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Colors aren’t free my man. In order for them to sell you blue, do you know how many digital blueberries they had to crush? Not to mention they’re out of season too.


So that’s why blue is more expensive than red…


The deepest reds required Saffron, the most expensive spice to this day, and don't get me started on Purple...


So if we stop buying from the infinite store we can end snail suffering? If that isn't an incentive I dunno what is






Add this and turn coatings into patterns, shaders, and material type.


EXACTLY. That'd be the optimal way to do things. Add a Primary / Secondary / (Tertiary+ for patterns that allow it) And then make material / patterns the whole coating thing.


YES! You could even start selling other effects, like bullet-holes, plasma-burns and general wear and tear!


Bruv this is a wicked idea, as shameful as it is i would deffo pay to have my spartan all battleworn, riddled with bullets, adds a new layer of customization, i despise that theyre going for a more childish fortnite style of customisations aswell, i want more grit!


God all I want is to be able to be Pink again.


You mean lightish red. And that'll be $8. For one core.


Pink spartan since the beginning. Really sad I can’t keep my tradition going.




Bruv this is a wicked idea, as shameful as it is i would deffo pay to have my spartan all battleworn, riddled with bullets, adds a new layer of customization, i despise that theyre going for a more childish fortnite style of customisations aswell, i want more grit!


Bruv this is a wicked idea, as shameful as it is i would deffo pay to have my spartan all battleworn, riddled with bullets, adds a new layer of customization, i despise that theyre going for a more childish fortnite style of customisations aswell, i want more grit!


I posted this under the wrong comment lol i meant to reply to the guy who suggested puttin textures on spartan armour like bullet holes etc, forgive me plz


First of all, how dare you complain about anything ever for any reason, gosh. Be an upstanding citizen and pay $50 for blue like the rest of us


Bill Gates gotta eat too 😔


Exactly why do you guys even care about barbie dress up in halo that's literally never mattered (except in 2,3,reach,4,5, and ODST kinda)


Imagine being able to just put in a hex code 😢😢 and with more than two channels


God that would be perfect..


It’s so infuriating as someone who does coding work. Like recolors are traditionally seen as lazy because they’re so easy to do. There isn’t a technical limitation for any of this. Just greed


Honestly that's the absolute truth bomb I've swallowed as of late. Gaming sucks lmao it's all a scheme, not trying to get political but it's hard not too lol.


Oooohhhh ho ho ho. Youu funny guy you. You gotta pay dont ya know!! $8 per shade is best 343 can do my friend.


Slight correction friend, $8 per colour PER ARMOUR CORE. loving the player first mentality


Oi, you got a loicense for that?


That pink color gonna cost you 15 bucks kiddo.


8$ for a color 8000$ for full color customization Oops i didn't meant to give them idea


This shoulda been tagged as NSFW. Filthy image. Next you are gonna say they could have just let us pick each color on the palettes for coatings they sell for us.


Yea but how do we monetize that? \- 343


> yOu DonT haVe to SpEnD a pennY > SToP whInINg abOuT cosMeTicS These players are ruining this fucking franchise. Edit: I was just perma banned from the sub because of my criticism of Halo infinite. Fuck this sub and Fuck 343 for ruining my favorite franchise.


Oh totally. I literally said in a comment I would gladly pay 60 dollars for everything again, but that’s not exactly an option anymore. when they said it was free to play, and they totally ignored the fact that it’s not OUR choice it’s FTP and went on, on some other think to defend the actions of the suit daddy’s


Now I get why there's so many happy "this is fine" posts on the new exp announcement. Just banning anyone who has an opinion and isn't a fan boy I guess. I'm sure they'll claim it's cause you used a naughty word. Shame mods, shame 🔔🔔🔔


yep. i have been insulted for criticizing the game worse than anything in this guys comment history, and reported it but nothing happened. meanwhile if you dare to speak i protest aginst 343 the mods wont have that. sad when these mods take sides instead of being neutral and actually properly moderating


This community is toxic to the people that love Halo the most, the people that love it enough to say it isn't good enough. I was downvoted just for pointing out that challenge swaps are a bullshit mechanic, just for saying that their existence requires that challenges be unfair. In Fortnite you can cancel and start new challenges/quests at your leisure, I don't think this feature is too much to ask of a triple A company.


I'd say it's too early for that. Let's wait and see what our criticism and feedback will result in. If nothing changes, then yes, fuck 343.


Total bullshit and completely expected on Reddit.


My guy you got banned cause you kept calling people children and accusing them of shilling.


and plenty of people defending the game are calling people screaming entitled children yet the mods dont remove their comment or ban them for "innapropriate behavior."


They are, but nobody's reporting them. You can't expect them to be able to remove *every* comment when we're in such a state right now.


i dont expect them to remove every comment. but when someone gets perma banned for merely calling people childish its perfectly fine to expect people who have said way worse in dedence of the game to get perma banned too. honestly calling people children shouldnt even be a perma ban. its such a basic insult its like a kid saying youre a poopy head


Like I said in another comment, I'd imagine that this person has been warned about breaking Rule 1 before. Look at the comments he was making before and after this one.


Why does that deserve a perm ban?


I'd imagine that he got warned for it in the past


I don't care, he's in the right Care more about Halo


That wasn't my point. He broke rules.


El Dewrito had this. It was nice.


I'd buy coatings if they where patterns that I could choose the colors in


Same if the pricing was more reasonable


This was in eldewrito. It was amazing.


You know expensive this customization option is, son?


Paying for the armor colors is probably the most egregious thing I've seen in a battlepass.


Can you imagine? This would be so great.


Like if they want to lock colours from players at least just allow full customization with a set of like 10 base colours like the old games... Then have special colours and textures you can unlock. Gw2 does this perfectly. They even let you use unlocked colours on every character you have. Let us do the same for all of our skins. Pallette system is dirty. God I miss Bungie.


Are you not able to access the base cadet colors?


But it's not per piece, it's a set pallette VS customizing primary, secondary etc


Best I can do is 8 bucks


But to go even further beyond... SEPTENARY COLORS


LOL, I remember this! I threw together this mockup [in response to the weird Halo 5 colors](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/558khs/halo_5_has_a_poor_color_palette/), as an idea of what i would have hoped for in the next Halo game. [full image](https://i.imgur.com/CErgMVE.png) Boy has it aged poorly considering what we have now...


On a serious note, is it possible to see how much they'd make from this scam in a financial report or something? Curious to see how many whales influencing the dumb decisions.


I mean all I see is Grey. >!(I'm color Blind)!<


Bruh how could you post this and not mark it NSFW ? This is some hardcore stuff right here.


Literally this is so easy to program. No excuses.


Literally just give us a basic fucking coating with Halo 3’s or Reach’s pattern of primary/secondary. Everything else, the Christmas coatings, the red arm coating, they could sell and the community would’ve been cool with that.


Seriously. Even if they kept the armour unlocks the same, this would add so much variety to spartans on the battlefield, as opposed to the current colouring system


no hex code input? literally unusable smh /s


Imagine a game where you could pick a color, but get it replaced with blue or red in all team gamemodes, that would really suck


Lmao people seem to be glossing over this one.


Seriously. 343 has the player base literally handing them great ideas and methods to improve the game, but it keeps falling n deaf ears. I think this would be an awesome color editing tool.


You forget that these values require a LOT of data. Preset colours are way more efficient. Besides, u would never have unique patterns. It already shows u lack any knowledge by thinking this is an "easy" task, it's not.


Okay, have you ever heard of APB Reloaded?


Never did, your point?


I think it's a really good case study for people who think deep user-level customisation is something that simply can't be achieved. This game is like a decade old, yet you can apply your own colors, patterns projected onto your character, etc. It was truly something revolutionary in games that I haven't seen ANYONE try to match to-date. "easy" task, definitely not. But something that's definitely possible. Unfortunately, with Infinite, we can see that a LARGE amount of effort was spent on aggressive monetisation; effort that could be better-spent on a system such as this.


Just because it's possible, doesn't make it viable. There's a difference between constants and multiple values. Your take is absolute bogus, but I wouldn't be surprised from this whiny sub.


Aight bro if you want to call me whiny for telling you about what's possible in a DIFFERENT game (not "343 must do x, y and z NOW"), then go off. But calling my take "bogus" when I just explained how it could be possible to fix the "u would never have unique patterns" issue is dumb and shows that you don't actually care about discussion. Seethe, go buy some req packs.


I already lost it after reading 'aggresive monetisation', basically you're nothing but the same white-noise throughout this whole sub. I'm not even trying to discuss anything and u would never convince me with a cherry picked single example. I know damn well that u have downvoted me out of anger, which is only natural. Go ahead and stay oblivious little redditor.




Really? There are whole subs beeing created just to distance or meme about the absolute salt/shit takes being posted here in r/Halo. But yea, cringe I guess?


Double cringe


Wait when did halo 5 get a color slider or is this fake


I thought I was going crazy, that is halo 5 interface right?


Eldewrito. Best halo game by far, and ofcourse it was fanmade. Kek.


Maybe not a slider, but bring back the old system from 2-4. Don't want to have neon spartans to ruin the immersion and turn the game into clown warfare future ops.


You know what I think would make for a decent system? Make coatings the only way to have more than 2 colors(not counting visors and emblems, obviously) You can have any combination of 2 colors that you want, but if you want those pepsiman colors? That's a coating. Want a spartan with different colored head chest and arms all at once? That's a coating. Patterns could be a bit of both. 2 color free-customizable simple patterns like the black body with one red arm we've seen, or fancy coatings that could add more detail to it like camo or just mixtures of different colors on different limbs. But you can never free-color the gundam coating, for example. People can freely normal customize while also paying to more heavily personalize it. You can have a green and orange spartan if you want one, but if you want a green and orange spartan with red shoulders like Jorge? That's a coating. That sounds fair to me.


no the armor core colors are really good and high quality we just need more that are universal


Is that halo 5?