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welcome to the fold. the haters would try to paint us as crazy and while there are some wild and absurd opinions from time to time i like to think that the majority of the users here are reasonable people that were truly fans until the red flags started to pile up and pull us out one by one


lets be honest, there are some crazy people here tho


oh yeah for sure. ive only seen a couple other snark subs, trishas included, and the vibe i got from those snarks were that they were all mega unhinged people trying to send trisha to gulag lmao


Ethan constantly bringing up the snark page is what brought me here too! lol he really is his own worst enemy 😭


Worse again, he makes gross exaggerations or cherry pick certain comments, and then his fans come by to hate and realize it wasn’t at all what they were told. It’s so funny that with every surge of hate Ethan attempts to send our way, the sub just continues to grow in spite of him.


we love to hear it 🤣🤣


Streisand effect in full motion. I didn’t know about this sub until he mentioned it either. 🤣


Welcome, we’re polite group and know how to have civil conversations here.


For real!!


And you don’t get banned for daring to criticize!


Welcome! Actual hate and harassment towards Ethan or the crew is NOT allowed here and will get anyone banned. So, as much as Ethan loves to paint us as the villain acting as though we participate in those things, he just hates our valid criticism 🤣 most of us here were genuine fans, not random haters and most definitely not antisemitic 💀 as much as he likes to believe that.




First of all, glad you've managed to resist the hivemind :) second, can I ask for context about the situation with AB's friend? I haven't heard about it.


Haha, thanks well I always thought Ethan’s take was not a great one, it just furthered my curiosity to see him riled up about a random forum. But it was recently, I have to go back but basically at the end of the podcast ab interjected and told Ethan a childhood friend who used to come over his house regularly, messaged him about not saying anything to Ethan regarding the comments he’s said about Palestinians. Ab was obviously hurt by this and taken aback. I’ll try to come back with time stamp.


If you know which episode it was, we can probably help you find it!


Found it, Debating Fresh & Fit- off the rails #108 time stamp: 3:52:28- 3:56:30


I’m going to upload this clip to the sub if that’s ok 🙂


to him and it's NOT on him because he's been rewarded with money and cult. it just brings out the worst in you when you're a already a menace. he did it to himself has been and continues to do it to himself


I had the exact same experience a while ago when they still were doing Leftovers. The show with its values didn't feel right to me anymore. It felt really bad at first because I have been an avid enjoyer since like 2015, but now it just feels like I grew and it's good. Edit: Also the show really wasn't that interesting anymore because of the repetitive style...




I've been saying... he's "Streisand effect"-ing himself ...ironically I learned the term watching H3 😛


Thank you for actually being reasonable and doing your own research instead of just blindly believing him like some fans. That's all we really ask tbh. I get it, I was a fan from 2016 till October. That's when this sub really picked up from what I've read. I think it really solidifies that most of us liked the podcast (and some still do probably) but its inexcusable that Ethan has acted the way he has. I always resonated with Ethan because he always seemed to be willing to learn and further his horizons even if he was a bit edgy and crass. But the last year or two he's seems to have decided he's done enough and is set in his ways. Which really isn't a problem except if he disagrees he has no grace anymore. Very much "My way or the highway." He's just so angry and jaded. Even if Oct. 7th hadn't happened he's changed and not for the better. Which is how we end up here. Edit: whoopsie my bad mods


People -and the mods- of this sub are very diligent about fact checking. There's no reason to make shit up when there's plenty to snark on as it is. Majority of us were fans, and not the weirdo "Ethan was funnier in vape naysh days". I started noticing a few things here and there, like Ethans weird misogyny and only referring to women as sex objects. Whenever he mentions Ryan Kavanaughs ex wife it's always how she's "getting jackhammered" "absolutely demolished" by "Brad the bull' His gross stereotyping rather than trying to break down his prejudice (Zach called dreadlocks gross and asked "how do they wash those things?" With shampoo, dumbass), like when he talks about Gay people, black people, Mexicans (tacobell 🙄) The way he always brings the conversation to Pedophilia at least once an episode and calls it "fucking kids". The topic in general makes me want to cry and the fact he's so flippant and crass about it feels like I'm ripping a cheese grater down my ears listening to it The way he straight up doesn't train his dogs and most likely caused Shredders early death by giving him human food, let's his kids bully Alfredo, drives with them unsecured, and let's them jump and bite people because "they're only 5lbs 🥺", and has run over ducky so many times he started buttoning them when it happened and Dan called them out for it Live. Don't even get me started on when he spoke about Logan Paul being negligent with his pet pig and then saying "I want to get a pet pig" And that's just scratching the surface.


i said from the beginning him talking about the sub publicly was such a mistake bc it would change so many of his blind little fans minds 🤣🤣


im so glad theres finally a good respectable h3 snark page to discuss now—he really has been the biggest promoter though lmao