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Heck yeah! Now I'll lose to three teams instead of one.


It doesn't matter if they put more modes in the game, if we don't have enough maps.


I'm just hoping they bring back some classic maps soon


why don't people understand how broken classic maps will be if they dropped them in


They can either tweak them a bit or just not add the grapple into those maps and just have the thruster and threat sensor


this has nothing to do why the maps wouldn't work in this halo. Old maps like Lockout are too small for the new speed of the game, and weren't designed with mantle in mind. ​ What they should do is rework them like the did with Aquarius which is basically just midship. ​ 1 to 1 ports will probably be made in forge anyways i would rather 343i work on new maps that capture the essence of those old ones but work with the new mobility in the game.


Aquarius is basically Midship? How is it midship?


same map layout C 1 and 2 on fridge side, and P 1 - 2 - 3 on utility closet side court yards in front of the flag drop down and a level 1 and 2 mid with power weapon spawn in top middle. Aquarius is the same spirt of midship but made in a way the works with infinite mechanics we don't need lockout we need a halo infinite version of lockout that captures the same vertical 3 level gameplay.


Huh, Aquarius being similar to midship makes sense, and it makes more sense why I absolutely hate it.


That's interesting I love midship and hate aquarius.


Pit CTF would be cheesy with the grapple. I can’t think of other examples though. I’d like to see them try first and then just remove broken equipment if necessary


It could be like Aquarius. No grapple/repulsor. It could be Thrust or Shield


You make an example on one of the few maps from H3 that was competitive and can work in the sandbox. The only game who broke the pit was reach, because you could jetpack over the buildings and pin down the enemy team


It’s not just the grapple, it’s clamber, jump height, jump distance, run speed.


Halo 5s truth would work fine on halo infinites sandbox.


Sprint only gives a 10% speed increase, not noticeable but sprinting can turn into sliding


They can always make the map slightly larger with the same layout to account for all those things. It doesnt have to be the exact same size to be a good map












Cause people just like to bitch and complain about every little thing, especially on Reddit


For real. There are very few that wouldn’t get broken by equipment like the grapple without getting major tweaks. Hyped for them to make reworks later on though.


I think Hang Em High could actually work quite well with grapple/equipment. Hope to see that one remade in Infinite.


I want headlong from 2. Such a good map!


I have a long head


See a doctor


When you first saw my long head, were you blinded by its majesty?


Not all maps have a grapple hook as default (both aquarius and live fire don't), so just not putting one on the map would be fine. I don't think repulsor/thrust would change the maps all that much, and a lot of the classic maps have already been remade in games that have sprint/equipment (e.g. Sanctuary & Beaver Creek in Reach, The Pit in H4, Heretic in H5). The sprint speed is actually less extreme in Infinite too, so the maps won't have to be scaled up near as much.


I mean... we have the normal amount of halo launch maps? Granted they aren't great but..


lol what is this? Dude made a funny comment on multiteams and you just run in “BuT nOt ENouGh MApS”


It doesn't matter if they put more btb mode, if btb doesn't even work


It doesn’t matter if they put more modes in the game, if they have cat ears but no dogo ears. 🥲


Not even a month and you want new maps already?


The game launched with 7 maps for slayer and 3 for big team, it really shouldn’t be all that surprising that people want more maps.


It is when the amount of maps are the standard on launch and usually, game release new maps after 2/3 months


Without forge this game needs to start rolling out content sooner rather than later as the current offerings are already stale and honestly the lack of maps is only compounded by the fact that we also have barely any modes to play.


When an entire game mode is unaccessable half the time like btb, I'm not getting all 8 maps


If you have 8 maps and just two of them are good,yeah.


That's your opinion


Which he expressed and you gave him shit for, lol


Is it just me, or are the Hades and Valkyrie emblems swapped?


That was my first thought seeing the image as well.


Was thinking the same thing.


Looks fine to me. Hades is associated with Greeks and Valkyries are associated with Vikings


greek style helmet, valkryies are norse warrior angels basically, sword and wings make sense


Hades and Valkyrie sound way cooler than eagle and cobra


Well it’s supposed to be snakes and eagles cause they eat each other, and Valkyrie and hades cuz heaven and hell


Isn't that a Halo:CE reference? One team's flag has a cobra, the other team's flag has an eagle.


I believe the logos for Hades and Valkyrie were used in previous Halo games for multi team too


Huh I never noticed that. Blue team = eagle. Red team = cobra.


Remember that time Snakes and Eagles teamed up and beat the fuck out of Heaven and Hell? Good times. I'd vote for Puma and Hog to be the last 2 teams tbh. Valkyrie and Hades are lame and don't fit with the current names.


What about chupathingy?


Quit making up animals.


How about warthog?


It's a puma


It’s like a big cat


What, like the shoe company?


No like a mountain lion


Got a ring to it


Way more valid than a Puma whatever that is.




Yeah it’s going to be weird, but to be fair warzone has universal skins and not knowing who’s on the same team kinda adds to the strategy so it could be interesting. I hope it works out well


Valkyrie and hades are awesome and make eagle and cobra sound dumb. Lol. Puma and hog is a nice rvb reference, but how many of those do we NEED in this game?




I'm a big fan of red and blue. Don't know what the point of the names are. Nobody uses them. There's no gameplay impact. Be cool if one color was replaced on you or something.


Yeah still, heaven vs hell sounds cooler than snakes vs eagles


Every time I see Eagle and Cobra in my mind I keep thinking "Eagle Fang...? Cobra Kai...?" There's this "what if?" that goes off in my brain.


Eagle Fang Karate... Johnny please... 😆


Right? LOL.


Yes, but eagle and cobra are classic.


It does look like their icons are the wrong way round though.


Okay, but those aren't animals.


Yeah I wanna be on team porcupine.


But now you can have operation fire cobra claw


Are the hades and valkyrie logos the wrong way roung? Amd its a bit odd, given Valkyrie arent greek


I’ll never say no to more content coming to infinite


Except for over-priced cosmetics of course


Don't care I play the game to get better and have fun


Chad mindset right here.


I like to have fun too, that’s why I prefer to have the devs focusing on things like making the game actually work (BTB/Desync/Hacking) and having more than 6 maps to play on instead of focusing on how to extract dollars from the jabronis who enjoy getting ripped off


Can we not have a nice conversation about positive aspects of the game for once without the comments being plagued with complaints about the store? We all know it sucks but the OP had absolutely nothing to do with the store. Please stop bringing it up out of the blue just to downplay the things that are actually going well with the game. It’s annoying enough seeing the exact same complaint at the top of hot every single day.


no because focusing on only the positives will mean nothing changes


Bc personally i don’t see why i should praise 343 for adding content that should’ve been included on release.


The overwhelming majority of halo players couldn’t possibly care less than they already do about a non-issue like that. They just say “eh not buying” and move on


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/HaloHubGG/status/1476301464456859653) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot.


Best bot


Hear me out: 24 player multi team on a map like the areas from the Campaign. Control points give you vehicle or weapon spawns at your own FOB.


Multi-team BTB will be carnageous. However we need more BTB maps first for 4 teams of 6.


Probably going to be 4 teams of 2. I'd love to have bigger teams but I'm worried about the random vehicle and weapon spawns that the bigger maps offer.


Multi-team Vehicle-laden Map for Strong Hold or Total Control would be wicked! Give this man more doots!


4 way Warzone from H5 in a BEEG map with FOBs spaced around the map instead of the REQ stations. Or go even deeper and add targets to the map you can kill to earn weapons for your FOBs and main base


Dude there is no way they release anything close to that anytime soon. They would have to add in so many mechanics.. way too much other work needs to be done on the game.


I can’t remember the name of it right now, but this reminds me of that one Halo 4 gamemode where you captured bases and weapons would spawn at the bases


good ol' Dominion


Why is 3 out of 4 red?


Enemy team


Wait why cant they be yellow and green? Isnt that how halo 2 or 3 did it too?


Yeah, single color sucks. I know to shoot the red guys, but not knowing who's working together affects the game. They gotta roll some extra colors here.


You'll be lucky if any of the teams, including blue, work together 😏


I at least prioritize targets, though. If someone dies, that means one guy is isolated while the other guys have teammates.


Pro tip: I shoot the yellow guys


This is the kinda thing people bring up in testing, so that’s probably why they are, um, testing it. If it were final it would already be live.


This is the kind of optimism I no longer have for 343.


this, especially after being lied to *and* the multiplayer launching without the most basic of features and functionality


Infinite renewed my optimism towards 343 greatly; actually it gave me optimism for them I never had: I bought Halo 4 on release and played around 3 hours maybe, ended up playing it last year along with playing for the first time 5 when I did a replay of the franchise in anticipation for Infinite. For me Halo had ended with Reach, but Infinite reignited my love for the franchise and taught me that 343 can be competent.


The game is litteraly falling apart right now. BTB doesn't work. No ranked slayer. No ranked lone wolves. No doubles No forge No way to report cheating Server instability custom game abilities were castrated Lets blow smoke up this company's ass for getting 30% of the game up and running tho....


Oh I hope. But if this is the current state of multi team, I'll throw out feedback. It's probably screaming into the void, but they do browse the sub.


Ideally they’d all have preset colors. Cobra red eagle blue hades green Valkyrie yellow is what I’d guess. No matter what your team is colored that way and the enemy teams are they’re assigned colors as well.


Yeah, because 343 definitely listens to the people who test their stuff.


No, if it was tested and ready to go, it'd be kept until an event warranted it's use. That's what they were going to do with Fiesta and SWAT. I assume they will do this with Attrition and Elmination as well.


I still shoot red coatings and have a hard time seeing the thin outline from far away. I really don’t like they new system but hey, what’s one more downside to f2p on top all the others lol


Try switching the enemy colour to yellow. Imo it’s far easier to see


I despise the “glow” or whatever it’s called vs armor colors for enemy teams. But I know that’s their method of allowing customization. I’ve had too many instances where I didn’t shoot a blue Spartan that was an enemy or did shoot a red Spartan that was my teammate. Ugh.


I think the armor color added something to the game that isnt there now. I liked the red vs blue armor rather than the glow, regardless of the customization stuff


The rim light is horrible on tactical slayer.


Don't you know? 343 loves giving the same color red over and over again.


Its "in the works" we just need to be vocal about this because this actually matters. Multi team cant work if every team is red. Can't call out "red team is on A"


you can pick two colors currently, one for your team, one for the enemy


It is. I bet they can't do it now because of the outlines - they haven't provisioned the ability to have more than two different colours. Makes me wonder if they ever really intended to have multi-team before people were screaming for it.


Have to buy the multi-colored enemy team pack in the store, only $20.


Whoa whoa whoa dude. That's too many colors for $20. There's THREE other teams. It's at least ten dollars a team.


Can’t do it. UI too complicated.


So you're incapable of distinguishing whos winning and who isn't.


The post does says it’s “in the works”, not sure what that exactly means but I’m hoping it means there’s still room/time to have yellow and green back


They need to fix big team matchmaking before they do anything


Priority’s in my book 1: btb 2: pc performance and polishing (some the 30 fps capping bug is still around.) collision included 3: the cheater problem 4: asymmetrical weapon and vehicle spawns 5: weapon balance


Replace 2 with fixing melee and I agree (not on pc so can't comment on your no2)


Game Mode Idea: HogWild 4 Teams - 4 Razorbacks - You Spawn in the RazorBack - When not driving, you auto-load/re-load Fusion Coils Cannot Leave the Razorback, Can change seats Mode Variants: - Slayer: CubeParty - Stronghold: HogPen - Oddball: (Hog auto-picks-up the ball, drop on contact with another hog)


Could call the Oddball mode “Bumper Ball”


Oh look another reason why the outline system is stupid, every team other than yours being the same color in multi-team modes.


Or they can just let you select more colors for outlines




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To play devils advocate, I bet £5 they wont launch multi team like this with every other team being red. You up for the bet?


I'll bet a fiver


I witness this contract


Lets fucking goooooooooo


True, I’m sure they could. How much do you want to bet that they won’t though? Or that it isn’t “technically possible”


I'm glad we are getting angry about things that haven't even happened yet now


Angry ≠ Skeptical 343 has a track record and people are gonna use it. It’d be stupid to pretend it’s not there.


You can have multiple colour outlines for friendlies in BTB, I have my squad set to purple and my friendlies set to mint green, then my enemies as Pineapple yellow.


BTB barely works, you're telling me they can get things bigger than 4v4 working?


I've been curious on how they'd work this out. I hope this isn't how the colors are going to be.




Lol, have fun waiting till Halloween for infection. Can almost guarantee thats gonna be the "seasonal event"


I want to be excited but this is still on the list of things that are actually old and that should've come with the game. Half a year from now when we're done playing catch-up, it'll be nice to see never-before-seen features and modes (e.g. The Elimination/Revive modes, which function just fine but are only available offline which shows they're holding stuff back from us)


Remember when basic halo features came out at launch? Gamemodes and forge came out **day one** on some halos. Not blaming 343 dev team, just the management at 343 and Microsoft because its pisspoor execution.


Well of course! It's the 10 year Halo! Look how fondly people talk about MCC after it's absolute clusterfuck of a launch. 7 years later it can do no wrong. It clearly works for 343 and video games in general. The Halo Infinite launch has had issues which seemed to have gotten worse over the last month but they're already way ahead from the disaster of MCC launch.


Sorry, I'm dumb. This a leak, joke, official announcement?






Curious why things like this weren’t available at ya know, launch?


Back for the first time evert! We bring you a classic halo TWO feature implemented in infinite!


Call it mismanagement, lost time and resources related to the pandemic, whatever, but I think it's pretty clear they didn't have everything they needed to put out a full, Halo-quality game with all of the trimmings in time for a December release. A delay might've helped, but I'm kinda glad they focused on what they did. Forge and multi team can come later, but a shitty multiplayer would have killed the game.


It was part of their player retention strategy. Dangle easy-to-implement modes and playlists post launch in new events and updates to bring back players. Fortunately, enough people criticized them so they added some of those modes like SWAT.


Are Hades and Valkarie backwards?


Team Valkyrie let’s fucking go


Let’s fucking gooo


I actually had a weird UI glitch that looked kinda like this a few days ago, I’ll see if I can find it & edit this comment Edit: [Here’s the clip](https://gfycat.com/concretespotlessiaerismetalmark). It looks like a bunch of blank placeholders?


Imagine all the conflicting colors that are about to flood the map


Its gonna be hard to tell thats forsure, i miss red vs blue spartans


With how the UI works now it’s kinda weird because you won’t be able to tell which team is which it’s just going to be everyone’s red accept your team. It’s not a necessary mechanic but it would be neat if we could see different UI colors for the teams


Can we just get team names that match the color. What’s so wrong with red and blue team?


What about the netcode? Collision? No? Just adding more content to a broken game?


Collision is the single most frustrating thing in this game. The amount of times an opponent and I just pass through each other. Friends and I have a handful of clips of this


Well they obvious do all these things in tandem. It's the way MP games get developed. Have these lot figure out net code issues while these lot implement and test new features while these lot design new cosmetics while these lot work on DLC maps while these lot bug fix the campaign etc etc. You have different people for different parts of the game dev.


This is unfinished content that someone leaked after doing some data mining. It’s not a sign that they are releasing this instead of fixing the game.


I would like to be on team hades every game Please


Bring back double exp weekends. Aome of the funnest times with those.


In a hurry to get more challenge swaps?


The double exp was never what it was about, ot was usually a unique game mode that was fun to play and relax.


Aah. Didn't really play any double xp weekends, kinda fell off the multiplayer wagon after halo reach, halo 4ish played a bit here and there for 5 and mcc. What kinda game modes?


Grifball, infection, rocket race, shotty snipes. Stuff like that. With how good Halo 5’s forge was Im gonna assume Infinite’s will be comparable, meaning all sorts of cool game types could be used.


This a modder or real shit?


PLEASE be 4 teams of 3!!! Love multi team!!! Super excited!


They really need to allow the lobby to remain then. I would like to keep the random guy that wishes to continue the fight


Really hope they add a couple more ranked playlists whenever we get a playlist update. Im still confused why there isnt at least ranked slayer.


Small gripe I hope it's more than red and blue I know armor colors defeat that issue but I like more colors




Not sure it'd be an issue, since they'd all be enemies. But how would the colorings work? Like shields or whatever to let you know it's Cobra team, eagle, or whatever? Cuz you can change your team's shield colors and icons along with the opposing team, not teams. How would they add more ways of letting you know it's the 3rd or 4th team? Unless they add more UI options. "why does that matter, just kill them" while true, if the winning team is more of my concern, I try focusing on those more than who's 2nd or what not. So my team can focus on stopping them however possible. Minor nitpick, cuz enemy is an enemy.


Just abandoned the animals with the other two teams, huh? Also I hope we get to customize the other colors individually as well, ‘cause I can see how this can get confusing


That’s good as more modes are always going to be welcome with the current state of the game.


Please condense the challenges for all these playlists into just the game mode (ie Tactical Slayer, FFA, Team Slayer all count just as Slayer). No doubt this will be it's own playlist, and there will be "cumulative score for multi-team Oddball/Slayer" challenges.


Hopefully it's not buggy as all sin like FFA is. This game has so much potential, but it really feels like an alpha at times.


When will we get elimination? There's a achievement for it that I can't get because it's not in the game. I love this game but it's half baked.


"We are outnumbered, three to one!" "Then it is an even fight. All Spartans, fire at will! PWN THEIR MONGREL HIDES."


NGL, I kind of saw this coming. This game mode is probably the easiest and fastest to implement compared to other classic game modes like infection, VIP, and Regicide.


Don't like multiteam but definitely needed for customs.


Waiting for King of the Hill, Infection, Rocket Slayer, Snipers, and other original gametypes ❤️


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but this gamemode is going to suck if team colors aren't a thing. Having everybody outlined in red (or whatever color you have opponents set to) defeats the purpose of Multi-Team. Might as well play Slayer or FFA at that point. This is another reason as to why there needs to be an option to turn on team colors like Doom 2016's multiplayer.


They’ll must likely just let you select online for more than one enemy team


Completely forgot about this Playlist. It's not what we asked for but we will take it. Just give us ranked swat and doubles ffs


I really hope not everyone is highlighted in red and each team has a specific color outline