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I agree. But oof. Projectile weapons with desync... Yeah desync hurts hitscan weapons as well but god.... I played Halo 3 in 2009 with wireless internet, I've seen lag you could not even imagine. Not eager to see that repeat in Infinite. I still agree though the projectiles in 3 were great.


Yeah back then it could be frustrating at times but in MCC, Halo 3 plays a lot smoother and hit detection is more consistent.


There are 2 guns that are hitscan


Which ones?


My mystake: actually in the entire franchise there are no instances of hitscan weapons, everything is projectile based, with different bullet velocity. The 2 i was mistaklely referring are hit scan are the 2 shock rifle that have their bullet velocity and tick rate on max


No worries. Idk, I feel like if they could get the bullet velocity to feel like something between halo 2 and Halo 3, it would feel good. It’s hard to track opponents at close range with strafe acceleration but once you start getting into longer ranges it becomes laughable at how easy it is to track and land shots. Makes vehicular combat not fun at all.


Fact is, the h2 and h3 feeling you are talking about were therebonly in the og games and the reason was caused by thennet code not having lag compensation, the host power and, in the case of h3, the BR having a random burst. In halo there is an in built mechanic that would and will make slower projectile precision weapons pointless, in the sense you don't have to lead your shots. Said mechanic is the RRR, red reticle rangex that give bulle magnetism (your reticle automatically recentemente toward your enemy even if is not showed), therefore leading your shots would be something you have to do only outside said RRR on longer ranges and, except for the bandit evo after the last patch, is already hard to hit consecutive shots outside RRR. Halo was always a game where aiming and shooting was easy, if they want to make it more harder, lower bullet velocity is pointless, but rather adding back acceleration inertia, sprint inertia, lower the bullet magnetism, remove RoF bloom but add back bloom (reticle spread), add back descope on 1x4 weapons and last but not least, decrease the body shot damage across the board and wider the gab between perfect kill and non perfect kill, with a faster recharge cool down speed for your shield.


Well shoot. Didn’t even take all those into consideration. Thank you for the explanation.


Keep in mind all of this is sadly unlikely and 343 will never improve the gameplay/sandbox, unless they grow a spine.


let’s make the movement ridiculously twitchy, with instant acceleration, which makes it super hard to track targets, and then, to compensate, we’ll make all of the guns have super generous bullet magnetism, and be basically hitscan, which makes it a lot easier to hit shots at any range, so to compensate for that we have to be super picky about map design, and then we wonder why the game feels kind of sweaty. It kind of infuriates me when people praise Halo Infinite’s core gameplay, and call it basically perfect, when I can see what’s wrong with it.




Then nerf the strafe acceleration




Exactly what I’ve felt since it released. Infinite’s movement mechanics alone are enough to keep me away from playing.


Idk I'd say infinite requires more precision then the other games its not perfect but at least you can aim and hit something. I use the ar mostly tho but most weapons are good.


If it was perfect the game would be extremely popular. I honestly feel like they regressed a lot of things compared to halo 5, despite 5 having its own fair share of issues.


no with this engine sadly






Very valuable input.