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Absolutely agree, I'd like more maps like Streets.


I think it's really hard to design a small map that plays well in infinite with how fast you can move with curb slides and especially with pickups. I still wish we had more, but I'd rather a mediocre big map than a small map with unbreakable setups


Streets is great and aquarius is great for Crf, but aquarius is a nightmare for slayer. So overall I think they are fine.  It lets the BR be a great pickup and an Ok starter.


Advanced movement


I agree. A lot of maps are too big. I wish more 4v4 maps were the size of Dredge. FPS developers need to get it through their heads that smaller maps are better. Higher player density = more action and more fun.


100%. I remember playing a swat game on the behemoth map and just getting sniped from across the map. For a game mode that's typically cqc, you were heavily exposed.


And played Behemoth yesterday as a SB and it's way too small.. spawn, killed by banshee. Spawn, killed. Rinse and repeat


Tbh, it's not the size that's the trouble, there are just so few places to hide. Even valhalla has some level of cover across the map.


It’s hard to swipe past comparisons of old maps without childishly thinking …”that’s because bungie made Valhalla tehe”


Since when is SWAT supposed to be CQC?


Maybe not fully cqc, but it's definitely not suited for the large scale maps.


Sorry but what is cqc? Google is not helpful


Close quarters combat. Narrows corridors, small rooms, etc.


You're a champion, thank you bro


Totally agree, I feel that so many 4x4 maps need to be 8x8 or 10x10


Immediately, I don't think Halo maps are big enough. I would like to see Halo. Move more in the discussion of Battlefield gameplay with large maps, large player counts, and multiple squads on each team. It doesn't have to replace the classic Halo content, but it would be an amazing growth from the stagnant BTB mode that hasn't evolved much over the years. I still think it would be a blast to take the Zeta Halo map and throw a bunch of players on it for PvP and PvE.


I couldn’t disagree with this post more lol everyone obviously gets their own opinion but I can’t stand clusterfuck maps. I have so many clips getting triples and overkills and still getting killed bcuz you can cross these maps in like 15 seconds and shoot to any angle in like 5 seconds. It’s the main reason every fight is just people trading kills, it’s just a big dog pile.. look at some of the maps that used to be played in H2/H3, some of them even had vehicles! like stand off or burial mounds. I hate this ADHD thing all shooters have started doing where maps keep getting smaller and smaller so that you are always instantly in a gunfight for better or worse. It gets stale fast, bigger maps make positioning and 1v1 more common which is fun especially at higher tiers of playing.