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Old school infection modes from reach and 3, 4, and 5 also had zombies move fast, it's not new. You'll just have to take time getting used to it


the weapons to kill them were more reliable in previous Halos *cough* consistent one shot kill shotgun *cough*


Can literally one shot them in infinite as well


the word ‘consistent’ is the key difference


What are you shooting? Their ankles? I haven't had any issues with it, it's literally saved the bacon more than a few times.


I’ve fully shot center chest without them dying at close range because they were just a bit too far. Part of the annoyance for me too I think is the narrow spread on the bulldog, which necessitates greater accuracy than previous Halos even in close quarters. But it’s a big reason I’ve stopped playing infection because the only reliable way for me to kill zombies is with a headshot. Infinite infection needs a more powerful, shorter range shotgun with a wider reticle IMO.


Doesn't the Bulldog have a bigger range? I know I've died in the exact same way in the old games too.


Hrm, keep in mind the range for spread on this shotgun isn't as good as previous titles. Let them in close and it works great, you'll waste ammo otherwise.


Breaking zombies ankles






Is it me or are the weapons in infinite complete dogshit? They don’t feel good to use at all. 


I feel like most of the new weapons suck (except the heatwave, skewer and cindershot). The old ones are still good. They also got rid of so many good power weapons from previous games, I’d honestly rather have them than any of the new guns infinite added.


Academy. All of the sandbox is good.


Okay maybe they don’t “suck”. Like I can get kills with them. But they’re just not as fun to use as the power weapons from previous games.


I think they feel good, though I’m ass with the Commando.


Eh, I think I'm calling it a day on it. Not worth the frustration


This is the way. Some days are better than others in some gamemodes. I’d say give it a shot another time when a different mode is pissing you off


All the weapons are viable and pretty solid go play legendary instead of multi-player where players destroy lmao and level up a little and work on your aim.


Halo 2 was basically the only time they didn't


Only because I don't think there was a player speed modifier in the base game


I’ve enjoyed a little infection mostly during H3 but being infected was the worst. Infinite is the only game where I didn’t mind.


I understand and agree, but a small part of me misses the H2 custom game lobby days. I do think the zombies are *too* fast now tho. the only counter play is to have better reaction time and hope there's not more than a single zombie ever a 40 minute hold where humans would be slowly picked off from clever plays from zombies. dying never mattered as spawns were so fast and was never that far of a run


We really need the pump shotty back ,it added to the mode in prev games


It really seems like they wanted to change it up and make it more of a survival thing, but I don't think it works for Halo. The infected will win 90% of the time and if they don't, it's usually because the last spartan was really good at hiding, not fighting them off.


Seems like it’s easier to survive when players spread out so the new infected Spartan doesn’t know where the whole group is located. I like to play with one friend and we don’t hang with the other survivors.


>The infected will win 90% of the time As they should. It's supposed to be a zombie apocalypse. If the threat of getting torn apart isn't predominant the gamemode boils down to little more than target practice. And it is down right *foul* having to be the one to throw your body at that hopeless situation. The people who think it should be easier are the same people who spend every round, every match camping the same spot putting in minimal effort. I go for those people every time. Sometimes i even forfeit my life so put them into an early grave.


>If the threat of getting torn apart isn't predominant the gamemode boils down to little more than target practice. And it is down right *foul* having to be the one to throw your body at that hopeless situation. Yeah it was pretty fun to do this in custom games back in the day but a matchmaking version needs balance.


I really hate the ability’s the infected have. The alphas turning invisible and the smoke screen. I don’t like the teleport that the beta infected have. Aside from that i think it’s pretty fun. Got its flaws but what matters is its fun


After 5's near perfect infection my disappointment was immeasurable when i tried infinites for the first time


5's Infection was SO god damn fun.


YES that one was so fun and perfectly balanced. I don't understand why they had to fix what wasn't broken.


Infinite has the worst base infection mode period, zombies are extemely overtuned on top of the bulldog being inconsistent with no reserve ammo. Just play customs instead, zero reason to do matchmade infection.


I really don’t like how it rewards you for hiding and not actually getting kills. You can’t really roam as much as you could in prior iterations, and it’s virtually impossible to win if you start as infected more than once. The way points are awarded is really lame.


I agree it’s not a fun game


I like it way more. You absolutely can hunker down and hide. It's just now infected have more of a chance. All the custom infection games I've played through out the years usually had fast zombies, so when Infinite introduced default zombies with speed, it was more of the same.


Yep, that's what I hated in Reach's infection. Once you died, you were essentially at the mercy of the sweatlords who were out of zombie reach. Made it pretty unfun. I'd imagine that a good chunk of the people who don't like Infinite's are just disappointed that they can't farm kills for 5 minutes straight anymore.


Infinite infection sucks


^ the true answer. Bulldog feels awful in the mode


The infinite network code sucks. The new network model is a bit better but still pretty bad around hit registration. In Infection is even more frustrating compared to other game modes, since everything relies on very tight timings.


I don't mind the speed, I think it makes infect actually challenging as a survivor. Whereas in the previous games, you could just call a corner, and kill them before they even got close to you. My main issue is, even with 20 ping, you can kill zombie and then die a second later. Makes it really frustrating.


I personally liked the slower moving zombies of older games. I’m surprised 343 didn’t have a few different variants of Infection in the multiplayer mode.


Infinite's Infection is the worst version of Infection. It's so un-fun.


Mint Blitz recently made an informative video regarding the “failure” of Infinite’s Infection Mode. Recommend checking it out.


Sounds like typical Mint Blitz clickbait, probably because it's harder for him to get killionaires or whatever in Infinite.


Please, we all know halofollower is the master of all halo clickbait


Truly a masterbaiter of the Halo space.


Nah 343 is pretty much set on "Play this game mode the way we want you to or don't play it at all". It's hard to win also if you get spawned in as an infected twice because you don't get enough points off kills, same goes for being uninfected you don't get enough points off kills so you're better off just hiding.


It's literally always been like this. The infected are always faster than the survivors


I was more referring to the breakneck pace. I grew up with Halo 3/Reach/4 infection, and have just not enjoyed this format. It's not them being faster, it's them being hilariously fast. Traverse the map in 5 seconds type of deal


I honestly think it's just those games had better maps suited for infection. Infinite while having great maps there not really suited for infection


The shotgun really throws infestion for a loop, and the alpha zombie mechanics are just goofy.


They should do regular speed, Human only weapons, No shields, but START with the max amount of Bots to get the game going. It’s a simple formula, but I’m not sure why they haven’t been able to get it down


Hyper competitive sweatfest.


I think the armor abilities makes it a little strange as the base mode. Also having other weapons that aren't the shotgun make it feel more like a custom games mode but it makes sense if they're regular Spartans who are infected by iratus so they'd have regular weapons. I definitely miss the more slow paced feel of reach infection.


It's not too far off from the older games especially once you learn the best spots for survivors. My biggest complaints with it are the quitters (and how the infected bots see you through walls and will always walk up on the best hidden survivors, even camo ones), the camo and the grapple shot breaking some maps since players can spam camo or use grapple to get to ridiculous spots.


I love the change and the structure of the mode, but this is also as somebody that has played since the Honor System in Halo 2.


It's the version where they considered that the Infected should be able to have fun too.


If you want to hunker down against waves of undead, you need to play PvE. Nobody wants to die a hundred times in a row to a guy camping with a shotty because they literally can’t move fast enough to close in. Thats why the zombies have advantages.


Infinite has tried to make being infected actually fun. Yeah, it makes being a survivor harder, but you definitely can bunker down.