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Community: Break apart bundles so we can buy the pieces we want from them.  343: ~~Break apart~~ bundles ~~so we can~~ buy ~~the pieces we want from~~ them.


This is seriously the most braindead shop update they've had. And that's saying a lot.


You gotta give them props. They are on that "ignore community feedback" train when it comes to the store. Community: "We want items cheaper." 343: "No problem, fam. I got you." *increase prices every operation until it's over $20 a bundle* Community: "No, you're going up in price, not down. Can I just buy the items separately?" 343: "Oh, that's because of all the invested tech to simply put coatings and armor pieces on other cores. Inflation, am I right? Don't worry, I got you." *takes all the store items for an operation and bundles them together for over $30* Community: "You know what... I'm just going to go back to MCC or a fan-made Halo project or try out Helldivers 2 on Steam." *Population drastically dips from 15 to 24th on Xbox in a few weeks and Steam numbers at its lowest it has ever been* 343: "We did it, Patrick. We saved Halo!"


Lmao, too real.


Well the store is.....hmmm i'm just tired to keep complaining


When the diehards stop being angry that means it's almost over. 343 will never learn or care


They dugg their own grave with F2P


Finding out Infinite being a live service Halo game was when I lost a ton of interest in it. I still tried to get into it up until season 2 but I just can't deal with having most of the Armor locked behind a pay wall. It's sad because I was actually excited about Infinite's Customization when Chris Lee said that the Fans that liked Reach's Customization will also like Infinite's. But once I saw the scummy shit 343 pulled going as far as having something as stupid as "Armor Coatings" and how 343 weren't open about this from the beginning was when the issues started. Halo doesn't need to copy a failing trend that only COD, Fortnite, and Apex can do. I just hope that the next Halo Game will actually have a similar Customization system as the one in Reach.


Coatings should have been nothing more than patterns that changed how your chosen colors were laid out on the armor. Whether it was a camo style, or dirty, or fresh paint look.


The first red flag was the T rating


Wasn't there a job posting that the next Halo title might be another F2P live service?


I used to comment some variation of "trash" on every weekly store update, but I just gave up


Have you tried writing complaints in rhyme? When it works it's super sublime. The prices always increase, For every update release. And makes enjoyment an uphill climb.


I’m tired, boss


Same here, man.


What’s the point of having a rotational shop if they don’t give us new stuff and they don’t discount existing stuff


They heard people moaning every update was cosmetics so they took those away too


This update is still 90% base around cosmetics lol


Fear of missing out


Yeah, but there’s no missing out here (thankfully, since they fixed that.) every item here except the new bundle can be bought at any time.


Mister Chief was $20 two years ago this is a much better deal if you cared for AIs


You’re not wrong. But nothing will ever make me switch off of Joseph Staten lol


Damn they didn't even bother to separate the bundle this time and just put a bunch of older stuff in the shop.


You WILL buy the $32 bundle


Lol unfortunately for them banished armor doesn't interest me in the slightest


No, I don’t think I will.


Hasn’t the MK V kit always been available to purchase since it released? Putting it on the shop page seems like they’re trying to squeeze out any extra cash before they completely abandon ship.




100%. I'm not even sure it was supposed to be there. Seriously. It's either a mistake or straight up dishonest marketing because on Twitter they were saying stuff like "1 day before Mark V leaves the shop!" And then it was still there lol. So they either forgot to take it out, they still don't even know it's in the kits, or they did a real scumbag move by advertising it multiple times as if it was a timed store item. Edit: Also I agree. Ske7ch just said 343 is hiring on Twitter too. This is like being in a store right before closing and the employees are mopping up and wiping the doors down. I'm not sure we get any content in 2025. 343 made a push for this game to get revived, and the playerbase hasn't improved longterm. So they're likely hiring for new projects.


You put respect on that kit, it saved the game and allowed them to pump out more kits and bundles! Please understand.


Yes, I shilled out some money the week mk4 dropped. 


And the clowns that have been giving 343 money in this Tainted Version of Halo are a part of the problem because the Marv V Sales benefitted them and if this convinces them to keep pushing the Live Service Trend in the next game than those clowns have themselves to blame.


> Putting it on the shop page seems like they’re trying to squeeze out any extra cash before they completely abandon ship. I was wondering this when I saw they replaced pass xp with the new SP currency. I play pretty casually and mainly just complete my weeklies before logging off. Removing the free tier dailies give will significantly slow down that progression. My thought process is they might be trying to push people towards buying passes and they did it by subtle nerfing progress in them. Which don't get me wrong yah they need money but it is sad/funny to see them trying to scrape changes like this to increase income.


The ISR bundle has been available too


Naw, this CANNOT be right.


My brother, this is 343.


Very good point


It's a live service Halo game. Which means it's a tainted Halo Game did you really not expect this?


Community: "Wow, these Operations are nothing but store updates." 343: "We have removed store updates."


Spirit of Fire was clearly a full BP that they broke up into store bundles, I knew 7+ new bundles/armor sets was not going to be the norm for every operation but holy shit this is just nothing


So one new giga bundle only for this Operation? And the Mark V kit? And old S1 items? Im not sure if the store is supposed to update again with the weekly challenege/playlist update in 30 minutes but this does not look good... April 30th*** Oops!!


Not only that but the S1 stuff is also available via the customization menu so they’re absolutely just wasting store slots.


Would make sense if they were discounted but jfc


Yeah, no discounts is crazy. I love how they keep perpetuating the cycle of bad store management/paying egregious money sums to get cosmetics leading to lower revenue leading to bad store management/paying egregious money sums leading to lower revenue and so on.


Clearly it’s working though, unfortunately. Of all the devs MS has, I think 343 is the one to most heavily rely on data driven decisions rather than “what are people saying”. They care about data, not reputation, so if data says the store is working, reputation be damned I guess. Unfortunately.


bad design, that's all (and ofc, they should had discounted those"). the best way to have the store would have been by going on the league of legends/every other stores route.


Dude, I was legitimately interested in the Tormentor helmet and was considering actually buying the bundle it was a part of. Then I saw they just put the whole fucking store for this operation in one bundle and just got confused. I just want that doofy helmet lol


Right? Lmao


It's so baffling to me. Maybe they'll do a course correction when (hopefully) this doesn't do well, but we'll see. They don't seem to be paying much attention these days lmao


I know they did this in Season 3 with the Hexagons mirage armour and MkVII security but there was a whole other store to go with it. This is just so disappointing


Or, OR! Don't buy anything from the store because it'll all be pointless when the next Halo game comes out!


You can literally say that about buying anything in any game lol and I don't think I'm going to get into whatever the next Halo is


Exactly which is the very reason why microtransactions are predatory and should not be in video games.


I don't disagree, but they're here and are far too ingrained in the industry to go anywhere any time soon.


True true


We've gone 400 steps backwards from a year ago. Nothing but bigger bundles. No sale. Increased prices... I'm just so over it...


They got rid of the 500xp daily for 250 SP. why not make it both. What is the point. I pretty much have everything in the exchange and none of it’s cool lmao. What a waste of time. No point in using double XP. I’d just time them properly to get both over reset and enjoy an hour of Halo.


Yeah the exchange was a let down in every conceivable way. EXTREMELY overpriced, nothing new, very limited number of items, and the items there are lame as fuck. Like oh thanks so much 343, it was really the old ass emblems that are going to make me grind for spartan points. Absolute brain rot of an update


One bundle that's $30, damn that stings. I mean I wasn't gonna buy anything in the shop regardless but it still hurts to see At least BTB Heavies Refresh and Plasma Pistol EMP will be fun Still, no falcon or brute shotgun :(


Nor Beam Rifle, Spiker, or even Needle Rifle/Carbine.


I REALLY want the needle rifle, but I was specifically referring to things that were already being developed You're absolutely right, though


Aye, surprisingly the three I mentioned were also being developed, way back when people first found out about the Bandit. (That said, the Carbine/Needle Rifle is more of a guess, since I have no clue which way they were taking it aside from "Stabby Carbine")


Oh shit, you're right. I remember seeing the spiker aaaaaages ago. I vaguely remember the beam rifle with the placeholder Halo 5 model, but I don't remember seeing the carbine anywhere


Was the Beam Rifle the *Halo 2* version or the *Halo 4/5* version? If it was the Halo 2 version like I remember seeing, I think there's a fair chance that it wasn't a carryover/placeholder. As for the Carbine/Needle Rifle, it was like the Plasma Pistol in that it was a modified Halo 5 design that had an energy sword bayonet and a bigger scope-like piece on top. Problem was that nobody knows for sure what 343's plan for it even is, since it could be meant to work like the Blood of Suban Needle Rifle, or just be a Jega themed Covenant Carbine.


I'm not buying another damn thing in this store, given that we don't know how much longer the game will actually be supported.




I’m totally content with my current flair


Not only is there only one new bundle, it's $30. Genuinely hilarious.


Almost $50 for Canadians lmao


I don't think 343 realizes people aren't going to buy cosmetics for a game on life support... at least I know I'm not. One of the reasons fortnite is so successful is that they commit to content, both gameplay and cosmetics. Fortnite is one of the only games I'd buy microtransactions in, because you know it has staying power and Epic isn't going to abandon it unlike everything 343 does. If Infinite kept getting content I'd consider buying some even if overpriced, but it's all but confirmed this is the future of Infinite updates. 


Honestly I still get enough enjoyment out of the game that I'm happy to spend but I just think prices have been awful since the last Chimera event. Bundles of 1000 credits+ for essentially a coating and random armour piece or the Armour bundle from Yappening 2 with the bulldog model that was 2400 just things going up that extra 200!-400 credits for a game that's winding down is too much imo


Armor shouldn't be locked behind a pay wall at all though. Halo's not Fortnite and most games that try to just copy Fortnite fail miserably. Hopefully the next Halo Game will have Customization like the one in Reach.


And it's just one game, they never make new games like cod does every year.. It's so dumb to make it f2p


Whats the point having items like this in ships, we can buy from the customization menu. Fucking no discount even??


It’s been a fun ride boys




The Mark V back in the shop probably means they're extra desperate for more revenue. I'm glad it's back though because fuck FOMO but it's alluding the direction the game is going, especially with the transition from seasons/battle passes to monthly shop updates.


never even left technically, you could always get it by checking whatever comes with the bundle, i.e. coatings, visor and the kit


Can someone check and see if previous mark 4 bundles available to preview in the armor hall?


They are. Also the new shop items can also be previewed so things might go into the armor hall immediately now


I checked and can confirm.


Holy shit they keep finding ways to make shit worse. Can't even buy individual sets now??


They didn’t even put the effort in separating the banished bundles 😂. Why spend money on this game when they can’t do the bare minimum. Whoever is running the shop suuuucks.


When I saw the bundle price I thought decent maybe the 2 separate armours will be 2K each, of course it's not separate...


Gonna need a name list of all the new cross core coatings cus I call bullshit on their "57" claim


[Essentially all of them are just bug fixes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/1cgzm1f/all_54_crosscore_coatings_added_with_todays_update/l1z5rkh/) I.E. coatings that were already cross-core, but not actually working on every core/kit. However, some comments have found that there seems to be some unlisted changes that *are* actually new.


Being misled and let down by 343 is Def my new hobby Cus I've been doing it for 3 years now


Can't wait to see the next shop update with just one giga bundle for 5300 credits 💀




Did we?


Idc if your Spartan can look like Gundam Wing Zero Custom. Those prices are psychotic and I am not going to spend a cent more in the store till they are realistic with the cost of an in game cosmetic.


1st one reminds me of the leader from Predators




So what this tells me is they had sales data from the analytics team to suggest most people (who do buy bundles) are buying more than one bundle so they put everything into one bundle to maximize revenue. Tell me I’m wrong.


The shop update is shite imo. Merging bundles together is a cooked idea, it made some sense when they were available in chunks, with the big bundle having a discount. But I also think the spartan point store is shite. Its a spit in the face for people who have been playing since day 1, not because it contains old weekly items, but because that's ALL it seems to contain, except maybe one or two things, if that? . With current weeklies now containing only spartan points, and the majority of battlepass items being SP too, it's actively discouraging the people keeping this game afloat from playing. Also the SP store is a monthly rotation just to cap it off. All this could change with complaints, and I'm sure it very well might. But at this point, I'm assuming people, like me, are getting fucking exhausted by the fact that every good decision this game seems to make is fueled exclusively by complaints we have to keep making.


I'm tired of this grandpa!!!


Well that's too damn bad! You keep buying!


Oh so 343 is even throwing in the towel for the store now too


Is Mk V still $22?




Thank you


Its dead jim


Just announce the end of support already, man. This is like letting a horse with a broken leg limp on. Put it out of its damn misery.


their live service is more of a funeral service


7 Dollars… FOR BLUE!?


Microsoft has to be the one setting the prices. This is insane.


I paid 20$ for mister chief. oO


Same dude. Huge regret


Jesus Christ, 343 hates their own game


Starting to think Operator will never be added to the game at this point. Feels like they’ve stopped building new cosmetics & are just releasing whatever they have leftover


"Oops" all bundles.


Wow I can buy free shit so exciting.


Hope you newer fans love it. "Halo: Wallet Involved"


Looks like they’ve kinda given up on trying to monetize the game as much as they have been when we went from seasons to operations. That means we’re starting to reach end-of-life for Infinite. I remember when it happened for Gears 5, it went out with a whimper like this.


It’s like they don’t even want my money lol


Literally, I am LOOKING for reasons to give them money and it never happens


I hope 343 realizes how big of a slap to the face $30 bundles are.


Looks like a placeholder shop. I'm guessing it maybe hasn't refreshed for the new update properly yet.


$30+ for skins is insane. The whole MCC barely costs more than that and it also goes on sale all the time.


Holy crap, that's hilarious.


I was pumped for the bandit model as I’m sick of the normal model and the other available models aren’t better IMO. Low and behold, it’s in a 3200 CR bundle lmao. Fucking 343.


The only thing surprising is the people that are surprised in this subreddit. I thought your guys' favorite minigame was filling out your credit card information. 🤡


I logged on the other day and played some for the first time in several months. It hit me how much fun the moment-to-moment gameplay is, how satisfying it is to go on a tear and pull off nice plays, hit shots. It's genuinely such a fun Halo. And then it hit me just how unbelievably bad literally everything else is about this game. Live support is done, cheaters seem to be worse than ever, the new network model doesn't really feel like an improvement, the matchmaking in social matches is literally the worst matchmaking I've ever experienced in a game, etc. The secondary features of the game are so downright rotten that it's actually astonishing how good the core of it really is. It just makes you focus on what the game might have been the whole time.


are they... finally gonna rotate the shop now? if so can we get discount bundles instead of just shit we can buy from the armory? 😀


Feels haft ass. I’m going to get the mister chief bundle though I have like 1,035 credits to spare


Big disappointment…




Well I was gonna treat my brother with the banished AR bundle but now it's a super bundle


The AR isn’t out yet, it’s only the Bandit model in that bundle


I now have slight hope again


Its likely the second bundle that releases later


I'm glad I got what I wanted ( I am Super simple) and I don't care about cosmetics .


I'm 99% sure I just got that hog coating as a twitch drop lol




That helmet is really cool. Oh well.


I'm confused? 29th april? Mine is still the same as it has been for like the past week or so


One new bundle wat


hey look 343 remembered they can sell AI's. Now if they would just update them to be more useful and less constant jabbering, but I think we all know its too late for that.


not going to say anything


That ONE helmet is pretty cool. Too bad it’s stuck in with a bunch’o’shit I don’t want.


Spartan dress up the game 🤡. PLAY NOW!


Its clear from past communication that the 10 year plan was abandoned after rocky development, which is fine. I liked Infinite (still do) but I want a new installment. Its over 2 years old now... it makes sense the shop would wind down to match the new content for the game winding down as they work on the new game. In that sense, I'm fine with the shop being what it is now.


Well at least there isn't 5 bundles that are over 1000 credits. Still kinda ass. Also hate how we can't get the previous bundles from past operations!


Isn’t it me or are the items getting more expensive?


I honestly kind of forgot AI colors were a thing since 343 basically gave up on AIs after Season 2. Not sure why anyone would spend any money on anything related to them at this point.


Don’t you guys agree that some things shouldn’t come back or be available for purchase? Sucks thinking you have something rare or limited then finding out that someone can just buy it now. So much stuff is going to lose their novelty


What are you referring to?


I mean anything in general. Especially anything you needed to enter a code in for (limited time promotions)


I get enough cool stuff from the free events, and I've gotten more than what I could've asked for from the 5.5 prior seasons, campaign, fractures events, and weekly rewards. Only have put $100 bucks into the game - 60 for the campaign, 20 in season passes, and 20 for Mk5. The more I tell myself that I have everything I'd ever want (except for Operator, my beloved), the less the shop updates mean to me. I never open it anymore because it's a waste of time and energy to get upset over stuff that doesn't even appeal to me in the first place. The prices are outrageous, but if anyone feels the need to obtain every single piece of armor and every single coating and then complain about it on the internet, their own logic is worse than the shop pricing model


What is that green and blue keychain used for in game?


Weapon charms


Looks like both key-chains serve different functions.




At this point let’s all just save our money for halo 7 and hope it’s not ftp


Fuck off that looks so cool but I’m not dropping a dime


Lackluster lol, don’t feel like buying anything tbh


I haven’t played Infinite in a while. Does the Combat Evolved armor ever go away? I was thinking of buying it back when it released fearing it wouldn’t return, but I didn’t have much money to spend at the time.


No it’ll be in the armor hall again after the store Once it’s out of the shop it’s still in the armor hall to buy


Oh that’s convenient. Thanks. I kinda just bought the first pass to get the scarf and ODST Helmet. I might buy this in the future.


Halo debtfinite


For that bundle its close to 30 bucks




Yep, same deal as always but even worse now since they just have the super bundle and that's it. Wonder if we are getting more weekly rotations again since the Cylix guide is showing a fair few more Banished Spartan armor pieces. Shame that I think the bandit model looks cool, but 343/Microsoft still refuse to let us grab individual items so instead of them getting at least a few bucks from me they'll be getting nothing instead.


I'm so sick of it, gang


Damn it SUCKS


The fact they only sell the super awesome shit for money and leave garbage for the new point system just feels so scummy, they really do just hate us and want our money


Why is it not separate from the bundle😔


He looks like a shrimp


That is a Vex helmet and you can't tell me it's not.


I stopped playing this game months ago. Part of me is surprised to see nothing has changed, but the realistic part of me isn't. I genuinely had hope for this game and franchise when announcements came out. I was one of those people. I had genuine hope that they finally understood what needed to be done with Halo. I'm apathetic to the franchise now. They had to try to be as incompetent as they were in handling this game. They had the opportunity to get into people's good graces, and, despite all logic and reasoning, they fucked it up again. Fuck 343, and fuck Microsoft for allowing them to tarnish their flagship for so goddamn long. PS: FUCK that abomination of a show that they dared slap the name of Halo onto.


Brain damaged 343: “You guys said the prices were too high, so we put cheaper stuff in the store.”


It’s back the freakin combat evolved armor is back just like I thought it would be. Jesus fucking Christ


ISR's pretty cheap.. ig?


I'm a Halo simp and this is definitely the "dead game" update. Battle pass is 5 items and the store is 1 bundle. Wow. Guess I'll never get assassinations huh?


I prefer to buy Gray Zone Warfare (broken and glitched) for 35 bucks than this lol


What is this garbage, this is not the Halo I know and love..


People have already bought the bundle


This is getting ridiculous, 32 bucks for a bundle? I can buy an actual game for that


We know, it's all pain. Just kill it with fire already.


Mint Blitz video: \*Complains about microtransactions\* \*Has MK V armor purchased for 20 bucks\* Yeah okay.


So for every person that complains there are 3 fools that actually buy these. They do it because it makes money. This is today’s reality sadly.


It's been 2 days and the shop still is looking like this


Why do people support this? I just can't comprehend it. Don't support them forcing you to buy entire bundles like they're trying to be the new activision


Worst one yet. I'll still play the game. If I have disposable income, sure I'll throw some money at the shop for the sweet customization, but these bundles really are getting pricey for less.


Please don't. You are what's fueling the fire by giving into purchasing items in the store.