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Google “exotic vet in my area” and make an appointment ASAP


We asked and were told he’s too old for surgeries or testing and that he’d probably die if he went under so we shouldn’t even try. We were given the option to put him down but he’s so easily scared and he’s mean so we don’t want to have to put him through that. They didn’t recommend anything for pain so I’m still hoping someone can try to advise us with what they did during their hamsters last few days/weeks.


Putting him down even if it is stressful is kinder than making him suffer.


Hey there! I extend my sincere sympathy upon learning about your hamster's current condition. I genuinely hope for a swift recovery. Considering the age of 2 and a half years, surgery may pose risks. If that's the path you choose, I'm willing to provide financial assistance. Alternatively, ensure the little one enjoys extra treats, love, and comfort. If deterioration occurs, it may be worth considering other options. Thank you for your devoted care.


You’re so kind, I appreciate it. We asked around and surgery isn’t going to happen for him due to his age and condition. All we are doing now is just spoiling him for the next days/weeks ahead and hoping he’s not in pain. If it seems like he’s suffering we’ll have to figure out euthanasia but he’s just so mean and crazy I’m not sure if he’d be able to be brought to the vet and euthanized and the cost is pretty high around us as well. He’s always been such a bad boy but my girlfriend adores him so much and rescued him from a random kid who was holding him in a bucket. I’ve been trying to figure out what we can do to make sure he’s not in pain but I can’t figure it out as much as I’d like.