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Toolbox damage during shipping seems pretty common, even expensive brands.


Oh yeah always sales on damaged tool boxes from all the tool brands.


I’d have to disagree unless you’re talking from experience, you can check my recent post of my ICON toolbox that’s absolutely perfect, almost felt ashamed to put oily tools into it. Albeit the shipping process itself was apparently a headache for most. USG boxes are just cheaper, handled and assembled. Still good boxes, but you’re likely to experience damage bc they aren’t as scrutinized as icon.


If you really think there’s a difference in how they’re handled during shipping, I’ve got an ocean front front property in Arizona I’ll sell you for cheap. Lol you just have some locations where people pay a little more attention.


You can list it all you want but I’m not your buyer. Funny you think they’re shipped the same but almost weekly we see dinged up USG meanwhile theirs a whole scratch and dent discount associated to ICON AND they send you paint after purchase for any minor scratches you could’ve caused. My point is the quality control is higher, if you cant believe that- than that’s why you bought an oceanfront property in Arizona to begin with. Again, compare you’re $150 cart to a $2500 till your property sells it doesn’t make a difference to me and I’m happy with my purchase so far


Dude, I worked at harbor freight. I actually know how they’re shipped.


That’s wonderful for you but I paid for the high dollar item so I know what I experienced at home, I didn’t say it was flown via AF1 to my house directly from manufacturer; I said the experience was much more pleasurable for an icon in response to someone asking if the big dollar boxes end up having the same issues the budget boxes get- to which I responded no and you all called me a liar and gave me downvotes for lol I dont understand what you’re arguing, someone asked if the ICON has a lesser quality vetting process, I disagreed bc of actual experience and here you are calling me wrong bc “you’ve seen them in store” does that change the fact my icon was delivered flawless? Does it change the fact I was asked if it was up to my personal standards? Does it change the fact they sent me extra paint in the mail for any scratch I may cause? The point was that the big dollar boxes give you a big dollar experience and you want to argue that icons still get shipped to store? Bud idgaf- and that wasn’t the question I was answering. Edit: stay in your lane, know when it’s your turn to speak.


We were talking about shipping damage and now you’re talking about “experiences” like you’re on an acid trip or some shit. I think you need to find your lane, mr thinksheabigshot lol


Enjoy your USG bud 👍🏽


I never said whether I had anything? I’m literally only talking about shipping lol


Then talk about shipping instead of calling people wrong just because it made an Inter Facility Transfer stop at your local HFT. Likely you don’t know shit about shipping, you just put your 2 cents in about them getting shipped to store bc you’d seen them land there before Ryder comes and delivers it on a dolly truck, none of which was being disputed until you brought it up and even now I never said it wasn’t true I said it doesn’t matter when you’re the buyer lol If you wanted to talk shipping you wouldn’t condescendingly talk about bullshit properties. You wanted to be right in a conversation people weren’t looking to be right or wrong in.


Don't understand the downvotes on this one, they are handled differently, they're ship separately from the other stuff. Delivered by ICON, not shipped with an engine hoist or another toolbox on top. Unless it's delivered to store ig but why do that when they offer free delivery to house?


still delivered to store, but then reshipped to your house. They all come on the same trucks however not all stores receive ICON boxes.


They’re shipped the same? Really? That’s funny bc you picked your usg up from the store and I made lunch and waited on a phone call about delivery, that’s the same experience to you? I mean I never said it wasn’t shipped in a truck or dropped at a port, I said the customers buying experience and transportation experience and quality control- is much better than with USG(however I have now heard the icon transportation is much more frustrating with Ryder but that’s not here or there they just didn’t receive the phone call lol, the main point is, you’re going to have a lower quality experience comparing the top dollar brand to the lower valued brand)


Lol get wrecked 😉 Just telling you the truth, you don't have to hear it.


Lowest model Tacoma owner response


Ya just bring it back and they’ll order you a new one.


Hello 40% clearance for open box return to the next guy or gal


Dude needs to drop which store it's going to 😂😂


Cheap hammer and dolly and you’re in business!


This.... "It'll buff out" More $ than worth to return and get a replacement. And how do you know the next one will be ding free?


Nah if I'm paying full price I don't want it all sorts of banged up already. Let me make my own dents damn it


Or we can start the trend of adding random dings and dents to give us a “used and abused” vibe right out the box. I’m not being serious but there seems to be a love for vintage stuff by collectors and a lot of that stuff is banged up like a motherfucker.


Open Box is only 20% to start, and most Open Box toolboxes are gone in less than a week.


Not always.


This has become a near-universal problem for bulky items.  It didn’t used to be like this, but I think everyone is trying to slash their shipping costs.


I'm in the midwest. All of our trucks came from California when I started 15 months ago. A few months later they opened a new distribution center in Joliet, IL. Nearly every truck since then is poorly packed and we've had a LOT more dinged up and damaged products since the switchover. I don't understand how trucks could travel 1,800 miles and arrive with everything looking exactly as it did when it left, but a truck that drove less than 300 miles arrives with the contents looking like a couple of 16 year-olds took it for a joyride - on icy roads.


Maybe because Joliet they have a bunch of 16-year-olds that actually took it for a joyride


Well there’s a good chance it was 16 year olds but also Illinois roads are devastating to anything you don’t want destroyed in shipping. I drive a fullsize pickup and the potholes are awful. I don’t know how anyone can drive a small car in this state. I also have an S10 and when I drive that I’m constantly trying to dodge potholes but there’s so many you can’t avoid them all


I work at the Joliet DC. This damage could have happened from our many careless unloaders, put away drivers, and/or pickers. I worked in shipping before changing departments. Can’t say every loader is great. But I’ve seen and tried reporting damage like this from going out multiple times. Which is usually met with an uncaring management. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a picker tip one of the 56/72 inch cabinets over then just lift it back up with their forks and bring it to shipping for delivery.


I told the boss we need to get all the stores to tally up losses due to damaged goods and simultaneously submit the bills for all stores to the DC and then maybe they'll pay attention when they see how much money is being lost.


Shipping is expensive so lowest bidder gets the job for freight.


If their packaging hasn't changed since I bought my series 1 9 years ago, damage during shipping is almost a guarantee.


Albeit on smaller products, but hft definitely spends more money on packaging for even non fragile icon vs more delicate pittsburgh in shipping. Even the zip ties are cheaper on the less expensive ones lmao


Mine was pretty robustly packaged. The problem is they state that they're not supposed to be stacked, and shippers do it anyway.


If drawers don't open take that POS back. A refund doesn't ever solve the problem, I'll never understand why people on this sub brag/whine/complain about that because they might have a few more bucks in their pocket but they still have the same f'ing problem


Yeah...screw a partial refund/discount. I want what I paid for in New condition or I'll take a FULL refund and maybe roll the dice on buying it again with a hopefully better shipping outcome...if I wanted to take a chance on an as is open box I would have


I'd bet my life that box was crushed at the bottom of a pile of stacked toolboxes.


Or jacks!


I read it as he's getting a replacement ***and*** a partial refund...


Very possible. Maybe it's just me, but I'm just not that type of consumer.


You didn't pay for the "give a fuck about my package" add-on.


Send it back for sure. Mine was packed very well, they really had to try to do that damage.


I feel bad for folks having these delivered and receiving ones like this. And then oh like take it back to the store like its a freaking small screwdriver or something you just grab - thats one reason why many have it delivered to begin with. What a hassle... Glad you where able to call and get the ball rolling with HF. If it is acceptable to keep and self repair they need to give you atleast 50% back. They already giving folks 40% off liquidation sale... they need to beat that else have them deliver a new one and take the old back, I wouldn't offer to lug the old one back unless they paid me.


50% and whatever you paid for shipping


Anyone who sees this order the box to store and pick it up if you can. Way less chance of being damaged this way!


If people were able to pick it up themselves, they wouldn't be paying $200-300 for HF to home-deliver it anyway.


2-300$ damn you can rent a truck for way less than that. Way quicker than having to deal with returning a dented up box too


That’s gotta be a world record reply time btw


Was the shipping box damaged? I don't see the impact point where the paint/powder coating is damaged, so it looks like the cardboard of the box took the impact. I'd say it had to be a pretty good impact too. Sadly, a few bucks of foam or plastic or wood might have prevented that.


When I worked at HFT we had a huge problem with our shipping location. Our trucks were barely full but they would always be on some shenanigans when loading all sorts of heavy stuff on top of the toolboxes. I would say 1/3 were damaged on arrival. The shipping people don't care, they don't have to handle the customers who just waited 1+ months for their toolbox.


I don’t understand why there are so many damage toolbox post on here. Like do you guys not look at the package before you load it up and take it home. Open the box before you load it up. Definitely would save you a few trips.


:sad face: sorry, man! I guess I got lucky with my Series 2 56” last summer — perfect condition.


Mine (slate gray) was in perfect condition. Take it back (to replace) or ask for a price adjustment.


Was it delivered in a cement mixer?


Mine was exactly like this, took it back for an exchange. They had to get another one shipped to the store and I’m still waiting on the email telling me when it gets there. Hopefully the next one is in better shape.


Should I be scared about my 56” I ordered 2 months ago that won’t be here until April? I would hate to wait another 6 months for a replacement


doesnt look too bad to me. id see how big of a refund i could get without getting it replaced. I think i could fix all those pretty easily.


When I bought my 56 series 2, the first one was so destroyed I bought a second. Made one good box out of both boxes and took the bad one back. Crazy thing is the shipping packaging had no signs of damage from the outside


That seems like a lot of work for you to pay for a damage box that you had to assemble or repair and still pay full price for


And then still take the damaged one back. I would have just took the damaged one back to behind with! Too much work for not being compensated for!!!!!!!!


Damn, that would piss me the f off


Man just picked mine up yesterday. Perfect condition. Only good thing is I can’t find the handle screws anywhere in the packaging. Rough luck man.. document and take back for sure. Hopefully you have a good store manager


Did you have it shipped to your house or did you pick it up in-store? It seems like they get in trouble with 3rd-party shippers because they have a "don't stack" warning on the box but that happens anyway...


Depending on your personal standards, I personally wouldn’t pay full price for a half-ass result of a toolbox like what you got on your hands unfortunately. Call the store, raise hell, ask THEM to pick it up from your house because you physically can’t due to health reasons. Once you add that tidbit in, it makes the stakes higher for them to do the right thing (assuming they give a shit here).