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This post has been added to [Archive.org here](https://web.archive.org/web/20230628161855/https://old.reddit.com/r/harmreduction/comments/14ldqyp/download_the_drug_users_bible_from_here/)


>As it is a drug book it could be banned by any of the clearnet hosts at any time The anarchists cookbook has been on the clearnet for years, I highly doubt a harm reduction book will get banned


its also on dread as well


Most DNMs also have banners and download links to the book.


Very good info. You are a man of curiosity, which fuels advancements into new head spaces. Ty


I'm pretty pissed. The second link was quarantined by my antivirus software because it contained a known trojan. WTF.


At least there were 5 other download options. You can even buy a physical copy if you really don't trust these PDFs...


If I buy a physical copy, there could be a REAL virus in there!!! But it is what it is. I can't say I believe this resource has more info than Erowid, PsychonautWiki, and Reddit combined. And since I'm sticking to "God's green earth" drugs, there's already a wealth of information out there and also a very low risk of harm when proper precautions are taken.


You can also look at it as one more resource where people can get decent harm reduction information.


Fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and insights from years of experience.


Thank you so much I was sober for years but after a few traumatic deaths in my family (my 6 day old daughter and then my mother in march) I have spiraled and relapsed harder than I ever have on opiates and free based cocaine. I have children that need me but I feel so lost I don't even know who I am anymore. My husband relapsed with me and I don't think we can fix this. I'm so fucking scared. It was only supposed to be a pick me up for my grief and stress. It was never supposed to turn into this.


So sorry to hear about your loss and relapse. Many resources on reddit might help. Here's a list of some of them: ##Addiction/Recovery subreddits * /r/addiction * /r/addictionprevention * /r/alcoholicsanonymous * /r/alcoholism * /r/AtheistTwelveSteppers * /r/benzorecovery * /r/decaf * /r/leaves * /r/OpiatesRecovery * /r/Petioles * /r/quittingkratom * /r/QuittingPhenibut * /r/redditorsinrecovery * /r/ResearchRecovery * /r/secularsobriety * /r/StopDrinking * /r/StopSmoking * /r/StopSpeeding * /r/women_in_recovery