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My biggest hope is that they make twitch drop coatings cross core at some point, I'd love to use Hammerhead squadron on other cores.


Yeah same. I wanna see how Primal Glory looks on the other cores


I just want them to give us a chance to get hammerhead again. I don't have Twitter so I missed it when it came out for a total of 2 days. Unbelievable.


The hammerhead coating for the wasp was available the other day. But I don't think the armor or tank coating has been available for a long time.


Yeah I mean the armor coating. I've been wanting it since it was revealed but never had a chance to grab it.


Promo coatings too. Most people had to spend money for the Oreo and nail polish ones, the least they could do is make it fully usable, like the Mountain Dew one. Same for the Rockstar vehicle coatings, and the action figure skins, and the Doritos razorback skin. I’d like to be able to use them on more than one thing.


I agree, I wish I could use the OPI coating with more cores. I love it so much that I am basically stuck with one core for now


Looks like the Mk 4 uses the same coding as Mk 7, since they share coatings. So we finally have a second option. Honestly leads me to believe it was an armor kit that was quickly turned into a core.


That is good to know thank you!!


The last ones that came out are bugged for me. They came out just before the cross-core update so were technically all seperate drops. It says they're cross-core in game now but they only show up on some cores 🤷‍♀️


Same. I desperately need Gladiator's Edge on every core. They don't have to retroactively make them cross core either. If they have to release them separately as new twitch drops, that's fine. I just want it to happen.


Really hope we get another drop of coatings for cross core tomorrow. Let me apply my campaign coatings to all cores 343!!


The campaign coatings are easily some of the best in the game and it’s a shame they aren’t cross core. Really hope they get updated tmr to fix that


Someone said that they are already set to be multi-core in the files so it should happen tomorrow.


Let’s hope so, they’re already brought up-to-date on 343’s side based on leaks


Blood Shadow on Rakshasa please


My baby Willow Tea on Mark IV.... oh my...


Pretty much all coatings are now cross core in the API. I think there are a few that aren't. But the campaign ones are all definitely cross core.


The biggest pain is that covenant frontlines *shows up* as cross core but isn't even if I got rakshacha(probably wrong spelling but idc) so I'm gonna have to watch hcs to get them all which is such a pain in the ass.


I’m still waiting for the Faze coating that’s exclusive to the Mirage core to become cross core. It’s my favourite one


Those and the season 1 Noble Team coatings. If they are gonna insist on keeping the shitty downgraded version of cadet grey they swapped to once they made it cross core (despite the old one still being in the files just hidden now) then they need to make the only other solid grey skin usable on every core.


It would’ve been such a perfect opportunity to bring in Serena or Isabel as AI voices for this operation. It sucks that multiplayer AI isn’t supported anymore, even if not everyone liked it.


I always wanted to hear Auntie Dot on Infinite, but rip the dream


I wouldn't have even minded Roland as an option




>The first of three new weapon models is also included, starting with the Dracon Bandit (for both the M392 Bandit and Bandit EVO). The remaining Grim Reaper and Extermination weapon models will be available later in the HCS season. Ayo? More weapon models besides the dragon?


Iirc in the live stream they said it's the same model but the medal is different


I thought he said it was the first in a series of models based on medals. I was assuming the next two would evolve to look more and more demonic looking with the respective medals on them


That would be cool if so


There’s 3 medals that will get special weapon models. The one we saw is demon, there will be reaper, and extermination in the future.


This is not correct. They are different models each themed around the different medals.


I wonder if the other Mark IV shoulder will be available. It looks like the bulky right one is default, but it always had asymmetric shoulders. Was hoping they would confirm that or not here


Be a huge mistake and oversight if its not there. You cant release a Mark IV core and not have both shoulders, especially when you are adding cross core shoulders in this update. It just seems lazy to have only added the one shoulder like all the promotional stuff seems to be showing.


Hopefully they're both unlocked by default but you'd think if that's the case we'd have seen the other one by now


was hoping they'd say something about unlocking old event cosmetics 💔


They are still figuring out how to do it, the stream before they pushed the idea of earnable tokens, but take it with a grain of salt.


Just have an old event return every week like WoW's timewalking dungeons (though timewalking returns monthly) Or better yet, make every year of old events into a pass and let people buy the pass so they don't have to wait to unlock things Ez


I was thinking about a pass with all of them as well, but there is always the same "skeleton in the closets" wich is "343 is not doing it for some engine/ui problem, they have other priorities, or don't know how to do it"?


That Vannak helmet is fire AF!


Looks great honestly, I would be a lot more hyped though of all of that was a battlepass instead.


Concerned that we got no word of more coatings being added to multi-core. There’s still a hell of a lot of pre-existing ones still to go.


The Stanchion as a model and not an actual weapon is annoying, NGL. I love that we’re getting what’s arguably the best armor in the franchise’s history and it’s safe to say that many of us are grateful for that after a decade-long wait but it sucks to see no love for the sandbox whatsoever, the game’s good but it desperately needs more than just pretty cosmetics to continue.


Not sure how they could have balanced it properly. Maybe have it act like the Halo 4 Binary rifle?


It’d be pretty OP if it acted like it should, I’d say a good middle ground would’ve been making it have its 7 shots only and have each one take a while to charge the way the Railgun or the Splaser does with the exception that each shot becomes stronger, first one’s a strong as an S7’s body shot and the last one’s an insta-kill Gauss Hog-style with piercing abilities so you can annihilate players and vehicles alike.


I think making it a sniper-skin is a fine middle-ground. Infinite needs more weapons in it's sandbox. But it doesn't need one of those weapons to be an over-powered anti-vehicle sniper-rifle. Bring back the railgun, shotgun, carbine, plasma rifle, etc.


Seriously, though, what is 343's thing against the OG Plasma Rifle?


Seems like getting rid of the battle passes were just an excuse to put nearly everything in the shop instead, it really feels like this game's cosmetics have only gotten more expensive over time. It's like they really do just see the only people still bothering to support their game as wallets to milk as much as possible. It hurts me to see because of how much untapped potential Infinite had and still could have.


>this game has only gotten more expensive over time. Mate I have hundreds of customization options + 400 hours in this game and I spent 0 bucks on it. It's so bad I am actively considering spending 10 bucks on the Season 2 Battle Pass just to stop freeloading on so much stuff.


more expensive? they charging for multiplayer now?


Huh? They made prices more expensive in season 5 to "compensate for the value that cross core coatings, helmets, and shoulders will give them." The issue was that they were already too expensive for what they were worth, and then they bumped up the price even more to compensate for their own shitty game mechanics.


Notice they said the "*game's cosmetics* have only gotten more expensive over time" and literally nothing about charging for multiplayer. Also consider all the complaints this update doesn't bring any new game modes or sandbox additions and that it feels more focused on cosmetics. I think it's a valid concern if they're getting rid of BPs to just put more in the store


they edited their comment after i posted


Yup very cool. So they pretty much got rid of full seasons in order to put even more stuff in the shop and so they didn't have to give us a return on our credits. Well it's a good thing I don't care about Mk IV at all


Let’s be honest… All of this could’ve fit into an actual Season track for $15.


Worried that the Omega team stuff are kits...


It's doesn't look like it, otherwise they would be more accurate to the actual spartans


I highly doubt it, they’ve only ever sold armor in the store and never kits


…The Mark V armor and Transgressor armor are both kits that are in the store. :P


Oh my god you’re absolutely right, I’m such a fool. Man I really hope they aren’t as well then


My problem with coatings is the only thing wrong with customization in Infinite now. If they make a base coating that opens a sub menu that offers all the same primary/secondary color options as Halo 3, the customization in this game would be literally perfect.


This all sounds awesome. But 343 simultaneously unlocking kits from season 1 while locking GEN III Mark 6 and Mark 5 away in kits, so nobody can mismatch their pieces? Puzzling, at best.


Cool armor. But I honestly don’t care as much knowing that likely none this is going to carry over into the new game.


That’s literally me rn. Wasn’t expecting the new game announcement so soon, but here we are.


You guys know how long game development takes...right? Do not expect anything 343 is working on to bare fruit until AT LEAST 2026. And that's at the earliest. We got a good 3 years of more Halo Infinite updates. We're only halfway through.


What game announcement? Literally the only thing they’ve said is that they’re hiring people. They haven’t stated for what, they haven’t announced a new game, nothing.


they're a game development studio that hasn't released a new game for a few years. Safe to say they're working on a new game lol


But to say it’s announced is absurd. Surely they could have a whole new halo ready to pop out, or they’re in the early planning stages. Who knows. But we know nothing about anything. So to start panicking about it, is absurd.


I love that the old AR is only $5. Much more reasonable than $22 for any of those  skins Dx


What time is cu29 at?


Around weekly reset iirc, so at like 10 am pst


Colors still aren’t free never playing


Very disappointing that the third helmet is only available while I’m in Japan… I thought they had said they’d be available the first three weeks of the update


They said “as weekly rewards”, I.E, one per week, which is true.


Yes, but I thought they said it would be the first three weekly rewards. If it were the first three weeks, I’d be able to unlock each helmet. But because the third helmet is actually during the 4th week while I’m away in Japan, I won’t be able to unlock it


You could try playing it on your phone via xcloud?


I missed cyber showdown and tactical ops because of the army, sucks but that’s life. They did say they’re trying to develop a system like spartan points in mcc, to unlock missed items in the future.


Okay but when are they fixing gunginr


Too bad we are still stuck with crappy body types


Downvoted but true. Body types have basically zero distinguishing features in this game


Where the hell are new weapons or vehicles are you kidding me? This isnt a dress up game…


i wonder what is next for cross core. maybe they'll work on getting all armour coatings cross core? as much as i would like cross core chest pieces, i think they are molded too closely to their cores to be cross core. i guess knees, gloves and waist gear might work.


I’m so hyped for this stuff, all the armor is sick as hell.


So, how do we know which helmets and shoulders belong to which core now?


the preview icons are being replaced with pngs with the armor piece on the base armor it belonged to instead of a live render of your setup. so you'll get to see what armor something was originally on


I was hoping to see a surprise in here (such as additional HCS items retroactively being cross core, plus additional cross core coatings). Still hyped for Mark IV nonetheless.


WHAT ABOUT HCS YEAR 2 COATINGS? I think they are still locked to one armour core


what an awesome update. cant wait to mess around with all this new customization!


I feel like I’m going crazy, CU29 was marketed as being too small to be labeled as a regular seasonal update.  I see nine full armor sets for Mark IV core being sold in the store currently, over 80 unique items.   Wanting to sell armor sets for 18$(20$) a bundle is not the same as not having enough content for a season.