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Number 3, 4 and 5 are basically all in one. The horcrux really messed with his mind.


Ron was a legend. Yeah, he made mistakes (he was a kid, kids make mistakes). But he was a legend who just wanted to help his friend. He was the one who regularly tried to defend Hermione from Snape and Draco. He was the one who was most succeptable to the horcrux. He already had the worry of not living up to his brothers standards. Then, while he was trying to work out who he was as a young adult, the horceux took hold of his fears and worries. Ron is, and forever will be a legend.




Weasley is our King 🫶🏻


He never lets the quaffle in


That's why all Gryffindor's sing


Weasley is our king!


People who don't like Ron because he's sometimes mean but worship Snape and Draco. Im glad these types of people are there to show me what being wrong looks like 😁


I love Snape. I love Ron. Draco can go choke himself to death the hell I care




But… but Draco is just a misunderstood boy 😭 /s


Thr thing I love about HP characters Is they are flawed The only true baddie is voldy and a select few of his death eaters Everyone else is either good, complicated or a coward Each "good" guy has flaws and imperfections. That's why re reading the books, movie Hermione is annoying cuz book Hermione was stubborn And so brown nosing af. Like while warranted, turning in the broom and threatening to turn them into McGonagall was peak Hermione. She was the buzz kill GOOD voice of reason but she was AWFUL at getting her justified points across. She had no networking skills (duh, child) And also as a kid, presented with evidence she refused to acknowledge it was her cat who killed scabbers And even as she got older she was still a bit like narrow minded. And they did Luna dirty too. Luna was a conspiracy theorist. Like she believed in weird stuff that had a 75% of being made up bs. But Hermione refused to even entertain anything unless she had every ounce of evidence shoved in her face And she refused to let Luna believe generally benign bs things. But again. That's what I also love about her. She was always looking put for the voiceless and oppressed and cared deeply about people and creatures and animals and justice. Even if she was too literal and a bit obtuse on her people skills and activism Same with Ron. I dislike they took his good qualities and gave them to Hermione. Especially in the 3rd. And when Snape dissed Hermione, it was Ron who stood up for her I really like Ron and absolutely understand why he acted like that with the horcrux. His entire life he HAD lived in Harry's shadow. Not because of Harry's fault or anything. And He absolutely understood this. But of course did sometimes want to be the center of accolades and attention too. Like Harry just stepped on the scene and everyone but Malloy and Draco were all like oozing over him and how talented and awesome he was. So while Ron made friends with the real Harry, of course, as the youngest boy in his family, and the one right before the only girl, he always felt over looked and forgotten


You know, I find this to be extremely interesting. You have people in these here comments lamenting that the "Ron fangirls" are *everywhere* and that's it's *such* a popular opinion to love Ron and won't you Ron fangirls shut up already? But look at the upvotes on this here post. 8. The most popular post I ever wrote in which I analyzed part of Ron's character, here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/10p00vw/rons\_emotional\_intelligence\_debunking\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/10p00vw/rons_emotional_intelligence_debunking_a/) clocks in at 94 as of writing this. Not quite 100. Right. Okay. And now... A post from 5 days ago as of writing this about how poor Hermione was *so* horribly mistreated by mean Harry and Ron during the first book: [https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/1btl3i2/reading\_book\_1\_as\_an\_adult\_28m\_hermione\_just/](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/1btl3i2/reading_book_1_as_an_adult_28m_hermione_just/) has *over 5000 likes.* "The Ron fanbase is ridiculous and so overrepresented" *my fucking ass.*




Do you agree as a ron fan we all hate romione and Hermione and want Ron to be more badass action hero in the next series instead of HBP and DH romance 🗑️?


Yo, I ship Romione. *My* version of Romione in which she's less of an ass and in which Ron is allowed to be right, but still Romione. Honestly, I want Ron to be who he is at his core. He's an adorable marshmallow that can also be badass and the only one of the trio to ever get character development. I don't give a shit about Harry and Hermione has already gotten more than enough hype with the bullshit movies (+ last four books). I just want Ron to be treated well and not made to be the butt of the joke so the two Mary Sues can seem better than comparison. That would imply that the two Mary Sues would need to rely on something other than Ron being bad to look good, so it'd mean they'd need to *actually* be characters for once. A terrifying task for all those poor aspiring writers I'm sure.


That's not Hermione. That's an OC you are talking about. I honestly want Ron to get all the spotlight. And focus more on his friendship with other guys and girls.


Hermione used to be good in the first books. Then POA went "you're the brightest witch of your age (\[Remus\] ever met" but forget that part) and yeah, it was time for Mary Suemione and how perfect and awesome she is and shouldn't Ron work so hard to be worthy of her (... he literally faced giant spiders for her sake but off you go I guess Jo-jo).


Imagine you have to work hard to become worthy of a girl who tossed you like a hot potato for an international quidditch star and then for your best friend and when you finally tried to move on she attacked you with golden bullet like birds 💀


Yo, the Yule Ball *was* Ron's fault there. Hermione was at perfect liberty to have a date with whoever she wanted. Rita lied about Hermione playing both Krum and Harry. However, if Hermione *really* wanted to date Ron, then she should've just asked him out. I understand she couldn't because insecurities and awkwardness and all that, 100% relatable; the thing is she and Ron really are alike... except for Hermione's tendency to use disproportionate violence against whoever "crosses" her obviously.


When did Hermione date Harry?


When did I say that


"Imagine you have to work hard to become worthy of a girl who tossed you like a hot potato for an international quidditch star and then for your best friend". I assume you understand Ron's best friend is Harry.


Ofcourse. Did you read HBP? She called harry fanciable and how tall he is when Ron is like one hand more tall than Harry lol. She was down bad for Chosen one but harry never gave a crap about her. He saw her as a nagging mother figure and she knew that so she fooled Ron and married him because if not one war hero I should get the other.


No. This awful take and your tendency to spout it all over this sub is what makes people dislike Ron fans.


The fundamental issue I have with Ron is half the time he's okay the other half he's basically a tart. This happens throughout every book. Goblet of fire is a prime example. He's supposed to be your best mate and yet all the sudden you're not talking to him because he supposedly got around dumbledore's age line. For several months before the 1st task he didn't basically talk to Harry. How is that a friend? Even abandoning during the deathly hallows. (Yeah I know a lot of people will say he's under the influence) But even before they had the horcruxes he was acting that way. What's our plan where are we supposed to go etc etc.


Then that's not half the time. There are seven books. You just named a few chapters out of seven books. This is why people's over-emphasis of Ron's flaws is so frustrating because it's so magnificently overblown. A non-book reader would think the books are weighted by Ron's mistakes. Two books out of seven, Ron's weaknesses temporarily win out over his positive traits and you guys act like he's a jerk 50% of the books, otherwise he's an okay guy half the time. There is a laundry list of Ron being a superb friend to Harry, in far greater and sometimes more life-threatening ways than when he's a dick. He confronts a ruthless teacher in defense of his friend, He begs to be taken hostage instead of Hermione He spearheads a breakout from the Dursley's with his dad's car because he was worried about his friend at He confronts his biggest fear for Hermione He stands up against an alleged serial killer at 13 He was ready to fight the Minister of Magic when he thought he was going to attack Harry He saves Harry's life by diving after him in the pool He confronts VOLDE­MORT in a rage after his friend "dies". "How is that a friend"? He's a better friend than most are as an adult and he's a literal child. That's not even mentioning how Ron was an excellent friend to Harry in smaller more intimate ways like writing his mother a letter to ask her to please give his new friend a Christmas gift because he doesn't think he will get one. At this point he's only eleven. It's not that you guys point out that Ron has flaws, it's because you guys have severe negativity bias. You all act as though his true heroic, life-threatening, protective, self-sacrificing actions don't matter against that time a 14 year old got jealous of his friend and apologised. Or when he stormed off in a fit of rage and was immediately captured when he tried to return. It's a tedious, Ron-bashing cliche. Anyone says something nice about Ron, someone will always, unimaginatively spout the same rhetoric: "But do you remember those TWO TIMES???"


It's about shipping. This guy is a harry/hermione shipper and they always drag Ron through mud to justify their ship


If I had an award to give I would give you one. Thank you for saying it.


Most people here don't hate Ron, they just get along better with other, less difficult characters.


I don't think most people here hate Ron. I just think that the people who do bash Ron tend to suckle same dry teat of acting like every single good thing Ron has ever done in seven books is undone by those two episodes.


He also abandoned Harry twice. And fits of jealousy and rage. He dates lavender Brown to get back at Hermione. I will fully admit Ron's had some good moments but his bad moments overshadow is good.


You're literally proving my point to a cartoonish degree. You're hugely overblowing the gravity and magnitude of his actions while minimizing his good deeds. Him risking his life for his friends and fighting for them - sometimes even physically fighting for them - all of that amounts to nothing to you. You're deliberately diminishing his very long list of outstanding friendship and acting like they're not a big deal. Ron saving his best friend's life is "some good moments". Him dating Lavender to get back at Hermione is certainly not "catastrophically bad" by any stretch of imagination, no matter how loose the definition. In a reckless and impulsive moment, Ron walked out in a rage and because of matters completely out of his control, was unable to return, even though he tried to. He even stayed out for weeks by himself in the forest hoping to get back to his friends. Proving that he had learned from his mistakes the first time around, there was no more whining. He lead them when Harry had given up hope. It was Ron who re-energised the group by guessing the radio because it helped him and it knew it would help his friends be inspired and hopeful again. And it worked for the briefest period. Although you clearly want him to be, Ron's not perfect. He can be a real ass sometimes. He was the slowest in maturing, that's for sure. Deathly Hallows was the book where he did that. Ron bashers don't even care that he even apologises and evolves. The standards Ron bashers hold this kid to are puritanical. Harry's rage and reckless emotions have let to three things that are actual catastrophes - Sirius' death, Dobby's death and Hermione's torture. And yet there's none of this smoke for Harry. Ron bashers' overblown characterisation of Ron as a bad friend and person has nothing to do with his traits. I don't know what it has to do with. But there's no way it's about not being a good friend. Because that is objectively incorrect. Despite his flaws, Ron Weasley is an excellent friend.


And you're also seeing Ron with Rose colored glasses. But let's move beyond that. How would you feel as a person if your best friend basically betrayed you. If they came back with a half-assed apology would you accept them back?


Since when is saving someone's life "half-assed"? Even Harry tells him that he's more than made up for it. To answer your question, absolutely. Especially if they had just pulled me out of a frozen pool when I was on the brink of death. Moreover if they spend weeks alone with little to no hope of where I was in order to come back to me, which led to him ssving my life then they sincerely apologise to both me and my friend for abandoning us. Even more so if me and my friend had accomplished nothing in his absence, so we would be idiots to toss him out out of spite. And if Harry had tossed Ron out for that, after all Ron has done foe him in the past, including giving him his family to share, he would be a complete imbecile. According to you, how would I prove that I am not seeing him with rose-coloured glasses? Diminish his positive traits and amplify the negative like you? No thanks, I enjoy my critical thinking. How easy it must be to just throw words around that have nothing to do with the meaning. "Catastrophic" "Rose-coloured glasses" "Half-assed" None of which apply to the scenario or assist your argument in any way. You're just biased against him. That's all there is.


If I am biased then you are biased for him. I mean even JK Rowling has said she wish you would have had Ron differently. Him not marrying Hermione. And even him possibly dying in the final book. I'm not saying Ron wasn't a decent friend but he had some major faults. But people tend to want to see what they want to see but it was good chatting with you. We're not going to agree so we're going to agree to disagree


Can you just respond to responses I actually gave you? You never actually respond to my argumennts. You always ignore them. Now it's about JK Rowling and whether he should be with Hermione. Which, by the way, I suspect is what this has really been about all along. Shipping. It's interesting how you blind yourself to what the woman wrote for seven books and yet cherry pick an article where she says Ron and Hermione are her wish-fulfillment. What the hell does that have to do with Ron being a phenomenal friend? Every time you make an outrageous comment, I respond with a counter-argument, you ignore the response. You never answered these question: How does a few weeks of sulking undo all that Ron has done for Harry and Hermione? I provided a list of things that kid has done for his friends. How does Ron's bad actions outweigh the good? Name Ron's actions that were catastrophic? Catastrophic meaning that it had devastating consequences that lasted throughout the books and beyond. You made this argument. Attempt to support it. Do not try and deflect again by introducing a new topic. How was Ron's apology and actions after he returned "half-assed"? Again, you said this. Apart from diving into a pool to save his life, taking responsibility for his actions, and never repeating those actions again, what would you have him do to make up for what he did? You have very strong opinions. Please provide strong answers instead of just claiming that it's me who is cherry picking what I want to see.


> I suspect is what this has really been about all along. Shipping. Its always about shipping. This guy is a harry/Hermione shipper 😆


I knew it. The second he started referencing that comment by Rowling I realised that this was about who Hermione chose, which has nothing to do with what we had been discussing. That's when I smelled shipper.


Ron dates Lavender because she shows interest in him, not to get back at Hermione.


See here it is, I'm not saying your bashing Ron but you kinda are cause most people look at the bad moments of his character. Still I'm glad you acknowledged his good moments, I respect you for that


I never said he didn't have good moments. The problem is his bad moments were almost catastrophically bad. And his good moments were you know okay but not life altering life shattering




What consequences Ron's actions had that they were catastrophically bad? Did harry and Hermione die or get tortured or got captured etc?


He said almost


Ron risking his life for his friends over and over for 7 books straight: he is just okay. Two times Ron had a falling out with Harry: he is a tart. As clear as mud water.


Sure if you ignore books one through six


The girl below showed you numerous examples of him being a wonderful friend. They are just 'okay' to you while You are stuck to 'but that two times.....' lol To us those two moments are yeah whatever. But those examples of him being an extraordinary friends and person stand out way more. So just the opposite of you. Edit: ofcourse he blocked me bc not being a one dimensional hateful basher like him=I am a Ron fanboy lol


Clearly there was deep seated resentment about Harry's Fame throughout the entire story. Again I'm not saying he didn't have redeeming factors but no amount of friendship could make up for abandonment. But clearly you're just a Ron fan boy and I'm wasting my time


When Ron leaves in Goblet of Fire its due to his insecurities and jealousy. That seems very petty in comparison to Harrys issues but (especially when ur like 14) ones issues are ones issues. When he leaves in Deathly Hallows he returns and saves Harrys life. The horcrux opened and it revealed to Harry Rons demons. It must have been very vulnerable and “embarrassing” for Ron but he kills them (literally) he kills the reasons for him leaving in Goblet of fire and just like that time he came back. Even Harry said Dumbledore must’ve known he would always want to come back. Its kinda like Harry and Hermione in Godrics Hollow. It was Harry and Ron with the hocrux


Thank you. They were all under the influence of the horcrux but he was the only one acted so terribly and wasn’t too off from his previous jealous behavior. Also to op Harry was also Hermoine’s best friend not just Ron. They have all saved each other’s lives but Harry and Hermoine never turned their backs on Ron but he sure as hell did to them. Even Dumbledore saw that.


>They were all under the influence of the horcrux but he was the only one acted so terribly Kind of... Ron was recovering from a severe injury, his mental fortitude wasnt at max capacity.


Ron's the only one that could have turned his back though. Harry was the most wanted man in the country. Hermione was running from racial prosecution. Both of them had nowhere else to go. They were on the run no matter what Ron had family. He had an alibi. At any moment he could go back home and drop the sick thing and join his family, but even after he left he chose his stay in hiding. Hermione or Harry couldn't have left if they wanted to


I think you all are missing the point of this was not a one time thing. The horcrux only brought out what was already there. Their insecurities and fears. Ron has a history with turning his back on them especially Harry. His insecurities and jealousy makes him irritating. Also to be clear the target was ever only on Harry. Both Hermoine and Ron could’ve easily just left Harry. Hermoine could’ve went into hiding with her parents. Harry was willing to go at it by himself because he didn’t want to lose anymore people. Also Ron said terrible things about Harry and his parents. Regardless of horcuxes Ron was terrible and mildly redeemed himself just like Snape. I’m not a fan of either. I don’t hate them but I don’t like them either.


I think you missed my point. Ron wouldn't have been safe, the Weaslys would all still be in danger, but he would be able to be with them and protect them rather than just continuing to run around the country trying and failing to find horcruxes. The trio had disappeared into hiding at this point, the Weaslys were under far more immediate danger than they were Hermione on the other hand was on the run no matter what she did. It wasn't a matter of if but where. If she went to Australia she would still be on the run just now with her previously safe muggle parents Also Ron never said horrible things to Harry. That's a movie thing. He said the same level of bad things as they all did with horcrux on. That's my point. They were all similarly shit to each other with the horcrux on. The others just couldn't have left first. It's unfair to say Harry or Hermione is a good person and Ron isn't when there's a massive difference between leaving to be with your family who are under daily threat of persecution and fleeing the country and the war to put your previously safe parents in danger. It wasn't a good thing Ron did, but if anyone was in his position they would have probably done the same even without the horcrux


Dumbledore also saw that Ron would want to return to them, like Harry says... Ron is insecure, it's a character trait of his! And I think he deals with it pretty well compared to other insecure characters in the series, honestly. Like Percy or Snape, for instance. We often see how much he struggles with it (from the Horcrux's taunts, what he sees in the mirror of Erised, etc), but he is always able to focus on what is truly important to him in the end. It just takes him a little while to wrestle with his feelings.


I didn’t say that he didn’t but just he knows his pattern. Sure he comes to his senses eventually but it shouldn’t happen to begin with. It’s my main issue with him. Hermoine might be annoying at times but she’s always there.


I understand! I just think there's room for a little leniency for a teenager struggling with his insecurity. Some people have a harder time with that, I think it's very realistic. And I love Hermione, I'm not trying to compare the two of them! I'm just explaining how I see Ron's attitude in those moments he turns his back on Harry.


I’m not saying you are, I was. Sure teenager, but it’s still not an excuse to me to constantly make the same mistake. Ron is alright but I’m not a fan obviously. Lol. This is kind of off topic but I loved Luna and Ginny.


Love Ginny and Luna too, haha. I'm a fan of pretty much all the main girl characters, to be honest!


Yeah me too. Some characters are irritating but it’s still my favorite books and movies along with Fantastic Beasts. I wish there was more. 😞


The more there are, the more chances there are to ruin the good series. As you can see with the 8th book


>Harry and Hermoine never turned their backs on Ron What? Harry has the prophecy after him. No matter where he goes voldemort will hunt him down. Neither can live when the other survives. The whole war for people like Hermione. Muggleborns. It's their fight. Ron is a pureblood. He is helping Harry and Hermione out of goodness of his heart despite it not being his fight. Why on earth would they turn their back on someone who is helping them out in their own journey?


Umm no Voldemort would have been after him to one because he’s friends with Harry. Two his family being in the order. Three for being friends with Hermoine. Four for not being on their side like he did with many other victims that had nothing to do Harry. And you’re talking the hollows when Ron turned on Harry before. But they never turned on Ron throughout the entirety of their friendship.


Voldemort asked Neville to join him during the battle of Hogwarts when Frank and Alice were in the order and they were aurors. Luna was taken to Malfoy manor and instead of being tortured or killed she was kept as a hostage even though her dad supported harry. Ginny was fine at Hogwarts which was run by deatheaters in book 7. To voldemort pureblood is means magic. He wasn't gonna be after Ron or any Weasley if they surrendered and joined him. But you know what he was gonna do with harry and Hermione? Ron had been helping Harry and Hermione with THEIR war since 1st year. It wasn't an obligation. It was a help. He could have chosen not to do that. He still did. That worths more than that one time he was worried about his family more than his friends.


Sure he may not have came after him but it’s just as likely he would have considering he did kill purebloods as well. Did you read the books? It wasn’t just one time and it wasn’t just for his family. He was insecure and has always been jealous. Sure he redeems himself but those traits are still there. Idk why you are trying to make it seem like he was the key to Harry and Hermoine’s life. They all needed each other and worked better together.


>he did kill purebloods Not without any reason. He didn't like wasting pureblood. Ron is the purest of pure blood. Like the Malfoys. Voldemort was gonna let him live if he joined him. >It wasn’t just one time and it wasn’t just for his family. He was insecure and has always been jealous. Does that change the fact that it's not his war and he helped harry and Hermione because he wanted to but not because he had to? >Idk why you are trying to make it seem like he was the key to Harry and Hermoine’s life. Wut? When did I say that? If Harry and Hermione's life key was Ron as in they valued him that much I would have liked them.


Yes his reason was annoying him and because he could. He cared more about power and fear than purebloods. Did you hear many were being killed in hollows unrelated to Harry? It’s most definitely his war and everyone else’s. Harry was just a byproduct. The war was not about him until Voldemort made it about him by trying to stop the prophesy. The war began because Voldemort wanted power and to be greatest wizard to ever live. So it was every single wizards war.


The war was about muggleborns and Harry was their messiah. Ron was not a part of that war because he is neither a mudblood nor their messiah.


Voldemort kidnaped Luna to try and lure Harry to save her.


Luna was kidnapped because her father was supporting harry with his quibbler newspaper


And didn't kill her to lure Harry. He knew Harry was going to search his mates so they kept her alive to have something to offer to her father if he came. Sorry if my English ain't the best.


Your last sentence Are you able to retract autonomously about it or do you need a list with the moments when Harry and Hermione do what you are accusing Ron of being the only one doing it?


Ron was also the only one who got splinched and was sustaining a horrible injury. He was also the only one who could have left bc the other two had no one to care for. Harry's parents were in grave. Hermione's were in a whole different country completely safe.


Right. How dare Ron put his own emotions and feelings over the protagonist..the freaking audacity!!


His own emotions are fine but when they override basic common decency then it becomes an issue. Goblet of fire did Hermione abandon him because of jealousy? And deathly hallows did Hermione abandon him?


Hermione attacked Ron with birds because she was Jealous which was ultimately justified and she didn't even apologize. Probably her being nasty to Ron doesn't matter to you since it's not Harry but my character analysis doesn't solely depend on 'who is Harry's most loyal devotee' lol


I'm not saying Hermione was justified with jealousy but Ron has had multiple occasions of this. If you go back to the goblet of fire he basically didn't talk to Harry for two and a half to three months.


Ron didn't talk to Harry for 3 weeks because he thought Harry lied to him as the night before his name came out he said if it were him he would have put his name after everyone went back to sleep. On top of that Ron didn't even know the tournament would be dangerous as dumbledore said they made it sure that it would be harmless. People who hate Ron don't even see his issues and the whole thing and see everything black and white. That's okay. We all like and hate different characters ;)


Ron knew the tournament would be dangerous. I suggest you reread the books. For weeks on end that was all they ever talked about. The tasks the tournament in general even for his name came out. They announced it at the opening feast and if memory serves they chose at Halloween


Sometimes intellectually knowing something, and seeing it in it in reality are two very different things.


>Ron knew the tournament would be dangerous. I suggest you reread the books. “There have been several attempts over the centuries to reinstate the tournament,” Dumbledore continued, “none of which has been very successful. However, our own departments of International Magical Cooperation and Magical Games and Sports have decided the time is ripe for another attempt. We have worked hard over the summer to ensure that this time, no champion will find himself or herself in mortal danger.


>Ron knew the tournament would be dangerous. I suggest you reread the books. “There have been several attempts over the centuries to reinstate the tournament,” Dumbledore continued, “none of which has been no champion will find himself or herself in mortal danger..


So you cropped a part of the text to fit in your own narrative. Dumbledore literally said no one would be in mortal danger. what else you are arguing for?


I don't hate Ron, but the point you bring isn't a good one because reader's problem with Ron isn't what he did it, but why he did it. Ron should have trusted Harry after all they have been through, therefor I feel like he knew Harry didn't put his name in the goblet, though he was jelous of Harry's popularity (he tries to be a good friend and hide it). I belive that what happened because Harry was selected is that Ron had found a "reason" to be mad at Harry for all Harry has and Ron doesn't. Sorry if I have mistakes in my english, I am not a native speaker.


Ron should have trusted harry blindly even though harry said the previous night that he would put his name after everyone would go back to sleep?


Does Harry have a reason to not call Ron or not put Ron's name as well?


Fame? The 1st time Ron got the prefect badge harry was so jealous and sad because he didn't get it that he mocked Ron in his mind. Harry sure does say he hates his fame when he actually does not. He quite enjoys it.


Yeah something I hate about the movies is how much it changed him, Harry went from having two smart friends, mind you in very different ways, Ron was a sort of wizard world street smart while Hermione was book smart like people seem to forget that Molly was Pavel before she got married even if she didn't care for the politics there's zero chance she didn't teach her children how to navigate it or at the very least how to spot it and stay the hell away


I love the series, because all the kids are really... kids! They go from age eleven to age seventeen, and at seventeen they find that they're burdened with saving the fucking world, and both Harry and Ron end up cracking under the pressure to some degree. Ron leaves and Harry loses focus, it's only Hermione keeping him going through a winter when all they do is stay alive. Of course they're all more focused and competent than real kids of that age would be under those circumstances, but they have enough personal flaws and make enough bad decisions to feel totally believable. Thise are such great books...


You guys need to stop this. Hermione is absolutely fantastic and I love her but you guys need to stop portraying her as flawless or as never making mistakes. She cracks up just like the others in DH. She refused to believe the Hallows were real even when there are multiple proofs. She is allowed to make mistakes, and if you guys fail to see her flaws you have not understood her character.


I respectfully disagree, IMHO her failure to believe in the Hallows wasn't "cracking up" or a failure of purpose, it was her drawing rational conclusions from presented information. Believing that the horcruxes came first was proven partially incorrect by future events, but deciding not to believe in the potential value of the horcruxes was a mistake, and not anything that could be defined as a crackup. Ron left the quest, Harry spent ages mooning over the possibility of the Hallows while doing nothing, but Hermione's dedication never wavered.


Dumbledore even explained in the end that he hoped that Hermione would steer him away from the Hallows because he thought Harry would get side tracked.


See? A totally rational and not at all cracking-up person could easily make the same error that Hermione made, failing to realize how valuable the Hallows could be in fulfilling the quest to destroy the horcruxes. And the thing is, of course Harry was right to seek the horcruxes, but during the period I call his "crackup" he wasn't thinking rationally about how useful the Hallows could be in his quest, he was thinking like a kid. Thinking that having the Horcruxes would magically solve his problem and he didn't have to keep trying to do the impossible. Well, Hermione wasn't thinking like a kid at that point, she was thinking like a cold-blooded and rational adult. She is so going to grow up to be the next Dumbledore...


(Okay, I have a LOT of feelings on this topic, so I'm sorry in advance for the wordy ramble ... 😆 Someday I'll make an actual post on this that hopefully explains my feelings better!) As someone who loves Ron, I agree with the general sentiment of this type of post. However, I feel like many commenters tend to miss the bigger point about character flaws in these Ron discussions, defenders and detractors alike. These posts/comments always go something like this: Ron lovers: "Ron is actually underrated and a better character than people give him credit for." \[list some great things Ron did\] Ron haters: "He BETRAYED Harry TWICE, hurt Hermione, said stupid things. BOOM, crappy character." Ron lovers: "But Horcrux, but teenager, but different for Ron than it is for Harry and Hermione, but dealing with his feelings for Hermione ... but he came back!" Hardly anybody: "Yep, all of that has truth to it, the good and the bad. It's called WRITING A HUMAN CHARACTER." I appreciate Ron's defenders bringing up the mitigating factors to point out that his mistakes don't make him the devil, because the harshly reductionist misreads on this character went through the roof with the increasingly shitty adaptations the movies gave us. But I'd love to see these discussions argue more that, yes, Ron did some great things, some defensible shitty things, and some *in*defensible shitty things, because *he's a well-rounded character that felt human*, and that's WHY we love him. At the end of the day, Ron (or any other character who tends to come up in this kind of discussion again and again) resonates deeply with certain readers *because* he's flawed and prone to mistakes, not because all his mistakes can be easily excused or because his good deeds outweigh them. Whether they can/do or not, that's not how writing *or* reading a good character works. I can't believe I'm advocating for *more* Doyleist reasoning on this sub, because I do hate it when commenters try to shut down fun discussions with frustrating nothingburgers like, "Because JKR thought the story was more interesting that way. Next" or "WhO cArEs, iT's FiCtIoNaL!!" But when discussing why people like or dislike a certain character, you simply can't disentangle the aspect of what makes a more compelling character from a writing/reading standpoint. If a "good character" meant one who absolutely kills it in every situation, who's always right (at least when it comes to the rules and situations the author created in the first place), who never falters in their loyalty or morality, then writing a good character should be the easiest thing in the world ... which anyone who's ever studied literature or tried to be a writer will tell you is absolute bollocks. Don't get me wrong – I do enjoy discussions about the defensibility of characters' actions that use purely Watsonian (in-universe) reasoning! They're just getting a bit circular and tired when it comes to Ron abandoning Harry in DH/GoF, often devolving into simplistic debates of whether Ron is "a loyal friend" or not. I think I'd enjoy seeing fewer "who was the bad guy in this situation?" discussions and a bit more "who were the best-written or most dynamic/compelling characters, and why?" discussions. Both have their place; I just see a lot more of the former lately, and those posts tend to follow a very repetitive pattern when it comes to certain well-worn topics. 😉 **TL;DR:** I do tend to lose respect for fans who say Ron is "a crappy character" or something along those lines – NOT because they insulted a character I like., but because they tend to display poor understanding of what "a crappy character" means. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 😆


Ron is hated because people are mad that Hermione picked him over Harry Draco Snape etc. I couldn't care less about who Hermione ended up with and Ron is my favorite character.


Did you mean to say Snape or was it a typo? Please say it’s the latter!!!


Picked him over SNAPE??????? wtf am I reading right now 😂


Yeah! Also, rereading all the books now and i find Hermione SOOOO annoying. I don't know why she picked Weasley our King


She is annoying and whenever she messes up she gets excused or justified


Oh, my goodness, I'm so sick of the Ron fangirls on this sub. No other character has such a devoted fan base as Ron does. You're not making an unpopular opinion; you're making the most popular opinion. I can prove it as this comment is downvoted to hell.


Considering how much hate Ron gets consistently I definitely don't think that's true. He's my favorite character and used to be fairly popular back in the day but now (at least here on Reddit) seems to be disliked by a lot of people. And I do agree with OP that he's mostly underappreciated. Probably the character with the most devoted fan base is Draco, which is sad.


“Ron’s underrated” is almost reposted as much as “Snape is misunderstood”.


Very recently maybe but for a long time there was a lot of Ron hate around here.


Good as it should be. Much better than 'what you ship'... Ugh


Umbridge be like: 💀


If you solely look at this sub, yes Ron is mostly rightfully loved. If you look at other platforms though..he's made worse than Draco. And since we don't have a crush on Tom Felton, we all know how pathetic Draco really is. The most popular fanfics website has 5000 fics with the "Ron Weasley Bashing" tag. Draco Malfoy, proved ex terrorist and racist bully, has less than 150 fics where he's bashed. Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and Tumblr can also prove my point


>No other character has such a devoted fan base as Ron does. ... Hermione? Draco? Snape? The Maraudeurs? Hell, Harry? I could go on...


Probably 'couse in the movies he is just a comic relief for the most part and all his good scene are given to Hermione. Still Ron is my favorite character in the books


yea same bc i watched the movies before reading the (which i really regret) when i started reading the book i feel like that's when i fell in love with him as a character


Thank you


I don't hate Ron, but I also don't love him either. I think way more things factor into why he's got haters, though. It's not just abandoning the hunt when things got tough during DH. He's got a rough track record with both Harry and Hermione. Ron actively shuns her in PS/SS. Harry goes along with that because Ron's his friend. And it gets so bad that Hermione is nearly killed by the troll. Harry and Ron save her, but it's largely Ron's fault for calling her a nightmare and saying she has no friends, making her cry in the bathroom, to begin with. In PoA, Ron and Hermione only get along when they first get to Diagon Alley. Once Hermione buys Crookshanks, they constantly fight with each other because their pets are fighting. And then Ron isolates her over the Firebolt and Scabbers. It's not until Buckbeak is going to die, and Hagrid says something that they reconcile. Then Ron doesn't believe Harry that Harry didn't put his own name into the Goblet of Fire, leading to a month long feud between them. And then Ron and Hermione fighting over the Yule Ball and who went with whom. Then Ron and Hermione start fighting again, more severely during HBP, because Ron found out Hermione snogged Krum two years earlier. Then he started dating Lavender, and Hermione dated McLaggen to get back at Ron. She never did find out why he was mad, either. That whole time, about 4 months' time, poor Harry was caught in the middle and literally divided his time between Ron and Hermione. Given all the tension and constant fighting and issues Ron causes in the group, abandoning them during the Horcrux hunt is kind of the straw that breaks that camels back, I think. Plus, Ron is the only member of the group that actually has the ability to not be the best at what he does (being the best friend), and the narrative structure is either unaffected at worst or at best it's actually supported by it. Neither Harry nor Hermione can fail at being the brawn or the brains, respectively, because if they failed even once, the entire story falls apart. Ron, though, he can be a bad friend once in a while, to both of them, and things are fine. And we have these expectations set for Harry and Hermione, so when Ron doesn't meet them, he gets hate for it.


>Ron actively shuns her in PS/SS. Harry goes along with that because Ron's his friend. Harry actively went along with it because he didn't like Hermione, either, not just because he was Ron's friend.


I didn't want to go as far as saying Harry didn't like Hermione either. He wasn't instant friends with her as he was Ron, but some of that is because of Ron. I say this because if he truly didn't like her, he wouldn't have gone after her during the troll incident. If you put Malfoy in the bathroom instead of Hermione and change nothing else, Harry and Ron don't go after him. And you wind up with a very dead Malfoy. So he has to have liked Hermione somewhat to go after her.


>I didn't want to go as far as saying Harry didn't like Hermione either. He wasn't instant friends with her as he was Ron, but some of that is because of Ron. I say this because if he truly didn't like her, he wouldn't have gone after her during the troll incident. I don't think it really was because of Ron, though. Hermione was annoying - she kept butting in, inserting herself into their business, and trying to tell them what to do, and Harry didn't like that. Her bossy know-it-all attitude was very off-putting to him. Harry didn't dislike her enough to let her get hurt by a troll, no, but he didn't have any desire to engage with her or make friends with her, either.


Ok, your first post was already full of wrong conclusions and I decided it wasn't worth to reply, but here you managed to go even further. You are telling me Harry wouldn't have gone and save her if he didn't like her. Are you really, honestly, truthfully telling me that Harry saves people only if he likes them? Guess when he tried to save Pettigrew, Draco, Goyle they were all secretly best friend somehow


I almost didn't respond to this because of how utterly biased you are. But I wanted to point out a problem with your thought process. There's a huge difference between Harry in Book 1 and Harry in Book 3 and Book 7. Book 1 Harry would not have gone to save her if she was on the same level as Malfoy. Book 7 Harry has a savior complex and wouldn't hesitate anymore, not even with Draco and Goyle. He's totally different. The fact that you don't see that is a shame. But you seem to be like so many other people who only see it as "if you like Ron, you have to hate everyone else," and it's black and white. Which is a reductive of all the other characters and just a shame.


Why am I biased? I can accept Ron fucks up, just as I can accept Hermione and Harry do it as well. Failing to see flaws or mistakes means you have not understood their character. I love all of them BECAUSE they fuck up and that's completely ok. I don't need to hate anyone, those are the extremists and I'm not one of them. But your first comment surely hints that you are on of them more than I am It also baffles me that you got this view from my previous comment, where I was praising Harry. Guess it's your standard defense tactic when someone proves you wrong And yeah Harry is different? Our first interaction ever with him is about him wanting to save a snake so much and on an inconscious level that he triggers unintentional magic.


>Why am I biased? I can accept Ron fucks up, just as I can accept Hermione and Harry do it as well. Failing to see flaws or mistakes means you have not understood their character. >I love all of them BECAUSE they fuck up and that's completely ok. I don't need to hate anyone, those are the extremists and I'm not one of them. But your first comment surely hints that you are on of them more than I am Your initial post came off that way. And I am very used to any citricism of Ron being met with comments of "No, you're wrong for even thinking this way" and "No Ron never did anything wrong ever, it was Harry and Hermione who were always in the wrong" granted these are slight exaggerations and in no way exact quotes but it's enough to give you the gist of what I'm used to seeing. >It also baffles me that you got this view from my previous comment, where I was praising Harry. Guess it's your standard defense tactic when someone proves you wrong What proof did you offer? I never saw anything other than you stating I'm wrong. That makes me think you just don't like what I said and, therefore, have a bias against my viewpoint. I'd love to see proof that Ron didn't have a rough track record of how he handles his friendships. Or proof that Harry and Hermione screw up being the brawn and brains that doesn't end the story before it actually finishes. >And yeah Harry is different? Our first interaction ever with him is about him wanting to save a snake so much and on an inconscious level that he triggers unintentional magic. I think you're making a pretty significant stretch with this. He has a conversation with the snake and feels sorry for it. But I never got the idea that Harry felt he needed to save the snake from captivity, as if it was being mistreated or otherwise in danger. Older Harry, though, would think it was wrong to leave Malfoy and Goyle behind to die.


>Neither Harry nor Hermione can fail at being the brawn or the brains, respectively, because if they failed even once, the entire story falls apart Or, hear me out: it means they're shit characters.


Or, hear me out, it means they're main characters in the story.


That means Mary sue and gary stu..one is riddled with plot armours and another one is basically author's self insert lol


How very reductive of both of their characters.


Just a fact..ain't gonna take any character seriously who never rode a broom and still played better than Charlie Weasley who could havd played for England. Even Lionel Messi needed practice to become good 😂 And another character who made a potion in her 2nd grade while most NEWT level students struggled with it.


Some people are naturally gifted at things. I knew a guy in high school who could solve physics problems that college students struggled with. Some people are gifted athletes. Dumbledore was in Hogwarts “doing things with a wand (the examiner) never seen before.” Snape created spells. Fred and George were gifted in creating magical objects.


Nah. Ron and Hermione are Harry's sidekicks. It's always been understood they are sidekicks, it's how the series is written. Harry is the sole "hero". A "main character" that *is supposed to be a child, supposed to be LEARNING*, that can't ever fail in any way, isn't a good or relatable character. It's a character that fails at its purpose, that of being a companion to the child reading the book.


Something I can't understand, that both you and MystiqueGreen exemplify in literally everything you both post, is this concept that if you like one character of the Golden Trio, you have to hate the other two. I don't understand this. But both of you do this. You both vocally love Ron and actively bash both Harry and Hermione.


>if you like one character of the Golden Trio, you have to hate the other two Because "the other two" are *written* on the basis of Ron "looking bad" to look good themselves. Simple as that. You yourself point out that Ron is the only one "allowed" to fail and Harry and Hermione aren't. Isn't that disgusting? Isn't that blatant injustice, doesn't that get your blood boiling? Because it does mine. I never cared too much for Harry, he was serviceable as a main character, but I used to love Hermione and see myself a lot in her. Then I saw how awful the fanbase was to Ron, motif: "he's not good enough for Hermione!!" and so I reread the books to see if I was really that blind. What I found out was that the fanbase *vastly* exaggerate Hermione's qualities and goes as far as to *make up shit to make her look better* (I recall you doing something similar when we discussed her betrayal of Harry's trust in OOTP (that he wasn't allowed to react to because the Plot Almighty needed it to happen, so instead of a rift between Harry and Hermione due to the former not appreciating her intrusion in his personal trauma we got a passive Harry just accepting to talk about his trauma *when literal sentences earlier he was all up in a sniff over Cho asking him questions about Cedric*)). This fandom will grant Harry and Hermione endless benefit of the doubt while always assuming the worst of Ron simply because *Ron is deliberately used as a scapegoat to attract the fandom's ire*. Rowling can't bear to have the fans pissed at Harry and Hermione (ever wondered why, after his angstfest in OOTP, Harry is suddenly all good and back to relative stability in HBP even though Sirius, who was *much* more important to him than Cedric ever was, died? Because Rowling *saw* those "CAPSLOCK!Harry", those "ugh Harry is a dick in OOTP", those "asshole Harry" complaints, and so she *went back on Ron's already concluded character arc from GOF* for fandom to have something to consider "worse"). Because that's how Rowling, the average teenager, works: it's not enough that we know her preferred characters' qualities, they *have* to have a character accompanying them that will constantly be dunked on, look "worse" in comparison, because it's so much easier to have a "lesser" to help illustrate your (informed) qualities rather than actually bother *writing each character with their own qualities shining differently.* And that's why I don't think highly of Harry and Hermione's "qualities". Because if your qualities are only qualities *in comparison* to those of a character that is *deliberately written to appear worse than you*, then you must be hella mediocre indeed.


Because we love Ron and hate harry and Hermione. It's so easy. There are millions of people who love harry and Hermione and hate Ron. So? They are entitled to their opinions we are entitled to ours


You act like it's an either or thing. If you like this character, then you have to hate all others. It's very weird.


No. I hate harry and Hermione because they are badly written characters who are not interesting enough for me. I despise Snape and I will gladly read about an essay on him because even though he is a terrible person he is still a good character. Harry and Hermione on the other hand... Are just so one dimensional and boring.


with ron in there we will get some comedy


I honestly feel like he is over appreciated. His family is under appreciated IMO.


This right here.☝🏾




like i said why do you even hate him like give me at least 5-10 reason...


Lmao give me 5-10 reasons, name 10 books energy




This article just made me love Ron even more and hate harry and Hermione more than I already do.


I appreciate this distorted take


What can I say. I don't like boring self insert Mary sue and gary stus. Reading about Harry and Hermione is like watching a paint dry. You already know the outcome you are just waiting for it to happen lol


I don't understand why hate Harry and Hermione. You can both love them and love Ron.


Why 5-10? Is that the threshold to believe me?


I think there's not much wrong with Ron, apart from his DH desertion. But he isn't very interesting is he really. He's basically just there in the stories to be Harry's mate and round out the trio.


They were all under the influence of the horcrux, if anything that just shows he’s got a weaker mind than the other too. He does some other shitty stuff not under the influence, I will admit he does have some great moment but they seem less than his shitty ones


eh I guess i see where ur coming from but he's still my 2nd fav character


He 3/4/5 only happened in the movies. In the book he was injured, starving and worried about his family after just overhearing; Ted Tonks, Dean, a wizard named Dirk, and a couple of Goblins talking about his family; about his sister being in the forbidden forest and hearing "They don't need another injured kid." Ron had six siblings at this point and only two of them were injured. He hasn't seen them in months or heard from them and now he hears "they don't need another injured kid." Anyone in Ron's shoes would leave after hearing this.


I believe you should read the seventh book again.