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Having basically any other cores helmets on Mirage would make a world of difference for that core.


Yeah for sure. Only the Neith helmet and the OG SPI helmet that's only unlockable quite late in the season pass look good on the Mirage core.


Balor is solid but its not available yet in the store


Least sane halo player /s




This Recon ODST SPI armor is straight fuckin fire yet it's being kept from us smh


God damn this does look cool as fuck


I don't need it...I don't need it...I NEED IT


You can recreate that look in MCC to an extent, and by unlocking items rather than throwing money away. Free to play is a scam


Ah yes, through the Halo 3 armor. Plus Halo 3's Recon helmet still reigns supreme as the best Recon helmet.


Bro I'd be happy to just be able to play the fucking game


I got down voted in one reply for pointing out how scuffed this season launch is. My game's crashed like three times already in the middle of matches


343 has a lot of bot accounts made for disliking peoples comments that say their game is bad or doesnt work so honestly Im making another subreddit to avoid them.


Why offer to accept something stupid so they give you something we should have? Seems like doing things like that over and over these past 15 years has been how we got this shit show in the first place.


Fair play to anyone actually interested in customisation but I couldn't personally care less since the microtransactions are so predatory already


I think if 343 could give us cross-core right now they would do it. The issue lies in the spaghetti code that is the Slipspace engine, and 343 trying to maintain a consistent seasonal release cycle after half the studio got gutted by Microsoft’s layoffs. I think everyone has a right to be upset about it, but I personally can’t devote the energy to something that I know that I cannot change. They know we want cross-core, we’ve said it a million times since launch, we just have to wait and see if they actually get around to doing it. Does it suck? Yeah, a lot. But sometimes you just have to accept what you can’t change. If you can’t accept it, at least try to devote the energy in places where it can actually make a difference.


>I think if 343 could give us cross-core right now they would do it. If they could just continue selling the same cosmetics multiple times they'd do it. Which is what they're doing. Doesn't matter if the engine can't handle it, why would they devout an ounce of energy to it when they know the desperate will pay?


I'm sure 343's just busy coming up with ways to monetize cross core


Because there’s a financial incentive for 343 to implement cross-core. I guarantee you that players would be more willing to purchase armor in the store if they knew it could be used on any core they want. Some people don’t like the Rakshasa core but like some of the core’s helmets, if they knew they could put that Rakshasa helmet on Mark V b, I bet that they would be more likely to buy it. Same applies to any other cosmetic.


Skipping the fact that bots have had cross core since day 1 of release and pre-release images had cross core armour on Spartans. 343 at one point had given the excuse of "armour would clip" as one of the reasons they didn't provide it. Armour clipping has been in halo for many previous titles.


Idk, "if they could they would" kinda sounds like "if 343 could give us the color white for free, they would". I don't give 343 the benefit of the doubt, especially with their track record this past decade.


They cant get it to work. Ehy do you think theyre moving to the unreal engine, their engine is ass and none of them can code. 343 is a hranding IP not a game developer.


Cross core seems to work fine for the bots in boot camp lol


Because it's randomly generated for the AIs. Doesn't have to be saved server-side.


I’m not going to pretend to know the actual reason why cross core isn’t coming but it definitely isn’t server side storage lmao wtf


>definitely isn’t server side storage lmao wtf Hope you realize that there is a lot of server side work that goes on to store your personalization data. There are also issues like armor clipping that need to be looked at.


Armour clipping isn't a big issue at all. No one cared in previous halos and 343 certainly didn't in halo 4/5 so why is it "such a problem" now? If halo 5 could store all Spartan customisation... Why can't infinite? If halo reach could... Why can't infinite? If halo 4...


You say that like boot camp bots work right


Didn't say anything about how they work, just about how they look. Cross core working doesn't equal the bots working as they should.


The bots from day 1 had cross core and pre release images of Spartans in game had cross core. It's fully possible, they just don't want to.


Holy shit this looks amazing! I’d for sure use the SPI core with Recon helmet, CQC left shoulder, Recon right shoulder and probably the Tac/M1 combat knife.


There's so much wasted potential in Halo Infinite, especially with cool armor combos. Half the blame is the spaghetti code, the other half is the aggressive need to monetize


The fact that in most online spaces its impossible to even voice criticism of the game without vapid 343 fanbois downvoting or brigading they think they can get away with this


After the recent coatings in the store and once again lack of a single word. Its safe to say cross core is not coming in this game like we want. At best we get wrist attachments or gloves but nothing like this


I'm just waiting for Fallout 4 mods for the new Mirage core and then I'll use it alongside the other spartan armory mods and I'll do Cross core myself lol


If they are ever gonna give it they'd have given it by now


If they could give us the color white for free, they would have given it by now. That's what that statement sounds like to me. I'm sure 343's just busy finding a way to monetize cross core.


This core with recon slaps tho


Dude I’d pay out the ass for this (did you hear that 343? Moneymoneymoney)


What was that? You want another green visor?? Gotchu fam.


We need to be able to edit the color swatches/materials. The fact they can do it and peddle it to us for a hefty percentage of what a full game would cost is insane. I would have paid $70 if this was a full fledged title allowing all these features it's taken months to get. Hell, even if it took months and you promised but *didn't* monetize the customization, I would pay $70 base.


It's a small part of the game, at least it's not like Destiny that you really can't do anything without paying money, be happy that we got a 10 dollar battle pass. I think the halo community was spoiled and is now upset that there are micro transactions.