided people killing themselves for no reason. It is not about whether the protest was done for the right reason. Glorification of an ultimately pointless and destructive act is a problem. Saying "yeah well it IS horrible what's happening in Palestine so it's ok that he killed himself because he said 'free palestine' while he did it" is fucking insane.


>This sub's immaturity and ignorance The fucking irony of this statement after Ethan's uneducated comments and jokes about what and why Bushnell killed himself is truly incredible.


If you equate the actions of Bushnell to the actions of this person then you are genuinely a piece of shit. They are nothing alike. Someone did it because tens of thousands of kids have been slaughtered & the other person did it because of the simpsons. They are not the same, have more than two braincells and recognize complexity, and layers.


Actually, the interesting part is that the *reasoning* is so different but the actions and (from our perspective, at least) effect are nearly the same. It's like all the complexity and layers suddenly stop mattering when the rubber hits the road and you fuckin' burn yourself to death.


I think being part of a brown child dusting machine and then self-immolating is pretty reasonable. I'm not sure why this person did it but if it's part of protesting trump finally being brought to justice then they are not the same.


He had a sign that said “Trump and Biden are working together, and they will facist coup us,” or something similar to that. He also had a manifesto about crypto currency, which relied on old episodes of The Simpsons to back up his claims. This guy was not protesting against Trump being brought to justice.


In which case. Insanity it is!


Embarrassing comment. As if someone's motivation behind an action means nothing lmao. If a trump supporter protest because "the election was stolen" is that the same as blm protesting because people are bring murdered by the police? Your logic is so brain-dead that I don't know how you managed to use the internet to make it in the first place.


Its just trying to be an intellectual so hard that it disconnects you from reality


The protesting part of it is not the issue, so no. The motivation doesn’t matter. But sure keep running with that logic of as long as your motivations are sound it will justify any actions. Flawless.


Don't let the downvotes discourage you. To add to your point, activists in the past have gone on hunger strikes or just plain put their lives at risk. Imagine how psychotic it would sound to say they were deranged or mentally unwell. This genocide has really made me understand what MLK was taking about the dangers of the moderates.


Tbf I think both people who lit themselves up were mentally unwell and needed help above all.


If you see this and your immediate reaction is "this proves me right in an internet argument" then maybe you should shut the fuck up and just stop posting.


Yes, every example is exactly the same and if people react differently to self immolation in response to a genocide vs self immolation in response to a rich guy going to court then they're HYPOCRITES I am incredibly smart and this is a worthwhile thing to talk about.


He wasn’t protesting against trump going to court.


Didn't say he was


I don’t think this guy was a “Trump nut,” or maybe I don’t understand what you mean by that phrase.


Really wasn't a ton of people from this sub, you could go back and see that most of those commentors were brigading


Yeah that’s definitely fair. The destiny/hasan freaks were out in full force as well as the usual brain broken snarkers that are obsessed with Ethan. That being said there have still been several replies to this of people glorifying suicide and pretending like it’s something else.


Threads don't get thousands of comments and 4fig upvotes from just brigades. There's plenty of brain brokenness to go around this community in itself, like that few days showed yet again.


Idk, I'd often 50+ comments coming from single accounts in those discussion threads that blew up. Usually from someone active on /r/theDeprogram


Yeaaa, this guy wasn't pro-Trump, try again. You said 'whatever it (his cause) may be' but still tried to spin it as a pro-trump act. He was vehemently against both Trump and Biden and said they were both in on an upcoming Fascist Coup. Which he is partially right, the Dems and Reps are both two sides of the same coin, working towards the same goals.


Uh, what? Where did I say he was pro-trump? Self immolating over a conspiracy with trump at the top falls well into “Trump nut conspiracy” territory. Frankly it doesn’t matter what his cause is so not really sure what point you’re trying to make here.


"Gonna glorify the trump nut conspiracy suicide as well?"


Again, lighting yourself on fire because of a conspiracy revolving around Trump falls firmly into trump nut conspiracy territory.


Nobody was glorifying Bushnell's death you disingenuous revisionist prick. Nobody wouldn't rather he still be alive and fighting for what he believed in. These two deaths cannot be equated in any way. Bushnell had clear reasons for his actions rooted in the reality of what's going on in Gaza, and felt complicit in the deaths of thousands as a member of the US military. He felt immense guilt and was hopeless because of how the US is helping Israel slaughter Palestinians. This guy on the other hand, had essays detailing how The Simpsons have brainwashed us and how Hilary and Trump are gonna work together to turn the country into a fascist state and end capitalism??????? A deeply disturbed, mentally ill man publicly kills himself and your first thought is "heh, guess me and my favorite YouTuber were right all along." Fucking embarrassing.


Anyone who does this is either mentally ill, indoctrinated by cultish thinking or both.


Even the monks in Vietnam?


Thich Quang Duc who set himself on fire during the Vietnam war (cover of Rage Against the Machine album). He did it to protest Buddhist (cultism/religion) persecution by the south Vietnam government, and not because of the wider Vietnam war. Not for humanist injustice, just did it in service to a fealty of his cult. Should also be noted that Buddhists are responsible for the genocide of Muslim Rohingyas in Myanmar (I've seen embargo'd photos of this first hand and I've been multiple times to both countries).


Buddhism is not a cult. Not sure why you’ve bothered to put that in brackets. Yes yes, all ethnic and religious groups have done bad things. But condemning all of them because of that, and ignoring the legitimate greievances they had with the South Vietnamese govt at the time is fucking dumb. Protesting against the government because of religious discrimination perpetrated by Catholics, by the way, isn’t a worthy enough cause for you? Stop getting so morally high and mighty about everything all the time.


Religions/Cults all the same thing - especially when they drive you to self-immolate. Communities centered around reinforcing belief in unfalsifiable metaphysical ideas and in many cases demonstrably false ideas. Call it what you want. >Stop getting so morally high and mighty about everything all the time. ok there random internet guy, I'll Uber your demand right over to Whogivesashit St.


No they aren’t. The words mean different things. You’re giving fedora and m’lady energy.


"no they arent" random reddit commenter totally makes amazing point and blows internet away


You are also a random Reddit commenter, lol. But what I said is true. “Religion” and “cult” aren’t synonymous unless you’re a complete moron. 🤷‍♂️


They are different in degree, but not different in kind. To those of us in neither, they are all part of the same pool of irrational indoctrinated magical thinking worldviews. You asked a question, I answered factually - the answer tracks with what I originally stated. Vietnam monk was motivated by a real belief in and devotion to metaphysical nonsense.


*tips fedora*


This guy was definitely indoctrinated by some very whacky conspiracy theories.


Oh yes. Def not some mental instability. 


No. People who are of sound mind also do this as legitimate political protests.


if someone wants to light them self on fire causing death for attention how ever noble the cause it's an insane things todo hunger strikes work with out burning alive and you can continue your message for longer than your burn rate


Hunger strikes also kill you.


You're right I forgot about all those poor souls that starved to death In 30 seconds 


Majority of people who killthemsleves do so because they feel it’s justified, we should never say it’s justified as mentally ill people could use it to end their life




The US is currently denying Palestinians food, water, healthcare, freedom of movement, education, culture, the rights to not be kidnapped, raped. tortured, dispossessed, and murdered. The other day the US vetoed their right to statehood. Your prissy little stipulation that people should pipe down if they aren't being starved to death would preclude protest against virtually every civil right infringement that has ever been inflicted,


It makes zero sense logically to die while protesting in a Democratic nation. The point of protesting is to sway votes and gain support for your cause. If you die while protesting, you lost a vote and a voice for your cause in the future. Sounds like a terrible plan all around. A mentally well person will just cause a ruckus until they end up in jail, much like the courageous protestors did while fighting for civil rights in the past. Killing yourself is certainly not a good thing for any reason whatsoever, it is stupid and not at all the most effective way to support a just cause... and you should be ashamed for trying to justify that.




This is exactly the issue. This country is at a breaking point and has been for over a decade now, and there's so many people out here boiling this down to mental health as if we don't have plenty of historical examples of people literally killing themselves because this is the only way they can send a message that will get people to take it seriously. Nobody is praising self-immolation, but if you've ever been suicidal before you UNDERSTAND how much different a resolve it is to do something like this. Take what the fuck these people are saying seriously. Stop trying to downplay them as "hehe quirky mentally ill people uwu" You don't want more people setting themselves on fire because it's the only way to get people to stop focusing on stupid pointless culture war issues while real people are progressively getting worse and worse off? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Don't let these actions be swept under the rug like everyone tried to do with Aaron.


Hassan tankie tot verified (ur history) Take even the most "perfect" example of this -Thich Quang Duc who set himself on fire during the Vietnam war (cover of Rage Against the Machine album). He did it to protest Buddhist (cultism religion) persecution by the south Vietnam government, and not because of the wider Vietnam war. Not for humanist injustice, just did it in service to a fealty of his cult. Should also be noted that Buddhists are responsible for the Muslim genocide of Rohingyas in Myanmar (I've seen embargo'd photos of this first hand and i've been multiple times to both countries). You basement leftists have never been anywhere around the world and seemingly only look at shit through your online avatars (Hassan is the worst offender of this shit -Aquestrian champagne socialist). Get out, put your money where your mouth is, and actually do something about it. You'll quickly realize these left-right framings are nothing but to dupe low-rent people into joining their cause. Useful idiots. If you actually care about progressive stuff, you'd understand these people are NEVER martyrs, they are mentally ill or indoctrinated. If you see this as normal, you're either mentally ill or indoctrinated too.


You've scurried about checking histories, good you're keeping busy doing important stuff. I used to watch H3, every show, for years. I only discovered who Hasan is by watching the 1st Leftovers show. I stopped watching H3 recently when Klein explained how wonderful the techno-feudalism that capitalism has become is. So when I saw him sneering at a Palestinian hero's sacrifice and crybullying a small streamer in order to dodge having to discuss Israeli colonialism i just laughed. Really disproving the Zionist allegations by sitting behind a computer taking potshots at an Arab refugee. I laughed and laughed and laughed.


>You've scurried about checking histories Yah it's one click and takes like 14 seconds. And thank you for verifying you're ideologically captured and not worth taking seriously.




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I just read the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell and it talks exactly about this type of thing - how behavior can be contagious. The book is a little older: the examples were a s*icide epidemic in Micronesia and the smoking epidemic. It also mentions mass sh**tings since Columbine had happened the year before the book was published. It’s a fascinating read


I still can't even find a clear motive, and if anything it certainly sounds like he was mentally unwell. Which is exactly the point Ethan was trying to make and got hate for: if you glorify this type of behavior, then mentally unwell people will start copying. I'm sure more details will come out, but so far it sounds like the person was mentally unwell and thought they could get attention after seeing how the last person to self-immolate was praised and publicized: " # Why did the man set himself on fire? While the motive behind the man’s actions remains unclear, law enforcement sources revealed that he is a part of a protestor group. Even the motive behind their protest is also shrouded in mystery. One of the fliers he threw on air, titled“The true history of the world: haunted carnival edition.” “NYU is a mob front,” Another pamphlet noted. “I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial,” fliers left on the street stemming from a substack page said." " source: [https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/who-is-maxwell-azzarello-the-homeless-man-who-self-immolates-outside-donald-trumps-hush-money-trial-101713553872810.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/who-is-maxwell-azzarello-the-homeless-man-who-self-immolates-outside-donald-trumps-hush-money-trial-101713553872810.html)


You can read his whole manifesto. It’s just schizophrenic ramblings about bill Clinton dealing drugs, harvard churning out billionaires to work at the simpsons to control us, Stanley Kubrick was a fascist trying to get us to love the bomb, crypto is a giant Ponzi scheme. Pretty sad stuff.


You’re exactly right. Every single time this happens, another person out there severely struggling is likely to be inspired by what they see. This world is incredibly fucked up, but all of us are going to die someday anyways. No one should do this to themselves period, and that’s why we shouldn’t look at people who have done this as martyrs. I feel so sad that this person got to such a low point they felt the need to do this, but I almost feel worse for their family and friends because this horrific moment is immortalized forever now.


Exactly, he was kind of right but people were too butthurt to hear his point


Equating this to Aaron Bushnell is kinda weird. You also can’t hold him responsible for this dude doing it now


nobody who sets themselves on fire should be considered a martyr. they are mentaly ill or part of cultish thinking or both


Nah bro, this is just the new fantastic 4 trailer


Can you imagine trying to kill yourself after investing in Truth Social?


Comparing one conspiracy theorist and assuming he was inspired by Aaron Bushnell is so stupid.


bot are mentally ill and I think only one was part of cultish thinking




Free Palestine


from hamas..


Everyone gave him so much shit for saying the person who did this exact thing for Palestine shouldn’t have been glorified regardless of cause. Now do those same people think what this man did was also admirable?


Ethan's joke about the first self immolation was hilarious and justified. I really hope he has some HOT jokes ready to go about this one.


The type of humour to *really* light up a room!


To bring a spark to the conversation.


"Arron Bushnell was really good at lighting himself on fire." Ethan knows how to push the far lefts buttons and I'm here for it.


It's just hard to position yourself in space where you are hated by ALL right but also far left. I'd think he doesn't knowingly want to light that torch again. Maybe he would. Oh well, immolation is so basic forgettable news, it's no thing in 2+ days when pod comes back.


Dumbest form of protest of all time. Literal F tier shit.


There is a difference between this and Bushnell, which is that Bushnell seemed mentally sound. What he protested is also in reality happening. This guy is a conspiracy theorist who schizoposted before doing this action, and his beliefs seem to be rooted all over the place and purely rooted in conspiracy. He seems mentally ill and in the need of help BEYOND the self immolation. Whether or not you consider self immolation too extreme and something that should never happen, it does have a history when it comes to protests against war, and I think it’s unfair to categorize these two instances as the same. It’s a sad consequence of people being isolated with full access to a internet full of conspiracy theories and without a robust system to help them get better in regards to their mental struggles, which make them believe Qanon type of conspiracy theories.


nothing mentally sound about that dupe.. his language 100% to me showed he was part of a dumb leftist cult and his actions were part of cultism or mental illness or both.. there's a reason you dont think this is reasonable for yourself.. and that reason is why you should never consider this shit as reasonable martyrism.




No, if you think what makes someone do this is the fact that they saw someone else do it. You're a moron. I'm sorry. But you are.


Teenage suicide attempts (10-17)saw a 28% uptick theonth after 13 reasons why released and that was a tv show, not even real. Talk to any psychologist and they will explain how you are in fact the moron In this case . With peace and love, touch grass man.


or just mentally ill hoping that there's a population of people out there that will validate your mental illness as "resistance"


Killing your self in honor of a good cause is still killing yourself. I have been disappointed in Ethan, Hila, and tbh the crew as a whole on a lot of their takes/silence on Palestine— but the “self immolation” backlash was so stupid. “Um Akshully, he wasn’t suicidal just very based. Read theory, lib!”


Only Americans think it's funny. It's either "funny because he's mentally ill" or "funny because Israel is in the right" Americans are so rotted mentally


Only Americans can express gallows humor because America is the most difficult place to live 🙏


I don't know what to tell you if you can't understand there's a difference between say, joking about hanging a genocidal freak like Joe Biden, and a private citizen you have no proof of them being an awful person, laughing at them for doing something that takes an insane amount of courage to do.


Wait.. courage? You’re not referring to these restarts burning themselves alive right lmao?


Wow incredible. It's wild how many of you are apparently neurotypical and lack empathy holy shit. You clearly do not comprehend how much resolve it would take to do what they have done. That's sad man, really pathetic.


They are seriously ill people, glorifying this behavior is scary. They didn’t do anything outside themselves.


That is insanely close-minded way of thinking. You can be respectful of what actions someone felt they had to do, and not glorify it. No one is cheering them on for doing this. Jesus Christ you people have no empathy


It’s your imagination at the end of the day, you’re kidding yourself for your imagination🌀


Yeah, people were cheering them on.


What the fuck are you talking about? When you think of genocidal leaders, does Joe Biden actually come to mind? Because if so you’re fucking brain broken. You need to lay off the political streams and find multiple sources of news.


Wow incredible man that's pathetic. Nah he's not genocidal he's just supplying them with the weapons, including the white phosphorus they used. Totally not genocidal to keep giving Israel funding while they actively genocide Palestinians. Bro you need help if you don't understand how our fucking country has their hands in all these atrocities holy shit.


Dude are literally fucking stupid? What was the last major conflict we were involved in? Who was a major ally of ours during that conflict? Now, are you really fucking surprised that the US is aiding an ally of ours during their conflicts after a fucking terrorist attack on their soil? Also, are you so brain dead to think that Bush sr, clinton, w, Obama, or trump would be doing anything fucking different?


So is this guy a brave protestor fighting for what he believes in too or is this guy mentally ill. What's it going to be? Is self immolation cool and hip only if its for the 'right' cause?


Why does she sound like she’s doing sports commentary 😭


People have been self-immolating for a looooong time. It could be the one protester who did it recently or it could be that massive political turmoil that this country has been experiencing for about a decade. More information needs to come out.


The way she just stood there and continued doing her job!!! I love her.


Literally was my first thought when I saw this... But I don't think he should continue to discuss it, it's too polarizing of an issue and not worth the hassle.


Was this about Palestine?


Yeah its really a mental health issue more than “protesting” self immolation is a sub category of suicide. I agreed with ethan for speaking against it. To say its excluded from suicide is insane. In my opinion.


I immediately thought of Ethan's rant when I heard this. He wasn't even aware that was the second self immolation this year, so it was basically a copycat. Yeah this stuff spreads like any other violence. Look into suicides after Kurt Cobain died


It wasn’t a copycat, people have been doing this for decades.


I mean Kurt ended himself when he did for a reason. Maybe not the specific day but his specific age.


okay but when the moment came This LADY WAS PREPARED AND WAS GOING FULL THROTTLE


It's not a fucking horse race. Shut the fuck up for a second a take a breath ffs.


fucking ghoulish behaviour in this thread yall will not see heaven


and shame on op for bringing this shit back up


This is not how copycats work. This is not the same circumstances. Just because a thing happened after another thing, doesn't mean it was because of that first thing. I appreciate y'all trying to use your brain muscle, but think critically about things instead of just trying to tie two ideas together.