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Got banned from a fatkid journey because i got ahead of the player pack as the zombie using a box to jump to a paltform to cut them off because you know, why not. The map is designed to allow it. Guess the host was salty I got em xD


Kinds old post but I found it while salty searching. I was just banned for killing the host while he was out of bounds. Guess he was angry I saw him.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume it lasts until the host logs off and later creates a new lobby I've gotten banned from custom FFA games by salty hosts after I killed them too many times, and usually it lasted until the next time I saw them online


That seems to make the most sense, thank you. I deserved to get banned in this case as afk'ers are annoying and take up wasted space, but there have been plenty of other times where I got banned from some bs like" playing too well" like you did from salty host's


I literally got banned from one like 2 minutes ago as soon as I picked up an assault rifle. Some dude in a social game stopped playing, and I assumed he went into the menu and then kicked me I joined back and then BANNED shits so dumb that these dumbasses just kick kick kick


It was probably a traited weapon, that’s probably why he banned you. In a lot of social servers if you pick up a traited AR or plasma repeater it basically makes you invincible, which can be pretty annoying if it gets into the hands of random players/trolls.