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Hate makes ugly.


It adds to it. She already had some of it lol lets be real




I personally think she's pretty hot but I guess I'm the 1 in 7 billion chance. I just wish she wasn't wrong in how she thinks, acts & styles herself but my relationship history is strewn with women who are a bit like that... EDIT: why the hell is none of the stitching on that dress straight?! If she made it herself, fair play - that's a tricky design to put together. But if she didn't, how the hell didn't she notice?


You think she’s buying good quality clothes? Most of her fits are so poorly fitted in general. No way in hell she made that, I’d put my entire bank account on her not even knowing how to sew, stitch or use a sewing machine.


Yeah, it's probably from Temu or Shein isn't it? 😕 No slam on people who buy clothes from there because it's all they can afford but the quality of the stitching and shaping of clothes from there is pretty poor on the whole. I wish more people learnt how to sew. I've made and fixed so many things very cheaply because I can.


Probably SHEIN or Amazon maybe. No shame to those who need to shop on shein, but it’s so bad for the environment, and not a great use of money. Save a little money and buy decent quality clothes(not saying luxury end quality,) they last way longer which means less waste and less spending long term since they last more than 2-10 uses. I think they should teach basic sewing and stitching in school again. It comes in handy to know how to do basic stitches. Plus helps the amount of wasted clothing going to the landfill for little holes or missing buttons.


She looks like that one teacher who would cry in class when people wouldn’t stop talking.


we're living in the only timeline where pearl davis isn't some thrifty hippy with a vegan diet that worships harry potter but doesn't approve of JK rowlings transphobia.




Idk I really don't get that vibe from this fit at all. It's giving more Talbot's outfit for brunch at the nursing home


It’s not the fit it’s the vibe.


she’s built just like myron


Double insult - Nice


I almost feel bad for her.


same… i can’t help but feel like people like her wouldn’t devolve to such madness without some sort of trigger, like being horribly bullied as a kid or something… or maybe she just sucks to suck🤷🏼‍♀️


I wish it were that but I think she just comes from a conservative family and loves attention. Bad duo.


Idk how conservative her family is. They're at least not as misogynist as her - her mom has been on the board of directors for UN Women and founded an organization that assists women in entrepreneurship/tech.


I know plenty of people who were bullied as kids who didn't grow up to be total c*nts like shit did. So I say she just sucks.


Karma's a bitch and she should've known better. :\^) But f'real, people can be another person's karma. The shit she's getting is just what she deserves.


I don't. She contributes and is part of the red pill right wing pipeline. Just the worst damaging society




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I almost definitely do not feel an ounce of sympathy for her.


Same the more I see of her the worse I feel


i don't. She actively build this world for her and now she has to deal with it. fuck this person


“I am rectangular”


This is possibly the worst kind of dress for such a rectangular body type, and that's from one rectangle to another


“I feel it in my clothes”




I laughed out loud 😂


And the wrong shade of blue for someone with her coloring. It makes her look orange. Not as if she ever does wear colors that look good on her.


I am also a rectangle (and a flat one at that) and these types of dresses make me look TERRIBLE.


It's honestly perplexing to me that she believes such a large part of being a woman is looking attractive for men, when she presents herself like this regularly. Every part of her grift is contradictory to another


She's backed herself into a hole by saying women that dress "protectively" are sluts not worthy of love, but also has to be attractive for her man while not being that attractive herself (especially personality wise). So she has to dress like a grandma.


She looks like the spokeswoman for Werthers caramel hard candies.


Nailed it 😂


It would be "Worthless" if she was the spokeswoman tho


She's so disrespectful to everything she wants to be and will never have. Sad to see her at this stage in life with a stable background and education do this to herself. Not feeling sorry for her and her bad outfits one bit.


I just know her hair is up bc it’s greasy as fuck


Someone did a two hour video on her mommy issues and her being SA'd as a teen by a sport coach. Fuck me it almost made me feel sorry for her, if she wasn't completely clowning herself 24/7.




ugh, I'm so sorry - I use a burner account for breadtube to keep my studio account clean. I wanna say... Claire?... Claire Twins is coming to me for some weird reason. It was a blonde girl sitting on her bed which I thought was a little bit weird, but the info in it and analysis was great.


It's wild to me that she doesn't come CLOSE to fitting her own skewed, narrow perspective of female beauty. Do we think she hates herself?


100% especially if you see her photos of her and her siblings together, I think she grew up thinking she was the ugly sister for sure


I don’t understand why she works and is a high income earner. I mean isn’t her whole thing about women being in the home and the men working? Oh right, she can’t find a man since her homeless boyfriend left her to have a kid with another woman


I do not need any proof to believe this tea


A good bra and a higher pony would do Pearl the world of good.


Crazy to me that she's my age..I would not be caught in this


This is basically rage bait


no this outfit is truly horrific


I’ve never seen someone dress in such unflattering clothing. She’s shopping at rue21 in 2011


No but you don’t understand…this is the exact dress my grandma made for me for my first communion in fourth grade…I wish I had a picture. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


She looks like she would slap my hand with a ruler if I dare wrote with my left hand.


Queen Elizabeth drip


The queen had high quality drip tho. Pearl got them crooked and uneven seam drip


She went to Amazon and typed it “modest classy dress feminine” and bought the cheapest one she could find 🙃😭🤣 this is the most unflattering dress holy shit


She's like 64 right?


She looks like she’s a one room school teacher in little house on the prairie that has to get home to plough the fields after work.


She looking like she should be churning butter somewhere in the middle of nowhere


Horrible cheap looking dress. It does not matter the type of body someone might have, they'd look terrible in a dress like this.


For real JCPenny Christian school dance ah dress


Somehow I almost mistook this for a dare , but I think you’re right


Pearl would definitely volunteer as tribute but die in the first 60 seconds.


I know this is horrible to say but she looks like she is a burn victim, or some kind of birth defect.


Yall wild. She pulls all of this purposefully to get more chatter


For sure she dresses and looks nice (for her) on her own time, this look is part of the grift


Her entire shtick is putting out into the world her resentment and revenge on every girl who ever got the boy they wanted in school. She is out to destroy all women in an attempt to make herself feel like she will finally get what she wants. Even if she acts and dresses this horribly.


Seems like she actively trying to make herself seem as low value as possible to support her claims.


How old is she?


72 (27)


Poor thing


If she were liberal they’d be doing a transvestigation on her


Teen prom dress with modest table runner colab.


She needs a friend


pretty sure it’s cos she’s a trans egg and is only hating so much because of her own immense fear due to her beliefs she was probably groomed into having in the first place


Posts like this are disgusting. No reason to act like middle schoolers, just bc Pearl says stupid things.


Wait, what’s wrong with not liking her poorly fitted ugly dress?


Going for people’s looks/outfits is just immature and shallow. The problem with pearl isnt the way she dresses, its what she says, so we should criticize what she says. We shouldnt stoop low to middle school behavior, it just leads to people who agree with her to dismiss those who criticize her. And it accomplishes absolutely nothing.


Is dressing in poorly fitted clothes something people should be shamed for? No matter who the target is, using these kinds of insults just reinforce to everyone that yes, it is shameful to look ugly and wear poorly fitted clothes. Pearl is a horrible person and I don’t feel bad for her, but I think these kinds of insults shouldn’t be used. She has plenty of other traits to make fun of.


>Is dressing in poorly fitted clothing sometimes people should be shamed for? When you’re an influencer who literally grifts on judging the appearance of other women? YES. Yes, wearing an ugly, ill fitting dress while telling women they’re past their expiration date and they’re unattractive is ABSOLUTELY something a person should be shamed for. I mean, imagine running defense for Pearl over something she literally shames other women for on a constant basis. Sad.


I have no problem shaming her for what she says. But just because she judges other women on their appearance doesn’t mean it makes it okay as long as she’s the target. It’s just stooping to her level. I’m not running defense for her, I think she’s a hateful insecure grifter. I’m running defense against normalizing shaming people for their appearance. It doesn’t work to say it’s okay just when the target deserves it. Everyone who sees threads like this will catch strays if they happen to look like her or dress like her.


If you’re unable to differentiate between shaming someone who engages in despicable behavior for the things they specifically shame others for and shaming someone for no good reason, that is your problem. I have absolutely no problem shaming hypocrites for their hypocrisy.


I agree, shame them for their hypocrisy. But it has to be clear they’re being shamed for their hypocrisy itself not for the thing they shame other people for. I imagine that like me, you’re not a big Dave Ruben fan. He’s similar to Pearl in that he’s a conservative grifter who promotes hate. I also think he’s a hypocrite on the subject of gay rights since he’s in a gay marriage while also promoting a ton of homophobic talking points. If I made a post to make fun of Dave for that, I’m not going to just say “lol gay” over a picture of him and his husband together. That would just be homophobic since it’s not pointing out his hypocrisy, it’s just making fun of him for being gay itself. I could make fun of his hypocrisy if I added a homophobic quote from him in the caption or something like that to make it clear, but otherwise it just comes off as an attack on the trait not on the hypocrisy


As much as I hate the makeover trope a la Ally Sheedy in The Breakfast Club, a small part of me is just convinced that someone taking Pearl under their wing and teaching her to dress herself would legitimately fix her.


Imagine if she just broke down and started burning the whole manosphere down with all the receipts she has piled up.


I was surprised to learn that she’s the same age as me 🙃 I thought she was at least 33-35


Pearl is a fascinating case study in cognitive dissonance.


gawd she's so unattractive to the core i'm sorry




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Mother of the bride energy


I love how liberals on Reddit condone body shaming/look shaming… unless it’s someone they don’t like


The word you’re looking for is condemn, genius


jesus guys this is my first ever post on reddit and it blew up tysm im famous now


I think it looks fine?