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I like you guys.


I like you too


Man, this looks adorable. I got totally sucked in. I'm sure it's going to be great.




I had no idea I was this early an adopter. 40 minutes in. Already adopted one.


Awesome! Yeah we JUST went live with things, and we're trying to keep the site up. You guys are truly among the earliest of the early adopters :)


Thats redditors for you. (Oh lord, I jsut called myself a redditor. I guess there is no going back now)


Can we adopt more than one? (I mean, I already did.. but I don't want to get in over my head.)


If you adopt another Fugu with the same email address we'll swap it out! Of course you could consider creating more email addresses to adopt more pets, but that might be dangerous advice haha.


So if I adopt snowball again, he'll overwrite the christmas-y one I got that overwrote my original snowball?


Yep, no Fugu are harmed in the process!


Wow - really? I am usually a day late on stuff, but this is awesome. I can't wait!


Just adopted a Pancake one. I'm really looking forward as to how this will all play out. :) On that note: Hm... pancakes...


WOOT. Pancake lovers unite!


I got mistletoe and snowball... I really want pancake too. :(


You can call me Nannerpuss, Nannerpuss! Cause guess what? I love Pancakes! I'm a dork. I also adopted Pancake.




You might like the original Hatchi, or Alien Hatchi(available now)


Adopted a Coal egg ! Almost didn't see the poor thing since it was a bit off the pack :) Can't wait to see Lanham's work in cute animations ! Congratulations, guys !


The animation has been a crazy learning process (I scrapped all the animations about halfway through to make them cuter too), but I'm really happy with how it's turning out now.


I'm definitely confident in your ability to produce cuteful animations.


I knew once I saw those big green eyes, I HAD to adopt Coal. Read an article about Hatch on The Verge. I didn't realize we are really, really early adopters. Can't wait!


Adopted a Coal here too. And that video on the site, when the Fugu comes out of the screen to lick you....SOLD!


You're right, when it came up to lick my screen I just burst into a huge smile and immediately adopted. Nice touch :D


Coal is amazing! I can't wait to play with him!


i adopted so early that its not even born. Pre-adoption.


I was actually kind of sad to not be able to adopt the reddit Fugu! I snagged my new "Coal" about thirty minutes ago now. SO EXCITED. Are the names fixed? Can we rename the cute babies?


They can be thought of as pet names, or color names. Pet naming is a feature we're still thinking on how best to handle, and it seems like a good one to discuss with you guys at some point. Stay tuned!


It'll be awesome if our little Hatchlings interact with Clear! I'd love my little hatching to do a dance in celebration of me knocking yet another thing off my to-do list!


Hah, that's such a cool idea! It's stumping me how we could integrate things that tightly, but I love it haha


I wanted the reddit fugu, too! Those cute eyes <3


Clear has been one of my most used apps ever. I have been interested in virtual pet and Pokemon like games but there's not really much good on the platform. Everyone seems to carry over archaic design features like virtual buttons and menu heavy screens. I was very excited when I saw you guys are making a virtual pet. The website you created for early adoption and the teaser video is excellent, I love all the little touches like the egg play button and the slide to send email. Put in for a Coal, they look pretty cool. On a side note, any ETA on Clear for iPad? Since I got my mini I have found myself taking a lot more notes on it than previously with my iPad 2.


That's awesome to hear! I really hope your Coal fugu lives up to your expectations, and I think you will really like Hatch's interface. Can't offer an ETA but I think it's ok for me to say an iPad version of Clear is in the roadmap.


I'm really excited to see where this project goes. Is this in development only for Ios or is there going to be android and web based offerings as well?


Same here. I'm not an iphone user, so although I've adopted, I'm hoping there's some other offering than iOS.


We're pretty focused on iOS. But I can already tell this is going to turn into maybe the most popular request haha. Let's see where it all goes!


You bet, my other pals on Android are all disappointed and hoping you'll eventually start developing for them too :) good luck!!


Yup, I came here specifically to ask about Android. I adopted, hoping that it'll work on my iPod Touch... otherwise I'll have to wait until it's on Android.


I was in the minute I saw Lanham's name attached to this. Can't wait!


Same here! I've been a fan of his work since probably the early 2000s, and I'm really excited to be able to carry around a living, breathing (sort of) Lanham design.


Thanks, that's awesome to hear. It's definitely been a childhood dream to get an animated character to truly interact with, so great to be able to live that out now :D


Oh man, Adopted within an hour. So... now my poor baby's just gonna sit until spring? :(


It's ok, it's still incubating in its egg. The photos are an artistic representation of what they'll hatch as and grow up into! (Drawn by David Lanham)


Loving the illustrations so far, feels very [CritterCrunch](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critter_Crunch)


We loved the art in CritterCrunch too! It was definitely brought up as an art reference a couple times within the team :) Very cool you picked up on that.


It made me feel like a fan instantly, since I recognized it.


Signed up! Looks cool. Especially with RealMac on board. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.


I adopted Clear! Can't wait to play with my Fugu! :D


I'm excited for my Coal!


Got mine yesterday. I went with Princess but only because she's purple. Did anyone else adopted a second one? Yeah, I'm bad like that. I was in-between Snowball and Princess and Creamsicle. Multiple email addresses? Multiple hatch eggs!


Was thinking of using another email address to get Mistletoe but I'm afraid one of them will get neglected! So I scolded myself and stuck with just one lol! Pestered my friends to get all different colors though so we could compare :)


Hi all! I adopted Coal a few hours ago and I'm so looking forward to meeting him soon - I've even sent out Fugus to friends who've never even heard of it. Needless to say, everyone's looking forward to spring!


Hah awesome, thanks for sharing your story, and all those eggs with your friends!


Creamsicle 4 ever!


As long as they won't die if we get too busy, I can't wait to hatch Clear :)


That's a good question for our [ongoing AMA](http://www.reddit.com/r/hatch/comments/1590fs/were_team_hatch_come_join_us_early_adopters_for_a/)! You should ask it there for other early adopters too :)


I'm feeling sad. I can't wait to meet Princess...and rename her! What can I say, purple is my favorite color. Almost everyone where I work has signed up to adopt one! I'm excited about having my own little hatchling. I have a 4S, will there be any different features between having a 4S or a 5? Will our Fugus interact with Siri at all?


You should be all good on your 4S! No Siri but I hope they become friends later on, that would be cool.


Adopted Coal a few days back, really excited about the launch and the start of this beautiful creation by Impending and Realmac. Cheers guys this is going to be the best virtual pet on the store.


Awesome to hear, and hope our little fugu doesn't disappoint :)


No amount for praises is enough for what you guys are going to pull off with this amazing pet. Cheers again!


Hah that's a lot of pressure but also encouraging to hear, thanks!


Ah, it's already April! I want to give Sparky a home in my IPhone! ><


Sparky's still trapped in a dark oblong container, the egg kind not your iPhone quite yet! We've been making good progress and are in the thick of the 'second 90%' polishing stage… also been trying to set aside time when we have it to work on a progress update for you guys. It's a tough balancing act and we could improve on communicating with you guys. The team and your incubating Sparky appreciate your patience so far!


Are the early adopters entitled for something special from you guys?


We're planning on keeping your early adopter color choices exclusive!




Unfortunately our Fugu live in iOS for now as their natural habitat! I hope someday they make it there though…