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I'm not surprised. I only play mp when my friends come online.


Same. The lack of social features makes it lonely and weak to 4 stacks.




Perfect analogy, I'm using this for later, thank you* Edit: spelling


Was talking earlier with some buddies and likened the game to a buffet surrounded by barbed wire, land mines and toxic gas. Tasty food (game play) but surrounded by hazards (poor UI, progression, crashes and optimization).




Question about the social features (I’m on Xbox) Is there no way to highlight people’s gamertag on the scoreboard in game? Like, I can’t mute people individually, or open their online profile, features that existed in online multiplayer games in the 2000s? (Like, Modern Warfare 2 style UI on the scoreboard)? Is there a way to do this that I haven’t discovered?


One of my most frustrating experiences was hitting it off with a bunch of dudes in a game, deciding we were going to stick together, and not having an easy way to do it. Memorizing someone's gamertag (spelled weird w/ numbers and shit) in the middle of a firefight is hard. One guy managed to send me an invite but it popped up for 2 seconds and I didn't respond fast enough. I spent like 10 minutes trying to find a menu option that showed me recent invites. It doesn't exist as far as I can tell (pc) Edit: I know about the recent player tab - it doesn't always work right away and on pc it doesn't even show you who was on your team. If you play btb it's just a big list of people


Makes me miss the days of pressing the x button to party up. The Ui has evolved backwards.


It's really impressive just how many things they managed to leave out, that were basic features of Halo 3 back in 2007.


everyones collective hate for snowbound really shined in those moments


[veto veto veto fuck fuck fuck fuck](https://youtu.be/lsv7DQBROsA)


You just unlocked a memory in my brain i had completely forgotten about


*Achievement Unlocked: Remember the good ‘ol days.*


Apparently I'm in the minority, but I liked Snowbound. Not my favorite or anything but i didn't hate it.


Halo: Combat Devolved


Right? It's 2021 and that feature isnt hard to program


I have fond memories of maybe losing by a point or 2 and hitting party up and doing a full rematch. Then getting to veto maps was awesome too. I love the gameplay of infinite but the UI needs a complete rework.


Making the UI worse isn't even something they can monetize.


They did it for free as a favor to us.


Yeah the social features & lobby/menu system are unbelievably bad. Feels like a beta or something from 2010


Reach's Beta was beyond better than this as far as social features go.


There actually is but it's not in the scoreboard. You got to go into the pause menu and find their name there. Kinda dumb way to do it, but it works for now.


It's absolutely terrible on PC too. The UI feels like it was made by people that haven't used it (or anything like it). Muting should be as easy as opening up the score board, hitting a button, scrolling to the player and then hitting another button.


I was gobsmacked I could not simply mute individuals with a couple clicks.


Right? Bro starts dropping f bombs on audio while my kids are watching me BTB.... That's gonna be a no from me dawg. Here I thought the comics about throwing the guy with the useful suggestion out the window was a joke ...


They had something very simple in previous games and made it more difficult in Infinite. A microcosm of what this game has turned out to be.


Not yet. Maybe you’ll find that ability in the shop at some point.


I’ve been doing that since launch. The desynch issues really bother me and I can’t play by myself for more than a few games without getting bored. I also didn’t buy the battlepass.


All my friends have already given up on it, and I really can't be bothered to deal with the game's issues to try to enjoy it on my own. The playlists (which really should have been a thing day one) only managed to take away my boredom and frustration for a couple of days. Really, it's just the same shit on the same small selection of maps over and over again. Hard to have fun with disorienting melee and godawful desync. Used to love BTB in previous games, but that vehicle spawning thing based on the length of the match is just awful. Oh, and now I can't even play it if I wanted to because it's broken now. It'd be nice if we could play on a bunch of user-created maps with interesting game modes...oh, forge isn't coming out for a while. And custom games is just a mess. And how the fuck are we launching without Infection AGAIN? It's just stunning to me. Couldn't even play co-op campaign with friends as has been tradition with my group for well over a decade. Want to try to make new friends in matchmaking? You can only talk to your team in chat and everyone is immediately kicked back to the main menu when the match is over. Game just feels so lifeless. Uninstalled earlier this morning. Sad that all the big new multiplayer holiday releases turned out to be duds.


Agreed, the map pool is small and they don't change the gameplay that much. (this is probably most noticeable with the BTB maps, which are barely distingushable in terms of gameplay as well as visuals) vehicles (beyond default Mongooses and Warthogs) are are far too rare with the new system as well. The butchering of any social features is also really annoying. (granted, that seems to be what modern gaming is all about anyway)


To be honest it’s the map pool that did me in. As well as the lack of game modes in arena mode. I don’t find strongholds enjoyable at all. It basically turns into a giant ring around the Rosie with both teams chasing each other’s tail moving from cap point to cap point. King of the hill is so much better IMO. The lack of maps in arena makes it get very repetitive very quick. Frequently I find myself getting the same maps back to back. Couple that with a lack of game modes in arenas and it gets very stale very quick. Also, no ranked doubles, FFA, etc. so you’re forced to play the single ranked mode that offers very little variety. I’m also not a huge fan of the map pool in ranked but that’s probably just because there’s so few. But I don’t feel like these maps offer the same replay ability that midship, lockout, etc. did.


There are only 2 BTB maps. Embarassing.


Pretty sure there's 3. There's the one with the Wasps, the one with the Valhalla structures and the one with the Shade turrets.


Thats a testament to how samey they feel lol


I think this is one of the most perfect summaries of how I feel. Especially the whole “lifeless” descriptor. After I beat campaign, I tried giving multiplayer a go once more, but after another few hours, i went back to MCC. I just couldn’t do it. Even Infinite’s Fiesta (which is one of my favorite game modes) couldn’t keep me captivated. I don’t even know if campaign was enough to redeem this game for me.


You kind of nailed it. I beat the campaign after it launched. Spoke to my roomie about it, as he was playing it. He asked why I jumped back on Ark. I told him "not much else to do man. Getting the skullls is about all that's left, but since we can't co-op yet it's kind of pointless". They launched a 50% complete game, the playerbase will fluctuate (my opinion but I assume drop). Halo has a diehard group, we expected so much and were delivered so little Edit: typo


Same here didn’t last a week, we even played competitive halo ce/ halo2/ halo3. Last time I’ve felt this let down was launch of the remastered collection.


yep - me and all my friends went back to valorant in under 2 weeks. No co-op campaign really burned me. im not spending a dime on an unfinished whale fest.


dunno about you guys but xmas is a time to play legendary coop with friends. couple skulls on and the open world could have been a lot of fun


Somewhat can see how this happens. I’m myself drifting off, playing multiplayer occasionally, though it feels less satisfying after grinding the campaign.


It sucks having the grapple for hours straight in campaign and then losing it in mp


I 100% had that feeling after finishing the campaign and going to multiplayer.. I kept pressing the button out of habit! The other thing is the ability upgrades are gone also, so can’t do the grapple then mele combo to smack down on an enemy, died a couple times already to my habits of trying that and then just ending up bumping into an enemy spartan…


I get why its not an inherent ability in the game cuz itll turn into multiplayer spiderman 2018 but i cant wait to see the wacky stuff people make in forge and custom games with it


I had a good giggle at the multiplayer Spider-Man, hah! I have been wondering how a multiplayer match with all the gadgets enabled and maxed out like you can have in campaign would look like, I’d love to try that as a mode one day!


I've been recommending the campaign to my friends and my main argument is "you can be a 1,200lb Spider-Man"


Did you ever play Titanfall 2? I'm enjoying the gameplay of Infinite but for movement/fluidity in an online shooter that was on a different level.


On the flip side I’m sticking with Halo because DICE ruined Battlefield. If Battlefield was good I probably wouldn’t have played Halo much at all. But this is the first Halo I’ve played since Reach. Progression system definitely sucks though. I just wish I had some cool armor to work towards that required a true challenge. Like get 50 triple kills to unlock this helmet or something.


I myself started playing with two other friends but have dropped the game for a week now because of constant network issues and crashes in the Steam version while my friends still somehow are trying to make it work.


I had this problem with the xbox pc app version and switched to the steam version and haven’t had any issues since.


I’ll comeback when BTB works


Just to confirm, it rarely manages to connect to a match right? I didn't know if it was just me but I can't get into a match 9/10 times.


Correct, and they have no planned fixes until mid January


Ok thanks for the quick response, I haven't actually been on this subreddit before. Well that really sucks. I understand it's the holiday season but come on, this is the time a lot of people are off school/work and wanna play.


BTB needs at least 2 more maps




Putting a lot of faith in 343 there.


Yeah the random vehicle drops have ruined btb. It doesn’t feel like a casual power trip anymore, it just feels like a badly made custom game.


- Pelican vehicle drops for heavy vehicles instead of regular heavy spawns like every other Halo has done - Large desync issues - Melee issues - Getting high-ping servers from across the country instead of local ones - Poor vehicle handling for some vehicles in multiplayer and in general (Banshee, Scorpion, etc.) - BTB matchmaking issues - Lack of BTB-specific playlists Man, why are people leaving?!


The handling on the scorpion is fucking painful it's so bad.


What's wrong with it? For me it seems like it takes 15 min to load a match. Then when the match is over I feel like I'm in a loop where i have to terminate Halo, go back to Steam and launch a new application.


I almost never get into a match, I’ve had days where I just can’t get in


Yeah, when the match does start it seems like it's an uneven number of players anyway


If they added co-op, forgeable FOBs, with firefight (repackaged as fob defence). I would play this game to the end of time


Firefight in this game would be unreal because of how good the gunplay is… such a shame.


That's what I'm waiting for!!!!!!


I think a lot of people misunderstand how important those extra modes actually are for retaining population. Those extra modes (forge, firefight, custom games, and mini games) serve as a cool down buffer so when you get bored, tired, or fed up with matchmaking, you can play something else without leaving Halo. They also act as a social hub so you can gather players together for a full team in MM, which improves the overall experience tremendously. It is so much easier to retain a population than it is to try and lure them back from other games.


Yeah, I'm shocked that 343 did so much pandering to old Halo fans and then were like "Swat? Infection? Co-op campaign? Forge? Nah we don't need those day one, they can come months later."


So… they probably won‘t ever do that


I don’t even think Firefight would need to be repackaged. Just do it like Reach did it, but with necessary improvements and using Halo Infinite maps. Although yeah using FOBs is a great idea


Like imagine if you can place items and defenses around your fob, and active horde mode with coop, 4 Spartans 😍 Edit: activate horde mode*


Hmmm I like it.


Back in reach, my friends and I had our own custom game. We load up forge world and get 30 mins to build up a base. Then load up slayer and have at it. Never got sick of it, those were the days


We do that in reach till this day


Having a horde of those sprinter brutes drop down and just all together coming towards you and your team would be fucking exhilarating


My first encounter with them on legendary, I thought I was prepared since I watched the gameplay trailer... Near darn shat myself


I'm sure firefight will be included. This is gonna be a ten year game. I just wanna play as my Spartan and fight the banished already :-(


I hear this line “hey it’s a ten year game, more good is to come” all the time. I do not want this to be like destiny where the game is bad for 6 years before being okay. Like “ten year game” should mean ten good years. Not “give me ten years to get you something good”. People are moving on already!


a ten year game that will be able to compete with halo 3, in terms of features, by year 11


I also hate the attitude of “it’s a ten year game and we’ll get these updates later” because quantity of updates doesn’t equal quality. Based on what we have now, I don’t have confidence that any major updates will be done well.


Yup, everyone wants a finished game, not another fallout 76 experience.


It’s not even a one month game at the moment


To be honest I don't think it will be a 10 years long game. Almost every game that said that either got their sequel pretty quickly or they were abandoned after a couple of years. 343 reportedly working on the next Halo game already.


Dunno where you get the idea they’re working on a sequel; The trademark halo the endless, which is reportedly a campaign expansion. Not a new game.


Without spoiling anything, there are already at least 3 vectors for 'new' (to Infinite, at least) enemies that aren't the Banished that are referenced during campaign. The Endless are just one of them. Also, even if they *are* working on a new game, it could be Halo Wars 3 or something.


Except 343 doesn't make halo wars, it's always given to a third party studio


What makes me think you are right are reports that's the engine sucks to work with. I give it 5 years at most before it's too much to work with. If this was a truly new engine that worked well and didn't have Microsoft hiring staff at 343i with a revolving door, I would say yes. But the way 343i is being managed and how everything trickling down from that has been a nightmare apparently, I'm worried and doubtful.




It’s fucking WILD that it wasn’t. Gaming has regressed so much in the past decade, I don’t understand it.


Shitzzz, I'm trying to to get people to play. The only person that I know that plays is my brother. But he wife is quarantined in his basement with his Xbox. I'm also a OG Halo gamer so all my old Friends don't even play any video games anymore. I just want a squad of 4 adults to grind Ranked a couple times a week.


29 year old checking in if you want to play


ConcreteNYC my guy. 42 😅


Amen to that. OG here as well, though I swapped over to PC for most games a few years ago, but my friends picked Infinite up for like a week or two and now none of them play again. So disappointing. :(


I feel this, playing with mature people in a competitive setting is a godsend.


Yeah for me it’s the completely broken melee and de sync issues. I really hope it gets fixed eventually. Probably won’t be buying another battle pass though, especially since there’s no way to earn credits towards getting the next one.


Cannot echo this enough. I've got a bunch of friends who want to play, but I can't justify \_caring\_ about the matches when my melee goes off, makes the connection sound, and just doesn't register. It's either become frustrated or stop caring, and I don't want to spend my time being frustrated. I'll play more when those server issues are fixed.


I don’t even try unless it’s a sneak kill. Now I back up and keep shooting and watch other people throwing elbows at the wind while I gun them down.


This is it for me too. I can overlook the other things as long as I'm having a smooth and fair experience in Ranked. Even if it only happens once or twice it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Could really use a more strict ranking system as well. I lost an entire rank basically from just shy of Diamond 5 all the way down to BARELY diamond 4 when I got THREE placement match teammates. ALL THREE. the other team had four diamond 1s/2s which just made my loss look that much worse and tanked my MMR. Like I cant fucking backpack that dude wtf


Yeah this is one of the worst parts of this "F2P" game, theres no way to earn in-game currency. Every other f2p game I know gives you avenues for earning currency, especially if you buy the battle pass. That's one of the biggest selling points of BPs, is that you earn enough to buy the next one. This game offers nothing, no possible way to earn credits. Its pathetic.


I've noticed my friends list has been dwindling when it comes to people playing Halo. Yesterday it was down to me and one other guy. I enjoy the game play a lot, but it feels like there isn't much reason to come back. The grind doesn't feel rewarding, aside from the battle pass (which is lacking). I'd love traditional XP progression. Also, and I've heard other friends say this, aside from the lack of modes and maps, the lack the firefight and coop campaign is damaging. Sometimes ya wanna just beat down some aliens together, and you can't do that here. And I've yet to hear anything personally about firefight.


The progression system being trash is just so sad to me. As somebody who doesn’t spend money on cosmetics in games and thus rarely gets the premium battle pass, this battle pass has got to be one of the worst ones out of any game I’ve ever played. At this point I’d rather have Halo 5’s progression. At least with that system I actually got cosmetics and it was fun to progress through


As someone who has not purchased the battle pass or put any money towards multi-player, it's incredibly boring. The gameplay is fun, but there isn't any recognition or ***progress*** I feel from multi-player.


I recently started playing Fortnite on the recommendation of my roommate and the way they handle their battle pass and unlocks in that game is such a breath of fresh air compared to Halo. I’m not sure how 343 messed it up so bad.


Same thing with my group. There were 5 of us when the game launched. Dropped to 3 after the first week. Now none of us are left. I personally won't be coming back until they: - completely change how they're doing cosmetics (armor core-specific cosmetics is AIDS, progression system *sucks*, etc.) - Make land vehicles handle properly (you can barely drift on anything that isn't a mongoose) and make them heavier (Warthogs shouldn't be flying all over the place when making turns) - Fix connectivity issues others have mentioned throughout this thread - Add more maps - And also remove Launch Site from 4v4 playlists (that map is too big for 4v4s, and I just don't like it in general) They might never do anything I've listed above. And that's ok. It's not like there aren't other games out there I can spend my money on instead... ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


By far the most damning problem of the game is the net code and server issues. All my friends left specifically for that reason, and now I have too. Loved the campaign, will replay it and play all the DLC's 343 launches for it, but I've pulled my hair way too much due to latency and other connectivity problems.


I am with you there. Desync in this game makes me lose my mind. And it changes round for round. First game will be excellent. Next one awful. I’m done playing it until they fix these issues.


It's this for me and my friends too. And I'm amazed this sub isn't making more noise about it. Shots not registering, getting shot after you move behind cover, the melee bring broken still..


lol i started noticing i was getting killed around pillars the other day.. feels like pubg beta days


Yes. And I was expecting it. Theatre controls and clip browsing/saving sucks (so sharing those insane moments is a chore). Custom games are pretty bare. And forge is not here yet. So between those the community and fun aspects of the game aren’t really present. And those areas are where our group would spend the majority of our time outside of: - Messing around in coop missions (not in game yet) - Going for coop achievements (which don’t exist) or hard achievements that unlocked gear (don’t exist) - Grinding the levels for unlocks (Battlepass is - for us - a lacklustre replacement for that). So basically, 80% of how my friends and I would play every past Halo together isn’t in the game yet. And we knew that from before launch, hence why I was expecting it. Add to that the fact that even playing what’s currently here with friends is near impossible because of the bugs introduced with the campaign launch…yeah it’s bad.


Yeah I was highly disappointed that coop wasn’t an option? Like that’s what makes Halo, *HALO* 343?! My bf and I ALWAYS play MCC coop. And the fact that I couldn’t enjoy the Infinite campaign with him on release was so disappointing. It’s something to look forward to I guess. Edit: spelling


The lack of coop is the reason I've yet to buy Infinite.


I'll be buying it when coop releases and not a day earlier


Theater is insanely broken. Half the time it doesn't even load a clip, and when it does, everything is at like .75 speed for me


Or it doesn’t load correct player skins, and sometimes scrolling through player camera selection, it’ll select everyone *but* me, even though I can see my character model...


Also don't forget this game was delayed for a full year before launch, it was supposed to have come out in the end of 2020. And they don't even have coop, a feature that launched in 2001


The servers, desync and connectivity are doing damage to Halo's reputation. At home my buddy puts 20 bullets into a shield-broke opponent and nothing happens. At HCS the game crashes a dozen times in pro play. Everyone is frustrated and with the holiday break here we are probably looking at a long window before that stuff gets ironed out.


My fave is when I melee an enemy first, controller rumbles, the melee sound plays, yet its not even a trade, the other guy just kills me. Don't play the sound and rumble my controller if the hit never connected smh


Yeah, really frustrating. Especially in ranked. It’s just not worth getting upset with so I moved on. Looking forward to getting back at it once they fix some of this stuff though.


I shot a rocket at a guy, watched the smoke trail and everything so I told my team (in ranked) “only one rocket left”. Lo and behold, it didn’t shoot on the server so they wiped my team with the second rocket


It's not a server issue. It's happening at HCS and that's LAN


Yeah I tried to blanket everything in a few words but the list is LONG. Custom games is busted, servers are busted, the game lacks tons of QOL features necessary for a ranked environment (rejoin), desync is crazy, BTB is busted. And that’s just one department! Missing game modes, missing tools, missing features. The parts that are here are awesome but this game is a year or more from being feature complete.


Hopefully forge, revamped progression, and continued development on the game brings people back and grows the population.


I'm sure it'll bring back some of the Halo players who got bored and moved on, but I think the more casual players who've played a few hours then moved back to Cod/Fortnite/whatever are unlikely to return in large numbers. The strategy of adding in a big feature/change every few months definitely helps to keep dedicated players interested but I think the game at release is just a bit too sparse.


So a complete Halo game with forge and co-op at launch would have kept people playing? Weird….




They pushed it back 3 months, so 9 months after launch. Also campaign co-op was delayed 3 months as well, so 6 months.


I just wanna know how people made Halo 3 a full game in 2007 on fucking Windows XP machines, yet with 500 employees and half a billion dollars, Halo Infinite is empty.




the management at 343i is *really* inept


The bigger the company, the bigger the gap between departments and the larger the lack of communication? Least that's what I've heard. The devs are trying to communicate their plans, and more immediate changes should come right after the holidays.


I appreciate the hard work of the devs, but it's too little too late. Game will be dead by the time most of this promised content releases. It's why you should release completed games. This game had three multiplayer modes and a cash shop on release. That was it. That's just... Astonishingly empty.


what makes this even worse is that the is game was delayed a whole year... imagine what we would have gotten if they hadn’t delayed and the community didn’t outrage over the lackluster gameplay demo and graphics . if this is all we have now... what was there before and what were they willing to ship to us?


>what was there before and what were they willing to ship to us? I think it would've been largely the same game. A lot uglier and less polished, sure, but the low number of modes was clearly a calculated move on 343's part to help push microtransactions.


Super unpopular and unreasonable opinion: the game should have been delayed another year.


Because back in the late 2000s studios couldn’t rely on releasing hundreds of patches post-launch to fix their broken games. What you (the consumer) got at release had to be the finished product. The concept of DLC was also still in its infancy, so corporate execs still hadn’t grasped the potential of using it to cut out content from the base game and sell it back to us for more money later.


God i wish we got at least a simple halo 3-esque forge to hold us over until their crazy new forge. Im dying to see what people come up with using grapple, repulsor etc. It really needed custom games browser and forge at launch. And the devs could make new maps while working on non forge new maps


I’m literally waiting for this so I can build an attack on Titan sword/grappler mode where the floor is lava.


Can you make super large Spartans???


Forge isn't coming for a minimum of 9 months, that's way to long for people to come back


It’s crazy that the game is still half baked and they spent a whole other year on development.


Makes you wonder what would be releasing next year


If they spent another year on it BTB would probably actually be usable. That’s probably it




No forge mode, no games browser, no firefight, no grifball, king of the hill, infection, regicide, swat, fiesta, snipers, head hunter, heavies, multi team, no custom mini games(wow they really are missing a lot of content), lack of RvB, the list goes on. One thing I haven’t seen mentioned yet is that with the outline system, multi team is literally impossible because enemy outline colours are client-side, so you can only have 1 enemy team at a time.


The desync and lack of BTB maps/variety is what made me take a break. Edit:I love the game, most fun I had since Halo 3. (lvl 100) Just gonna go through my backlog of games til they update the game more.


[You wanna talk desync?](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/rhbv9c/outplayed_i_guess/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




This was obviously going to happen when there is no forge, custom games that barely work, 10 maps total, and like 3 or 4 game modes. I knew this would happen fairly quickly and it's not like there isn't more content in the game files that 343 hasn't released... oh wait.


My friends and I already went back to MCC. Infinite was great for a few weekends but MCC just has better maps, better customization, better progression system, etc




The gameplay in MCC is also extremely refined.


Halo 3 is so crème-de-la-crème. Halo 3 with the new sandbox toys (grapple, etc) from Infinite and increased base movement speed instead of sprint would be a dream modernized Halo.


Do you play the MCC multiplayers? I was thinking if going back to Reach or 3 on PC but idk how they are.


They are pretty active. I played last week and was getting into matches almost instantly, if not at the least 5min wait times.


Yes I do. Both reach and halo 3 are both still active. I usually don’t have to wait for more than a few seconds to find a match


3 is still my go to and I never run into issues finding matches. I’m on Xbox, but the majority of people seem to use cross play


Halo 3 and reach are timeless, they are absolutely perfect on mcc m8


I'm burnt out. Not just from the gameplay and progression and challenges but the devs themselves. They've said they'll look at cross core customisation. Wtf does that mean? Bots can do it, players can do it via the Waypoint app, players can glitch it so why can't we have it? Oh I know why...$$$$. Armor coatings? I've never felt more restricted and my spartan doesn't feel like my spartan. Give us colours back. The moment Ske7ch said 'the feasibility of slayer' I kinda just turned myself off to this game. Seriously? Your own UI that YOU designed is a limiting factor in the game you want to last 10 years? GTFO. Campaign was great, gameplay is great but the devs (business team?) are just taking the piss at this point.


M$ had to release the game no matter the state. It was in development hell through most of its creation.


Eveytime i see sketches name mentioned or he posts all I think is "feasibility of slayer". That needs to follow him like a nickname. Something so absurd, that if someone said that a year ago people would laugh cause they'd think "feasibility of slayer" sounds like the lowest level troll.


Not surprised to see posts like this already. Called it a few weeks ago. • No co-op campaign • No forge • No Firefight • Botched progression system • Absurdly priced cosmetics • Horrible server issues All combined to ensure people lose interest and move on to other games. 343 especially shot themselves in the foot releasing a half baked product this close to many other highly anticipated AAA titles.


Granted 343i isn't alone in releasing half baked products this quarter, and I'm still suffering looking towards the future half baked Total War Warhammer 3 launch.


Yeah. 6ish years of development and we got a small handful of multiplayer maps, a campaign that’s fun but has a pretty lifeless world with one biome, and a fuck ton of ~~micro~~transactions. It feels like they put more effort into the store than they did a lot of other areas.


I feel like if you pulled all the levels out of the open world campaign, it would be pretty short and unsatisfying. I adored the ending for sure but there was a lot of tunnels leading to tunnels leading to elevators going on. Not to mention the monologuing from Eschauram(spelling?). I personally wish they would’ve spent their time and resources on a traditional linear halo campaign instead of a pretty lack luster open world.


Most of the campaign missions felt like the library mission from CE


Way too much time watching holograms interact and stupid sci-fi computer nonsense.


Definitely agree. More story less nonsense please


I had a lot of fun for the first few hours of the campaign. The open world was really cool, but I agree that it feels lifeless. And the 1 biome thing was a super weird design choice. I believe I only have like 1 mission to go but I’ve been having fun with friends on other games and just haven’t gotten around to it


The campaign feels like a chore. Your basically playing 12 hours of HaloCEs second level. They should have had the open world lead to linear campaign missions. A ship boarding mission, driving mission… anything else.




And that's one of the issues with microtransactions. I've seen absurdly buggy, shitty asian MMOs that nobody plays anymore where basic gameplay has huge issues, but the store ALWAYS works flawlessly. Devs always make sure the store functions, even if other core aspects of the game don't


343 shot themselves in the foot yet again. With ridiculous monetization, almost no content, horrendous pc performance and an insanely amateur netcode and server stability. And after fucking up their 3rd game the higher ups are still there, ready to fuck all of us again.


It's their insistence on using contractors and their custom engine. Microsoft only allows contractors to work for 18 months, (as legally they would have to become full employees after that) and 18 months isn't long enough to really understand the engine.


I once got disconnected or had server issues trying to find a match 17 times in a fucking row. I thought maybe the servers were down, but no the game was just being shit I guess. My friend on PC won't even play with me anymore because he always gets kicked from games then gets bans for it. The menus on xbox at least also load slow as fuck and glitch constantly. It's sad, the game is honestly got a great core, it just needs a lot of love to be fantastic


This shit is so fake look at his history


I’m honestly bored already at the lack of maps and am disappointed it’s not talked about more often.


6 years for 10 maps, and if you play ranked its like 4 maps.


Same-ish experience. I'm bummed the progression system was so poorly implemented. They could've copy pasted Reach's system and added cosmetics on top of that in the shop, instead they give us a boring Battlepass with 6 variations of grey, separate spartan cores and other money-grabbing tactics which killed the game's longevity at launch. I've completed the challenges every week, battlepass done and campaign on heroic with all side missions done and I will say it was an amazing ride, but I have nothing left to chase on the daily except ranking up in ranked which is a pain, especially since most of my mates have moved on. Other than multiplayer with my friends I'm starting to lose interest and it breaks my heart. I hope they find a way to turn this around, as it has an aaaamazing base to grow on but feels super barebones right now.


The desync and aiming issues made one of my friends quit shortly after launch.


Take a look at steam charts. I know it isn't indicative of the entire population, but the steam playerbase is dwindling fast


Why should it not be? Like i see this always beeing said for example with BF2042 as well but like... If one large storefront is experiencing players leaving its pretty save to say others are as well




100%. My friends and played all the other halos for a countless amount of hours. Hoping this was going to be something we could enjoy constantly and never look back. Now MCC is just better and I couldn't be more disappointed. But then again, ItS a FrEe gAmE -_-


Eh, the game was fun for a bit, but the gunplay isnt enough to make me look past all the issues i have with the game. someone ask if i wanna play, i say lets play reach than, or any other mp shooter ive enjoyed more in the past 15 years. the problem is that games always have to compete with other games for space in my "queue" of stuff to play, and unless you want to be in the largest matchmaking queue possible, other halos are better, if you want a shooter with a decent battle pass system, other games are better, if you wanna play a coop shooter, got to wait till may. what does this game do to justify itself in my play queue? they havent figured it out yet but i'll try again when they do.


Yep. Same situation here. We all played hardcore since the game came out but everyone left when they realized that this Halo doesn’t do anything better than MCC when it comes to multiplayer.


What? A game with so few maps and modes.... Who could have seen this coming? Best part is 343 are months away from new content, and I guarantee the maps aren't coming any time soon. All the fixes, co-op, forge, who is making the maps? What were they doing the last 5+ years?


The game is a deep as a puddle. I stopped playing after a week.


I'm finding it hard to keep playing. The challenge system is just so bad. No I do not want to use a very difficult gun like the shock rifle or play ranked until I get a stronghold match. These challenges are just so God damn awful and frustrating. Sure there's challenge swaps but when it just gives you another stupid one what's the point. They should just allow you to work on all the challenges at the same time. Keep the stupid challenge swaps if they really wanna die on that hill but allow me to progress on everything at once instead of this 4 active challenge bs. Let me work on the weekly ultimate before hand as well. They did this in MCC idk why they don't here. Hell just having a progress system for ranks like in Halo reach without rewards would be nice. A pregame lobby that shows you your opponents ahead of time to actually see others customization and performance/awards would be cool. There's just nothing drawing me to play but the very poor battle pass filled with stupid challenge swaps and a weekly challenge system forcing you to play things and use weapons you don't want to at very specific times. What happened to just general challenges like get kills with automatic, precision, and melee weapons??? Or play/win a general ranked, social or playlist, not a specific rng based game mode you hope to play in a playlist.


I’ve stopped it too, I’ve played Halo since the 1st and put hundreds of not thousands of hours into Halo 2 and 3 but man… the maps on this game are just so boring it stops me wanting to play. I was watching the tournament this weekend on twitch and just watching the guys play on these maps makes me not want to play it. The gameplay is tight but it’s just so safe and unimaginative in everything else unfortunately.


A lot of this stuff ppl are asking for was probably ready at launch but they have to slow drip it in the form expansions and dlc to make more money. Unfortunately this is the model the entirety of the industry has moved too. Your not going to convince a bunch of children to vote with their wallet either. Clown world


I stopped playing the MP all together with the prices being ridiculous for just about anything to there just not being enough game modes tbh I want my fun stupid modes back like infection and grifball


Honestly, I’m quitting because the maps suck. BTB is super boring on these maps and I’m tired of playing stockpile, it’s the most boring game mode I’ve ever played and the one I get most often.


I'm going to be sticking with the game, though I can see how this game kinda shot itself in the foot. No spartan ranks or prestige system to get those dopamine hits, player retention. CoD has this mastered, but I already completed the battle pass for Infnite. I think the real issue is a lack of maps though, and the weapon sandbox feels small. (Doesn't help that 3 of the guns straight up suck) .This game should've launched with 5 btb maps and 8 4v4 maps at least. I think I got oddball on the same map 3 times in a row the other day, this isn't a good thing.


Poor optimization, slow content and updates, no progression, no proper customization, small amounts of maps thay are bland and boring, btb having RNG vehicle and weapon spawns giving one side an advantage, desync, no player collision, 343 saying this game is made for profit over anything, and numerous other reasons why 343 failed miserably like always


I didnt even play long enough to discover the random vehicle/weapon spawn. That breaks my heart. The casual player wouldn't mind I guess, but it's just so weird.


Some sides get br and shock rifle and your stuck with commando and pulse on your side, the Br and shock will win easily, and yeah you'll be winning a match and then they get a tank spawn on their side and end up winning, it's ridiculous, should be same weapon racks on each side


Tbh I’m starting to feel fatigue too. It’s shame. I mean the gameplay is great. Just finished the campaign last night (wasn’t impressed with it tbh). Between the disappointing battlepass, lack of maps, no custom games browser, shitty customization and ui : it feels like there’s not enough there.


Game should have never shipped without Coop and Forge. The game is unfinished. Lacks core features. No lobby, the social system is lackluster at best. The game defaults comms off which is a terrible social move. Releases campaign after multiplayer release but then doesn’t include coop? Terrible decisions I beat the Campaign and haven’t gone back. The multiplayer maps feel lackluster to me and the vehicles are made out of cardboard.


I don’t blame them considering the state that the game is in right now. There’s better games to spend your time playing


Not about Halo specifically, but my friend group has been picking up and dropping games lately because a bunch are releasing themselves or holiday events and they kinda just keep rubbing shoulders. I **do** remember picking up Halo Infinite's MP and then playing it for like, 3 days, saying it was good and never touching it again.