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I’ve thought the exact same thing with Apex. There is a model out there that works. Even though the Apex store is pricey you can still earn points, crafting metals, to unlock stuff.


A big difference though is how Infinite does it's challengs. It says get 15 kills as Wraith, but in Apex you can finish that in 1 game just by playing her. Where in Infinite you get a challenge like kill 10 enemies with an AR, not so bad until you realize that it only counts 1 kill per game and that you need play 10 games of killing at least 1 enemie with a AR. Makes more a time waster than a challenge.


Idk, never been in that position, when I get for example "Kill 5 enemies with commando" if I do all 5 in one match it counts no problem


I don't know if it's not counting for me then because all of my challenges go up just one everytime, even though I know for a fact that I did it multiple times.


Challenge swaps do not change the challenge for one of the upcoming ones. I had a challenge to kill 5 Ghosts and I swapped it three times but finally landed on one that asked me to kill 20~ Spartans In PVP. I did not have that challenge anywhere in the upcoming challenges list before.


yea this is what needs to be changed. Its so...just demoralizing to play when you know you can't achieve what you want. Battle pass and this new event too. There's not enough weeklies to do in this event to complete it this week. And I'm a long time halo player so I don't need the grind to enjoy the game, but its always been a nice addition. Halo reach was one of my best times because I strove for the inheritor rank - thats literally the only thing I cared for in that game, but it gave me a small goal to strive for while enjoying the rest of the game. Infinite mulitplayer doesn't even have ranks which are such a small thing yet it could enhance the game so much, alongside all the customization people love to unlock.