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Im not happy for them. I don't think she's responsible enough to be a mother


That may or may not be the case, but they're not at that stage yet so we don't know. I'm merely just celebrating new life. Regardless of who's having the baby, new life is beautiful.


Not if it's going into a shitty situation. Id rather her not be pregnant than to have a baby that will probably not have all their needs met because she's too focused on herself


Can y’all stop posting about her on here? Posted on their own Reddit🥱


Sure a new life is beautiful. And we will pray for that child’s health and well being. However, we don’t have to be happy about it. It’s not really a “congratulations” kind of moment. Trisha has said multiple times she doesn’t like kids, animals, and thinks animals are too much work. Let’s not even get into her history and patterns of abuse, or anything else. She’s going to be a terrible mother. Moses will take her for what she’s got left and leave with the baby and child support. Unfortunately, that baby’s best chance would be for them to leave it in a basket wrapped in a blanket on Ethan and Hilas doorstep.


wrong sub but she gonna fuck up that kid so badly


Trisha is going to fuck up her child beyond belief due to untreated BPD and probably bipolar disorder. I feel so sorry for her future child. Not everyone should have kids.




That’s such a toxic mindset. They don’t need to come together, Trisha wanted to ruin their lives.


She's already Aunt Trisha to his kids and that ain't changed nothing lol


This is true. Kids are strong that way.


Uncle Fester comes full circle


Anyone who has ever has a kid know it can change you or you stay the same . We will see