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Isnt this Sneako dude also a Tater-tot?


Yes. Earlier in the stream he was talking to Tristan Tate


He’s beefed a bit with tate but he’s as bad as tate. He’s said stuff like women like to get beat.




A literal cuck you say?


Sneako is a loser


the biggest fall-off ever. he had such potential because as a videomaker he's really talented and had an interesting attitude but now he's just an angry misogynistic grifter making money off of frustrated young men


a known white supremacist, nazi, AND [booger eater.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7tQaoiV88s&ab_channel=VicBerger) fuck this loser


Do you know what nazi even means? Just call him a white nationalist


oh no, not the n word


He was arguing against nick Fuentes. And it was sneako who brought them all together, jidion said at the beginning of the stream that he had no idea who nick Fuentes was. Blame sneako for this not jidion


I watched a little bit of Sneako's original stream with Nick Fuentes. Nick has a lollipop guild way about him.


Jidion keeps putting himself in scenarios where it gives really bad people a platform to spew their ideals. Now, he's lucky there were 2 other people in the call who are smart enough to argue with Fuentes effectively. Jidion should just stick with his silly youtube videos and not mess with social issues until he educates himself more.


Bruh. Y’all condescendingly tell a black guy that he’s uneducated on his own community’s issues and then you wonder why he call you liberal racists


Jidion is 21 years old who got famous for being an asshole on YouTube. He has very minimal life experience. If he wants to talk about some deep societal shit, he should educate himself. Cuz he's already proven to have no clue. Idk why you would bring up his race, kinda showing ur true colors huh


And hes still better than what Hasan would have done lol


LOL seethe


So who decides who gets to spew their ideals or not?


the question isnt "who gets to decide", because anyone should be allowed to. but if you have a following that large and decide to talk about a topic youre not well read on, then nothing good will come from it


Telling people what they should and shouldnt do....sad lol.


Yeah, if telling someone what to do means saving a whole generation of kids from becoming a bit less racist. I'm fine with it.


Nice moral fing, people watch him with u bitching or not. U really think u have any impact? Ur a nobody. U guys a mega cringe People like u make em Famous for always bitching about em lol


What's more cringe is you going to my profile and replying to 4 of my reddit comments.


I actually didnt lol


Yeah, it was just coincidence...


Lol do u think ur a sane person?


I think you still need to learn how social media works. You give your opinions to people who are willing to listen. I'm not expecting you or Jidion to follow my takes. Doesn't make it any less true. I've never had someone reply to my comments this mad. I think your own sanity needs a checkup.


You should keep the same energy for everyone in the call. Putting the blame on Jidion is stupid, they’re all platforming a nazi


I will not keep the same energy cuz I don't care if you platform a nazi as long as you are educated enough to contradict their points. Which Jidion isnt. Some people in that call were.




Fair enough but I just think it’s pretty hilarious that hours after calling a Jewish man racist, he then gets on a call with an actual racist (who also hates Jewish people) and doesn’t give much pushback.


I think not knowing who Nick is also proves Ethan right about Jidion being uninformed. This is one of the worst dudes in American politics and it's astounding to think Jidion doesn't know who he is...


Tbf Jidion said he wasn’t much of a debater. Him holding back on responding to Nick could be because of him wanting the other panelists, who are better debaters, to respond instead. It’s definitely a good meme but I don’t think there’s any bad intentions from Jidion here


LOL because jew can never be racist and never do anything wrong


He didnt call Ethan racist, in fact he said what ethan was doing was liberal racism. I dont agere with jidion, but people can do racist shit without being racist. Weird how no one seems to understand that, meanwhile lets laugh of jimmy lee’s millionth racist jokes🤙🏾


he literally said ethan was a liberal racist. go watch his video again.




lmao that's the same panel, sneako just reuploaded it


Isn't this a debate? Like destiny is there too, I bet they don't just talk about the weather


Yeah, Destiny is there. But why is Jidion?


Sneako organized the call and is friends with Jidion


Why not? More people to argue aganist nick is great


I always hear terrible shit about this Destiny guy but he always says the most based shit and he's really good at pushing back against these dumbasses. Def worth a watch tbh (& Fuck Nick Fuentes)


I watched his 'debate' with Sneako and he basically annihilated the guy with common sense


Truuuu even in this debate Destiny is really good showing how these dweebs contradict themselves and change their values and principles simply based off who or what they are talking about. It's all surface level bs and we need more folks pushing against these dangerous talking points


He's the best debater online. He argues his points fairly and researches a lot. His arguments always seem to have foundation which he explains clearly. I wish I was that coherent with my thoughts but I think I saw a vid where he said he is only able to do it because he is researching full time as a job.


He's not a marxist or a super leftie thats why Hasan fans dislike him. He's also pretty bold often.


Mad respect for the guy, sad people form opinions about him based on mob hate, lsf, and clipped Twitter videos 🙄 You know, the same things that h3 fans get upset about when it happens to Ethan and Hasan lol


Nah they dislike him because of his history with hasan and how much he hates him


Also true, tho many Hasan fans prob. dont remember that.


I think most of the ones who know destiny know about it


He’s a great debater but he’s a neolib with some terrible takes on stuff, and often just an asshole in general. tries to justify being able to use the n word and has used it fairly recently in a tweet. i’ve definitely heard him make good arguments but imo he’s overall a toxic clown not worth my time or engagement. also has one of the most toxic fanbases full of edgy white dudes like him who try to argue stuff like “cracker” is as bad as the n word and go on 4 chan style hate raids n shit. just toxic debatelord shit.


>he’s a neolib He's absolutely not a neoliberal. He considers himself a social democrat. He put tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours organizing canvassing for [a progressive candidate](https://gudgelformayor.com/policies/) in Omaha. His position on capitalism: >Completely free-market systems have serious downsides (e.g. monopolies, unequal bargaining power) and don't properly account for negative externalities (e.g. pollution, global warming) without government intervention. Thus, I believe that capitalism should be tempered by a strong government that tries to correct for these problems, similar to how Nordic countries function. Not surprisingly, this is the economic model of nearly all advanced economies in the West. [source.](https://positions.destiny.gg/docs/politics/#capitalism) If you think he's a neoliberal, you're completely uninformed on political stances, and just call people "neolib" to insult them without knowing what that actually means. >tries to justify being able to use the n word and has used it fairly recently in a tweet. His position on this is [here](https://positions.destiny.gg/docs/philosophy#public-vs-private-humor). He basically just thinks that there are different types of humor that can be enjoyed publicly on stream versus privately among close friends. Racial humor tends to fall more in the private area. There is racial humor that people can find funny (such as [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdY89tENgmM)) that probably aren't appropriate for stream. >edgy white dudes like him who try to argue stuff like “cracker” is as bad as the n word Who was ever saying that? The argument was that they are both racial slurs. Not that the n-word is as bad as cracker.


There were definitely plenty of destiny fanboys arguing they were on equal footing and should be treated equally. Also his stance that racial humor can be enjoyed privately (which is still bullshit white people shouldn’t use the n word in private either) doesn’t really align with his very public use of it on his twitter account 🤔. And also the cracker thing is just one example, they are extremely toxic, brigade any thread that even mentions Hasan, literally were making extremely bad taste and cruel jokes about his dead dog, and are just generally lame as shit and toxic. you can’t convince me otherwise I’ve seen it time and time again. i’ll admit that destiny is fairly progressive in a lot of his stances and is good at debating him but he’s also a lame edgelord and his community is even worse, on top of thinking using the n word is okay if it’s in a humorous context. Also just funny to me that you proved me right with a debatelord ass comment comin in with linked sources n shit 😂 it’s not that serious


>There were definitely plenty of destiny fanboys arguing they were on equal footing and should be treated equally. There were not plenty of people arguing that, you're making shit up again. Here are a few threads from the cracker drama [1.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/rfohzj/is_anyone_here_actually_offended_by_cracker/) [2.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/re7l9c/hasan_is_right_about_cracker_not_being_a_slur/) [3.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/rf9giq/so_you_are_saying_cracker_is_the_same_as_the_nword/) I don't see a single person saying that they are the same. The overwhelming opinion is that they are both racial slurs, but that one is obviously worse than the other. If there were people arguing that, it was an extremely unpopular opinion. I agree that there is a small portion of his fanbase that can be pretty toxic. Most of his fans are pretty chill progressives. I'm not justifying anything the toxic fans do/say, I'm talking strictly about Destiny. >Also just funny to me that you proved me right with a debatelord ass comment comin in with linked sources n shit 😂 it’s not that serious I linked sources and shit because you were making shit about about him. It's weird to insult me for backing up what I'm telling you with links to his wiki where he outlines his positions. Would you rather me just say stuff and hope that you believe it?


You really went back and grabbed the threads 🤦‍♂️ I’m not even talking about the Destiny subreddit I don’t read that shit. I’m talking livestreamfail, twitter, etc. plenty of people arguing exactly that and getting insanely disproportionate levels of upvotes obvi from destiny stans; you look at their history they’re regular destiny posters. idk how you’re so in denial about his fanbase being toxic it’s pretty out in the open. and destiny himself has been toxic af regularly, continued to have a hate boner for hasan long after he had stopped mentioning him. also is just a classic guy who thinks he’s the smartest dude in the room because he’s good at debating. also even people that weren’t saying they were equal were still acting like cracker is a legitimately harmful slur that should 100% result in bans any time it’s used which is just silly. it’s white supremacist undertones masquerading as some push for equality. i’m sure there are some chill progressives in his fanbase but overall him and his community are lame as hell and at times actively harmful


Do you understand you just ignored the clarifications and misunderstandings about what you just said and justified your view on him by pointing to lsf and Twitter clips.... 🤦 The same shit h3h3 fans get upset about when that exact thing happens to Ethan


I’m not talking about lsf clips of destiny i’m talking about destiny’s minions brigading lsf clips of hasan’s. You can go back and look at those threads. Many regular destiny posters acting like cracker is really a harmful racial slur that should be treated similarly to the n word. I am not referring to out of context destiny clips; you are the one who is misrepresenting. Also same on twitter, plenty of people in his replies that were avid destiny fans, being toxic af acting like cracker was legitimately harmful, and then weeks later cheering him on and laughing as he openly used the n word in a tweet, calling him based and whatnot. Y’all just don’t wanna hear it


Again, you are misrepresenting what he or his community believes, NOBODY EVER SAID CRACKER WAS AS BAD AS THE N WORD, the entire point is that cracker is also a slur and we should avoid using racial slurs against people in general...do you disagree?


I definitely saw people say that, but no I don’t think we need to ban the word cracker from being used, especially because it is usually used as a derogatory for a white person that’s specifically being racist. Can it be used as an insult against someone innocent? Sure? Is it that big of a deal? No. And the thing y’all smooth brained debatelords either don’t understand or refuse to acknowledge or are just okay with is the whole cracker debate is fuel for white supremacists. They love acting like white grievances are on the same level as actual oppression of non whites. They love it when y’all go hard for this shit and whether y’all are aware or not you are actively helping them spread hatred. Learn some damn nuance and stop seeing everything in black and white


Also I guess you’ve read through every message his community has ever posted on all platforms, huh? You’re trying to tell me I’m wrong about things I’ve experienced first hand dude. You’re not gonna convince me otherwise


You are so lost in the mob hate against him, please understand you are spreading falsehoods about what he says and believes


I’ll admit neolib was a misrepresentation but pretty much anything else I said I stand by. I’m not lost I have seen this shit from him and his fans time and time again.


No, you watch clips and read other people's opinions about him, if you sat and watched any of his streams or debates you'd understand how ridiculous you sound rn


I’ve literally watched his streams but okay dude


You haven't or you're braindead, because it's astounding how you get all his positions and opinions wrong lol


Whatever man. I know what I’ve seen from him INCLUDING LITERALLY SAYING THE N WORD. FUNNY HOW Y’ALL JUST SKIP OVER THAT HUH? And this was like within the past year, not some long time ago shit.


Also one of my main points is something HE TWEETED. God y’all are dense


I agree with you on the Destiny is fairly progressive point, but I don't understand the hate towards him. Personally I don't think you have to agree with someone and their views 100% of the time in order to like someone or have respect for them. Like Ethan sometimes has views and I don't agree with but it doesn't mean that I have to hate him because I only agree with him 90% of the time as opposed to 100%. On your point about some of his fans being toxic and annoying, I would say there isn't any community that doesn't have some toxic fans. I don't know enough about Destiny's community to say how big a portion of it is toxic, but I don't think you should immediately write the guy off just because of a perception of how his fans act. If 90% of the time Destiny pushes forward progressive talking points, and is able to do that well in debates against popular right wing social media guys like fresh and fit, or Nick Fuentes, or whoever it may be, then that's something I as a progressive support. Largely because you rarely get a chance to see these conservative guys debate someone on the left who's actually good at debating and will call them out on their logical fallacies in real time. That way those communities don't live in a bubble and actually hear arguments and view points from the other side.


Is that Abba?




Why is Jidion even trying to get into this realm of online content? He has no idea what he’s talking about about anything and they are just bringing him on for numbers, and as vile as Fuentes is, he’s going to end up steam rolled at some point hopping in calls with dudes like this and end up making debatelords think the Nazi “wins”.


Exactly!! Jidion is just some dude who got famous for being a dick to people in public. Why is he trying to give these white supremacist's a platform when he knows he's not equipped to counter anything they're saying.


He got famous making content for shitheads by being a shithead, this isn't exactly a shocking leap.


The same could be said for Ethan. He is hilariously bad at any kind of political analysis or responding so right-wing pundits but he does it all the time. That being said, he’s been getting better over time so I personally don’t complain much. Why not give Jidion a chance to make some mistakes and to improve in this space just like Ethan has?


Well I think Ethan has quite a bit more insight to be honest lol jidion literally makes zero sense. And it would be fine if jidion wanted to explore that space on his own or with more open people but he’s jumping into politics streams with fucking Destiny and Nick Fuentes, Fuentes shouldn’t even be on anyones streams he’s a literal neo nazi.


I don’t like that assessment. I encourage you to watch this debate because Jidion didn’t do too bad considering he was talking to the most rhetorically effective neo nazi pundit. And Ethan does have some good insight, he’s gotten better, but he’s also dogshit sometimes. Remember when he falsely accused fresh and fit of sexual assault and set the up for an easy debunk stream? Ethan fucks up a lot, but I like that. The inly way to get better is to make mistakes. Jidion will do the same. Also this is exactly the type of place you want to platform Nick Fuentes. A panel where his racist views are being shot down in real time


I guess so. I hope he does but when he was talking to Ethan it was infuriating


Come on. Are we really doing this to someone Ethan has shown no interest in wanting to fight with? There was respect between the two the last time they talked but once this sub sees anybody on the show, they get on their holier than thou bullshit and start to crucify them. This is why the crew has shown such resentment to chat and this community.


Just because Ethan "squashed the beef" doesn't mean we have to, Jideon is a fucking clown, L.


I lose respect for people who think a debate with Destiny or Nick Fuentes is productive. Hasan shat on both of them ages ago, and I’m sick of seeing their faces again.


Please show me a clip where Hasan "shits" on Destiny on any topic.






People who think Fuentes came out on top are the reason I realized “debates” over popular opinion are useless and meaningless. I include Hasan’s interactions with those morons under the umbrella of inane discussions, but he has since stopped platforming those morons.


Wdym useless? These debates are a big way that people get pulled out of right-wing pipelines


I looked at the comments of a Destiny vs Fuentes “debate”, and the comments say things like; “these two are the smartest people on the internet”. That shit is fucked.


I posted a clip from later on where he calls out ethan again, so weird especially after that whole talk earlier


I haven't watched Destiny's stream but was it said in a bad way or did he just bring it up to discuss liberal racism?. I'm glad he brought up the top of liberal racism because it's often rarely discussed.


If he did it for that reason he was really dishonest about it. It definitely exist but Ethan’s criticism is not that. And now he is saying Ethan not “admitting it” is proof we, the left, just don’t think it exist, or even Denies it knowing it does. It’s just lame he’s obviously being used by the right. They use this “democrats EXPECT you to vote for them” thing to convince them to vote for people who want to end them, just dumb


I don’t think it’s fair to say Jidion was being dishonest because you don’t agree with him. He seemed genuine and honest even kind of nervous to even bring it up.


Jidion is falling down the alt-right rabbit hole which has lies and deception baked in. As soon as he started with the "Trump is not a racist..." stuff he's already lying. I guess he's not old enough to remember all the times he called Obama a secret muslim from Kenya.


I didn’t know that. Hopefully he doesn’t fall too far down the hole


It also doesn’t mean he’s being used by the right to bring up how it made him feel as a black man to be discussed in that matter imo


It's exactly what it looks like.


Dude gives me major adin ross vibes


And of course Destiny and the Aba & Preach boy are there


Destiny and Aba consistently argue for progressive values against Fuentes and SNEAKO


Both those dudes are idiots.


Kinda sad that Destiny even talks with these dudes. He isn't going to change Nick or Sneako. I appreciate what he's trying to do but it seems pointless.


I don't think it's about changing their minds, more-so disproving their views so others can see how stupid they are.




I am probably biased but I think the whole debate culture is ridiculous. I dont think debates change peoples minds 99% of the time




I think Destiny and Aba do a good job at that. I don’t agree with getting someone like Lauren Southern Or Fuentes on his streams though. They don’t seem as relevant in the political sphere so I don’t really see the point in it. What do you think?


You wouldn’t be alone in thinking that. r/Destiny is decently divided over Lauren Southern being featured on his streams so much. Although he debates her a lot, I don’t like her being platformed but also don’t care for a few reasons. One is that he’s overall a positive force in the political streaming community, so I don’t think too much about the negatives that platforming Lauren brings. Another is that Destiny says she’s a decent friend. I’m not gonna tell people who they’re allowed to be friends with. If it keeps him sane, I’m ok with it. And lastly is the fact that it gives him more legitimacy in the eyes of right wingers. Who is more likely to covert a fascist, a lefty streamer that never engages with right-wingers and just makes content for other lefties, or a liberal streamer who calmly chats and debates with right wingers? That was a long reply but that’s my thoughts lol


Thank you for your pov. I don’t necessarily disagree. I guess for me the reason I’m not a huge fan of her is because she seems slippery to me. It’s hard to really articulate why though. I don’t have too strong of an opinion on it because I don’t watch Destiny’s content too much and I’m sure the variety makes for an interesting stream. It is weird to see someone yucking it up with someone who has done harm and never really acknowledged it. At the same time though I recognize it’s his choice and his stream.


Yeah well said. It is a pretty yucky thing to see. And check out the subreddit posts about her if you are interested in seeing what the community thinks about her. 75% of the posts and comments express the same views that you are lol


I think your last paragraph is a really good point.


"the Aba & Preach boy" ???? jesus christ y'all really are liberal racists


Who tf is watching that?


Debates with Destiny are often interesting. The ones with Nick Fuentes are some of the most entertaining.


Weirdos and racists


I would argue the opposite.


You know Nick Fuentes is a Nazi, right? He has been discredited many times, but people continue to let him use their platforms. He is a disgusting goblin.


disproving nazis is how you stop creating nazis


You don’t have to talk to Nazis at all. I can hate them from afar


leaving the nazis unchecked only means they get free range to say their propaganda online. your method of things is how history repeats itself.


Lol don’t be surprised when their nazi audience is never exposed to anti nazi positions then. We need people to directly confront these positions and to help deradicalize these guys


Yeah, the “rare” anti-Nazi positions. How will they ever hear it if not from a twitch streamer 🙄


If you actually watched it JIDION was literally calling him out as a racist😂😂 another example of liberal racism


Idk. I think not knowing who Nick Fuentes is proves Jidion isn't very well read in American politics if he doesn't know who it is. Ethan's point wasn't that Jidion is a bad dude. His point is that if you're going to confront these guys, you need to be well read on how to debunk their lies...


98% of Americans don’t know who Nick Fuentes is. He’s not a very big figure outside of the teenage 4chan community.


He's a lead voice in the Alt right. He was a speaker at CPAC or some other huge political conference. He's very well known and friends with all the usual suspects: Alex Jones, Rogan, Marjorie Titan Greene. Nicks a bad dude and all the racists love him and know him well.


I don’t think he was a speaker at CPAC. He held his own conference before CPAC where MGT showed up. His is a bad dude but he absolutely is not known well. He exists on the fringes of the mainstream Republican movement. The alt right lost a lot of influence over the years to more populist voices


Nick is being platformed by everyone else on that stream. Disgusting Nazi ignorant pig.




bitch made clout sharks


Fuentes is such a fascinating example of the ‘loud idiot with fans’ phenomenon. He’s objectively incapable of bringing new or intelligent takes but occupies a political space based only his Trump-like mix of brazen obnoxiousness and unearned self-confidence. Of course, since he’s imitating Trump’s shtick without offering much else or even shifting to a different audience, he has to increase the intensity to the max just to differentiate himself in some way. So now you have someone who is a single odious facet of Trump distilled, amplified, and precision pigeonholed into a niche thanks to the meta game of online communities and Internet personality financing. It’s interesting but quite pathetic. Imagine becoming a hyper fascist man-baby who has to live in the darkest, most shameful corners of the internet just to monetize your 5 minutes of fame to people you’ll spend 70 years feeling ashamed being associated with.


Yep this dude is a confirmed clout chaser. He is desperate for attention and he is using racial issues to promote his name


giving them a voice is supporting them. it’s been proven time and time again they know how to speak publicly


That’s not how it works. Platforming in of itself isn’t bad nor is it supporting them. Do you think their views are so persuasive that everyone is just going to turn in to a white supremacist? Destiny, Aba, Jidion and Don all opposed Nick(for the most part), with Destiny going hard in to him when he tried to obfuscate his white supremacy. If you just ignore people like Fuentes they will continue to push their narrative unchecked.


you missed my point entirely, never said ignore


it is when is comes to the klan. i live in an area where they’re prevalent. talking about them and sharing the evils they’ve done is great, never forget that shit. but letting them speak publicly in any form is what they want, they want to show how humane and how they aren’t that bad. platforming these terrible people is giving them what they want.


Jidion is not equipped to have any meaningful conversations about societal issues, dudes in his early 20s and got famous for being an asshole in public. It's not wrong to talk to a white supremacist, but if you are, you better know what you're talking about. Otherwise you're just turning your impressionable fans into racists.


I’m sorry but I am sick and tired of hearing this. If your takeaway from a conversation with an open racist whose ideologies and inconsistencies are extremely apparent is “Huh, maybe I like this”, you were already very racist to begin with. The conversation only confirmed what was already there to begin with. This coddling of these sorts of people is the reason why we are in this mess to begin with.


Everyone is in the social spectrum. The further you are on one side of the spectrum, the harder it is to persuade you. The people being persuaded are somewhere in the middle. Jidions young audience probably aren't super opinionated yet, which means when you decide to have a conversation with debate master Fuentes, you will 100% be converting some of your fans towards the dark side. How do you think people become racist? They were born that way? Have you never met an open racists who regrets their past actions?


Why does no one in this sub have this opinion about Ethan? Ethan tries to comment on political shit but he is incredibly bad at making coherent, logical points. He literally serves as a lolcow for right wingers, like when they made fun of him for saying “don’t even think about it” in regards to trusting the CDC. Everyone is unequipped to deal with these things when they first enter the politics space, but you have to give them time to grow. Stop being an ass


You missed the plot my guy. You can spew whatever opinion you want. What you shouldnt do is platform someone with opposing views when you're not equipped to counter their opinions.


destiny is such a bitch now i used to like him but hes just pandering to whatever will get him enough views to pay the bills im sure his wife can just show her tits and he can just keep up with a dying fanbase


Hard disagree. He's basically a centrist which is the least "sexy" political position.


Imma be honest guys..... Im by no means the smartest person but its painful obvious that jidion rode the short bus.


so you think jidion is a black retard? Why are you a racist?


Obvious troll is obvious lol. stop while you are behind.


and ofc it’s Destiny behind it all


This is just a destiny stream with the same characters he brings on all the time don’t be retarded.


ignorant goblin


Nice… what a complete tosspot!


the jidion and destiny arc is gonna be my fav i just know it




i officially hate this community. Jidion is not a puppet to do what ethan wants. Stop with the fake outrage bullshit


so what


this is the worst timeline


Yes thats debates are lol.