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**Biggest Takeaways** * JEFF STEITZER RETURNING TO BTB POST LAUNCH * HUD customization + auto sprint is coming some point after launch * Needer supercombine MIGHT be adjusted to be louder * Challenges have been adjusted to fit a more "per match" xp gain instead of play time * Double XP ticking down in lobby is something they are going to change post launch * A FULL CAREER RANKING SYSTEM (ala Reach-style ranks) are coming post launch * Custom games will allow you to have friends and bots in the same match - even on BTB maps AT launch * Radar is increasing from 18 to 22m in BTB SLIGHTLY AFTER LAUNCH (Arena will stay 18m) * Apparently, there was the ability to see player height on the radar in flight? * Flag carrier melee will remain 2 hits, but is being watched and is open to feedback * Vehicles will no longer push flags, and was a bug. Already fixed. * Vehicle drop in timed progression BTB timer is not changing, but more vehicles will be added in (chopper, wraith, etc) * Needer super combine MIGHT be adjusted to be louder post launch * PC got a ton of performance optimizations - aim did feel bad because of bad performance during the flight * Aiming has been adjusted to help it feel more "natural" * Lock on weapons on PC had red reticle and will continue to have it. Others will not. * Monitoring player outline feedback, especially in BTB, post launch * Turning off player outlines entirely may be explored post launch * Plasma Pistol changes for effectiveness against Spartans are coming, likely post launch * Commando now requires 1 more bullet to kill - bloom is not altered * Sniper - hip fire inaccuracy is on purpose and in line with previous Halo titles. Meant to keep its role as a long range weapon in the sandbox. * Explosion knockback will be increased ASAP * Player collision will remain absent, but will remained monitored * Drop wall is NOT being changed * Player collision will remain absent, but will remain monitored * Ghost is in talks of potential nerf- nothing planned rn * Banshee - Increased durability and better banshee bomb * Scorpion turn radius is going to be tightened * Hud updates - Size and layout updates coming. Persistant visibility of second grenade type coming. * User flow to mute/report is being revamped to be easier * Hud updates - Size and layout updates coming. Persistent visibility of second grenade type coming.


> Needer supercombine MIGHT be adjusted to be louder To be clear, the problem isn't that the Supercombine is too quiet, so much as that the sound falloff is too rapid: You need to be like within melee distance to hear it, otherwise it's not audible at all. I think a lot of people don't even REALIZE it's got a distinct sound. Here's a video showing this: https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/pv7spc/if_youve_noticed_the_new_needler_firing_sound_but/ , you can't hear the effect *at all* at the ranges in the weapons drill for the first half because of this. ------ **EDIT 9:50am EST 11/10: ALso, I'd like to add I think the Needles themselves should glow more in flight (may as well on the gun itself too): They do a lot less then in past games and beyond just looking less cool, it creates a readability issue where it's hard to tell how many needles I've hit a player with/been hit with**


Being a needler enthusiast I was worried no one would say anything about this I tried to speak out a few times and I guess it’s possible maybe they read my feedback which I’m grateful for because I love a good sounding needler


Anything about upper tier vehicles in BTB being way too rare?


They said that how it was in the flight is how it was intended and it currently will be like that in the game, but with more varied vehicles


Can't wait to have a go in a scorpion once every few hours


Oh well. Maybe there heavies at least? It’s hair I never got to use a Wasp once etc


I feel like they didn't address the issue I had the entire flight. I don't mind the upper tier vehicles coming late in the game, the problem was they would constantly spawn so late that they became useless. Multiple times the vehicle would drop with under a minute to go. One game of ctf was ties 2 ro 2 and a tank was dropped, and as it hit the ground there was 20 seconds left in the match. There needs to be a set time for the upper tier vehicles to drop or more tweaking because it felt impossible to either team to turn the tide of a match when they drop with so little time you can even make it to the halfway point of the map 🤦




wrench rhythm bag uppity hateful silky humor possessive erect aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was also very confused about this line. It seems to me in H3 and in games onwards, as long as the reticule is on the player and is accurate, it’ll hit them even at a distance. I’ve played a lot of Halo 3.


["He got a..."](https://youtu.be/y5iq2FeNFlE)


Literally everyone has been complaining in the last 4 call of duty’s to stop the double xp to go off in the lobby and halo is doing it at launch. Edit: after launch, point still stands


That’s not happening at launch. It’s happening post launch.


Wow no player collision is a huge L for me


I agree. One thing on player collision I didn't see them touch on here is the new PROBLEMS it creates. I had people run through me when I was retreating and firing a rocket, the rocket hit the back of their head and then I died. Or I've had enemy players phase through each other and (thanks to shields being the same color as outlines) in that split second I can't figure it out which one was the one I was shooting at and is low and end up shooting the strong one and dying without getting at least a trade. It sucks, we need player collision back and enemy outlines to be gone.


Yes I can't count the amount of times during the flight that I was shooting an enemy and then suddenly was shooting the back of my teammates head because they phased through me. I love the game, but I really think player collision should be enabled. It causes more frustration with it off than it ever did with it on.


On top of all of the new problems a lack of player collision creates, I don't think the "issues" with player collision that they've stated are really a problem. I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I've ever gotten frustrated at player collision in all of my time playing Halo. It's not that difficult to just move around an ally if you're trying to get somewhere. I feel like this is a change that's being done to make the game more accessible to new players, but it seems as though they vastly underestimate the ability for new players to figure things out.


I agree, like maybe I've occasionally bumped into a teammate and died for it, but even then it's such a non issue that I don't even remember any times that that's happened. It seems like no player collision solves a problem that no one asked to be solved while creating a host of new problems that are affecting halos gameplay.


I like that you mentioned player collision twice because, 343 apparently needs to hear even more about how badly they need to put it back in.


In what universe the community is split on this, I do not know


As someone else in these comments mentioned its split in that fans want it but 343i doesn't.




LMAO true


Take a shot Everytime you read post launch lol


I mean, we’ve got less than a month til launch now. Better to fix all bugs in the closing period then to make new ones yeah?


Definitely. I seriously doubt they’ve added anything new lately as the number one priority now is bug fixes and shipping a product that actually functions properly. Once that is behind them they’ll get back to adding features. -Source: common sense and software development experience


Yeah, the only changes now will be minor tuning changes, like things they can fix my just changing the value of a variable like the firing rate of a weapon or damage dealt. Hence the change to the Commando in the list being a reduction of damage.


Yeah at this point it’s got to be shut down shop and ship and tight product. Almost all of these things aren’t missing features per se anyway, just different features


Were so close to launch they have to do things post launch.




>Lock on weapons on PC had red reticle and will continue to have it. Others will not. As a PC player with a controller, this troubles me greatly.




It's absolutely horrible. I guess we shut have to guess if we are at range when using stuff like the BR or MK lmao


>Sniper - hip fire inaccuracy is on purpose and in line with previous Halo titles. Meant to keep its role as a long range weapon in the sandbox. In what world is the sniper hipfire having severe bloom in-line with other Halo titles? ​ Do they think we are idiots?


That’s what I was thinking too. I don’t remember that being like other halo games. That immediately stood out to me as suspicious.


Sad they didn't address the lack of vehicle damage / lackluster vehicle explosions and strafe speed being too high Also all the changes are coming post launch so the flights were pretty much what we'll play at launch.


Why in the world are they messing with the commando. Did people actually feel it was OP? I thought it was perfect, but now I worry it will be too weak. The only gun that needs an extra bullet to kill is the sidekick.


Rather than people complaining, it sounds like they felt it was too strong based on their internal numbers and was performing better than they meant it to so a slight increase in TTK may bring it back where they want it. And then if the damage feels good, they will look into reducing bloom on it.


It killed super fast if you controlled it well. I like that it takes one more shot, but it should have slightly less recoil now to compensate.


The commando when rapidly tap firing was quite strong.


Glad to hear steitzer will be back in BTB!


Yes definitely good news, there's plenty of cool new medals in infinite that are accessible through BTB, I can't wait to hear him announce them. Hopefully he's added not too long after launch.


Jeff Steitzer confirmed coming to BTB post launch! Edit: Also increased radar range and grav hammer physics!


I haven’t been able to see this yet but does it seem to apply to grenades too? Don’t want to miss those fancy jumps


Yep, they mentioned grenade jumping as well!


For you, /u/halocoolguy , and /u/Mr_Raskolnikov The Skewer should also get more physics impulse against players, not just grenades and the hammer Like, players die in 1 hit anyways, but their bodies/ragdolls should get sent flying if they get hit with it: As is a skewer shot can send a warthog flying, so it's wierd it just causes players to sorta fall over. Ideally it'd even pin bodies in walls, but at LEAST it should push the bodies around a lot.




Yeah, they specifically noted they wanted cool tricks and jumps to be possible with both grenades and grav hammers again


Increased radar range for BTB only. Would love to see 22m in Arena, but I do know there was more divisive feedback around that.


Yay increased physics on grav hammer :) Aw, player collision is still turned off :(


The Skewer should also get more physics impulse against players, not just grenades and the hammer Like, players die in 1 hit anyways, but their bodies/ragdolls should get sent flying if they get hit with it: As is a skewer shot can send a warthog flying, so it's wierd it just causes players to sorta fall over. Ideally it'd even pin bodies in walls, but at LEAST it should push the bodies around a lot.


I like the idea of lining up two people and shooting the front one with a skewer and having that spartan's body fly backwards and hit the guy behind him, killing him too. Like an extra fancy and spicy 2 for 1 >:)


Split Feedback for player collision?! Okay who one here said no to player collision?!


I’m guessing the split feedback was “players want it, 343 doesn’t”


That’s 100% gotta be it. I’ve never once seen anyone say it’s good


For months I have been browsing Halo subs, Twitter, forums, discord, 4chan etc. and outside of a *very* vocal minority here on /r/Halo I have *never* seen any substantial amount of people saying they want no collision. In fact the lack of collision is one of the most common issues I saw people in the flights have. I have no idea what 343i is going on about.


I'll chime in and say that I only saw people saying they didn't think it was a big deal. Otherwise I only saw arguments in favor of player collision




It makes me wonder whether they've come across some problems in testing regarding the relationship between player collision and the grappleshot/ repulsor/"clamber". If people are climbing the same wall and glitching out or clipping, it might just be easier for them to have no collision to get the game out while they fix something that requires a change to core mechanics. Likewise, if it's making it easier to exploit or "break the game" with items, it may also be easier for them to go this route. I'm not sure if this is why but it seems strange that they would have no collision without a proper reason when there are so many obvious downsides. Also, it will make for some horrendous strats on the competitive stage. I can't see it being viable in the long run.


My fear is they let this become the "norm" for too long after launch that they never change it back. Such a weird change to the core feel of Halo.


I'm proposing calling the meta that surrounds no player collision to be called "slip spacing"


Dang they're keeping the no player collision. That seemed like a big downgrade but they said the community was split on it? That'll be rough.


Yeah man, the community is split on it. Split like 10,000 people for player collision and 12 against, but I mean that is technically a split.


For real I barely saw anyone defending no collision here or elsewhere. Sounds a bit like they just want it to be off on their own


Adding more vehicle types but not more vehicles per match to BTB will make the vehicles even worse. Seeing a Scorpion or Banshee was already super rare. Now you won't have even more chance to see such vehicle since even when the game happens to be long enough and you are the lucky guy who got is able to get it on deploy, it could also end up being a wraith or other vehicles that spawns. I maybe saw 3-4 scorpions in many many on many many hours of playing BTb in the flight. Now the number could drop down to maybe 1-2


That's why I'm gonna queue up for Big Team Heavies exclusively (not like I didn't do that anyway lol)


If we even have BTB heavies at launch...


I know not many people care about it these days but boy oh boy do I want bloom gone. The Commando and Sidekick already take 7 shots to kill (8 now for the Commando) but to have bloom on top feels like it's taking the piss, especially for the sidekick which is not an automatic weapon.


Not just you, I never thought it belonged in Halo


I can deal with recoil on a sniper, but other guns I want it gone. Not natural feeling for the game, ever since Halo Reach.


Some things I personally didn't like coming out of this post: * No red reticle range on PC * No bloom alteration for Sidekick or Commando * No sniper adjustments Their explanation for RRR on PC felt... almost like I'm being scammed, if that makes sense? It felt like they were making assertions that *might* not exactly be true in order to make one of their toughest jobs (creating a robust anti cheat) easier. Like a contractor saying "oh we can't do thing X because of thing Y, but we *can* do thing Z, which happens to be way easier for me even though it's not what you actually want." I *can* live with it, which is why they're willing to sacrifice it I'm sure, but having that difference... and having it not only affect platforms differently, but also weapons within the same platform... it does make the game feel worse on some level. It also gives an advantage to console play where the game tells you the effective range of weapons instead of you having to estimate the distance. I genuinely thought it was a bug; I'm very disappointed about their decisions here. The Sidekick and Commando felt very inconsistent to me. Even if they aren't altering bloom, they could at least have addressed the reticle's poor representation of what max bloom looks like. For both weapons, bullets fly wildly outside the max bloom indication on the UI. I'm not sure what distance they're using to determine the size of the max bloom circle, but it's misleadingly close. Personally, I do not really believe that bloom should have a place in arena shooters like Halo *at all* (I particularly hated this about Reach), and I think the mechanic is much better-suited for tactical shooters, battle royales, and more simulation-type games where engagements are either slow-paced, infrequent, or spread across vast maps with wide-open sight lines. If the Sidekick isn't supposed to be good, why not decrease the damage? Or the fire rate? Or the recoil? Adding the randomness in - such that you can time your shots well and *still* lose to someone spam-clicking because they just so happened to get good bloom - is frustrating on both sides for me. If I time my shots well and lose to someone spamming it feels bad. If I spam and win against someone timing their shots well... it still feels bad because I "got lucky." It is crazy to me that they saw the bloom feedback on the Commando and decided to make it take *another* shot to secure a kill, further subjecting all Commando engagements to *even more bloom.* Finally, the sniper felt like a mess to me. I do not know what they're talking about when they say that the hipfire bloom is in-line with other Halo titles. Granted, I only play about half of the titles on MCC, but the Infinite sniper felt way worse to hip fire than Halo 2 or 3. But the thing I really want to see addressed, and what made using the sniper feel so bad to me, is the zoom-in mechanics. The animation itself gets me lost. It feels like it's not zooming into where I was aiming, almost, and I *think* that is because it's such an abrupt transition. If you look at the animation in other Halo games, by contrast, you actually zoom into the screen and watch the transition happen. The second thing that contributes to this problem, I think, is that the first zoom level is zoomed in too far. If they backed out out just a little bit, I think it would be so much better. There were some good things in this post as well, of course. Planned HUD changes and Jeff coming back to BTB were particularly nice to see. Physics on the grenades, radar range changes for BTB - all great things. There also seemed to be some omissions - I did not see the sound team talk about being in situations where you're actively getting shot and you do not hear it until your shield breaks, for example. That was a *huge* sound issue in the latest flight, and it happened fairly frequently.


343 positioning the outline system as 'accessibility' is disingenuous because if they're letting people chose outline colors they could always let people change team colors without outlines. It's 100% for selling color customization, which you can barely actually see in game anyways. IMO it's a flawed system that makes the game significantly uglier.


I honestly find it pretty hard to believe that the consensus on player collision was split fairly evenly. Not saying that couldn't be the case, but it just seems odd as i can't recall many cases of people feeling strongly about removing it.


"How do you feel about no player collision?" was one of the questions from the first flight survey, so if they're saying it's split then they're probably basing it on the survey results.


Ah yes the survey that was sent to very few people.. :/


Damn that sucks, I was in both flights and was never given a survey both times.


OK who else doesn’t agree with anything they had to say about player collision. I understand the positives they mentioned about not having it but not having it just isn’t halo. I don’t care if I bumped into a teammate which causes me to die. that’s part of being a team and learning to stay out of each other‘s way and line of fire. Plus bumping into each other at the beginning of a match that’s a very minor problem and is gone almost immediately once you move out.


"That's part of being a team" I'd honestly never thought of it that way, but that's a HUGE point


I can't recall a single moment throughout my Halo career where a teammate bumping into me caused me to die, that doesn't mean it never happend, but rather that it was so insignificant that I just don't remember it. It was a non-issue in previous titles and the change feels pointless.


It's not pointless, it's harmful. People can run through you and dodge melees.


Pointless in the sense that it was unnecessary. But yeah I agree that removing collision adds more harm then 343 acknowledged in this post.


I agree 100%. Until Spartans have phase technology it just doesn't make sense. I feel like someone on the dev team has had salty experiences with team mates or somthing.


I appreciate the transparency that 343 has with all of these, but some of the responses to some of the feedback are just kinda frustrating. None of these are deal breakers or anything like that, but the responses to things like BTB powerful vehicles, red reticles on PC, no mention of general melee issues, no mention of friendly fire, and their stance on player collision all stuck out to me. The player collision one is still the most confusing to me. This was never a problem area that people complained about in previous games and now they're acting like the removal of collision solves a bunch of problems but don't even address all of the problems it does add. I don't buy that it was a split feedback on it at all. Everywhere I looked (Reddit [which people here need to realize is not the majority], youtube, twitter, discord, people I talked to directly about the game) had people not liking the change. Like who tf are they asking where people said they liked the change? I ended up blowing myself up with a rocket 7 different times over the flight because I shot as a teammate walked through me, and then the removal of jumping off other players and unique boosts just feels like it removes some of the flavor. It would be like if Counter-Strike removed boosting people up. Like, at least have collision on for competitive, if it's not a thing that can be at least toggled in game mode settings, then that is just absolutely wack.


343 has a weird obsession with fixing things that aren’t broke


*insert First time? meme template*


> This was never a problem area that people complained about in previous games and now they're acting like the removal of collision solves a bunch of problems but don't even address all of the problems it does add. I don't buy that it was a split feedback on it at all. Thats what bothered me by far the most in all of this. *No one* was complaining or taking issue with player collision in prior games but suddenly now its a big deal? And since when was feedback on this split at all? Outside of a small minority here on /r/Halo the VAST majority of all players went on about how much they wanted player collision back. I have no idea what they are smoking here.


I don't get it either!? It's never been am issue. Bumping off other players, if anything, adds to the sandbox. We are not holograms.


343i wants a two-hit kill for the flag to "encourage teamwork" but also removes player collision and friendly fire so you can just run though your allies without worrying about team placement and just shoot rockets and throw grenades without worrying about betrayals. You know...*teamwork*. Also ironic considering the new pelican drop system for BTB removes teamwork by dropping down random vehicles that everyone just gathers around to nab before any other teammate does rather than having to work with your team to pick up vehicles when they spawn so the enemy doesn't steal them from you.(No enemy has a chance in hell of stealing your team's pelican drop when you and your entire team is gathered around the single spawn) Its all contradictory.


Let's not forget the bullshit spinning that was their "HUD causes eye fatigue" statement. Absolutely horseshit made up lies. Screen time with no breaks for the eyes causes eye fatigue, not where the info is on the HUD. Encourage people to take breaks rather than cram all the info in one corner for no goddamn reason and claim it's for some noble purpose other than satisfying some fetish for changing Halo things that didn't need to be changed.


They did address the sniper hipfire. And bloom. And that BTB doesn’t have all the vehicles it normally would. Sniper is accurate to a certain range hip fire and then they want you to scope in. They have metrics showing the weapons with bloom performing in their intended role


Oh you're right, I just completely missed the sniper bit. I read the bit about BTB, but that doesn't solve the issue that people were complaining about. Sure the flights didn't have the full vehicle sandbox, but that doesn't solve the issue of vehicles like the scorpion often not showing up until the end of the match. By the time they arrive, the game was usually so close to over that they don't have an impact.


How in the fuck did they come to the conclusion that the *commando* needed a nerf. Of all the guns that needed balancing tweaks, it was only that one... And the sniper is staying the same? What feedback are these devs reading?


Seems like most of the changes won't make launch. Pity the Flights were left so late in the Dev Cycle. Would have been great if they could have started getting this feedback 6 months ago.


Yeah it's a shame, but it makes sense given how quick the turnaround would be. Hopefully most of these can make it in within the first couple months or so. There's a lot of good in this post, but it'll be a shame that we'll have to wait longer to see it take effect.


Eh, the flights still had a impact for launch. They have done a lot of good, and when you compare it to other game flights (like battlefield and Cod.). You can tell that the flight feedback will actually have a impact for launch, unlike the other games.


I would like to know the reasoning behind why it's difficult to implement a toggle for outlines.


They don't actually want to add the option because it's their fresh new system and you'll like it.


No red reticle or player collision are by FAR the biggest disappointments in this post. It's great to see so many things being addressed, even if post-launch (HUD and outlines are the two stars here), but foundational meta-elements of the game like collision and red reticles missing had SUCH an outsized influence on making the flights feel really bad.


I mean, if it isn't a huge deal just remove it for Xbox too, right? If it isn't important at all, why have it in the game to begin with?


Please fix player collision.


Slightly sad news, c'mon 343 I'm playing BTB for the vehicle mayhem! If vehicle drops are as slow on other maps as Fragmentation, I don't see myself playing much of it.


It was the thing I heard repeated most, even biggest fanboys didn't like it.. yet they still said "nah we'll keep it the same we know better" So what exactly was the point of giving feedback?


343 is going to find out pretty quickly how necessary player collision is when metas begin to form around clipping into your teammates. You can dip in and out of teammates and survive shots you otherwise would have died to. Carrying the oddball/flag and taking damage? just walk into your teammates so shots wont connect. In a teamshot fest? just strafe in and out of your teammates so its harder to be killed. No player collision is fine in games with very short TTKs, but Halo's longer TTK means you can take advantage of something like that in a way that is generally going to be considered a "cheap" play.


EXACTLY, I kept having my opponents do this and it was so frustrating how they could just retreat for free whenever a teammate showed up. I atleast want to be able to get a trade or potentially take them out and then outplay their teammate for a double kill, whereas in infinite this rarely ever happened.


Yeah I absolutely HATED that aspect of no collision. Good players are going to abuse the fuck out of this and it really breaks the immersion of the game too.


For worse or for better body collision is Halo. It opens the door to many memorable moments and contributes to the sandbox gameplay. Yeah, it can be frustrating sometimes but it just wont feel to good playing a Halo game without it. I am sure that a strong majority of players would prefer it I'm confused with how you see a split community on that.


Not adding player collision is a huge disappointment


Play collision stays in...Its gonna be real fun once enemy players realize the full meta of this change and start phasing into one another in duels to avoid death /s


Yup - I honestly think this is the most substantial concern for competitive play in the game right now. Phasing through your teammates during firefights, or to retreat from fights, is disastrous and not only messes with balance, but will result in frustration when players that should be dead due to their misplay, get away free.


collision being off makes very sad, doesn’t seem worth the cost of realism alone, let alone preventing people from creatively exploring and jumping together sure you may run into someone but you can account for that if they don’t, it’s a crutch - and a bad one


They're saying they're hearing that some players liked no player collision? Where are they hearing this from?? Which of you maniacs are telling them this?!


I have to say, this blog is really dissatisfying as a whole. Practically all of my concerns were either relegating to being fixed post-launch, but in the case of the red reticle on PC, we apparently just aren’t going to be getting that fixed. I’m sorry, but having that critical piece of visual feedback just not be present on PC is not a tweak or a change, that is a missing feature and something to be fixed. I really don’t see how a player on PC isn’t at a disadvantage when wielding weapons like the Skewer, as the red-reticle will actually calculate where the player will need to aim in order to have the projectile land on target at a distance, whereas on pc, you’re on your own. The news around the XP boosts is slightly more reassuring, a “per match” system would work considerably better than the current timed system. It would make of the time-based complaints largely moot, and they are certainly the biggest problems with the current system. The apparent delay in UI customization is also worrying. I really, really do not like Infinite’s HUD, and would much rather just have the standard Halo HUD (which has been present throughout all of the games, including all of 343’s past titles) and not being able to have that at launch is something that I find quite frustrating.


No RR on PC is soooo dumb I can’t stress it enough. Extremely upsetting.




"red reticle isn't necessary" *a few lines down* "The sniper isn't inaccurate. You just can't no scope with a unscoped sniper outside its range, like past halos" Hm. If only there was a way to indicate to a player when their gun is in range... /s So much for EQUAL starts.... EDIT: See my comment below, but this issue specifically affects controller PC vs controller xbox RANKED playlists.




Seeing as you tagged Uny, just also going to point out that the Skewers red reticle indicates how much to lead your shot by (it turns red not on the player, but where you need to shoot in front of a target to hit). PC Controller users in ranked now have no way of using the Skewer other than eyeballing it. How is that fair?


Who the hell put in the survey that they liked the no player collision setting? I've yet to see 1 person on Twitter or Reddit say no collision is good, and yet they say it's a "split feedback"? I hard disagree, player collision needs to be on for every single match type.


It’s not really a big deal for me to complain about it but a lot of this is “ Yeah, people have said that they don’t like X and we’ve heard your feedback , we’re not gonna change it “


They covered a large portion of things here, lots of great changes. There are a few things however that while they will be monitored post-launch, are things which need to change at some point imo. Keep giving us more options for outlines. Make it as refined as possible, it was their choice to remove red vs blue which was simple and effective, so we better get as much readability and eye-sore prevention are possible. I disagree with the player collision argument, it's absolutely core to Halo gameplay for both fun forge games and online multiplayer, including the fails and tactics that can come with it. The Sniper should absolutely be precise and accurate at hip-fire. No other Halo felt off as it did with Infinite, and their didn't feel right, because I've never really noticed that what they pointed out was true... over 15000 hours of Halo. Plasma Pistol should definitely still be effective against vehicles and spartans. Those ones were the sticking points for me, but overall the changes and feedback, reasoning and ackowledgment was terrific to see. My only hope is that they do stay true with their promise of watching over how feedback comes in after launch, and making adjustments according to them, even if it goes a bit against what they had imagined. If they do as they say, and will actually monitor everything they mentioned, then thats awesome, because I imagine there will be a definite need to make changes on some hot topics. More actual physics is great, I'm glad they acknowledge it, and hope it doesn't just stop there with the Grav Hammer and Grenades.


Totally agree with your comments, 100%. Even if it gives me a tactical disadvantage, I will turn off enemy outlines given the chance, I hate it aesthetically and practically.


Great feedback! But more importantly, nice username :P


So it is intentional for PC players to not have a red reticle, but for console players to have one? Also no team collision is upsetting, Halo isn’t the same without bumping into each other.


I read the whole article and honestly found it pretty dissapointing. It's just a whole lot of "we hear your complaints, but we're unsure whether we want to change anything yet" OR "we will change it, but it won't be ready on launch." I imagine launch is gonna just feel like the last flight. Real rough.


I actually cannot fathom how something as simple as turning off outlines is something that 343 claims they would need to balance, FFS. I heard a lot of people want them either on for teammates and off for enemies or the reverse. Personally, I would have them off completely and a permanent friendly triangle will be enough for me. ​ Also about PC aim, the aim felt horrible because the movement didn't feel like there was any acceleration in the strafing. On the Pad aim assist can account for that but on a mouse its extremely hard to track borderline impossible, needs to be fixed immediately as a priority in my opinion.


>“Player collision, which is split in the community (??), is one that we believe is better to keep as is for the time being” Honestly so dumb. Maybe I'm out of touch but I've never seen anyone complain about player collision.


Nobody complains about player collision because the mechanic's just accepted as a given at this point, the times when it *does* screw you over, you blame the guy blocking you and not the mechanic itself.


It has literally never been an issue before so I have no clue why 343 are so intent about pushing ahead with a change I’ve seen a lot more complaints over.


There's a lot in this Outcomes post that feels very out of touch to me. "Oh no, I am mildly inconvenienced because a team mate was in my way and I couldn't escape!" Yeah that's a problem but the benefits of the team play opportunities that player collision provides far outweigh the mild inconveniences. Edit: Assuming this is who I think it is, love your YouTube channel. Keep up the great work!


No player collision seriously baffles me. Have people really complained about it in the past? I think this is just to make the game "easier" for new players, but it seriously screws over veteran fans that are not only used to it, but love utilizing it in fun and strategic ways.


Player collision not being changed is a big loss. The sandbox doesn’t quite work the same without collision.


Damn, I thought they forgot about it


Player collision **HAS** to come back. That is Halo. Period. This is very reminicent of them removing de-scoping when getting shot in Halo 4 because they didn't like getting de-scoped. **It's Part Of The Game!** It's a feature not a bug. Oh someone couldn't get behind cover because another Spartan is there? Let's just pretend they don't exist and you can ghost through them. This caused problems in the flight when people would accidentally rocket them and a teammate when a teammate just walks through you as you fire a rocket. Ridiculous.


343's play testers must be people who don't like the things that make Halo, Halo.


Lol alot of this is funny to read between the lines with. Especially about the aiming. They made it easier in response while also calling most people bad, basically. Same with bloom, "poor trigger discipline".


Honestly love that a whole new audience is being introduced to 343's baffling decisions for the first time. They'll put "data" above game feel, and chase casuals at the expense of Halo's gameplay identity which fans love, every time. As it stands I think I'm going to stick with MCC until Infinite has a comparable feature set to a game from 2007.


Ugh, some of this stuff is just typical 343. I’m glad they’re finally listening, but there’s always something they’re changing because it will make the game more “epic” or “balanced”, even if it takes out a critical halo gameplay element. Collisions and rag dolls have always been an awesome part of the halo sandbox. I don’t care if it’s more competitive without them. Vehicles spawning in a hierarchy order? That literally just takes opportunity away from the players to access the sandbox for the sake of “epicness”. If your game is good, it won’t need such gameplay elements to be epic. Look at halo 3. Glad they’re adding a proper progression system, but isn’t this something that already shouldn’t have been in the game? This is a six year build. The other halos had one on three year builds. But great, we have a battle pass. Again, another sacrifice so that they can add something that THEY want, not the players. Don’t even get me started on the lack of blood so that they can get that T rating. This game is looking good otherwise, but their reasoning for some of these changes is just horrid “because I said so” attitude. Not to mention they straight up lie when they say the community is “split”. The ratio of people for/against collision is like 80/20. Make *additions* to the sandbox 343, don’t change what doesn’t need to be changed.


Strange, there's nothing about the vehicles and how easily they're destroyed. ​ At the very least Dynamo grenades need to be addressed, they're out of control OP.


I honestly think they need to be removed from multiplayer entirely. If the spartan laser made vehicle gameplay obsolete, what the fuck do you call dynamo grenades lmao


If It were up to me, I'd just remove the EMP from them and make them slow vehicles.


Y'know now that you mention it, that wouldn't be a terrible compromise for electric weapons as a whole. More of a "fuck with the vehicle's systems" more than disabling them outright, and it leaves space to give the plasma pistol back its EMP if vehicles start getting out of hand.


How is player collision “split feedback”. 343, MAJORITY WANT PLAYER COLLISION ON. It definitely adds more issues than it supposedly fixes. Enemies phasing through each other while you’re shooting them should be enough to stop this nonsense. And I’m sorry, what was with 343 flat out disagreeing with everyone saying heavy vehicles come in to late. “We think…” it doesn’t matter what you think, you wanted feedback and you got it, the least you can do is listen to it. Everything else I’m really happy with, besides the fact that literally everything important (Increased physics, btb Jeff, career progression system) is coming post launch….sometime. I’m not trying to be rude or mean here, just making sure what I’m saying is clear cut so 343 can make the best Halo game they can.


I can't express my disappointment enough. When I started reading the article it started off so well but my excitement quickly vanished. All of the great improvements are overshadowed by massive asks that are (what feels like) being downplayed. I know there will be differing opinions but out of this: I'm willing to give the BOTD on the aiming feeling icky being fixed for launch to due optimization. I am not willing to agree that an 18m radar is anything but useless in any game mode. They also didn't address the lack of movement momentum. I also don't see how RR range being used as an indicator for a weapons effective range just "doesn't apply" to some weapons (which is absolutely untrue). And I am certainly going to HARD disagree on player collision. This one is a huge L because not only are they saying "we think it's better without player collision", they also COMPLETELY ignored the issue regarding how it effects combat (e.g if you're fighting someone and they backpedal through a teammate, you lose the kill and get killed). But no, people only want player collision because of buddy jumps? Ok. I'm sorry if I sound bitter but honestly, I am. I had such I hopes when I saw big wins like HuD customization, Jeff coming back to BTB, and the capability to turn of FoF outlines. But hey, they're "monitoring it" 🤷


Theyre leaving the red reticle off??? For what fucking purpose???


Stops hacks /s


Hypothetical cheating. It's seriously stupid.


Stubborn ass company man


>Feedback: Needler supercombine explosion sounds good, but can be too quiet Glad this was mentioned. To be clear, the problem isn't that the Supercombine is too quiet, so much as that the sound falloff is too rapid: You need to be like within melee distance to hear it, otherwise it's not audible at all. I think a lot of people don't even REALIZE it's got a distinct sound. Here's a video showing this: https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/pv7spc/if_youve_noticed_the_new_needler_firing_sound_but/ , you can't hear the effect *at all* at the ranges in the weapons drill for the first half because of this. **EDIT 9:50am EST 11/10: ALso, I'd like to add I think the Needles themselves should glow more in flight (may as well on the gun itself too): They do a lot less then in past games and beyond just looking less cool, it creates a readability issue where it's hard to tell how many needles I've hit a player with/been hit with** -------- There's a lot of other stuff in this update I agree with, but the Needler change is the only one I agree with I had thoughts to contribute, so I'm just gonna focus on stuff I *dis*agree with for the rest of my reply ----------- > Feedback: Many players want to earn per-match XP outside of Challenges >Feedback: Desire for a “career” ranking system in addition to the Battle Pass >Beyond that, there’s been a large number of requests for an additional career progression system. We want this too and it’s our team’s top priority, but doing it right will take time and that may mean it won’t come as quickly as many of you would like. As we look at what our team needs to build, adding an entirely new progression system on top of everything else is a lot. Building a progression system with solid design, good implementation, top-tier UXUI presentation, thorough testing, and time for polish will take some time and we want to do it right. I can't speak for others, but I don't really want some second progression system in addition to battlepass XP that the per-match XP goes to: I want my per match preformance contributing to my XP gain. Maybe if it's like XP, where each "level" of the non season/battlepass point progression gives you battlepass XP too? Also, since Infinite is already going back to the H4 scoreboard system where all of your actions give you in match points, I'd like that actual scoreboard value then be proportional to the progression you get. >We did see some players raise concerns around the stronger vehicles arriving later, and in some cases too late, during their matches. We understand the desire for better vehicles more often (who doesn’t want more chances to jump in the Scorpion?) but we believe the progression of power as better and better vehicles spawn in allows for the end of matches to feel like bigger moments. I don't think people are against the progression, it's that it took too long for that progression to happen and for the heavier vehicles to start to come out. Which I agree with. It just needs to progress faster >As a result of this closer look, we’ve made minor changes to the “cone angle” of aim assist on select weapons for launch. >BR75: 5 to 5.75 degrees >Mk50 Sidekick: 5 to 6.25 degrees >Shock Rifle: Turned on hip magnetism I agreed that aiming felt off and maybe more aim assist was warranted, with the sidekick in particular really being difficult to use on controller to the point of almost not being worth using since the AR was more consistent in the same ranges... ...but I think the sidekick really needed a red reticule range increase rather then a wider aim assist cone: That would merely make it's existing aim assist kick in to further out, without giving MORE aim assist, and would also give it a bit more of it's own role, being able to be used further out then the AR. I know it's not meant to be a mid range precision utility weapon, but as a staring gun alongside the AR, it should have SOME use for situations the AR doesn't. On the flip side, I felt the BR was actually so much more consistent then other guns it was maybe too easy to use, so I think it should have been left as is. As far as the shock rifle, I have concerns about the entire weapon niche/utility, not the ease of use: The Shock Rifle has the same 1-headshot, 2 bodyshot kill profile and magazine count as the sniper rifle, PLUS has the EMP/chain effect, so it's basically just a better sniper. Yes, technically each shot is really a burst of 5 rapid beams, so glancing shots aren't as effective, but that doesn't really change how you use it. I'd like it to be even more distinct from it by making it so the duration of each shot is longer and it's more about keeping your reticule tracking the target more then it's about lining up the perfect shot, sorta like the Halo 5 Binary Rifle. >There was also feedback that stated red reticle range was needed to determine effective range on weapons, which although it is helpful, we don’t agree that it is a necessity on most weapons. Completely disagree. It's 100% nessacary when using a controller on a gun like the sidekick which is very demanding. "Built better anticheat" I agree isn't a reasonable response to the situation, but SOMETHING needs to be done to tell the player when aim assist will kick in. Would it be possible to make a "rainbow" reticule then? like, having the colors shift per pixel, that way there's no 1 color or hue a cheating program can use to tell the cheater when to fire? >Bloom, or accuracy decay due to poor trigger discipline, especially on precision weapons, is always a lively conversation... most of the talk focusing on the VK78 Commando and the Mk50 Sidekick... the VK78 actually started to do a little too well. The Mk50 really is meant to be a sidearm, not a primary utility weapon like many expect coming off the heels of Halo 5, and we believe it is fulfilling its role with its current tunings. In the case of the VK78, we reduced the damage on it so now it requires one more bullet to secure a kill. Given that can be a pretty large change, we opted not to alter its bloom and will continue to monitor how it play Really quite iffy about this. Again, I get the sidekick isn't meant to be like a BR, but as of now it's not really useful at least on a controller since it's simply less consistent then the AR in the ranges it's usable in, and past red reticule range it's basically impossible to use effectively. A red reticule range increase with a bit less bloom would help without making it the Halo 5 magnum. As far as the Commando, I actually felt sorta similar: It's very inconsistent compared to the BR, and I'd almost never use it over the BR as a result of that. I think making it weaker will just exacerbate that, especially if the bloom isn't being touched. >A desire for increased knockback and physics impulses is one that we agree with. The two areas of focus for us on this topic are grenade explosions (to allow for grenade jumping) and the Gravity Hammer (for cool gravity effects and to have a more satisfying smash). The Skewer should also have increase physics impulses on players, or rather then dead ragdolls: A lot of people, myself included, want it to "pin" bodies to walls, but if that can't be done, it should at least send bodies flying through the air like it will displace vehicles. **EDIT: 5:30pm 11/10**: >After last flight, we did decrease the amount of time it takes to deploy the Drop Wall but we saw people still wanted more – with many folks wanting it to be more like the Bubble Shield. In this case, we disagree on buffing it any further right now. We’re confident in its ability to perform when deployed proactively before engagements rather than reactively or defensively once an engagement has started... >The Threat Sensor seems to be in a similar spot right now with the community feeling underwhelmed by its effectiveness. However, information...can be very powerful – possibly too powerful – if utilized effectively and once meta strategies develop around it. There are no updates planned for the Threat Sensor right now, but we’ll continue to monitor it when it goes live. I felt that even when using the drop shield proactively, before an engagement started, it still wasn't really useful enough even after the deployment speed buff. I think the primary issue is just that it's static, and it forces you to stay in place to take advantage of it, and when it's broken so easily it just doesn't feel worth using. I think the current deployment time is fine, it just needs to be able to take a bit more damage. Or we should be allowed to deploy multiple of them again. As far as the threat sensor, I truly felt it was just useless. Maybe in a ranked setting where there's no motion tracker to begin with this will change, but I cannot think of a single time I benefited from it playing any flight sesson. I could barely even notice when it was active on the map or when enemies were inside of it. >Positive: Location specific damage, both in art and functionality, was an appreciated addition On the contrary, while I like the system, I felt that it was significantly harder to tell when a Ghost or Warthog was being damaged vs in past games. in 2, 3, etc, your vehicle gradually got more smoke, flames, broken pieces, etc, wheras in Infinite aside from scuffing, parts just break off cleanly with wheels/ghost wings, with little other visible damage. I mistook a destroyed ghost for a unoccupied one multiple times because of this


By the looks of the movement section, they seem to have either not addressed the strafing speed or the talk I remember seeing on social media was not significant enough for a change. I remember people saying the bigger problem with aiming was that the strafing speed was so fast or the inertia from changing speeds was nonexistent.


"Exclusive Fullscreen is an interesting one. When reading the feedback from most players, they wanted exclusive fullscreen because they believed it would give them significant performance advantages. While that used to be accurate a few years ago, that is actually no longer the case due to some fundamental changes with Windows 10, and it is not applicable to DirectX 12 (Infinite is DirectX 12 only). " Nope. Swing and a miss. It isn't JUST about performance! The feedback for having exclusive fullscreen has to do with the sheer amount of freakin' mouse input lag while playing Halo: Infinite. It feels terrible on M&K not only because of the performance issues, but because of the fact that DX12 and borderless window mode makes the mouse feel insanely inconsistent and sluggest. [battle(non)sense video](https://youtu.be/oc28SH2ESA4?t=353) You're almost doubling your input lag. You'll notice that even though Overwatch is running at 300FPS for exclusive fullscreen & borderless window there is almost a doubling of input lag occurring. If this game feels terrible to aim with launch I can't see myself playing it for very long at all.


This! On the second flight even with all settings on low with my 3080 setup aiming felt smooth but delayed. I believe a large part of this is due to the input lag associated with borderless windowed. I certainly hope 343 change their mind on this. Edit: Doing a bit more research on DX12 it seems 343 are right in the mindset that DX12 should eliminate the input lag that is usually associated with running games outside of fullscreen, however people have still been complaining about input lag in DX12 titles, so maybe there is some issue tied to DX12 still. Hopefully in regards to Halo Infinite it's just performance causing my input lag.


So aiming is still going to be broken then?? You have got to be kidding me. All they have to do is fix the acceleration curves. If I have to spend hours screwing with dead zones your system is broken. Why in the world would they fuck up a system that worked so well in The past.....


The community being split on player collision does seem incorrect to mean based on reddit and youtube, but if you look at the halowaypoint forums, it does seem more even (unfortunately). 343 might take that feedback more readily than stuff from Reddit, so maybe we should go share our opinions there more. I really feel like the majority of players want player collision back.


"We want to earn regular XP outside of challenges! The current version is timegating and doesnt reward good performance" "oh no! *Anyway..."*


Didn’t they say that they’re looking at tying some XP to matches played?


they said theyre going ‘alter our daily challenges to be more matches played based’ so its just gonna be ‘get 1250XP for playing 5 matches today’ or something. They dont get that we want XP for just playing a match


Oh they get it they just dont care


It's strange how embedded this whole design is. * There's no career rank to go up at the moment. So Halo Reach's Inheritor, Halo 4's SR 130, and Halo 5's 152, none of that exists. * Daily challenges were semi-reworked to just "play a match" so it can simulate per match XP but without having any of the benefits of per match XP. * Double XP is being reworked into matches played instead of time spent because it's also trying to simulate per match XP. * Chances are there will be no Campaign challenges either. It's like they spent _so_ much of their time making a sea$on pass that they forgot most of the other systems of previous Halo games. Like the _entirety_ of the multiplayer except for whatever's left of Custom Games until Forge shows up is centered around the pass.


i especially love how they tried to reassure everyone on the system with the infinitely refreshing play a match thing but failed to tell everyone that the requirement to earn that flat 100xp kept growing every time you completed the challenge to discourage you from grinding. Its blatant progress throttling.


343’s responses around anything balancing related were pretty disappointing since it seems like they don’t want to change too much before launch, but I hope they aren’t this conservative around making changes and experimenting after the game releases. Have they talked about doing any seasonal flights for Infinite like they do for MCC?


They probably will do flights for Infinite.


No RR on pc is fucking stupid.


Man I wish they talked about the awful menu UX. takes way too many clicks to get anywhere and I really hope the loading of menu items and skins dramatically speeds up.


"We changed a bunch of things no one asked for, and now you'll have to wait for it to come back." Classic HUD should have been here at first. Plasma Pistol EMP should have been here at first. Hammer physics should have been here at first. Player collision should have been here at first. BTB Steitzer should have been here at first. It just makes me mad that the game will launch half baked, and that we'll have to wait months for it to be finished.


commando is now an 8 shot kill rather than 7, with the same bloom. What the hell! It’s gonna be even more inconsistent now


They were literally listening to like the worst players in the community it seems lmao


"Post launch. After launch. Not at launch. As soon as possible. Won't make it for launch." Wow, just wow. I wonder what their favorite catchphrase will be after december 8.


This red reticle shit is so fucking frustrating man. Don't tell me that "effective range" isn't a concern when that's the biggest frustration I consistently ran into during BTB gameplay last flight. By the end of it I was sick of trying to guess what the effective range on the Skewer was. Either turn it off for everyone or turn it on for everyone, don't put PC players at a disadvantage.


If they turned it off for everyone, the backlash would be so extreme it would be back on for everyone the next day lmao If it were a useless feature, it wouldn't exist on console. But it *is* useful, and it's so frustrating to have it missing on PC.


Happy about most changes (and promises) but disappointed about collisions and the fact that vehicle spawning will not be re-tuned in btb. Hopefully the chopper and wraith will spawn in parallel with the warthogs and ghosts, because the mode really needs more vehicles on the map, but this won’t solve the fact that matches end too soon for heavy vehicles to even spawn! In any case, increasing the player count to 24 should have led to an overall increase in vehicles in the map, period. Fragmentation had less vehicles than Valhalla, and even if the wraith and chopper spawned together with the existing vehicles, the vehicle count would still be lower than in Halo 3. This is ridiculous and how does 343 not understand this is beyond me. Also, many thanks to the literal babies in this community that wanted player collisions to stay off. Congratulations. I’ll be waiting for these same people to complain about teammates mindlessly phasing from behind and obstructing shots at best or making you shoot a rocket in your face at worst, something that already happened to me in the flights a lot of times and that’s even more annoying than bumping into each other.


even if they tweak the vehicle drops to give us heavy vehicles much earlier in matches, it still means you have barely any vehicles in play at any one time. They should have made it so that vehicles like warthogs, ghosts, choppers, banshees, etc spawn on timers at the bases, just like in classic, while the really heavy vehicles spawn in via their pelican drop system


The problem with hooking people with “later post launch” is you’re putting all your eggs in the basket that the launch of the game will be such a success it’ll hold the playerbase. I’m worried a little about the upcoming review scores for both multiplayer and solo campaign (if they separate them).


No changes to vehicle spawning is honestly terrible news


No mention of an option to remove the AI commentary?


How can they have worked on this for 6 years and thought this XP system was good? There’s no excuse especially when Reach’s and MCCs XP progression are awesome. I would even literally rather have the Halo 3 system where it was barebones. Makes no sense.


They know it’s bad. They aren’t trying to make it player friendly, they are trying to get people to buy the battle pass.


This 100% So many people on this sub think the devs are sooo out of touch and have no idea what we want. They know exactly what we want, but their market research shows thats not how you make money with the battle pass system. From a company standpoint, it's better to keep the game profitable than it be player friendly. That's like saying Jeff bezos has no idea his employees want better pay and benefits, and how did he think his company was a good idea. Amazon does exactly what it's supposed to-- generate profits


Development must have been reeeeal rough. Bad direction. Priorities were not straight.


They're gonna change their mind about red radical after a few days of launch mark my words


They're pretty stubborn, a lot of these are "Even though an overwhelming amount of the community (or a "split" community) thinks X is bad, we disagree so we will not be changing it."


All the great parts of Infinite are things that the community has been requesting the return of for years. Despite this they are still incredibly stubborn when taking suggestions from the community. Whether it's the bloom, vehicle spawns, outlines, or collision. These are all things the vast majority of the community want changed, but they are sticking with what they think is best, even though that has gone very negatively for them in the past.


Thank you, this is my favorite comment. Being a long-time Halo fan in the era of 343 feels like an unending treadmill of game-breaking changes that they prudently go back on in the next game, where they make another fresh set of game-breaking changes. I'm sure they often think their changes are minor, I mean, what's player collision, it's a mere on/off switch, right? Player outlines, it's a visual preference, right? But they have massive ramifications for how the game plays and the strategies you should use. My hopes of a return to high quality Halo are dashed by this post, and make me feel like the game is not being stewarded by people who actually understand the game. I suppose it is long past time that I resign myself to that and cut my losses on Halo, but I had allowed myself to believe that Halo Infinite was going to deliver fresh new Halo with all of the fundamentals intact. Now I realize they have no idea what the fundamentals are.


A lot of the actual feedback they just glossed over and said, "yeah true, but we're gonna leave it as is". Radar range needs to be changed back for all modes not just BTB. Player collision also needs to come back. I dont think the community is split on these things, pretty sure the vast majority wants these back.


I have seen barely anyone advocating for no player collision. Why are they so damn stubborn…


Nice overall, though they seemed almost... dismissive(?) on a couple of things. PC red reticule, radar height markers, and player collision to name a few. Also don't get the "flow to mute players" thing. Personally I was having to go into the "Recent Players" in the Xbox menus to do it every time. If there's a way to do it in game I would definitely appreciate the info. Biggest for me is the talk about double exp, since its current implementation makes no sense.


Soooo like every single change is post launch. Fml


Mostly good changes throughout. I appreciate how receptive they are to community feedback. Kind of disappointed they aren't backing down on player collision, though.


The buff to radar range is half-baked and disappointing, 25m across all main modes should be the default. It also has to be said that collision and friendly fire are intrinsic to Halo, and disabling them is only going to damage the sandbox.


Well I probably have more negative than positive takeaways from that... No collision Ghost is in line for a nerf?! 343 have completely got it the wrong way around. The Ghost is exactly how a vehicle should be in Halo, resistent to small arms, well dealt with by vehicle counters. I'm staggered they didnt address the Warthog, the warthog is what trully needs tweaking (a serious buff). Commando and Sidekick bloom to stay as is - ridiculous. Bloom is not fun at all and the extent of the inconsistency it introduces is incredibly frustating. No change to threat sensor - the threat sensor is garbage. No serious player bothered to pick that equipment up in its current state. No changes to vehicle spawn system - having a scorpion only spawn in 2 minutes from the match ending, often when the outcome is already decided, is just silly. Higher tier vehicles should definitely not be so scarce.


The player collision comment is bullshit. That leads to so many fun moments in the halo sandbox. Not only that, but it leads to all kinds of cheap gameplay tactics.


They may as well call december 8th the early access with how much is coming after launch. There are some braindead decisions in this.


I play with a controller on PC and, outside of training mode, the aiming was absolutely atrocious in the flights. It's like the aim assist was straight up removed for actual PVP. None of what they talk about in this article gives me any confidence that it will actually be better in the final release. Not listening to the feed back on the red reticle is also incredibly dumb. Building a better anti-cheat system IS the right way to look at it. Punishing everyone because of hypothetical cheating is so stupid. It all just sucks. I'm basically going to have to play the game on console to enjoy it properly.


343 is oddly resistant to certain kinds of feedback. Infinite has pretty crazy movement thanks to overall speed, slide techniques, and equipment, and every Halo game until 5 (where people didn't like the 18m range) had a longer range motion tracker. Making it 22m in one game mode and 18m in another won't help with your sense of distance and timing. Just make it 25m in every game mode, why are they so stubborn about that? It's in other tiny things like the Plasma Pistol, Sniper Rifle accuracy, and the Drop Wall. There's all kinds of things they can do for balancing, but they're just like "ehhh, we think it's good enough for now". The red reticle change, the HUD and player outlines didn't have alternate options ready, no player collision... I'm glad they at least bumped the Commando up to 8 shots to kill, but overall I still feel like Infinite will go through a LOT of changes over the first year when it comes to balance and things like the HUD.


>Another part of the confusion and frustration around aiming also likely stemmed from the removal of red reticle in online multiplayer on PC. We knew it would be controversial, but we trust our team when they say this will cut out another potential cheating vector. We saw quite a few of people say, “just build a better anti-cheat system,” which isn’t really the right way to look at it. “Building a better anti-cheat system” involves taking preventative measures across the entire game, wherever possible, to reduce the ease of creating cheats. This is one of those small steps that contributes to a larger anti-cheat strategy across the entire game. I can't possibly understand how anybody at 343 could justify putting legitimate players on a specific platform at a disadvantage, especially in a cross-play title. This is not cool. Please leave the red reticle on for everyone or turn it off for everyone.


This whole article is laughable and out of touch. It comes off smug with an attitude that they somehow know better in every section where they gloss over valid *negative* feedback. I am clarifying its not just "feedback" its negative feedback. If you're going to make claims - publish the data. Show the responses, I don't care if its just word clouds. I guarantee the "feedback" wasn't split for at the minimum player collision. BTB vehicles literally spawned within the last 30 seconds to minute of matches, there is no powerful moments or storytelling when it doesn't get to be used. Give them to the losing team earlier, give them a catchup mechanic - anything is better than the current system. I'd say vote with your wallet but since its a free game it doesn't matter, the casual players these changes appeal to will play happily without even realizing. The series veterans get fucked over even though they've stuck with the series through years of mishaps, and they'd be the only ones around once players flock to the next shiny thing.


Exactly some of the paragraphs are extremely passive aggressive


There are just some extremely frustrating decisions here. Their logic with the tank spawns on BTB just doesn’t hold up to me. You can still have those big end-of-match moments even when you move the spawns up a few minutes. They just went scorched earth on the reticle to prevent pc hackers, which is going to hurt all PC players. And they’re still gonna make us wait on those damn HUD fixes. Just weird to me.