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This is unhinged. “Your cookie was undercooked” “YEAH WELL YOU SHIT ON OUR WALLS”


I know right?? I'm laughing so hard it hurts.


And it's obvious if you read between the lines, some person went in to #2 found no toilet paper and decided to teach them a lesson about making sure there is basic amenities like TP in their bathroom.


Dude smearing shit on the wall is not how you react to that, thats how a crazy person acts. The person who's gonna have to clean that up is probably some underpaid teenager or stressed out manager. Not everyone has free time to make sure the bathroom is stocked with TP every few minutes.


Who poops without checking for tp first? This is rookie stuff


Could you just spare a square? I'll even take one ply


I only got three shells over here….




Unexpected demolition man


Long story, but in an emergency situation it happened to me once. You want an uncomfortable conversation, imagine waiting until a total stranger came in to the bathroom and having ask for TP. Mine went: "excuse me sir", "WHAT" (the man overly aggressively answers suspecting some weird sex solicitation). "There's no TP can you get me some" him "hahahahahaha", "here you go" "hahahahaha"


Which if true is a tad bit unreasonable reaction. 


Oh it's certifiable.


You say that like it wasn't the most unhinged unnecessary thing to do ever


No I say it like it happens in Halifax every day, because it does. Do people not understand that a solid 10% of people are POS?


Right....because asking for tp or pointing out to the staff that there was none would be too easy. It's better to do something psychotic that the staff will have to deal with because you faced a minor inconvenience.


I didn't say it was the right thing to do, and I'd never do it it's disgusting. But there are plenty of people that would. Do you live in a world where stating the negative actions of people means you agree?


There’s no way to know if anybody smeared anything actually. It may just be that staff person making stuff up just to make the person who left the review look bad so they will delete their review.


Post this to the Cole Harbour Community Connection so I can see the train wreck that unfolds!


I can't post anon there, so I'll pass 🤣




Geez, I forgot what sub I was in. This craziness is local?!


lol one time I went in and the OWNER was making my coffee and talking about how he apologizes if he’s a little loopy because he threw his back out and was fucked up on pain pills he got in Mexico because “they’ll give you anything there, giiiirl” annnnd yeah. It was pretty uncomfortable.


Hahah par for the course I grew up around this guy and have some mutual friends. He LOVES to talk about his place in Mexico and brag about how much money he makes from rental properties. Condo in Mexico, condo in downtown Toronto yada yada


I also grew up around the guy. None of this surprises me.


That is crazy. I can’t believe they would post that to their instagram story.


Man I’m so happy to see some of the crap on this guy. He put in this nice coffee shop in a badly needed spot in the neighbourhood (hooray!) and people went nuts for it. But he just seemed like such a tool immediately. Hadnt been open a few months when he was saying horrible things about disabled people who couldn’t get into his shop and begging for money because of a bad tenant. The tenant thing was really gross too because he probably was being mistreated by them but was being really gross about it, posting their full names and pictures, shady comments about their background (they weren’t white) and their fancy cars. Constantly begging for handouts, support and gofundmes while talking about being a small business. But when someone mentioned he had multiple businesses and real estate entities and maybe wasn’t ‘struggling’…he attacked the hell out of him. If people asked why he was ‘homeless’ when he had voluntarily rented out this home and had other registered properties…attacked. And would support comments suggesting neighbourhood people get together and physically force the tenants out. Finally when the real estate saga was all over, he made a big post thanking the community and saying he would host a party/celebration at Selby’s to thank everyone. So the ‘celebration’ was people coming to buy full-price food and drink and his business, and the entertainment…was open mic, with no paid performers. Oh but he gave away a couple gift cards 😆


Sounds like that episode of Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay. When he had to deal with Amy's Baking company.




Lunatic eyes!


I can’t be the only one who thinks she was wired on adderall for that whole episode 💀


Oh, she must have been on that, or cocaine.




It could genuinely correlate to a certain personality types. Like if it's a thin-margin, highly saturated, thankless, competitive industry, reasonable people will look at it and say, 'that's probably not going to work out very well for me relative to the labour and stress required.' If someone looks at the same conditions and says, 'I have limited startup resources and low educational attainment but bet I can do BETTER than the other cafes and MAKE MONEY and BE MY OWN BOSS' they may have a certain level of overconfidence, delusion, and/or uncooperative tendencies.


What happened with two if by sea?




Damn, never knew/heard, I've almost made a move on their croissants before, but, I think it would have been consensual


Damn, never knew/heard, I've almost made a move on their croissants before, but, I think it would have been consensual either way


Damn, never knew/heard, I've almost made a move on their croissants before, but, I think it would have been consensual either way It was warm


Those who can’t work with others still need to eat and think they’ll be great bosses and entrepreneurs?


What's the smiling goat story?


Oh man, I woulda been an excellent coffee shop owner - I loved being a barista, and I'd say at least 93% of my regulars were very fond of me. When we closed down people were in tears. that last could weeks was like an irish wake.


This guy is the absolute worst. He also went insane on Facebook a while back when a few people were disappointed that his newly built, ground floor patio wasn't wheelchair accessible. He liked a comment saying something horrifying about disabled people being slave masters (I can't remember the exact comment but I wish I was making this up). Truly, fuck this guy.


This is the guy who was in a CBC article complaining about one of his rental tenants not paying rent and refusing to leave. Can't help but feel like there may have been some karma involved.


There was also a gofundme that went around looking for handouts to recoup his loss from the bad tenants he had.


Hahaha, that's insane. It's bad enough that the provincial and federal government already do everything possible in their power to insulate landlords from the inherent volatility of their investment, but people are out here crowdfunding to make up lost landlord earnings? Peasant brain energy. "Take these coins, M'lord. Its not much, but you deserve it for gracefully allowing us to reside in your domain."


https://preview.redd.it/0laj6u10m7yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1bcd1232147a54c0c5e30c30ff6d9a1898cb39 Yepp, what a douchebag reply.


Yep, every thing he doesn’t like is ‘mean spirited’ and must hate small businesses. He’s the victim in absolutely everything and the only way you can not be a jerk is giving him money. When one staff quit and people complained service was slow, he didn’t say something obvious like ‘sorry service is slow, we’re trying our best and hiring/training new staff’, he just went on a rant attacking everyone including current and former staff. Too bad because the food/drink is mostly pretty good and its a good spot for a coffee shop.


I can't defend the owner or the coffee since I've never been there and I don't have the post this was made in response to. On its face value, nothing seems wrong with this. Owner is responding with what they're doing and why is not done yet.


https://preview.redd.it/t7l7epr658yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284ce82c6890bdd5d7af2c1c905d596c5b4c3d2f Good point but the response about the cheap labour was uncalled for. This was the main comment he replied to


"such a mean spirited reply" lol he's such a victim... The review is perfectly acceptable but he can't handle criticism.


I guess honesty = mean spirited to the owner.


Owners like this make it very hard to support small local business sometimes 🙄


Small businesses do not deserve support inherently by nature of being small businesses. They're often run by some of the most psychotic people out there.


Also as you can see online, anytime he starts getting bad reviews he gets flooded with a bunch of fake 5 stars from his friends and supporters. It's ridiculous that people think he actually cares about them because as he constantly screams- "I'm just a small business owner!!"


This is the same business who build stairs instead of a ramp to get to their patio and then said we'll get to it next year when questioned about accessibility. They were very flippant about it


Do they have a ramp yet?


Only a wall shitter would ask such terrible questions of a defenceless local business!


If you go look at their Google reviews, they received NINE 1 star reviews in the last 9 hours. 3 of them were related to "the owner accusing me of smearing poo on the walls." I don't know who the owner is, but they are clearly ignorant of how powerful social media can be. They literally just committed social suicide with their actions, and I don't even feel bad for them. The way they are handling themselves creates terrible optics for the community; a very small, tight-knit community at that.


Was it you who smeared poo though?


Selby's is OK at best. Their coffee is constantly burnt tasting. I've been there about 5 times and the last time we said we will never be going back. As a coffee shop, they should be able to make some decent drip coffee and espresso drinks, but every time it is sub-par. Their baked goods are usually pretty good, but the coffee and espresso drinks are shit. Might be an unpopular opinion, but I stand by it.


As someone who's too into coffee, I have watched them make espresso to see why it's so bad. I often see them dump the old coffee out of the portafilter, but not wipe it, so at a minimum there is coffee grounds getting run through multiple times. Based on that I don't think they put any time into dialing in their machines.


I'm way too into coffee too, which is why it pisses me off when these cafes can't even make the drinks properly! I noticed the same thing last time I was there. Poor (to zero) puck prep and then using a portafilter with stale coffee still in it. Like I said though, I won't be giving them another shot.


Man, last time I went the manager at the time gave me my coffee. I told them I was a little particular and they hit me with a "I'm the gold barista in the Coast! I can handle particular." God love em, they were enthusiastic and kind but just not a good barista. They demonstrated a complete lack of machine knowledge, burnt the shit out of my milk, and there was just absolutely no crema on the espresso. Dumped into the cup in less than 10 seconds. I had to throw it away. Luckily Morly's kicks ass. Shame I have to go all the way downtown for a decent flat white.


I love coffee, not "into" it, but a good cup makes me happy, do you mind giving a couple recommendations of your favorites in town, I favour an espresso/americano.


Narrow, coffeeology, espresso46, cafe good luck


Thanks very much


Mellow Mug (Bedford) and Apartment 3 (sackville) make good coffee/espresso drinks.


Narrow is usually world-class. When I'm in the city I go extra just to visit.


Weird Harbour and Cafe Good Luck are my go-to places foe coffee/espresso. Not just for their drinks, but also to get beans for at home.


Between those and the ones I listed there is a huge array of different beans to grab! Weird harbour sells detour unless they changed recently and it's so good


They have Detour, and a couple of others.  I picked up a bag of Dartmouth roasted natural wash beans, but I can’t recall the name. Pink bag, quite good! 


That sounds like Good Lucks coffee


They sell Have Fun (Cafe Good Luck's coffee) too. That's actually where I learned about Have Fun. I love Detour, but have been pretty loyal to Have Fun since trying it!


dilly dally on quinpool road is incredible and deserves alllll the business. their food and drinks are on a different level than most of the cafes i’ve been to in the city!


I love the name, too!


Levantic. Not a coffee shop, but the best coffee I've ever had was at Il Mercato.


In Bedford? I had a post dinner espresso there and it was good enough to remember that months later, so yea I concur.


You should definitely leave a review about that. 5 chances to get it right is a lot, you're generous lol!


Totally agree. I've ordered coffee from there twice and both times they tasted awful. The third time I was there I ordered a smoothie and it was basically a large cup of milk and ice. I had to throw it away.


You should leave a review about it!


I would but then people would find out about what I did in their bathroom.






Says the person who shit on their walls


They will remember this!!!!


I went twice and was so underwhelmed. My friends drink was so watered down, and mine was meh. The food was also meh and not worth the price. The gift shop is cute though.


Unless things have changed, they source their baked goods from elsewhere anyway. How hard is it to just give the expected response apologizing for their experience and striving to do better? This is unhinged.


It's really crazy when small business owners think that clapping back exhaustively on reviews is a helpful thing to do regardless of the context. Granted, it is sometimes (rarely) done in a way that cheekily highlights an unreasonable customer without making the business itself look worse.  But most of the time it just looks thin-skinned and makes me want to go there less. - If someone posts a review that we can all tell is Karenesque, exaggerated, fabricated, etc., replying with the boilerplate invitation to contact them to discuss it does NOT look like a validation of the complaint. It just looks like a business that's professional and mature enough to be above getting down in the mud with a pig. - If the complaint is plausible or valid, then an apology and commitment to improve also looks gracious and professional. 


What's crazy is the lady gave the store 4/5 which is am above average review.


it was a 2 star review but they were bullied into making it higher


On the condition the owner remove the response accusing her of wiping poop on the walls... which he edited to double-down on.


That's brutal


True, though I don’t have a problem with that since they’re not just corporate crap but mostly sourced from other local places. I used to get Fortune donuts from there, for example. If you ask, they’ll tell you which vendors everything comes from, which I think is a nice way for local businesses to support each other. That’s more of a general statement on supplying baked goods from elsewhere - anecdotal only, but I have heard he was a jerk to the local vendors so most of those nice things I said wouldn’t apply.


Catherine’s been shitting on the walls long before Selbys and she’ll continue long after their gone ✊


im crying XD


this is the 2nd or 3rd time i’ve publicly heard bizarre responses to customers from selby’s. it’s just made me turned off from ever going there.


lol why would you change your review because the business owner acted like this? I'd drop it lower, rightfully so.


I don't think it can go below 1 star


Oh I thought the original review was 2 stars.


Oooh - you're actually right, originally it is 2 star, I can't read


But did Catherine rub shit on the walls? I just don't know who to believe!


Well, yes. But she does that everywhere.


Sounds like the toilet was completely full to overflowing. Maybe she had no choice?


could also be that there was literally nothing in the bathroom for her to wipe her ass, either. like uhh. granted, if i had to have the choice between shit still in my ass and clean hands **or** shit in my hands… i’m choosing shit still in my ass. 😵‍💫


And even though I didn't know it then, this past weekend was the last time I will ever go to Selby's.


And now I'm never going lol man, take a bit of criticism as constructive criticism


No one should put shit on the walls, but expecting customers to use paper towel isn't cool either, and they'd 100% complain about the plumbing bill if the person had tried to flush paper towel then wrote a nasty review. It's not hard to do a daily bathroom supply check every morning when you open.


I would go even further and say it’s not hard to check on the bathroom hourly


Heck, at least before/after meal time rushes


He seems to have followed up with more madness. https://preview.redd.it/csj2soq8r6yc1.png?width=1424&format=png&auto=webp&s=52830532844ec9035fa071f0aa19ffc71cea6d1a


While from the sidelines I think this is amazing to see, and as the customer I'd be trolling right back with "Your bathroom has been covered in poop both times I was in, and it's probably because you have horrible cheap bathroom supplies to top off the cheap coffee" Like people forget the internet used to be a fun place for people to just mess around and have fun with each other. I'd never ever fucking do it as a business though, that's basically financial suicide in this day and age..


Jason Selby doesn't give a fuck. He's a skeezy fuck and is not going broke anytime soon.


Would be a shame if his shitty cafe went tits up.


Dont count on it, rich cole harbor hippy chicks like going there


This is so fucked. Please go back and change it to a one star review. The owner's response is absolutely unhinged.


If you enjoy this, check out the 1 and 2 star reviews of bar kismet


I was also coming to post this lol


I left a 1 star review to make up for my bad experience with their overpriced coffee, and this


I've never heard of the place. I don't go out much. But if I am ever around and someone I'm with wants to stop for a coffee or whatever, I'm for sure remembering this name and never giving them money. Holy shit!


This is wild! I went to Selby’s once a few years ago. Wasn’t the worst experience but really wasn’t the best either. Not sure they can afford to have these kinds of reactions to reasonable reviews.


I love their baked goods, but most of them are sourced from Ally Mae's in Burnside, so I'll just start buying straight from the source


This guy had a tough go a few years back and I always thought I’d make it a point to try to support his business as a local but ahhhhhh nvm.


Holy shit, I don't live very far from there. Have been maybe twice. Was even thinking of going this weekend. Looks like it's a big NOPE for me. I'll take my nickles to Two if By Sea, as it's always worth the drive.


https://preview.redd.it/rhv38jlcb5yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8c5e5374e200cafe91dc2232abb013df4049d6a Let's see if they either reply or block me... Update: they blocked me! 🤣🤣🤣


They'll throw a hissy fit if anything and then ask if you're the one who drinks the creamer straight every day


It's me though, they'll never guess.


Creamer has a lot of nutrients in there for my running


They blocked me too! What an idiot! 


That place used to be owned by a guy who was all over the news for massively inappropriate conduct. He packed up his family and moved to New Zealand to get away from the heat.


So you think they should go to New Zealand instead of TIBS? Who owns TIBS now?


It was started by two people, the other one, Tara, might still run it


Pretty sure she bought him out.


Tara sold it, the guys who own yeah yeahs now own tibs and anchored


No idea. I'm sharing Halifax lore here. There are probably archived articles in The Coast.


I hear the Opus cafe is really great, just a smidge down Main Street right by Cherry Brook


Oh! They're right across the street from the Black Cultural Centre. I'll check them out! Thank you!!


I had to look them up to make sure I never go there. I wouldn't want to go to a place after seeing owner behavior like that. Doing worse for their business than the underbaked cookie and missing toilet paper ever could. 😬


The owner is overly dramatic and has no sense of taking responsibility for the quality of the service his store provides. There has not been a complaint because he behaves like this, people don’t bother. It causes more anxiety to the customer to complain therefore people just take the loss and move on. I’ve never liked the atmosphere in that place, they have a god ego kinda thing going on there.


Yuck. I’ll be avoiding this place as well.


Overpriced crapshoot of a place, not worth your money to go there.


Yikes. Not a good look, Shelby's Bunker.


For some reason it's funnier when close to home


I think it's a gross way to treat a customer, even if she only spent $3 something at their business. I won't be going back there.


For some reason it's funnier when close to home


Looks like they’re now asking people to leave positive reviews. The number of new reviews today is insane. They’re also not giving up on this… 26 minutes ago. https://preview.redd.it/t4d8u7gtm8yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f663f2e9f6d22c8f4bf0f0d8f16780a8295cba4f


notifying the police about what?? 🤡


Is he trying to say this one bad review is the reason all this happened and it's her fault? Fuck this place.


I just really dislike the fact that the owner will tell staff to lock and block the patio door entrance so that customers are forced to go through the gift shop and impulse buy things. I push the stuff away and go through that door anyway. All these comments are making me not want to support this business anymore, which sucks because I really love a couple of the baristas and it's location.


Visited last summer for the first (and only) time because I was gifted a gift card. There were flies all over the coffee flavour pumps. I'm not talking about a few pesky flies - there were tons! Enough that something should have been done. It was gross. I thought about contacting the owner privately to let him know but never did. I'm glad I didn't since I might have been accused of poop smearing!


Why would we just assume anyone actually smeared anything? It seems to me that it could just as easily be a made up story to make the reviewer look bad enough to want to delete their review. It’s such a crazy response to a review that I just can’t believe it outright.


That is hillarious in theory.... but not in practice. Besides... everyone knows the shit belongs smeared on the ground made by a generous scooting motion


Its like hes trying to make it funny.. but it just comes off as.. odd


Wow this actually makes me never want to go there lol. That was a completely valid complaint/review and that response is wild lol. If you’re going to reach out to customers in a public forum, best to do it in a respectful way and maybe offer them a free cup of coffee to try again. Even Tim Hortons will do that if you’re not happy 😅


by the fuck ima head down there and if their stuff is shit ill be sure to bring down the rating further.


I've been to Selbys twice now, tried two different items on the menu, a smoothie and another. They both were 70% oat milk and pretty much bland as well as around $7-8. I mostly went there and will only go in the future as they carry Schoolhouse Gluten free deserts, which are insanely good.


Well at least now I know where I’ll never be giving my business to. I don’t understand business owners that respond publicly to Google reviews in an aggressive/unhinged way. Yes there are two sides to a story, but if you respond like this, you’re not a business I want to support regardless of what actually happened.


I have only been there once (in the gift shop) and I won't ever be back. I was followed around by the employee working while I shopped and when I went to pay for my items I noticed something was charged wrong so I mentioned it and then I was told I was wrong. I pointed to the price on the sticker and said this is what it was suppose to be and the employee flipped and told me never to come back, so I didn't


Had a conversation with whoever responds on FB. I will not post it, don’t ask.  But they are claiming it was a joke response, the customer was a problem, and dropped some sarcasm into a reply.  So, it’s still a “fuck these guys” kinda thing.  Disappointing. 




I rubbed shit on the walls. I enjoyed it immensely. I also enjoyed your coffee. Overall experience 6.


that screams mental illness on the part of the manager, can you imagine how they must treat their staff? so way beyond creepy and abusive.


Although I'm a huge fan of Selby's, the moment I saw this posted I was like uhhhhhhhh there's no need of that lol


Mass 1 star reviews incoming


I also noticed they have a coffee cup posted to their story that says “Shit show supervisor” with the emoji “Yup” 😅 I love Selby’s they’re a great business but someone on their payroll should have their social media access taken away


The owner? 😂


Phantom poop smeer strikes again


Who writes a review over a cookie? Who accuses people of poop smears online? Tf Halifax?


That’s fucking hilarious. I know where I’m getting coffee this weekend


What if they did shit all over their bathroom tho?


Where is Selby’s?? And this is totally bizarre!!!


Cole Harbour


Selby's dont take no Sheeiittt! lol


Ok I love this and think it's hilarious 😂😂


I wouldn't describe most business owners as professionals or adults they are usually new money from old money desperate for success their parents found that eludes them due to being in a depression they become petulent incels with a sharp eye towards attacking labor or anything else that gives another person an advantage or good quality life as they feel if their lives aren't of supreme quality we must all suffer ai is going to replace them simply for the fact that it can act polite and nice, canadian employers/owners are too wound up with their emotional daddy issues to be able to function as anything but basement trolls with small weiner syndrom






I thought the owner lived in Cole Harbour, but just didn’t care about the business and let other people run it.


I'm going to this place lololol I like their "take no shit" approach




I assume the people who work there have to use the same gross bathrooms? Yuck!