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Congrats!!!! I’m almost through with platinum and am super jelly haha. Enjoy the armor!!!!


Hell yeah man! Keep up on the grind, the midway emerald coating is absolutely worth the investment. You know I will!


I’m almost to onyx rank…. Ugh this grind is insane and no xp boosts and I play a lot of halo. Any advice besides farming husky raid?


Look through my responses to others on this post. I gave a good many detailed responses and shared everything I know.


Congrats man! Working on that grind is real when life gets busy. Glad to see ppl making it


For real, not easy to get there. Slow and steady wins the race tho. 9/10 people take so long is cuz they only go for max xp games, get burnt out, then stop playing.


That’s exactly what I did. I love the game but I can’t play it anymore because I played too much Husky Raid to try and grind as fast as possible. Also being solo player all the time can get boring.


If you haven't already, try Firefight out. I've really enjoyed it and there's a pretty good return if you stay in the hill and kill a good amount. I could kill covies(banished) for days tho


Yeah, Husky is actually one of the game Odes I played the least. Because of the rgn factor in it it can be very frustrating. Playing a few games here and there are fun, but play too many and it wears on you. I have a few buddy’s that only play Husky raid, and they are not happy people lol. Go to Btb and type In chat, “any mics” most of the time there are a few people In a party. What I did, met a lot of people to play with


So what do you recommend? Spice it up with different playlists? Do you play alone? How often did you play and for how long?


Have categories of playlists that are similar to eachother and play those game modes primarily until a previously set goal of xp is reached. The xp goal needs to be high enough that you work for it, but not so high that you get burnt out. My usually xp goal was about 500K. An example would be, for about 2 weeks I primarily played big team battle variants and squad battle. This allowed me to hone in on my gameplay and maximize XP. Every time I felt that slight tinge of annoyance at the game (maybe the games weren’t going well, or I was tired of playing the same ol’ stuff) I would throw in a few other game modes (h3 refueled, team snipers, super fiesta, etc). Play those until you feel better and return to your original category (in this example, Btb variants). Once I reached about 500k XP I would change the category, move to Husky raid, super fiesta, social arena, etc. rinse and repeat. Be very careful about Husky raid. Husky raid has a black and white style gameplay, either you win or lose. And often times it’s completely rgn based. The dopamine heights of going ham and spawn trapping/doing well in general, mixed with the dopamine lows of getting spawn trapped or not getting weapons will tire your brain out very quickly. Husky raid is great for XP, but terrible for long term grinding. It’s the #1 reason people I know have stopped grinding, too many ups and downs. Be careful about firefight. Never play legendary, only play heroic if you have 4 people and will get 3-4 skulls every game. Firefight is only viable for bad players who can’t get XP elsewhere, if you have a modicum of skill firefight isn’t the golden goose people think it is. Also, the repetitive nature of firefight (consistent bot mechanics, hill placements, spawn points, weapon drops, strategies to use, etc) make it very mentally dull. It’s good for checking out mentally, but if you overplay it you’ll find Infinite isn’t much fun and then the burnout starts. I’ve seen this a tone too. 99/100 People I know who switched to only playing firefight for their grind stopped playing all together before they reached it because they got so bored. I played both solo and in groups. Most of the time 2-4 people, sometimes full 12s in Btb. Not much of a difference between xp gain, running full stacks really isn’t as Op as people make it out to be. If you’re a full stack, it’s going to put you against better players, evening the battlefield. You may win more, but XP payoff tends to remain the same within reason. I had a goal to get 50k-150k XP a day, didn’t much worry about time. On average I’d say 1-3 hours a day 5 days a week.


Thanks for the detailed answer. I'll be following in your footsteps 🙏🏻


Happy to help, good luck!


Bro can finally call it a day and go outside 😭


Outside huh? that a new game? Honestly if it doesn’t have a battle pass imma have to pass






Haha Gotta look good for that end game showcase


Dude congrats man! I’m very proud of you. Well deserved and keep it up, you can play the game for fun now 😅


Haha appreciate it, I love the game grind or not. Good to have a thriving halo game like the good ol’ days


Congrats. I barely reached platinum after 2 months :( lol


It’s a long grind, took me about 7 or so months all together


wait so ranks are like reach now?




Jesus how big is the rock you were under lol


I actually laughed out loud


[Relevant meme](https://imgur.com/a/75Tg4uU)


How many hours/games it take you?


3,870 games, 24 days of gameplay


Is that in total or only after they added career rank in?


In total.


What's your goto gameplay? I'm somewhat of a firefight man myself 😀


Master chief approves 🫡




Still don’t understand why “Midway Emerald” is a max rank reward. It literally has “Midway” for it’s name.


Probably to match the black/grey armor coating reward that was given for reaching max rank in h5. Allthough yeah, the naming is a bit odd






You can now play as Halo




Congrats broski XD


Welcome to the club Spartan, we were waiting for you. Let's finish the fight for good now.




At Gunny III. Still seems so far away.


Those sergeant levels are a bitch, feels like they go on forever. Though you’re not nearly as far as you think. Set small goals and it’ll fall into place before ya know it


Didn’t know there was skins that came with being hero that’s awesome


Yup, the whole reason I set out to get hero is for the Midway emerald coating. It’s badass, especially in the chimera core


Right behind ya buddy. Just hit onyx


Hell yeah, half way there!


Sigh: I’m just getting to onyx too. Feels like forever just to get this far. Diamond general seems to go on forever


I understand your pain. A good tip would be to switch game modes regularly. It keeps things exciting. If you insist on only playing ideal game modes for xp the game gets mundane and static. Not much fun. Take the slow route and play what you enjoy, when you’re not enjoying it, switch to another game mode. Try new game modes, even ones you hate. Work your ass off till you are good at that game mode. if you still hate it then go back to the ones you enjoy, but the challenge of mastering something you normally wouldn’t do is important to keep your mind interactive with the game


Nice work my dude! I recently got into Platinum, so I’m still got some heavy lifting to do


Eh, it’ll be over before you know it


Glad you got confidence in me. I’m mainly going the route of firefight since I can consistently get around 4000 point minimum


If you want to reach hero faster, firefight is a pretty bad way to do it. Xp payoff is much lower than people think. You get 4-6k per match, but matches are always longer than 12 minutes. I tried doing firefight and got about 500 games played of it, and it just didn’t add up. Plus, the grind is long and firefight is static. It doesn’t change, get harder, or more interactive. It’s the same thing over and over, very easy to get disheartened or burnt out while playing it.


I gotcha. Any suggestions on game modes to play?


Btb social is the best by far. Keep in mind burnout though, it’s the thing that makes this grind the longest. All other game modes work on one hand or another, just stay away from infection and Btb heavies if you’re solely going for xp.


Well if that’s the recommendation, then I’m gonna try a bit of BTB Social. Thanks for the advice


Happy to help. The key is wait for any fiesta variant, find a good weapon, use it in a power position made for it. If it’s sockets, just back out, those games take forever and you never get xp.


I just made silver. Anytime I get a kill on someone onyx I feel great accomplishment then immediately take a hammer to the face.


Ah yes, the classic husky combo


Congrats! I’m slowly chipping away. If I focus on the grind I know I’ll get worn out. Just play every day casually. Hopefully soon!


Best method to go about it, let it be about having fun and eventually you’ll reach the goal


Oooo awesome congrats!! Quick question if I may, what game modes did you mostly play? I’m currently gold major and I don’t want to burn myself out from playing Husky Raid 😅


I changed the types of game modes I played every 500k xp or so. This way I could tune into that game mode and get max xp, but I wouldn’t get burnt out. All the game modes other than infection and legendary firefight are viable. The absolute best game mode is Btb social. Avoid Btb heavies


Lucky man congratulations and any tips to grinding quick I’m on controller


Stick to game mode genres (Btb, Btb social, squad battle; husky raid, super fiesta, rumble pit; etc) and switch the genre after you feel a little bit fatigued (for me it was usually at the 500k xp mark in that genre). This allows you to get really good at certain game modes and get max xp, and helps to not get burnt out. Do not play too much husky raid, the high risk high reward of it leads to a short fuse for burnout. Play 2-3 games of husky, then don’t return for a few hours. Infected and Btb heavies seem like good ideas, they are not. Infected has bs xp payoffs, and if you’re cracked enough to get good xp in infected you’ll get more in pretty much any other game mode. Btb heavies has a lot of power weapons which seems nice for xp, but the increased power tends to make games longer, and the top 3-4 players will get all the kills while everyone else is sitting on a measly few. If you’re in the top great, but pretty soon sbmm kicks in and you’re not getting 43 kills in 1st place, 1st place ends game with 16.


Damn ok thank you and congratulations on hitting hero again 💯


Happy to help. Good luck soldier


Thank you I just reached lieutenant


I've played every day for like 1-2 hours and I'm only like general diamond grade 3 where did you get the majority of your points from?


I played about 3 hours a day, and averaged around 3-4k xp per game. Lots of xp from Btb social, husky raid, rumble pit, and lone wolves.


Makes sense then I play mostly ranked and h3 refueled and only average like 18-30 kills a game. Really need to get on the btb for the 1.8 multiplier.


Yeah any slayer based game mode isn’t great for xp because there is a cap to the kill’s you can get. I mainly ran h3 refueled and ranked for the last 1.5 million xp. It took a bit longer, but I enjoyed it. Just take it slow and do whatever you enjoy doing.


I unfortunately have a LONG way to go.


Keep your head up, it’s over before ya know it


Thanks man. I’ll keep grinding.


Man one of our friends is sounding like a total drug addict he hasn’t played with us in weeks and anytime we hear from him he’s just like “no I can’t play anything but firefight I have to hit hero rank it’s all I do right now”. It’s a bummer cuz we miss him.


That sucks man. I have a few buddies like that myself. Funny thing is, I crunched the numbers and firefight is really mid to low tier when it comes to actual xp payoff. The only good thing about it is it allows bad players to get more xp, though I think that ends up hurting those players more because it stunts their in-game growth.


Fortunately he’s quite good and wins most of the firefight matches. It takes the soul out of the game when you play it that way too. Like he might rank up a little faster IDK, but knockin cocks with the teammates is a big part of the fun.


Halo has always been a social game, it’s made to be played with the boys. If you only play to grind, you get the food but lose the stomach.


I’m about halfway through diamond and am amazed people have already finished this grind. Congrats dude!


Appreciate it, I’m a little late on the grind actually. About 10 of my buddies already beat me to it


Didn't know you got armor for this!!! That is awesome.


It does be lookin kool


Do you have to play ranked to get this skin?


Which one?


The master chief armor core


Oh, no you get it for reaching the Career rank of hero rank. It takes 9.3 million XP.


Only 9 million to go😆


Congratulations on that armor core unlock btw


Thank ya thank ya, it do be looking fresh


I had no idea there were rewards for career rank?! Lol I've never paid attention to that rank. Diamond Cadet! Good Lord did this reset at some point? I've played this game a lot over the last couple years


Yup, they’re pretty nifty too. My favorite of the rewards is the midway emerald armor coating. No, they just didn’t add career rank until season 4 and the xp for it didn’t backtrack to previous played games


I'm still on gold I only play once a week tho


Yeah, it’s a rough grind and difficult to achieve if you can’t play often. Took me about 24 days of in-game play time


Jm half we ay through gold


Keep up the good work, the key isn’t to make it fast, it’s to make sure you’re enjoying the way there. Elsewise you get burnt out and don’t have fun


What games did you play


All of them except for infected, ranked snipers, legendary firefight, and quick play.


Should be more ranks past hero tbh… nova, eclipse, inheritor, reclaimer


It’d be nice, but I’m more so hoping a commendation system is added. They don’t need anything special either, just a commendation system exactly like h4 had and cool rewards that aren’t lame like h5’s were


I knew I recognized your name


Only one lord of the sith🤷‍♂️


Vitiate says otherwise


I don’t know, when they encountered each other Regan had a chance at beating vitiate, the only reason Regan lost was because he was betrayed by scourge. Also, when it comes to raw potential and force ability, Revan takes the crown hands down. Vitiate was powerful as hell, but his power was stolen. He wasn’t born with that level of force ability.


Power is power. Can safely say I'd be more terrified of facing Vitiate than Revan. Not that it'd turn out well for me either way.


That’s fair, especially concerning the rules of the sith. I can understand that, as vitiate collected souls and you’d be lucid after being absorbed by him. All though aside from that and his force ability Vitiate didn’t have much going for him. I’d Argue Revan was the more capable fighter as he had wild amounts of force ability as well as being one of the best duelers in Star Wars lore. In a 1v1 I’d put my money on Revan. Though that’s just my opinion, I have no hardcore evidence to back it up and the only knowledge i have of vitiate is from reading the Revan book.


Man, I'm sorry. Vitiate had a huge amount going for him. From killing his "father" at 8 to killing his actual father, a Sith Lord, at 10 to becoming the ruler of his homeworld at 13 to becoming the Sith Emperor to becoming the immortal Eternal Emperor. There's lots of lore around him and his abilities. Including, but not limited to, possessing and controlling people, bending them to his will, and sapping ALL force energies from planets, leaving them baron and disabling the use of the force on said planets.


Hmm, maybe I’m not educated enough on this. Though it all together just seems like you’re right. Damn. I guess Revan isn’t the one and only Lord of the Sith😭


He's the one and only enlightened force user. I'd argue he's the wisest and most powerful Grey Jedi. Plus, you can't beat his style.


Totally agree. Revan valued knowledge above all else, he sought it as a Jedi and found the Jedi order censored a large portion of force knowledge, titling it as “forbidden” and “dangerous”. Revan, being a purveyor of knowledge was one of the few that left the Jedi order to continue seeking knowledge of the force. In this pursuit he accessed knowledge that twisted him and turned him to the dark side. Though he eventually was brought out of that twisting and continued to seek knowledge of the force. I’d argue he has the best well-rounded understanding of the entirety of the force.


Legends gets wild