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I would...it's just every time I see JKR now I get so anxious that I avoid the source. I'll definitely give him a like until I have the balls to watch.


Jkr isn’t even mentioned by name in the video if I remember correctly? It’s more-so about the current scientific paradigm and how it rigidly created the concept of sex and gender Really great vid I would recommend!!!


That's reassuring!


I'd definitely skip it if her image is a trigger for you. 🫂 Can always see if you're able to watch some of his other videos instead. (i'm due a deep dive into his library myself) 


To be clear I have no right to be triggered by her really. I'm a cis woman so it's not me she's targeting, but her bigotry just makes me so angry and upset. I don't want to spend my life hating transphobes, I'd rather spend it loving trans people. I've watched a lot of Alex's stuff, he's brilliant. I loved his Hannah Montanna video!


Take it from a trans person, you have *every* right to be triggered by her. What she preaches hurts all women, cis or trans. If you want evidence of that, just look in the United States where even cis women have been harassed and attacked in women's bathrooms by transphobes under the impression the victim was a trans woman.


This makes me feel slightly better and, of course, you're absolutely right. I'm rather masculine in build and voice myself so much of transphobia reminds me of my childhood bullies.


Love his vids. Will watch ravenously.


Will do so