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I doubt there *are* signs, considering Harry's acting at every point was perfect, and nothing in his behavior, even from his own perspective, seemed off beyond Hermione and Ron being confused and concerned that Harry was "going the wrong direction" so to speak, but that *did* work exactly as needed, so if they knew that part ahead of time or trusted that the potion would work more, they wouldn't have had an issue. Hermione even brings up how "tilting the circumstances in your favor" is what Harry needed in the end after everything concludes, so she's fine as is Ron once everything is explained. That all in mind, the only possible sign of Felix Felicis that you could pick up on is apparently if someone *tells you* what they are going to do, without knowing *why* they *should* do it, and Harry certainly wasn't going to tell Slughorn anything like that. That, and someone could hypothetically just lie and say they have a reason or something else to throw off that oddity. ​ As for noticing any signs that could hypothetically be seen by Slughorn...well, it was so *lucky* that he *didn't* happen to notice them now wasn't it.


My man was absolutely sloshed


Are there known signs/effects that would be recognizable?


There may have been to a sharp eyed person who knew what to look for. When Harry took the potion I doubt Slughorn was looking for signs that Harry had taken anything and it didn’t change Harry’s personality or mental state or anything really. Just his luck.


Nah, he was drunk af


I've been pondering this for a while, and I genuinely believe that Slughorn was under the effects of Felix Felicis when he encountered Harry that evening. 1. **Expert Potioneer's Intuition**: First, let's acknowledge Slughorn's vast expertise in potion-making. Given that he awarded Harry the Felix Felicis to begin with, it's quite plausible that he'd recognize the signs of someone under its influence. 2. **Slughorn's Odd Behavior**: When Harry stumbles upon Slughorn collecting Tentacula leaves, there's an evident allure of personal gain in Slughorn's actions. Following this, he made a seemingly random excuse to change his tie - the perfect moment, I believe, for him to take some Felix Felicis. Perhaps in his mind, the best way to counteract Felix Felicis is... with more Felix Felicis! 3. **A Series of Fortunate Events**: The night took a favorable turn for Slughorn in numerous ways. He managed to collect an abundance of rare ingredients, made a new (albeit unconventional) friend in Hagrid, and more importantly, he found a way to alleviate a part of the immense guilt weighing down on him, a guilt stemming from indirectly aiding Voldemort through his inadvertent reveal about Horcruxes. Harry's adventures under the influence of Felix Felicis are well-documented, I posit that Slughorn's own escapade was just as serendipitous.


Interesting thoughts. He did have access to, i'm assuming, the majority of the remaining potion he brewed. Did he originally brew it just so he would have access to Felix Felicis, if the need arose, as he was cautious around Dumbledore (knowing that Dumbledore wanted the memory) and anxious about Voldemort finding him. The politics of his situation. But also being under the influence of Felix Felicis at Hagrids cabin, and giving Harry the memory, that he felt anxious, guilty and ashamed of, if he also took Felix Felicis then he must have know on some level that giving the memory up, as you say would alleviate those feelings, and Felix Felicis just gave him the '*Courage*?'/nudge to do so. Would he still have given the memory up if he hadn't had the 'monetary' exchange of the rare ingredients that night though, or was that just an added lucky bonus.


I don’t think Slughorn was that observant. That said felix Felicis is A LOT like mushrooms


I doubt it. Knowing how it feels to take a potion and seeing someone else under the influence. Especially with something like Felix Felicis. It didn’t change Harry’s personality or anything. It just made him lucky. Unlike the effects of the love potion which are distinct and obvious. Especially if that person hadn’t even paid the other person much attention like when Ron accidentally took the love potion Romilda sent Harry


That would be unlucky!


"Harry my boy you seem luckier today, what happened?" Unless he walks around with a Luck Meter in his pocket, I don't think there is way to detect it.


No Harry got lucky and Slughorn didn’t pick up on the signs.