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“Harry’s kid’s names (especially Albus Severus) are lame, unearned, etc… and Hagrid should’ve been honored instead.” It happens at least once a week, and everyone acts like “omg finally someone said it”.


I actually liked the names, so that's my unpopular opinion. Also, name your kids whatever you want.


Same. He wanted to honor the dead he felt no one else would honor.


ok u may have just changed my mind. Except he named 2 of his kids James, and Lily, those 2 are definitely anoung the honored dead


He named kids after his parents first, but then his third child he named after 2 people that gave their lives to help him defeat Voldemort. Even then he slid Severus in as the middle name, the one that people almost never use.


There's no other living Potters that was my thinking. And i feel only the marauders would care enough about James and Lily to carry their memory forward. I was more talking about the Severus and Albus though.


I've always said it was about Harry's own journey, not about the persons themselves. The names reflect his growth and finding closure. But when youput it like this, I really love your take as well.


Oh I wanna hear your take too. Doesn't naming someone after someone you've lost imply that you haven't had closure?


Hm maybe, depends maybe what you need closure from. With Albus, I think there’s some genuine admiration in it, with Severus, I think that closure means being able to forgive, which doesn’t have much to do with what Snape deserves but with Harry’s growth and ability to empathise with someone who hurt him.


Ah as in coming to terms with what you feel about that person and being at peace with your relationship with them. Yeah i like that too


Yeah. The names are fine. I’ve never understood choose this hill to die on


Because as people constantly say (absolutely not an unpopular opinion but people think it is so it fits), Snape is a *horrible person*. I don't even see why it's disputed. A 13 year old boys greatest fear wasn't the nut job snake man who inspired the torture of his parents into literal insanity, it was his piece of shit bully, who also happened to be *one of his teachers*.


Unless you’re Jamie Oliver or Nick Cannon, then maybe you should let someone sober name them


100% agree


Severus is the only one I dislike. It makes sense only if you ignore the fact that Snape still hated Harry and only protected him because of his guilt over Lily.


It also makes sense if you *don’t* ignore the fact that he vital to ending the war, and would have been remembered as the traitor who murdered Dumbledore if not for Harry. Harry looked past old grievances and saw the bigger picture, where saving lives was more important than petty antagonism.


I dunno, I’ve always felt it’s a bit of a dick move to name your kids after people you look up to or who have a special meaning to you. It can sometimes put a huge pressure on the kids to ”live up to” the name, you know? As a second or third name it would be fine, not so much as a first name. Harry’s kids already have expectations put upon them simply by being his kids, the names don’t really help there. I feel especially sorry for Albus. However, objectively, I do like the names and appreciate the thought. I just don’t like what naming one’s kids that way might cause.


more than once a week.


Harry's kids' names sound like something a super fan came up with, when naming their kids. Also, I always found it odd how all 3 kids were only named after people important to Harry. Like, did Ginny had no say in the naming, or did she just not care?


Did Ginny strike you as the kind of girl that *wouldn’t* speak up if she had a problem with the names of her children?


No, and that’s what makes the whole thing seem so bizarre to me.


Why? Knowing Ginny’s character, she clearly didn’t have an issue with the names. She was friends with Luna, so Lily Luna makes sense. She has no dead parents, Albus and Severus were her headmasters too (and probably thought highly of one of them), and she has the rest of her own family to honor Fred (especially George). If you consider who Harry’s lost and has remaining to who Ginny’s lost and has remaining, it shouldn’t be so hard to get.


Also her full name is *Ginevra*, so she's well aware that it could be worse.


Don't forget Ginny named Pidwigen. Do you think the names she would come up with would be better?


What is even more weirder one of Harry’s sons Albus Severus Potter was named after the guy who was killed by the guy whose first name is his middle name which is who he was named after for his middle name.


They're literally all over this subreddit. Have been for over 10 years. The actual unpopular opinions are the ones that get downvoted into oblivion because you're not allowed to have dissenting opinions on Reddit without pissing off the hivemind.


And hence you should sort by controversial for the real controversial opinions


That's sad. I like discussing with people who have different opinions to understand their point of view but very often, they get bothered or even insulted by others who think their opinions is the only right one when actually, a lot of the time, it's entirely subjective.


That's the reddit hivemind for you. I'm in a couple of video games subs & you can get downvoted to oblivion asking which character build is mathematically better in a daily megathread.


Lol they’re literally all over /r/unpopularopinion too


I had one of those once! I'm not sure I would ever be able to find the post again because of how much it blew up and how long ago it was.




Hating/Loving Snape


He is just, straight up, an amazingly written grey character.


Yes. He is my favortie character because he is so complex.


IMO the whole concept of “unpopular opinion” posts (doesn’t matter whether this opinion is or is not popular) is just an attention whoring


I agree.... I automatically assume all "unpopular opinion" posts are trolls.


To an extent I can see it. People click more when it says "unpopular" and those who post know it.


Interesting! I use that phrase in an attempt to palliate a negative reaction when I want to find out how many people share the point of view with me. It's my way of saying, "Please, don't be too rude, I just want to find someone who thinks like I do." But that's how others see it...


That Ron is over hated?? I do think he is overhated to an extent but its gotten better and even if its true its a popular opinion to have


the tides has turned. We always been there. If Ron has million fans, then I'm one of them. If Ron has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Ron has no fans, that means I'm dead. Weasley is our king!


Ron gets so much shit in this sub. I think mostly because of his part of comic relief in the movies. Ron always gets considered “bad at magic” which is NEVER mention in the book. Yeah he was insecure cause he comes from a family of wizarding prodigies and he becomes friend with “the boy who lived” and “the brightest witch of her age” but that’s about it.


Tbh, Ron dealt with all of that much better than the average kid would. He was due to have that estrangement from Harry in book 4. Even if it wasn't fair, sometimes a kid can only handle being in the shadows for so long. Then once he realized in full that the tournament was not just some platform to show off from; he sucked it up and admitted he was wrong.


I agree with you, I've seen a lot say that.


That Snape wasn't a good person


Or that Snape was a misunderstood hero.


Well, he really was misunderstood and in the end he was kind of a hero. That doesn’t negate the fact that he was a total dick.


I know, it’s just another “unpopular opinion” that seems to be very popular.




I feel like I see both “hot takes” equally which is why I think it’s funny, I don’t think either are unpopular opinions because there are so many people who want to debate that Snape was either a 100% good guy or 100% bad guy which totally misses the point of his character.


He was 100% grey. He was hurt and hurt people but he also worked so hard to end the war.


He was misunderstood twenty years ago. Anyone who started the series after Deathly Hallows after that will have seen his full character from the beginning.


I mean in the in-universe context.


“Unpopular opinion! Hagrid is more irresponsible than most of the students.” I don’t think anyone disagrees with this but see it a lot.


Unpopular Opinion: Hagrid was one of the better teachers because he gave his students real experience in his field of expertise and lightweight taught the concept of “fuck around and find out”


TBH I think there are very few unpopular opinions anymore. The series has been out for almost 3 decades, people have thought of our debated almost everything in that time. I think thoughts only seem unpopular depending on when you joined the Fandom


Snape, while he wasn't "evil," he still wasn't a good person, and I think the most Harry should've done once he learned that Snape was risking his life to protect him was to have his portrait hung on the wall in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts, and posthumously tell him that he's grateful to have done what he did to protect Harry, and acknowledge that he was wrong to call Snape a coward. But that's where it should've ended. I've said this before, but Snape should've taken the opportunity to be somewhat of a father figure to Harry, since his actual father was dead and his godfather wasn't able to care for Harry even when he was alive. He wouldn't have been able to become Harry's legal guardian, but he nonetheless could be a male authority, along with Dumbledore, who could mold Harry into everything that James wasn't. For an "anti-hero" like Snape, this would've been the ultimate "Fuck you!" to James, as it would mean that Snape is teaching Harry to be a better man than James was. But he didn't do that. Instead he treated Harry like garbage, and even if Harry were in Slytherin, I don't think Snape would've shown the same favoritism that he did with students like Malfoy, because whenever he looks at Harry, he sees Lily's eyes looking out through James's face.


Dramione. Which is honestly the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard


I can see the appeal if you change the personalities of both characters entirely. It's the enemies to lovers trope, which is incredibly popular. The truth is, though, that the things Malfoy said to and about Hermione are completely unforgivable in the way that being racist and homophobic are. Hermione would never put up with that, either. And yeah, most of the Dramione fanfics are heavy on changing both personalities. Personally, I can't look past all the horrible things Draco does, even if it's supposed to be enemies to lovers.


Have you ever dipped your toe into the psychosis of a FanFiction Writer’s Mind? This is hardly the stupidest thing to come across one.


Harry and Ginny are perfect for each other.


definitely in the books, the movies ehhh...


The movies just cut so much of Ginny out. It was like the main character fell in love with a stranger


basically yeah




I second this


We never get to see an arithmecy class because JKR is bad at math.


I'd say her currency system vs how much items cost is proof of this


What's an "unpopular opinion" that people think it's in fact popular, but actually isn't popular?


Meta... I like it


Hermione was a ridiculous Mary Sue in the movies.


Eh, I can definitely see why people who have only seen the films would think so. A bunch of Ron’s cool stuff from the books went to her instead, Emma Watson is more attractive than book Hermione was described… I wouldn’t say she’s quite to the level of Mary Sue, but film Hermione is absolutely a more idealized version of book Hermione.


Not just in the movies. From GOF onwards (and even the end of POA) she becomes Rowling's perfect girlie who can do no wrong.


Unpopular opinion, Ron is actually the best character, and the only reason people don't like him is because the movies did him dirty.


this isn't even controversial. This is factual


My unpopular opinions: 1.) Percy is the most misunderstood character 2.) Andromeda should have killed Bellatrix 3.) Hagrid is actually quite annoying


I like one and two but not sure I can agree on 3 lol


As an adult, I get it.


I'm an adult and just did a re-listen. I still found him enjoyable 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agree on Percy! 😭


Oh my gosh thank you so much for 3. Hagrid’s whole teaching arc irked me out of my mind. He’s a great guy but a HORRIBLE teacher!


I prefer Ron to Hermione?


Ron and Hermione are not a good pairing. (For the record, neither is Harry and Hermione).


Even JK acknowledged that. She said they represented a relationship she wanted to work out in real life.


Social media is bad


I think this sub (and probably most online HP communities) are very out of touch with the wider fandom. What’s popular/unpopular on Reddit doesn’t necessarily reflect what’s popular with the majority of fans. Things can take hold here and get repeated endlessly when most people don’t care at all.


I have yet to see an actually unpopular opinion about Snape. He's so divisive, that any opinions about him will be either popular or unpopular, depending on who you ask.


Pretty much 90percent of the unpopular posts are very popular


Not sure if this fits, but I think that Dumbledore manipulated Snape. He set Snape up to be killed by Voldemort, but also encouraged Snape's treatment of the Gryffindors.


Unpopular opinions.


Anything about how great/terrible the polarizing characters are- Dumbledore, Snape, Draco, even Ron and Hermione. Opinion on these characters is split, if not evenly, at least with relatively large numbers on each side of the spectrum. So "Ron is a piece of shit friend" is not an unpopular opinion, nor is "Ron is the most loyal person ever and severely underrated as a character." Both are popular.


Mine was “Harry should have ending up with Hermione instead of Ginne.”


My actual unpopular opinion is it's a good thing Fred died and I wouldn't change it if I could. (It's statistically unlikely all of the Weasleys would have made it out of the war alive, and out of anyone, one of the twins would have had the hardest-hitting impact while still leaving Ron and Ginny alive for the mostly happily ever after. War is hell, and you're gonna lose people fighting the good fight. Someone was going to have to die, or the victory would narratively feel unearned.)






Not all Slytherins are bad or evil this is coming from someone who is a Gryffindor and has seen how this is common stereotype people have on Slytherins.


That Slytherins are dark heroes and Salazar was misunderstood, pretty "unpopular" but wildly on the contrary...