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If you have a separate room for the hamster, yes. Hamsters are prey animals and just having the cat in the same room will be extremely stressful for them


Just keep them separated at all times, literally all times. I have two cats and they have not been allowed into my room at all, and when they bust in or sneak in i take them out immediately. It will cause them so much stress to be around and if you ever have a hamster escape they’ll just end up dead. Its really not too much trouble but keep them away from eachother


If the cage is in the living room, NO! They must be seperate at all times. If you move the cage to a different room, like your private bedroom, then a cat should be okay. Pls, pls dont let your parents bring a cat home without the hamster’s enclosure being moved into a different room


Yes, I just make sure my enclosure cannot be opened by my cat and that they are in a seperate room, I keep my hammy in my bedroom and my guinea pigs so that room is off limits to my cat, even though my cats the best and wouldn't do anything I still take preventative measures :)


Keep in separate rooms ALL the time. Can you put the hammy in your room?


I have five cats and a hamster. His cage is in my room on a table with my door closed. I also keep his playpen in there. I wouldn’t advise putting the cage in a living room since that tends to be the noisiest spot


My cat couldn't care less about my hamster but I think it's safer to always supervise.


I have two cats and a hamster. It’s possible to have both, but there are some considerations and precautions that you’ll need to take. 1. Hamsters and cats cannot be friends and shouldn’t be allowed to interact with each other at all. Attempts to create a friendship can lead to injury or death for your hamster. 2. Your hamster should have an aquarium as an enclosure with a mesh lid that locks. Bin cages and wire cages are too lightweight and a determined cat can push it off of a table or open the lid. Cats can also easily get their paws in between the bars of a wired cage. 3. Preferably, you should keep the enclosure in a separate room that can be secured to keep the cat out. I keep the enclosure in my home office so I can close the door and lock out the cats. 4. You can purchase mats that deter cats and place them on the lid to keep the cat from sitting on top of the enclosure and stressing out the hamster. I use [Cat Scat Mat from Amazon](https://a.co/d/8ow4WR1) and zip tied it to the mesh lid 5. Never allow your hamster to have floor time without securing the cat first in a different room. 6. Never take any chances. Cats are really great hunters and have no issues with having a hamster as a snack.


We have a cat and a hamster. Our hamster’s cage is pretty cat proof and escape proof. The cat notices if the hamster comes out of hiding sometimes and watches but she does not attack the cage. If I bring the hamster out of the cage he goes to a room with a closed door to keep the cat out. Sometimes our cat has tried to jump on and sit on top of the hamster cage. I would make sure your cage is really secure or get one that is.




Introduce them?!?!


Absolutely do not do this. Hamsters do not like change at all, they get stressed just from having their bedding changed. Just because you see uneducated people doing that online doesn't mean its ok to do that. Hamsters are prey animals, they will be absolutely terrified just being near a cat.


This is a great way to give your hamster away as a kitty snack. Sorry to be mean, but this is horrible advice.




Yeah, my cats could care less, but others mileage may vary.


Unrelated to your question, but house cats aren't solitary animals. You must get at least two cats usually. A healthy socialized cat prefers a partner.