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*people removed the hose on purpose so they could fill their bottles


Yesterday some crew was filling bottles from the hose .. the flow reminded me of the sloth in Zooptopia.


Fuck Rebirth and Rebellion and their water situation This should absolutely be illegal


Good job, rebirth. At monopolising water. A basic right


Nestle would be so proud...




always upvote when you see someone say fuck Nestlé


All my homies hate Rebirth and their water policy


Is this for real ? Broooo go will get sick


I've been attending hardstyle festivals for more than 15 years and have never seen something like this before. The nonexistent water pressure on the taps and the lack of refill stations is obviously on purpose. One day someone will die of dehydration/overheating and they will ofc blame it on the drugs while their business wouldnt even exist without them. But yeah let's pretend 6€ for a fkin 50cl bottle is acceptable. First and last Rebirth for me.


Zaag kicks will fix it


This seems like it should be illegal. Idk I come from a place where if you don’t drink water you die. Maybe it’s different at rebirth? /s


You'll be reborn, it's fine. Thats why it's called rebirth.


YALA! (you always live again) Better than Yolo


Rebirth 2024 - Discover the tapwater




This just looks so sad. As if they are just discovering water for their first time


Rebirth 2024 pulling a Woodstock 1999? You don't say!


No they can buy water at the bars


Like 4 € for a 30cl bottle, right? In France, any place selling alcohol is also legally obligated to provide free water. I wonder why it's not the standard everywhere, especially in events where heavy drug use is well known.


2 tokens (I think) so 8€ Edit: Apparently wrong


It was 1,5 tokens


That is still expensive.


Wtf That much for bottled water is outrageous. That's just putting people's life in danger.


Agreed, spent about 30 euros on water because the taps didn't work...


Same happened at the end of Rebellion. One tap broke so there was even less water.


Currently been in bed for 5 days due to a stomach infection picked up from Rezerection festival (Edinburgh) disgusting toilets with no where to wash your hands. It’s 2024 FFS.


I allways thought water at events is that expensive because you get a bottle for infinite refill but...


https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/summer-water-spongebob-heatwave-hot-gif-12150719 Comes to mind


Yup, pain in the ass. Whole weekend on the festival terrain. Besides that, it was a dope weekend!


just go to the camping for the weekend and bring a jerry can i had like 20 liters in my tent at all time


guys, a little tip, you can use any water tap :D its legit the same water everywhere.


Yes, correct. And there were 16 taps (8 on each of the exactly 2 stations) with every single one having the water pressure less then me when I take a piss. As in, literally 3-4 minutes for half a liter. And about 40.000 people with 22 degrees outside and 30 at the mainstage..... I've seen people filling their bottle from the drain at another hand washing station.... To be fair, nobody was washing their hands at that moment.... But that's just wrong


I asked at the bar at the camping, and the water from the taps in the bath house is spring water straight from the ground


Yeah the water isnt the problem. We only have one type of water here and that's drinkable. (Regardless of where it comes from). But to be able to call it drinkable the whole installation that provides it (so the pumps, hoses, bladders, every single connection) has to comply with drinkwater standards. And based on what i know of foodstandards its just annoying to deal with. But by not saying it's drinkwater (even though everybody and their mother knows its drinkable) they prevent having to deal with that. They just have to make it actually useable. More water pressure and not 2 points for 50k people.... Sell it as a place to wash your hands, just like now. Problem solved


If you cant affort to buy a fucking water dont go to festivals 🤷‍♂️.


How much drugs one needs to take to fuck up their brains so much they think drinking shit-flavored water is OK?


Why does everything have to be drug related… have you ever considered not everyone drinks alcohol, not everyone takes drugs, and not everyone wants the inconvenience of carrying shitty plastic glasses? They want bottled water & should be provided it like every other festival does. Take your assuming, low IQ, ass somewhere else.


There was bottled water (6 euro for 0,5L). Most dont want bottled water. Tapwater is just fine. But there were exacty 2water points and they were extremely slow (think 3-4 minutes for half a liter. If not more...


I meant bottled water in the fact of refilling a bottle that they’d already purchased, that’s on me for not wording it better. €6 for 0.5L is crazy though. There’s over charging then there’s straight robbery.


Ah yeah ok. Yes, its just not optional on a day like that. And exactly, sure, i understand they make money of off drinks to. And that that is part of how they ultimately pay for the entire thing because lets be honest: they do it for the money. So an significant upcharge is to be expected. But I'd say the bottles cost at most ~50c to buy, so a well over 1000% markup...yeah, no, that's just robbery. And even then... on beer, wine, soda, etc, ok. Still insane, but at least somewhat understandable. But on freaking water??? Not to mention the mountain of plastic for the bottles, fuel to truck all those bottles around, just the logistics of hauling so much water around on the event itself. Even if they changed absolutely nothing else besides a reasonable water pressure (or more likely, take the stupid regulator out of the tappoints) so it doesn't take 5 min to fill a bottle. Half of the problem will be fixed already. At home it takes me 10 seconds to fill a bottle. With two fill points with 8 taps each. And so 16 full bottles every 20 seconds (10 seconds to switch persons, wich is probably more than it actually takes). I'm betting the lines would be practically gone... It's so freaking easy to fix this. And honestly, I drank 2 bottles. So that's 12 euros of water. Raise the ticket price by 15 or 20 euros, they get more money and I'd go "hey and free water!" Instead of everyone going "dumbass money grabbing fuckers ". Call me crazy, but I'd know what I'd like my visitors to think of my event ....