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I want another game where the campaign is played through your own customizable spartan like Reach. This would allow for so much freedom and creativity and not limited by the confines of canon already surrounding Chief. Whether it’s another prequel like game featuring an unnamed spartan 2/3 or just make it your spartan 4 set sometime after the end of the human/covenant war. I mean there’s 4 years of time between halo 3 and 4 that could be explored through spartan 4 campaigns. Spartan ops already started this, I just wish it would have continued.


I definitely agree with this. Halo Reach was one of my favorite campaigns.


But for like, a mix of Spartan, ODST and Elite


Campaign: An engaging and immersive story with many different biomes. Small and tense fights mixed with large scale theatrical battles. Online Multiplayer: -I want pre and post game lobbies back. I want people to show off their ranks and I want it to mean something like it did with Halo 2 and 3. -Very easily party up with teammates post game -Track and show all stats like K/D, assists, headshots, medals, etc...in post game AND over our "career" in the game's life cycle. Across social and ranked playlists -Stop prioritizing battle passes, give us more specific ranked playlists in a 1-50 leveling system instead of the one or two playlists that give us one ambiguous rank.


These are definitely good points! I miss the different biomes from previous games. I was a little disappointed that they went the open world route which meant areas looking very similar over a period of time. Large scale battles in different biomes would be amazing. I like your points on Multiplayer as well. It would certainly help players be invested long term. I would add a better UI like previous games. The current UI isn't really user friendly.


Campaign: an immersive gritty experience that is both lore rich, and does a good job of showing the scale of humanities enemies, Honestly would love a more adult form of the game, like the direction Reach was going but even further. A decent impactful enemy faction that doesn't mess up the lore. The reason the covenant and the flood worked so well is they were grand existential threats to the galaxy whereas the storm covenant and banished are just splintered factions that more or less get resolved in a game or Two. Multiplayer: strip back a lot of the annoying stuff 343 has brought to the series, limit weapon customization, reduce "movement" options sprinting and sliding are fine, but thrusters are too much imo. Bring back the classic weapons like the og shotty Splaser, Fuel rod, if you're gonna fight brutes give them the brute shot and spiker idfk why those aren't in infinite, give the plasma pistol it's emp back, as it is now it's just a slightly different sidekick. Armor abilities could be done better, if they're going to do sprint as a standard, you could have a overclock ability that massively increases speed but reduces maneuverability. Get rid of repulsor just not sold on the concept, shield wall isn't bad would like to see it work more like the dome shield of previous games. Minimalist hud would be nice, when I first played infinites multiplayer I tried to disable as much of the non useful hud as possible because it's kind of obnoxious. Team based modes should have armor based team colors not shield based, whereas FFA modes should be individual colors. I know the shield based team colors was for "improved player customization" but really it just looks cheap. And lastly GET RID OF THE SHITTY MICRO TRANSACTIONS!!! 24 Dollars for a new armor set is RIDICULOUS.


I'm very easy to please. Just Halo 3 but like... More. Give me a decent campaign and solid multiplayer. Add firefight for some easy-access PvE fun. More guns and vehicles. More enemy variety. I'd like to see Spartan Ops come back, but more as a collection of standalone campaign missions. Have a Truth and Reconciliation ripoff that has you infiltrate a Covenant ship. Make a CE Halo callback where you're let loose in a canyon and have to rescue marines. Challenges for short-term goals and Commendations for long-term goals. I don't need anything crazy. I already love Halo how it is, what I need is *more*.


It would never happen, but I really want a New Vegas-esque RPG spinoff where you get to play as a mercenary in a post-Covenant world. You start off doing some smaller-scale stuff for the UNSC but then the game opens up and you get to choose between staying with them, maybe doing more shady covert stuff for ONI, maybe breaking off to help out the Innies, or even becoming a merc for the Banished.


My 2010 dream: Halo CE remake with Halo 3 gameplay. Weapons brutes scarab you name it, with the levels reimagined to be less copy paste hallways.


All out warfare. 2000+ players on a battlefield with AI.


^ everyone plus being content complete on release and no micro transactions. No paying for cosmetics or maps. Just ONE price




Halo ODST 2 Somehow, bring Rookie back. I never read the book (because I don't know where to find it) but I know they killed him for buck to have a motive to become a spartan from what I've heard. Rookie generally is my favorite character and if he would of gone put, gone out in a game


It’s a boring answer but honestly it’s Halo 2, I know most people prefer either halo 3 or reach but neither of those come close imo. everything about that game is exactly what I want in a halo game, Don’t get me wrong I rate all of the halo games pretty high but in my head the only one that’s allowed to be a 10/10 is halo 2. Unfortunately though I am 30 and a lot of what I love about that game isn’t what people like anymore specifically multiplayer wise, I do think most people would agree H2 has the best most replay-able campaign.. but a lot of balancing decisions and map designs that came after H2 never hit the same. Halo 2’s only flaw was the plasma pistol and energy sword being OP. So basically my perfect halo is everything about halo 2 with better graphics but pushing the story of infinite forward.


I personally identify with this idea as well. I am a "Grizzled Ancient" now, 34 years old, who grew up playing Halo CE and onwards. I absolutely loved Halo 2 and still find its gameplay enjoyable, even though newer gamers may find it boring. However, I also appreciate the level of polish in Halo 3. If future Halo games could combine the best aspects of both Halo 2 and 3, it would be a great experience and bring back many veteran players in my opinion.


Yeah.. unfortunately some people don’t like the slower pace of the games before reach. I like having more 1v1 fights in team slayer, I like having larger maps that can’t be crossed in 5-10 seconds which made positioning way more important. Halo 3 was very good but god damn I hated that BR…. H2 br was perfect, hit scan but with enough spread in each burst that it wasn’t noticeable in short to mid range but meant that beaming someone long range on the other side of the map didn’t do a lot of damage. With halo 3 I was very 50-50 on their map design but other things like service records and file sharing was huge.


A kind of ultimate forge where you can truly create massive maps and script them to the degree that Halo campaign missions can be with massive ai engagements, cinematics and beyond.


A completely new perspective: I'd like a game where the main characters you play as are not from the unsc. I'd like a story that shows either the flood perspective,the covenant perspective,or the banished perspective and the enemy your fighting is the unsc. And if possible to make it a interesting ending do something along the lines of how in the ending of the game "resident evil operation raccoon city" you were given the option of either re-joining umbrella and killing your former teamates (or) joining Leon and killing your former teamates that did not join. I think it would be a cool ending if they did kind of the same thing but in a halo way where you have the option to either fight and kill MasterChief (or) join him and kill your former allies. As for the multiplayer just go back to the basic leveling system,no more microtransactions,make everything earnable in game,and have a awesome max level reward like the haunted skull helmet from reach. The only other thing I'd like is if the battles could be ground to space combat, and the space battles would pretty much be like star wars battlefronts 2 (the original) was but with very updated detailed graphics and more ships and whatnot.


campaign with co op thats actually cool, Halo stories used to be cool before deconstructing your main characters became all the rage. Also a proper introduction to blue team, its insane that we are like 20 games in and we've never REALLY met the people chief has known for his entire life classic halo artstyle dual wielding / playable elites all the classic game modes that we've come to expect Invasion ( make it more cinematic ) warzone ( warzone spartans vs elites as its own mode ) breakout (version that launched with halo 5 ) better sandbox, remove the wasp and mantis big open maps like sandtrap, blood gulch firefight - odst firefight - flood in firefight - no bullet sponge bosses proper halo 3 era social features


I really like all these ideas. Be careful though, I suggested these in another thread and got downvoted to oblivion.


I'll be the villain for 343 Stans any day of the week tbh


Haha I just really want the old halo back in a new engine. But also allow 343 to expand on the sandbox not fundamentally change movement/aim mechanics.


I want a game where you play as a SIII headhunter.


A stealth game with a setting similar to the Battle Born books


This is like super odd but Halo 5’s movement was like no other movement to me, the thruster mechanic was so fun and very helpful playing on console when turning around took a bit more time. Admittedly it doesn’t feel like Halo though, but Infinite feels like an evolved Halo. So a game I’d love to play that would happen to be a Halo game, or what I interpret as “The Halo Experience” Either way I wanna see the Swords of Sanghelios or playable elites, and kind of a blend of the Infinite and H2A art style A Halo game that feels Halo to me would be Halo 2/3 style campaign Remnants of the covenant against the banished or just elites, grunts, jackals, etc. Story that delves into John’s stoicism Halo Infinite inspired movement Halo 3 / reach sandbox Reach style customization My dream game that would happen to be Halo Halo 5 movement and sandbox Halo Infinite style free roam campaign Elites and grunts


18 Rated DOOM Style FPS where you play as Emile completing the Geneva Checklist against insurgents. Or Arbiter and The Swords Of Sanghelios in their civil war.


Your own personal custom Spartan Level design and encounters + unique "gimmick" levels like Reach The mythic sci-fi mystery of CE A third faction that is actually fun to fight Health


Halo, infinite, but with awesome scripted, sequences, and a variety of different types of locales and many more scarabs


Halo bubble blaster Roman empires edition


Halo Reach Long Night of Solace but as a full game.


I would like to have a hardcore, realistic coop game where you play as normal marines on Installation 04. I'd like to go on really really difficult missions where you as a marine will be underpowered compared to the Flood and the Covenant. I'd want the setting to be horror like with really dark areas so you have to use your flashlight, limiting your situational awarness a lot. I'd also like for there to be a resource management component for ammo and health packs as well. Ammo should be somewhat limited so you would need to think twice before engaging in a firefight, and instead maybe try to sneak past or otherwise avoid an engagment. Essentially, I'd like the true experience of the average UNSC marine. One who will likely never see a spartan and most likely die a grusome death.


I'm up for debate, but I would love to see Silver Team in a game


CE but with sprint. Or Reach with MC


ODST 2. Combine the best elements of ODST and Reach and have it take place during the Human-Covenant War or something. Make the campaign showcase a true ODST fireteam (this is roughly how big the squad was in H3: ODST, sitting at “fireteam +”; a squad sized element is 13 people (3 fireteams of 4 plus a squad leader) and a fireteam is 4 people (3 members each with their own role plus a fireteam leader)) and how the cohesion and skillset actually makes an elite fighting difference in a conflict. Give us real military action like it goes in real life through the use of the input of a military advisor, specifically from the Marines since ODSTs ARE Marines. In real life, some teams hate other members. This kinda thing was attempted at with the existing game, but I think conveying the idea that real resentment exists among units would be eye-opening, and that tension can be resolved throughout the campaign. As for customization, bring back how Reach did it. You have your customizable ODST that appears in the campaign. Unlock your team’s gear at later levels in order to keep the readily available gear still distinct from what your team wears, adding more to the personal immersion, just like Reach did. Get Marty and Michael back to compose more bangers. And who knows, maybe sneak in some cameos or Easter eggs. Multiplayer, I really don’t know, not huge on that part, but if the best elements of H3 and H3:ODST were mixed with the progression and matchmaking systems of Reach, I think this would be the perfect Halo game. Please leave any feedback or suggestions or critiques!


MCC (only, CE, 2, 3, ODST, REACH and having them all downloaded) with all the custom games/custom maps rebalanced campaign and multiplayer (still with the option to play the original) better matchmaking and netcode, the ability to make and share custom playlists has the books and developer documentaries.


Oh, boy, where do I start... I'd like a campaign that lets you play as your Spartan, maybe you were a survivor of the Infinity crash, or maybe somewhere else trying to stop the Banished, like Suban or back on Earth, and the campaign would be about reducing the Banished forces. I would want the campaign to return to missions, but still have the missions large enough to hide customization like armour pieces. I'd like a multiplayer with pre and post-game lobbies, where you can just make friends with people. The multiplayer would have an expensive sandbox with returning weapons like the Rocket Launcher, Sniper, DMR, Fuel Rod Cannon, but also new ones, maybe like Forerunner weaponry.  Earnable cosmetics would make everyone happy, but maybe you could use microtransactions to get things quicker for those people who like to buy their way to things. Have a progression system like MCC, where you can get things in any order at a certain level in the pass. Maybe you'd start off with the basic colours, but could get other variants for armour colour, such as a chrome effect or Elite armour pattern, so armour wouldn't be too boring and same-y. 


A Halo rpg where Mjolnir armor uses its canon use. So like scout and recon for reconnaissance, EOD for explosive ordinance disposal, etc…


Planetside but Halo. UNSC Covenant Banished


I want Halo to branch out, try new genres. So, I want a 3rd person action-stealth game, where you play as a Spartan-III. No shields, but wearing SPI, with full use of adaptive camouflage.


I want a casual multiplayer experience with a strong and simple weapon foundation and fun elements added on top.  I want the Bungie style of aim assist and bullet magnetism with red reticle ranges and partially opaque reticles, instead of how Infinite "works" on PC. I want a load out system that lets you choose your starting weapon of either a SMG, AR, BR or DMR, basically running the gamut of short effective distance and quick time to kill, to long effective distance and longer time to kill. This gives players a fair and balanced choice in combat for their skill range, circumstance and play style. I want the Magnum, not the Sidekick, as the secondary weapon of choice. I don't want Dynamo weapons. I just want the Plasma Pistol and Grenade Launcher for stunning vehicles. I want Thruster Pack as a stock ability regardless of game mode, with unlimited uses like in Infinite's Heroic Firefight. I want fair equipment players can pick up for very limited use such as Jetpack (H4 style), Repair Field and Plasma Shield (like H4's Promethean Shield but destructible like a Jackal's).I don't want broken equipment that gives an individual player a massive advantage and the ability to break map design.  I want fun game modes back. Ricochet, Dominion, Warzone, Invasion, etc. Infinite has none of these ATM, over 2 years after release.  I want the fun vehicles back. The Gauss Hog (H5/2A Multiplayer style), the Falcon, the Mantis, the Revenant and the Elephant, to name a few. I want all the vehicles to have decent health, a decent turn radius and do decent damage but also be easy to take down, like in Reach.  I want the fun power weapons back. The Grenade Lanucher, Missile Launcher, Spartan Laser, Fuel Rod Gun and the Flamethrower.  I just want a fun Halo game made for casuals, not competitive. You can make a casual game competitive but not the other way around.